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[O] aim & ignite - Printable Version

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aim & ignite - Amaris - 02-27-2016


It gnawed at her, a constant ache, ever-increasing. It seemed to sing, to reverberate her very core - the hunger consumed her.

Red. It burned within her, blinding her mind's eye, refusing her to see, to recognise or understand anything else. Heat coursed through her body, her golden scales gleamed brilliantly - she seemed to be at her peak, more alive, more powerful, more moreness.

She couldn't explain it - and when she tried to summon a dragonsoul, it wouldn't come. The dragonmare could feel her magic dancing within her, reaching out, trying. She could feel the weight of the souls pressing against her own, but something blocked them, something stopped them from coming through - something else was claiming that part of her today.

The dragonqueen hunted.

Only blood could come near to sating the hunger within her, but when she slaughtered her first hare - it was not enough. The blood dripped hot and wet down her throat, it stained her pelt and scales, it invigorated her and yet - it was not enough.

Amaris hunted, and gorged, until her stomach ached from all the blood, the meat, the skin and fur and bones. She killed and slaughtered and wept in the aftermath; until she saw it.

It was an egg. It was luminous in its beauty, golden, shimmering, glimmering. Amaris stopped all that she did and stared at it, transfixed by its beauty, pulled almost magnetically towards it.

But this was stronger than any magnet.

A crack appeared, and the hunger within Amaris trebled. Her eyes, deep pools of molten gold, bent lower, closer to the egg and-


He suddenly existed, within her and without, strong and terrible and powerful. He, this dragon, this gold - he a King. Amaris stumbled back a step, stunned, surprised, gasping at the weight of his soul colliding, clinging, mingling and binding itself to her own in a way that was far more intricate, more permanent than any bond her magic could imitate.

The emotions, his emotions, washed over her, through her, like a tidal wave, and for a moment, she wasn't even herself, she wasn't Amaris, she was but a husk, a shell, a vessel - but then, the queen, the huntress, the golden dragon within her rose up to meet her foe. Everything within was thrown at the bond - it was tried and tested and found strong, and stable, and true.


Amaris seemed to forget how to breathe.

And that was how the dragonmare came to be fainted, in the labyrinth, while a newborn King feasted.

@Tandavi @Volterra @Mesec maybe?
Would prefer only those who have met Amaris before come please ^^
Please note: any besides Tandavi who approach Amaris right now will likely be growled at and bitten ^^;

RE: aim & ignite - Volterra - 02-27-2016

The queen reacts to this new birth first.

She begins to twitch, to fidget upon Volterra's broad back. Her royal head rises, sniffing the air and swinging her scythed tail like a fractious tigress. Her mind fills his with a tidal wave of emotions, and he tilts his massive head to eye her. "What is it?" She cannot yet respond in words, so instead bombards him with images and feelings. With a rough trill, she flares her wings and lifts into the air, disappearing into the trees in a streak of gold.

Vérzés - not one to follow Vadir in anything she does, lest she think he respects her - lands on the stallion's now-vacant quarters, settling himself comfortably down on his favourite perch. What's wrong with her? he questions the red. Vérzés also seems perturbed by something, but not to the extent of his golden sister. Still, he uses his mind to direct Volterra towards the thing, and the beast shifts into a heavy, thunderous trot. They slip through the maze of trees, red dragon and black beast in perfect tandem.

They see golden scales between the trees, and slow their stride so they can edge closer. Vadir perches on a thick branch, anchored to it by her tail, her crimson gaze riveted on what's happening in front of her. Volterra's eyes follow hers, and he sees Amaris - he offers a whicker of greeting, but her attention seems focused on something else. Now the crimson king is interested as well, and dives downwards from Volterra's back to get a closer look.

Their three pairs of eyes focus on the hatchling. The brand-new golden dragon, scales the colour of Vadir's, like a smaller version of her. Lesser version, she is quick to point out, and the beast chortles at her wanton arrogance. Both red and gold trill their greetings to this new queen, and both dive down to take a closer look at her. But they soon realise that there's something different about this dragon, something unusual, something wrong.

She is a he.

That's not possible. Volterra, the encyclopedia of dragons, knows that golds can only be female. That the scaled ones revere females over males - as they are larger, and are egg-bearers - and thus reserve the grandest colour for queens.

