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[P] father with a shotgun [earth god] - Printable Version

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father with a shotgun [earth god] - Volterra - 03-19-2016

She's broken him.

That is the overwhelming thought that his dragons radiate to him as they dance above him, their tempestous minds for once in agreement about something. This is not the man they know. He is numb, devoid of anything except pulsing rage and a constant, throbbing confusion. He has so many questions, questions they can't answer, questions they wish they could ask Hubris - but he's gone, too, gone with his bonded. Gone with their bonded's sanity.

He marches, he prowls, into this sacred place. He does not know why. It isn't like Isopia's father is just going to appear to him, is it? Oh, how he worships that giant of a man! How it honours him to have his magic flowing through his veins! He likes to think himself liked by the great deity for his relationship with Isopia, or as liked as any mortal can be by a God - but now, with that relationship soured, he half-wonders if the Earth God will instead drop a mountain on his head and watch him scream himself into oblivion.

He wonders if he would quite like that. At least terror would be something he could feel. At least his lungs filling with dirt would remind him that he's alive.

But he has no wish to die - he is quite sure that he will recover from this melancholy one day, because he is far too strong to allow one lost woman to crush him. He has so much to accomplish, so much to do - this will pass, it has to. But his misery has planted the seed of an idea in his head, a seed that perhaps Isopia's esteemed sire can help with. He wants to be cursed, and he's quite sure the Earth God will be only too happy to oblige - what protective father would not wish to condemn his daughter's former sweetheart to such agony? Volterra wants to become the monster Isopia thinks he is; he wants to channel every ounce of hatred and blackness in his soul and use it to add to his strength. But he wants it to hurt. He needs it to hurt.

So he arrives in the Veins with his head held high, but his spine tightened with sorrow. He stands tall, but there's a hardness to the lines of his body that tells of the nothingness within, the coldness that has devoured his passion and replaced it with naught but anger. His dragons circle in the distance, content to watch their bonded speak with the great God of the Earth - if the God even deigns to converse with him, that is.

With a humourless chuckle, the beast looks to the skies, hunting for any sign of an imminent mountain about to drop on him.


@Mythical Request

Using the VOTG pass from my records to have Vol quest for the following, from Earthy if possible:

[ Magic: Dark x Earth | Ability to transform into a Cerberus the same size as his horse form. When he transforms, his dragons do as well; he becomes the central head, Vérzés the right and Vadir the left. Transformation is very painful. ]


RE: father with a shotgun [earth god] - God of the Earth - 03-25-2016

The GOD of the EARTH

& to dust shall we all return

The God knows this boy - this man. He fought valiantly against the Riftian Gods, winning himself a number of trinkets, if memory served him correctly. He had also appeared a number of other times when the God was present, and always the red-eyed beast seemed to hold himself with an air of determination and something like providence. As if he knew he was destined for great things, and was merely going through the motions of achieving them. But, perhaps rather shamefully on the part of the God, it was not those traits that the image of the stallion immediately brought up in his mind. He did not see the darkened steed as a boy, receiving an amulet from him. He did not see the beast tearing apart the tiger in the Riptide Isles. No, he saw his daughter, and her capricious feelings towards the stallion.

The God sighed. It was not his place to peer into the mind of his daughter, and she would likely chastise him if she knew that he had. Despite not knowing everything about her - the baby for instance, was an ignorant hole in his near-omnipotence - he knew enough, to know that she had grown rather fond of Volterra.

Very fond, truth to be told. Love, even.

The God rumbled into existence a few meters away from the trio. The normal centered and eager frenetic feelings her normally gathered from the stallion were decidedly lacking today. Today, he appeared tangled in invisible veins that directed his thoughts and tempered his movements. Brows knit, the God shook away from the clods of dirt that had accumulated on his flanks during his slow crawl through the stoney ground upon which he now stood.

"Volterra." He offered, his voice stern, yet warm. The God nodded equally to both dragons, before returning his solemn gaze onto the stallion. "What brings you to my shrine?" He inquired, with a tapered curiosity.


