HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Starwaves - Printable Version

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Starwaves - Seren - 02-23-2016

Seren had never been this far north in Helovia. She had spent much time in the southern regions, learning the area around the Blood Falls primarily. There was something there, something that made her feel although she were comfortable; only because it was familiar. While she had learned vaguely how to master her fear, how to reign it in and not let it control every move she made, Seren was unable to learn how to fight for herself; how to fight for what was hers. She had lost the armor that had given her some courage, and with losing that to the mare who had taken it from her, Seren had fallen from sight and mind. She had no confidence, but it was not broken beyond repair.

Merely shattered.

Yet all that runs through her mind as she stands in the north region, on the edge, she bathes in the light. It brings comfort to her.

There was no sign of the demon here.

There was a moment when she forgot who Remi had been; when she forgot everything but her own skin and flesh, standing here.

Her own coat shimmered in the light, seeming to change colours with the sky, as her own light shone brightly beneath the dancing northern lights.

And for a moment, when her eyes close, she can see into the past.

I see you, she says to them, fleeting memories of a time long past. Her mother, standing there with wings spread, her sire watching, and she, little and so like her mother, playing a sort of game with her sibling. High over them, the lights shone bright, twisting and weaving over their hills.

And I am not you, she says to them, her eyes opening. That memory fades, and where once Seren felt a sadness so unbearable she thought she would fall into a great void opening beneath her, it was gone. Beneath these lights, Seren knows she can never have it back. The past is the past.

She turns a little, standing on the precipice of the world, looking out behind her. The air is so cold but refreshing, as she inhales and watches. There was many scents through the area she had passed, but here there were not as many. So Seren looks back to the lights, there is a hint of a smile; a sad one, but a smile none the less.

And she watches the light through her one eye, the other white and staring at only darkness, and unable to see what there may be approaching her...

For @Elspeth and any; sorry its a little odd, starting posts are a bit funny for me most of the time D:

RE: Starwaves - Elspeth - 02-24-2016

'cause though the truth may vary
this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Finally, after wandering through hell and back across Helovia and meeting some odd characters, I’ve rediscovered the direction north and found myself… well, shit, okay so I don’t really know where I am still but I have a pretty good idea that I am somewhere near the Basin. I felt some comfort in that, though I would much prefer to find the mountains and get somewhere safe. As the night stretches I begin to realize it wasn’t bloody likely that I would and I look around. There’s an odd little light glowing near the surface a little ways away. Caution and reason tell me to keep away, but it’s moving a little bit and I find myself moving as well - figuring I had about a 50/50 chance of surviving this encounter.

Much to my own embarrassment, I gasped when I realized the source of the light. Not a ladylike, she-probably-wouldn’t-notice gasp, but a loud and shocked one that seemed to echo across the quiet Steppe. Get it together, Elspeth! It was just a horse! Or what looked very much like one. I wasn’t altogether convinced that the creatures I was walking around with here in Helovia were horses in the strict definition of the word. They seemed far too bizarre, as though at some point their genes had gotten mixed up with all manner of things in the world.

I wondered if sometimes I looked as strange to them, with nothing but cream and red-brown on my coat, as they did to me. And it was that chastising thought that stopped me from turning and running as fast as I could away from this creature. She had to be a goddess, some sort of physical embodiment of the stars and the sky. Had I fallen asleep? Or perhaps I was freezing to death in the Basin and this entire excursion was a hallucination while Calder and the rest chuckled and told me everything would be fine. If I was safely in a dream or a coma, then perhaps I did have the courage to go over and say something.

I approach slowly, far too cautious for any moth-to-a-flame comparison but I had to admit the light of her coat and the colours, especially with the twisting aurora above them, were utterly fascinating.

“Are you the Goddess?” Four of the most idiotic words I’ve probably ever said but it seemed appropriate, did it not? I’ve approached from the side and keep a few lengths between us just in case she is a god and decides to smite me for my insolence.


image by Kiki <3


RE: Starwaves - Seren - 02-24-2016

There was an intake of breath nearby, but to hear ears it sounded just like the wind pushing leaves, like the gentle, light rasp of the tips of the greenery brushing across a rough surface. Yet it was enough to bring her head around, as words drifted to her ears. Seren, in her stupor beneath the lights, was a little startled. The sudden voice, coupled with her blinded eye and her watching the lights, living in memories past were the reason for her start.