The red turns, patronising, scornful. "Anything possible." And, Volterra concedes, he has a point. Dragons conform to no rules, not even their own. Little wonder Vadir was so excited by this birth. Finally, there exists a male dragon that may prove himself to be her equal. Of course, golden scales do not necessarily mean strength, but the queen sees potential in him, and her critical, cold gaze seems satisfied with what it rests upon. She sees a creature who may be worthy to dance with her, and the scales around her neck flare with excitement. Vérzés scoffs, haughty. "Pffft. Why male want to be female colour? Male colours superior." He receives a sharp smack from Vadir's tail for his troubles, and responds with an irritated squawk.

It's then that Volterra realises Amaris is down, seemingly fainted, and he moves from the shadows towards her. "Amaris..." He seeks to nudge her with his muzzle, with half an eye on the newborn dragon - he half-expects to be savaged for his troubles, but both Vadir and Vérzés are on hand to deter the hatchling if necessary. They might both be deeply interested in the new dragonling, but their bonded's safety comes first. "Awaken, Amaris. Your dragon needs you." Pride rises within his soul for her; she has bonded, and there are few more worthy of such a bond. He knows she will regret it if she misses these precious formative moments with her new companion, so his nudging becomes more insistent.

dragons: iconian fonts.dafont

RE: aim & ignite - Mesec - 02-27-2016

When Mesec realized where they were, it had been his intention to go around rather than cut through any of the bamboo forest. He had not been there again since the battle with the wolves, since Aviya died and his father left, since he had first become a monster. It unsettled him enough to cause him to land, not wanting to soar above and risk seeing where she had fallen and what might be left of her now. He veered away from the strange forest but Lucius remained in flight, leaving Mesec to his solitude to hunt in the bamboo for some rabbits.

The zephyr caught the scent of their blood, his stomach grumbling in response, but what he found when he followed the scent was certainly not a rabbit. “Lizard-mare born lizard-pup.” Lucius’s assessment of the situation had Mesec rolling his eyes. It did the trick of providing a distraction from his thoughts, even if it meant he had to actually enter the bamboo to discover what was happening. Though there was some twisted comfort in the fact that the dark memories he had of this place mirrored his current pain. Lucius chortled his usual disapproval of such thoughts as he circled above the dragon-mare before returning to guide him through the plants. By the time they arrived, it was in time to see Amaris faint and a large, black stallion move to her in an attempt to wake her.  

“Amaris.” Mesec only let his gentle voice bridge the gap between them - did not think it wise to approach her past the two lengths he left between them. They had been reunited but who was he to presume he could approach her so casually - he envied the stranger with her already for his ability to do so. The blood that stained her cream and gold body did not look to be her own but his voice displayed his uncertainty and concern. His own bonding had been rocky, he had felt his stomach drop to his feet in fear and doubt, but he had not fainted and he worried over what had caused a reaction in his friend.

Lucius landed, his talons finding their grip on Mesec’s wings as he examined the winged lizards here with a detached sort of curiosity. The hierarchy of dragons meant as little to him as the hierarchy of zephyrs surely meant to them. Neither Mesec nor Lucius fully understood how unique this moment was - the roc was concerned with the annoying numbers of flying snakes in the area and Mesec only on the welfare of his fallen friend.
while the rain water washes away who you are
we'll go over the mountains and under the stars


RE: aim & ignite - Amaris - 02-27-2016

Dramyrth ate. He could feel his bonded's heartbeat just as clearly as his own and so was unconcerned, for now, about her little fainting act. All the little dragonKing was concerned about right now was eating. And his beloved heart had delivered a bountiful feast for him - he was unaware of his eminence, of the power and reach of the bond to stretch beyond the rims of his eggshell and inspire his bonded-to-be to hunt for him before even the frist crack appeared. Unaware, and yet, had he been aware, he would have simply scoffed in very much an of course, manner - such a thing was to be expected; for he was a dragonKing, a golden, royal by blood and scale and magnificent by gender and the sheer force of his will.

Others came. They intruded upon his space, and he roared.

Well, he tried.

Flapping his still-wet wings and screaming his pitchy cry, he hissed and spat at the red and gold who intruded, swinging his tail and scooping his wings to bring his hoard (leftover hare) closer to his body. A great titan of a beast was approaching too, and though he was small and barely seconds old, Dramyrth growled and grumbled, abandoning his meal to leap to his bonded's shoulder and face this behemoth directly.

At least, that's what he tried to do.

