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future moon babies - Printable Version

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future moon babies - Alune - 02-22-2016

I'd love for Alune to have a couple of kids running about the place, he'd be over the moon (pun not intended) at having tiny blue hooves tottering about the Edge so he can be a doting proud papa. 

Plenty of late afternoon naps, night time story telling, hide and seek and generally exploring while he runs after them praying to the moon goddess that they don't do something stupid.

So I'm wondering about if there would be anybody interested in having a blue moon baby and players interested in playing the offspring? It's alright if the mare isn't down to raise the kid, Alune is totally on board to be a single dad and care for the babe himself (with a help of a surrogate nurse).

RE: future moon babies - Ilios - 02-22-2016

It depends when you are wanting a baby! I have Tiva that would happily be a nurse mare, and or a mother! She will be tied up in birdsong so her womb wont be open until next Birdsong lol.

I might be convinced to play a baby as well lol

RE: future moon babies - Katerina - 02-22-2016

Kat already has a baby plot but jus sayin they'd have hot bb's

RE: future moon babies - Vitani - 02-22-2016

Calypso <3 As long as I don't have to play the kiddo

Ill be pulling her out of AA soon

RE: future moon babies - Myrrine - 02-22-2016

MYRRINE MYRRINE MYRRINE!! My character slot is taken for this month so... any babies will need to have a player. But their babies... SO CUTE!! Lemme know what you think <3 @Alune

RE: future moon babies - Ki'irha - 02-22-2016

Moon and Star babies? *wiggles eyebrows*

I wouldn't be able to play the foal, and I'm not sure yet if Ki'irha's going to be a one-night-stand kinda gal or if she's going to need a little more commitment. Even just being good friends with the father? But I'd love to work something out, maybe in the future a bit? Just let me know! I'd love to see galactic babies running around XD

RE: future moon babies - Ilios - 03-16-2016

Did you find anyone for a foal?! Tiva just opened up!

RE: future moon babies - Riven - 07-05-2016

-sly bump-

RE: future moon babies - Pythia - 07-05-2016

totally be down to play a foal!!! omg pls