Her skin twitched as her head snapped around, almost violently. Her eyes, both wide as fear rose sharp in her mind's eye, lurking at the periphery and waiting to grip her soul, make her run. Seren was ready in that moment to run, but the voice was not loud. It was not cruel. There was nothing harsh to it.

While though, she was ready to move along and embrace the fact she could not change the past, her arrival in Helovia was so turbulent, and haunted her.

She had not arrived like the others.

Her gaze locked upon this one who spoke. She drank in the detail of the creamy coloured mare, whose auburn hair so brilliantly matched her features, her eyes bright against the silvery shimmer of her coat. Seren could see the two little horns protruding from her head, and for a moment there she had forgotten her own. In this moment, Seren wishes she had littler ones like this mare, but that was not to be true.

So instead she inhales, swallowing the lump in her throat that threatened to choke the words from her.

Seren faces her to allow her silver eye to focus clearly, the glint to them bashful in the wake of realising what words had been said.... “I am no goddess,” she says in a quiet voice, so small and meek in this vast mountainous region. “My name is Seren,” she says, her voice a little stronger this time as she speaks.

Seren hesitates for a moment, but looks at her, wondering, “Do you live here?” The colourful daughter of Nocturne ends off by giving a small smile. She hopes that her question will not upset the mare; it had been too long since Seren had held a conversation, and her social skills were lacking, to say the least... but there was only one way to relearn this.


RE: Starwaves - Elspeth - 02-25-2016

'cause though the truth may vary
this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

When my voice startled her - she startled me in return. I certainly had not been expecting such a violent turn of her head and I retreated a step and was prepared to bolt. It was foolish of me to approach someone so brazenly and I cursed myself for that stupid curiosity. I would end up dead if I kept doing this! But as I am readying to flee, I notice that she has calmed and it encourages a similar reaction in me. My stripe forehoof returned to the snow and although I remain on alert I settle.

I appreciate that I’m not immediately brushed off as a result of my idiotic inquiry - she had every right to tell me to screw off. Especially after I had frightened her! When she moved I noticed the scarring around her eye and wondered if I had accidentally approached her on a blind side. That certainly had not been my intention and I was a little relieved to find some tiny flaw in the galactic mare.

“Oh.” Not that I really believe her - there is definitely something ethereal about her if not actually divine. Something has to be going on, right? She’s literally a star horse. Scar or not, I did not think it possible that we were from the same species or even the same planet.

But she was kind, and I supposed speaking with a beautiful alien was as good of a distraction from the damn cold.

“I’m Elspeth. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Seren.” Which, well, maybe it was a little bit of a stretch but it wasn’t a downright lie. But her question to me caused a conflict of emotions that I did not expect. Instantly, the confusion caused a flicker of a frown to cloud my golden eyes as I look at her - as though I could find the answer in her face.

“I’ve… well I’ve been staying with a herd near here, in the mountains… which I’ve seem to have lost.” I glance around us, hoping that they might suddenly be popping out of the snow nearby, but it’s just the two of us and the aurora. “And what about you, Seren? Do you live here?” It would seem an apt homeland, after all.


image by Kiki <3


RE: Starwaves - Seren - 02-26-2016

In the time she had spent alone, wandering, learning, Seren had become accustomed to viewing the world out of one eye. During this time of adjustment, she had felt her other senses become stronger; they were not as powerful as they may be for one who was truly blinded in both eyes, but it was enough to give Seren a sense that there was more to the world than she had ever thought about before. It had been here beneath these lights that this thought had begun to stir in her mind, before the moment of her internal revelry was disturbed – but it was not unwelcome.

Not in the slightest.

Seren had never realised how much she had yearned for company, how much she had missed the steady sound of another's breathing, the sound that their hooves made as they crunched the ground beneath them, and even how snow sounded. A sound she had never heard before. For a moment the child in her mind is awakened, and it danced.

It lapsed, as Seren's eye lifted back to Elspeth, her strange haunted smile still there on her own face. Her gaze caught the moment of confusion, the furrow of the brow of the unicorn, and she realises her question was too forthright. Her head pulls back, falling down in a submissive manner. Her body language becomes apologetic, but to her surprise the next sound she hears is the answer to her question.

Her eyes both rise back up, her head lifting. She has heard of the kingdoms, she has never seen them. She almost went to one, but fear had been powerful in her then and had sent her running, fleeing into the dark of Helovia instead. So she, unable to give Elspeth the help she should be able to had she been strong enough.