It wasn't so much a leap as a (very dignified) scramble-and-climb up her side, until he was facing the skull-marked beast. "Roaring" again, he lashed his tail against his bonded's matching scales, not enough to cause damage to her but certainly enough to rouse her - better than Volterra's unhelpful (at least in Dramyrth's mind) nudging.

Amaris was in a semiconscious state. Outwardly, she appeared asleep, but she still twitched and tremored when her name was said, and the stallion's nose dared to touch her. But her mind took her on another journey. Nothing could have prepared her for the weight of another's entire soul enveloping, immersing, and bonded to her own, not even her magic, which only imitated the bond in (she now realised) a much smaller way. The seconds where she was "asleep", she was taken on an inner journey, where she felt like she could see and touch her very soul - it was as if she looked at it now and saw something different to what she had expected. Now her soul was more than just hers, now, it was his too.


The dragonmare woke, eyes blinking dolefully as ears spun and pinned at the cacophony. "Do hush," she said, her voice clear, tainted with amusement as her thoughts collected again and realised everything that was going on. Rolling up to her side, she laughed lightly as Dramyrth moved to maintain his position on her withers. Looking up and over, she smiled warmly at Volterra, eyes glistening with something that could only be described as enlightenment, even as Dramyrth settled (albeit slightly grumpily) amongst the caramel strands of the base of her mane and neck. "Who would have thought one soul could pack quite so much punch," she commented, trying to explain her posture, still not exactly sure what had happened.

It was soft, the extra voice that uttered her name, but she heard it all the same. Ears perked as she looked between Volterra's feathered limbs, curious to know who else might have seen her in this moment of weakness. She felt an unexpected relief wash over her as she saw Mesec, not because she saw him as nonthreatening, but because she trusted him - (possibly more than she trusted the great behemoth leaning over her). With a gentle call she welcomed the Nightwind and his zephyr, before gathering herself in preparation to stand.

Rising carefully so as not to knock into Volterra (Dramyrth hissed when her body inevitably came near his during the motion) or dislodge her bonded (still such a new, exciting concept), Amaris raised her wings slightly off her body and let the chilly air cool her surprisingly warmed hide. "Thank you," she said to Volterra, turning to touch her maw to his in greeting (much to the continued displeasure of her bonded), before turning to greet Mesec more properly. Dramyrth's grumbles quietened as the mare walked, the bond between them was a two-way current, but Amaris seemed impervious to her little king's ill feelings and flooded him with pleasantness, with happiness and contentedness. And Dramyrth was content, he was satisfied, and pleased, with his bondmate - it was his bondmate's choice in friends he didn't necessarily agree with.

"Mesec," she greeted, reaching her muzzle out to him to greet him in the warm exchange of breath and touch. A curious growl emanated from the little king, but he did not object to the dark tribrid's nearness nearly as much as he had to Volterra's - and until he learned to better voice his thoughts, Amaris would remain ignorant as to the cause.

"His name is Dramyrth," she intoned, letting her draconic lilt enter her tones to colour and pronounce the title the way it should be. A small frown touched her brow, as she sought out Volterra's ruby pools once again, questioning quietly, knowing he held almost as much knowledge as she did on everything dragon.

"He's a King.. A gold King."

@Tandavi @Volterra @Mesec

RE: aim & ignite - Volterra - 02-28-2016

The newborn dragon protects his hoard from the two intruders, and Volterra's mind fills with pincers of amusement from red king and golden queen alike. Possessive little fella, isn't he? Vadir sniffs, haughty, at the notion of the hatchling boy trying to keep his food away from her, when all - regardless of their colour - should submit their every possession to her whim. She coils her scythed tail around her body and preens her glimmering scales, studiously ignoring the newborn. Vérzés, in contrast, doesn't let his fierce gaze leave the hatchling, and his muscles are tense beneath his scales. He knows the masculine desire to protect one's bonded, and does not think Dramyrth will be best pleased to have a stranger touching his new mind-mate.

He is correct. The newborn suddenly appears in front of Volterra, defending and roaring (well...squeaking in a manly manner) atop the prone form of Amaris. Vérzés rises, taking to the wing as quick as blinking, circling above the hatchling and giving small huffs of warning. Gold he may be, but the blood-king is his elder and demands respect - attacking his bonded will not be well-received.

From her position on the ground nearby, Vadir chirps an alert, notifying her bonded that there is another present. Through her eyes, the behemoth sees a black-winged creature with a bird beside him, but pays him little heed. If the stranger attempts to harm Amaris, he'll have to go through three dragons and one fiesty stallion in order to do so.

