HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Thread with Tuppence! - Printable Version

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Thread with Tuppence! - Tuppence - 02-24-2016

Tuppence needs some threads!
She is heading to the throat to join the Wise ranks, so has some learning to do. 

BUT HER MAIN PLOTS will be the following;
- Finding Carlisles bones and the thief who took them;
back storyCarlisle is Tilney and Tuppences younger sister who tragically passed away; Tilney has blocked it from his mind and Carlisle still lives on as a figment of his imagination. Tuppence on the other hand set out to lay her to rest by completing a burial ritual that is carried out for all dead of her religion - she took different parts of Carlisles skeleton to various elemental places around the globe to be buried so her body would become one with the universe again.
She came to helovia to bury her hooves in the frostbreath steppe, but the hooves were stolen from her during the night while she slept in the threshold. 
So now of course she has made it her mission to find the hooves and punish the thief so she can bring justice to her sister and also finally lay her to rest.
for this plot I will need a character who will have stolen the hooves! This would best be suited to an "evil" character who wouldnt mind playing a bit of cat and mouse with tuppence and just generally being an asshole about it.

- Finding Tilney, Aelfwine and Byron
it would be fabulous to have other charries involved in reuniting the family! This wont happen for a long time down the track but any ideas are welcome.
I can see Tilney and Aelfwine meeting very soon, and then when Byron comes to Helovia I can imagine he and Tuppence teaming up pretty quickly - it would just be a case of the two pairs finding each other.

- any other seriously cool plots


RE: Thread with Tuppence! - Aelfwine - 02-24-2016


RE: Thread with Tuppence! - Rift - 02-25-2016

you know for a diddlydarn fact that Rift wants in on this bc he adores Tilney so much. He;d be more than glad to help tuppence find and prosecute the thief / help the pair come back together

also Orithia could maybe just be a general dick to her if you would like

RE: Thread with Tuppence! - Tuppence - 02-26-2016


RE: Thread with Tuppence! - smitty - 02-26-2016

...when @Graasvoel gets out of the Threshold (soon!) he would 100% steal & play cat/mouse games with the hooves, if you want him! :D

RE: Thread with Tuppence! - Tuppence - 03-01-2016

@Smitty I would love that!!!!!! thankyou so much for offering him

RE: Thread with Tuppence! - Rift - 03-15-2016