“I have caught the scent of many passing through this region... and I heard the word of a stronghold to be not far form here? To be in the north; I do not know its location, nor its name. I am sorry,” she apologises, her head ducking a little, fear lashing across her features, although she expected to be berated for her lack of information.

Yet the light soothes her, the fright is pushed back into the pathetic, weak cage it hides inside in her mind. Seren looks around her, looking at the lights, looking out across the world. “I have no home... I came to Helovia in a terrible event that tore the world open, but it is nicer here than it was where I had been stolen to,” she speaks in a softer voice now, calmer beneath the streamers of electrical light in the sky. Even more so calmed by the effect of Elspeth – just her presence and her gentle way she spoke to Seren brought the sensation to her mind.

And it was like this for the first time in a very long time.

@Elspeth - I adore her so much shes so awesome <3

RE: Starwaves - Elspeth - 03-01-2016

'cause though the truth may vary
this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

I appreciated her gestures of apology for her question, even though I answered it. It shouldn’t have been such a hard question to answer. For anyone else in Helovia that she could have said those few words to, I’m sure few of them would have acted the way I have - as if it were the most personal question in the world. It wasn’t her fault that I didn’t know whether I considered this place home or whether I would ever consider it home.

“You don’t have to apologize, it’s okay to not know.” I point out, attempting to soften the bluntness of the comment with a warm smile. It was too bad that she didn’t know but I wasn’t about to chastise her for that! There are a great deal of things that I don’t know but I couldn’t imagine apologizing for it, I’d never stop! It certainly reaffirms the idea that this mare isn’t some sort of Goddess - I doubt the divine were prone to apologizing. Though her mortality continues to confound me.

“The Aurora Basin, that’s what they call it.” At least I could fill in one of the blanks, golden eyes shifting from her face once more and into the distance as though speaking the name of the herd will light up a signal that shows me where I might find it. No such luck, however.

I find myself further softening to the strange Seren as she answered my question. I wasn’t sure if she literally meant the world being torn open or figuratively, given her appearance I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was the first but my mind could not comprehend such a formidable event. I was not imaginative enough, I suspected, to even begin to guess at what sort of world Seren had been born into.  

But despite the difference in us, I could at least understand the last part of what she spoke. It struck me in the heart and any remaining harshness in my face or attitude completely falls away.  “It’s nicer here than where I had been stolen to as well.” I admit quietly, my eyes sad and gentle as they look at her. I’ve never been very good at hiding my emotions but I’m actually not trying to this time - I want her to understand that I think I know what she’s going through. I can only guess what sort of land she had come from but if it was anything like where I had spent the last year, her relief at the peace in Helovia must be great.

“Perhaps we’ll both be luckier here?”


image by Kiki <3

<3333 aw thank you! I'm glad because I'm loving Seren too :D

RE: Starwaves - Seren - 03-01-2016

It was difficult for her to stop her mind from rebelling against her, to stop the way she had been for so long to rise up again and take her. To make her submissive, smaller, shrink her down and force her back into the ground, beneath everyone else. Where she had been forced long ago, where she had been ravaged by that demon, who had seen her insolence and made her very skin change. Seren had never recovered from it and had fled, falling into the shell that she had been living inside of for so long, well before she had been snatched by the Rift.

In that place, everything else had changed for her. She had begun to learn to live again, until the Gods had turned cruel, poisoned by their own madness. Fear had been her strongest ally, but now fear was the monster that lived in her head.

Fear was what kept her from responding to Elspeth like another may in conversation, one who was unspoiled and stronger than she. There was only one path for Seren to take now though, and it was to grab at the rope that dangled before her and learn to climb it, or sink back into the quagmire that had been holding her for so long.

When Seren hears the words spoken, though they are blunt to her ears she does not recoil in fear. She pushes the monster back, and instead manages to give a true smile, though small – but it meets her one working eye, while her other only softens.

“It nearly happened again just now; apologising is all I did for so long, it's a hard habit to break...” She says, admitting something to Elspeth she had never spoken before.

It was oddly liberating.

Seren's head rose up again, level with Elspeth. She nodded her head, the name familiar. “Ah, yes. I heard it in passing once but... names tend to elude me. I hope you'll like it there, but is it as cold as it is here?” She asks, curious. Cold was something Seren had taken a time to get used to... and still didn't like it much.

The starlit mare saw the change, the sadness entering Elspeth's eyes, and Seren meets her gaze, sharing the feeling. There was a feeling of mutual understanding there, a sensation that the young mare was really quite taken aback by. It was nothing she had ever had before, felt before with another whom she had spoken with.