The dragonmare stirs, and the beast retreats to give her some space. She hushes her new companion, then addresses Volterra directly. "Indeed," comes his rumbled reply. "Congratulations, Amaris. You deserve this." And she does. Her mother was a queen, bonded to a queen, so it was surely written in the stars that she would bond to a royal as well. Vadir is quick to point out that she has bonded to one step down from a golden queen, as dragon size and gender hierarchy means they still consider males to be inferior regardless of colour, but it is still a remarkable achievement.

She rises, her body whistling past his - he's reminded of their last encounter, the heat that sparked between them, heat he's still not fully sure was not just a figment of his horny imagination - and touches her muzzle to his own, a gesture he returns with gusto. She then moves to greet the black stranger as well, and jealousy spikes within the hellion's soul. Especially when her companion seems to object to her touches towards this other male much less than he did when she touched Volterra, a thought that makes the leviathan's face twist into an unsightly grimace. Well, fuck you too, he thinks, irritated. His ears pin for a second, testosterone-fuelled pride raging through his system, but he quickly smothers it and re-arranges his features into neutrality. He does not want to ruin this day for Amaris, as much as he would dearly love to charge the ebony hybrid away from his dragonmare.

She pronounces her bonded's name, and her draconic purr makes both Vadir and Vérzés turn to face her, letting her tones wash across them. Her gaze seeks his, pointing out his colour and gender, and the beast nods absently. "I did not think it was possible. If males can be golden, then perhaps everything else we thought we knew about dragons is wrong as well." It is an interesting, if slightly concerning, thought. The stallion genuinely thought he knew all there was to know about the magnificent species he has chosen to tie his soul to, but Dramyrth's very existence brings all of his beliefs into question.

He summons a small grin. "I think Vadir is already smitten." His queen gives an indignant squawk at this, and flares her magnificent wings to demonstrate her gargantuan size and power as well as her age, as if to point out that she could have her pick of any male dragon in Helovia and is most certainly not beholden to a newborn. Smoke spirals lazily from her nostrils, which Volterra is deeply excited about - he hopes she will begin to breathe fire soon. With her flame and his red's frost, they will be a formidable duo.

dragons: iconian fonts.dafont

RE: aim & ignite - Mesec - 03-02-2016

The small roar of the newborn dragon brought a small smile to Mesec’s face. He had never seen one so small before, so small and full of fury. The small dragon seemed to resent the presence, or at least the proximity, of the equine to his bonded. A light laugh of relief as Amaris explained her position on the ground followed by a brighter smile as Amaris looked toward him - silver eyes shining as she greeted him with a gentle call. It felt good to be welcome, at least by the mare. He thought he caught something of a warning in the ruby gaze of the stranger, though his attention is not on that stranger for long for Amaris was up and moving toward him. Mesec whickered softly to her and reached out his muzzle to bump softly against hers. “It’s good to see you again, Amaris.”

In response to the little dragon’s growl, Mesec dipped his head slightly to greet the little king as Amaris introduced him. Dramyrth. “He’s beautiful.” Lucius ignored this silly compliment and instead emitted a quick, sharp chirp of greeting of his own to the young dragon. He wasn’t all that sure he liked these lizards, this was the closest he had ever been to one, and he shuffled his four silver-marked wings uncomfortably while being careful to keep his piercing, violet-ringed eyes on Dramyrth. The little king better not try anything with his bonded.

Mesec’s silver gaze looked between the two conversing, interested in their discussion on dragons. Truly, he hadn’t known that a gold male dragon was such a big deal - nor that it had never happened before. Hopefully they would not begrudge his ignorance on the subject, but he spoke up - voicing his curiosity. “Are males not meant to be gold? I did not know there was such a complex system for dragon colours.” He had relatively little experience with them - aside from Amaris, of course, though he wasn’t sure the dragon-mare fit into any sort of class except her own, and Tinek, the silver companion of Ophelia. Hopefully, his present company would forgive him for his ignorance. He hadn’t even learned whether there was a system of ranking with the zephyrs - though he had not yet seen one with quite as much colour or size as Lucius.

Taking the chance, he looked to the red-eyed stranger, offering a small smile and belated greeting. “I’m Mesec, by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet another one of Amaris’ friends.”

while the rain water washes away who you are
we'll go over the mountains and under the stars
