HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Different Worlds [Selene] - Printable Version

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Different Worlds [Selene] - Tolio - 10-14-2012

A shiver passed through a bright cinnamon coat as mercury eyes surveyed the shadows that covered the ground beneath his hooves. There was a haunting, deathly beauty to this place. Though cold from Frostfall's heavy influence, the thick clustering of branches- though dead and gnarled- still provided a great amount of cover. The chestnut stallion had heard rumors of this place; it's scarred trees and bloody lake at the heart. But it was beautiful, it almost breathed as though living. Whispering it's past in the ears of travelers.

The pool appeared as Tolio thought this, shimmering from the gray sky above. Snow clouds his mind supplied. The fluffy cold flakes were drifting slowly, but they melted and died in this world surrounding him. It was a pleasant change when compared to his current home. Tolio would never wish to leave, but even he had to admit the conditions were harsh. He was proud that they stayed together in such a place. Stopping at the edge of the red pool, he lowered his cranium to breathe against its surface. Ripples appeared, quivering under the warm air from his muzzle. The tip of his ivory horn touched the water and as he withdrew, silver drops fell like rain, some clinging to the surface and glistening in the bleak light. "What a curious place..." The rumor of the colored lake, that it came from those who had spilled blood, certainly seemed foolish. But it was such a brilliant color, and Tolio could understand now why some may see this when they gazed upon its reflective surface. Bloody indeed.

OOC: It's 3am so sorry if it isn't the best haha <3

RE: Different Worlds [Selene] - Saveliy - 10-14-2012

The cold was starting to creep into Selene’s bones and she found herself becoming more agitated by the minute. She hated winter and Frostfall was the worst time of the year for her. Her once luxurious mane fell in limp strands down her face and neck, giving her the appearance of a wet cat. Her magnificent wings were lifted and covered her frame, forming shelter above her head and back. Finally the woods seemed to thicken out and the snow could no longer penetrate the thick canopy above. Selene sighed and lowered her marble colored wings, tucking them neatly into her sides. For the first time she actually looked at her surroundings and was pleasantly surprised at the deathly beauty that haunted the place. Now here was a place she could stand to live in. a ghostly smile graced her velveteen kissers and he auburn eyes flickered. She slapped her dark tail repeatedly at her sides, ridding her pelt of the pesky insects when suddenly she heard the unmistakable sound of hoofprints. Instantly ducking her head she saw a chestnut stallion walking towards a bright pool.

Honestly she wasn’t in the mood for company today but she was always in the mood for some healthy bickering. With her head lowered in a threatening posture, wings unfolding to make her seem bigger she suddenly lunged at him, stopping mere inches before him and turning on a dime to prance a few steps back. She lifted her skull, tempting hazel eyes held upon the stallion as she smiled seductively. She kept her wings expanded though and glared at the stallion, keeping quiet with intent…

"Selene Speak"

OOC: Okay I know this is with another account, but for some or other reason I cannot post with Selene's account...

RE: Different Worlds [Selene] - Tolio - 10-18-2012

Something in the air warned the stallion that he was not alone. The feeling would not go away and he found himself tensing up, listeners flickering sharply and silvery blue eyes scanning what all he could see. Unwilling to show his discomfort by turning around and knowing he could move forward faster than he could backward. His hindquarters were stocky from his sire, and Tolio held faith in how hard he could kick. His fears were silently confirmed when from his side a flash of color appeared. All he could take notice of was the build, and his sharp mind catalogued everything he could. Slimmer bone structure- therefore female; sounds and impossible natural bodily growths- Pegasus. Instant retreat, no real touch. This confused Tolio but even though this hit him in seconds he was already moving. A scream of anger bellowed from his chest, whirling around with braced shoulders and head lowered, ivory horn pointing at the fae threateningly. Mercury eyes glared at her, both angrily and curiously. Her body was postured threateningly, and his lips fluttered back in a snarl. Weak light shining on his horn, not at all hesitant to use it. Just because she was a mare did not mean Tolio wouldn't defend himself. He wasn't naive. Females were just as dangerous.

Her smile had a seductive feel to it, pretty eyes twinkling with an emotion Tolio couldn't place. She was enjoying this. "You must be rather bored, miss. Though I don't see the fun in the possibility of maiming yourself. If I was a wielder of magic you would not be so cocky." Voice wavering from the neutrality he had wanted into the territory of hostility. Only raising his cranium minutely, turning from defensive and threatening to pensive and patient. Mauja would not be pleased if he fought this seductress and she happened to be in a herd. That would only bring pain to their band. His face was guarded and dark, no longer mischievous and pleasant. Tail slapping against his hocks both in frustration and impatience. This pretty little doll was playing a dangerous game.

OOC: If Selene isn't an outcast that's why [: sorry for the short post ;-;