And it helped.

“Yes... we will,” she says, “The future is difficult enough to look forward to when one has trouble leaving the past behind... especially when the past is as mad as it is,” she speaks. Words not spoken; Seren had never told any of what happened to her, what her history was. It was a secret, only known to her.

“Did you come out of the Rift like I...?” She asks, the thought occurring to her suddenly – she knew there had been other places where the Rift had opened, bringing mad gods and others who were unlike anything Helovia had seen. It made her wonder of Elspeth was from there as well..
@Elspeth - Thank yooou :D Shes interesting to work out... and this meeting is helping her to realise a lot so yay :D <3

RE: Starwaves - Elspeth - 03-01-2016

'cause though the truth may vary
this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

I smile at her as she explains her tendency to apologize. It’s a habit I’ve seen in a few mares - one my mother snapped me out of as soon as she could. She told me to never apologize for things out of my control. As a result, her daughter wa a little more hard-headed than she should be but at least it prevented me from being stepped on. “Yes, a hard habit to break but you’ll get there.”  

A light laugh escaped me at her question about the Basin, whether it was colder than it was here. I thought back to my first night there, when I had been freezing and went to pick a fight with Calder, who had failed to mention just how damn cold it would be. Time hadn’t changed my annoyance over that skipped detail and I wasn’t getting acclimated as quickly as I’d like but still…

“Almost. It’s protected by the mountains and they keep the worst of the wind out. And there’s caves to get shelter from and hot springs to warm in.” I stop and wrinkle my nose at myself - realizing that I’m sounding nostalgic about the place. Perhaps it was growing on me more than I cared to admit.

“You’d be welcome there, if you need somewhere safe stay. The horses here… well they’re a little odd but they’re kind.” Not that Seren also wasn’t odd - maybe she would be better at fitting in than I was - but that didn’t seem to mean anything here in Helovia. It was an entire land built of outcasts, everyone leaving behind one life or another and starting a new one here. For the moment, it was seeming a little too good to be true and I feared what was hidden in the shadows, feared what I did not know about this place.

The question she asked me had my face wrinkle in confusion again - but without any complicated feelings. I seem to be getting confused over a lot of simple words lately - “home”, “rift”. Perhaps I’m growing senile early, a triggered reaction to the stress of late. God, I hope not. I rather hoped to keep my wits about me while travelling in a strange land, thank you very much.

“No, not from the Rift.” A waiver of uncertainty broke my voice with the last word. Not because I was confused about whether I had been from there or not - but because I didn’t know where to go next with the conversation. I could ask her about it, but it didn’t seem right to. Seren was a mare with a troubled past - which began the weaving of a bond between us.

When I did speak, it was cautious and slow - and though my eyes were on her they were unfocused. “I was a slave. My herd was invaded, they killed most the stallions and took us…” I can’t bring up everything, can’t tell her the whole truth. It was too much - too much for me to think about nevermind explain to a near stranger. I liked Seren, I didn’t see a need to burden her further with my own sad tale when she had one of her own. I inhale deeply, my eyes closing for a long moment as I sought to stabilize myself. When I open my eyes again, it is with the question of whether Seren will understand my next words.

“My first few steps in Helovia were the first free ones I had taken in a very long time.”


image by Kiki <3


RE: Starwaves - Seren - 03-03-2016

There was no more to say on the beginning topic for them; Seren let it go. She took a deep breath, inhaling long and slow, and as she began her exhale she put the thought, the feelings surrounding that set of words, and let it slide from her mind. Truth be told it would be there, but Seren, learning so much here, would do her best from now to not use the word like she had. Indeed hard habits are difficult to break, but she could.

She would.

Seren wouldn't let her fear dominate her any more.

Her eyes turned to the lights overhead as their colour shifted a in a sudden burst of sparkling brightness, and she was mesmerised by it. She wondered if in the Basin these lights could be seen overhead; they were truly a marvel to behold. The woman of the Rift lowered her gaze back, though her true attention had never left Elspeth. Not once.

She inclined her head so slighlty.

“It sounds like an interesting place... I have never seen hot springs before, but I have been in the Heart Caves and seen their glory; they were wonderful,” she says. Caverns were a strange place to go for an equine; those who preferred the open sky and space, where claustrophobia found it difficult to run rampant. Seren had felt that feeling in the caves, the feeling of being closed in... but the Heart Caves had been soothing in some way.

She wondered if the Basin's cave system was similar.

“I... I'm not sure if I'm up to visiting a herdland yet. But I will remember what you have said... and I feel safer close by these lights,” she says, “the feeling of something long lost clutches at my heart whenever I see them, and I feel the touch of something I thought I'd never be able to feel again...”

When Elspeth says she is not from the Rift, Seren is, for a moment, relieved. She did not have to live with the terror that had come to them, and what had happened. Yet what comes next from her, she is immediately, deeply and truly empathetic. Her eye filled with a sadness for her; not pity, but she instead gave her, or at least tried what she thought was a reassuring smile.

“You are free here... being able to walk free of the bounds of those who held power over you, it is … it is something that one never is able to forget. Learning to be who you are without them, without their terrible force over you though... you are so strong, Elspeth...” she says in a quiet voice, “I hope one day to be able to walk like you and be free in spirit and mind,” she says, her heart gripping this wish and holding it tight.

Seren is quiet; her own path behind her was not one filled with violence and terror like Elspeth's. It was a different sort; mental manipulation, forced and repeated upon her, so often until the Rift had taken her during Nocturne's cataclysm. “I will never see my own family again; they wouldn't even know who I am anymore, and even then I couldn't face them for the decisions I made... and escaping the demon's hold over me... all I remember in the end of her grip was fire and terror, and then the Rift where I thought I would live until I died, until the collision with this world here. I fought a God alongside those of Helovia... and then I took my own steps of freedom here, without the weight of anyone else, anything else but my past weighing me down,” her own words are chosen and spoken in a soft manner, not wishing to go into the detail of the demon, not wanting to bring her to mind – not wishing in turn to give anything that would give Elspeth further worry, bring up more memories...

“Here is to second chances,” she says, lifting her head as her dual horns shimmered in the light, reflecting their colours.

After a moment her head falls a little, into resting, and she looks to Elspeth, wondering. “If I am not intruding... is there anything else you can tell me about the Basin at all...?”

Seren longed to feel a apart of something again, deep inside her mind. Perhaps there was a path somewhere here for her to take...

RE: Starwaves - Elspeth - 03-10-2016

'cause though the truth may vary
this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

I smile small but graciously at Seren as she calls me strong, as she hopes to be free in spirit and in mind, and I don’t have the heart to tell her that it is only my body that is free. My mind is still trapped in the past and I don’t know how to free it. There was too much. Right now, it doesn’t feel as though I will ever shake the fear that these steps could be my last free ones. It would seem that I wasn’t alone, either. Seren’s voice is soft and careful as she gives me a brief insight into how she came to be here. Our stories are not entirely the same, but there’s enough of her words that strike a chord within me that I can empathize with her. I know what it felt like to have the weight of the knowledge that I was forever separated by my family.

There was a strong desire to reach out to Seren, offer some sort of comforting touch, but I quiet the thought as she raised her head and. ‘Here’s to second changes.’ Her words echoed in my mind and I smiled fully and warmly at her now to return the sentiment. “May we both find kinder times here in Helovia.”

I welcomed the question about the Basin, the change in topic. “Not intruding at all… I’m still new there myself, but I’ll tell you what I know.” I still don’t know where the Basin is in relation to where we are standing, but my golden eyes look for it again, still thinking that it might just suddenly appear.

“There’s mostly unicorns there, from what I’ve seen. And jobs, which is something I find interesting. There’s five different fields to choose from - warriors, scholars, thieves, healers, and crafters.” I think that was all of them, I was trying to think back to the first few moments in the Basin when I had been about to fall asleep on my hooves but had been getting as much information as they had thrown at me. “I’m a little partial to the healers myself, it’s what I used to do. I like the idea of having a job, something to keep myself busy.”

What else could I tell Seren about that herd? “Most sleep in the caves, outside of the wind, but I spent my second night out beneath the stars - beneath the aurora.” There’s a secret smile tugging at my mouth then as I thought of Calder, how immovable he had been when faced with my wrath about the cold. How warm it had been curled up next to him, sharing stories and secrets.

It aggravated me that I had trusted him then, that I did trust him now. I felt like I should be more cautious, that I shouldn’t let myself be lulled by the kind attitudes of those I had met so far. I couldn’t fully shake the idea that there was something wrong with this place - there had to be.

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts of him and turn my golden eyes to the sky, the one that so perfectly matched the mare standing before me. “I had never seen it before I came here.”


image by Kiki <3