RE: father with a shotgun [earth god] - Volterra - 03-26-2016

He comes, the giant of a man who dwarfs even Volterra. The great God of the Earth commands respect, and he receives it from the young stallion in the form of a dip of his skull-adorned head.

He shifts, suddenly awkward - how can he look this great deity in the eye, after what he's done? Hello, Mr Earth, I screwed bedded love your daughter. She ripped out ruined broke my heart. He wonders if the God knows - he assumes such a powerful man has omniscience, and uses it to keep a close eye on his child's activities. Then again, perhaps he values the girl's privacy, and keeps out of her affairs - Volterra truly could not guess one way or the other. He doesn't know which he would prefer.

Both his dragons nod to the God as well, Vadir's eyes in particular gleaming eagerly at the sight of him - such power, such size! The beast, in his numbness, in his cold, dead mind, pays little heed to the motions of his companions. He is focused fully on the Earth God, on that ground-quaking, respect-commanding voice of his. "Earth God," greets the blackened titan, his muscles still stiff and tense and his expression veiled. "I come...to request something of you, if I may." It sounds idiotic, and he inwardly cringes at the words. What could possibly make such a majestic creature as the Earth God listen to the whims and wants of a mere mortal, even a mortal so intrinsically entwined with the fate of the God's daughter? He must hear this all the time - I want this, give me that. They are mere children, begging their parents for any boons they can lay their hooves upon.

A wry, dark grin stetches the brute's muzzle. He likes to think himself different, but is he not doing exactly the same as the nameless, faceless others who come to this shrine and demand reward? Like them, is he not asking for power that he has no right to possess?

But he continues; he has come this far. "There is something monstrous in me, Father Earth, something loathsome, something despicable." This is how he rationalises the emotions he shouldn't feel - burning lust, for both blood and women; hideous avarice; volcanic rage. They, after all, are the reasons he's lost Isopia. If he possessed control, if there wasn't a foul beast inside his chest that slavered and begged for the succour of women beneath him, he would not have sired the children that seemed to turn Isopia against him. This is only a guess; he is not positive that his children are what angered the demi-goddess so, but after her mentioning them, they're the only thing he can think of. He may never know if his assumptions are correct.

Perhaps if he can spew all these bad parts of him out into a physical manifestation, channel them into an actual monster, he will stop feeling them. Perhaps if he can transform into a demon at will, a living, breathing version of his flaws, he will be able to control himself; his primitive desires, his explosive temper. Probably not - he thinks these emotions are an integral part of what makes him him, but it has to be worth a try. And if this hellion he creates adds to his raw strength, then is it not worth the risk?

"I want to turn this beast into something physical; something I can control, since I can't seem to do so with my actual emotions." He snorts, his numbness momentarily shifting to be replaced with aching self-loathing; but it is indeed momentary, and the nothingness swiftly returns. "In other words - I wish to be able to shapeshift into a monster at will. I care not what the creature is - just something powerful, something demonic." He has no preference what - any hell-demon will do. "Is this something you can aid me with?" He looks up to the God, up, up, up to that kindly yet stern face, that brain that's no doubt filled with more knowledge and power than Volterra could ever hope to possess. There's hope in those crimson eyes, hope that this can be the cure to all his ills - a nagging little voice tells him that he's stupid to even think that this could fix him, when he is a walking example of all the bad things a man can be, but this hope is all he has. If he can cure himself of these flaws, Isopia may want him again.

Almost as an afterthought, he shifts, face hardening. "Oh - and I want it to hurt." Turning his demons into reality should not be painless - it cannot be painless. He needs the agony to remind him that he's still alive, still mortal, that he can suffer and burn for his sins.


@Mythical Request

Using the VOTG pass from my records to have Vol quest for the following, from Earthy if possible (adjusted to remove mention of dragons transforming)

[ Magic: Dark x Earth | Ability to transform into a Cerberus the same size as his horse form. Transformation is very painful. ]


RE: father with a shotgun [earth god] - God of the Earth - 04-18-2016

The GOD of the EARTH

& to dust shall we all return

The God waved a massive wing as Volterra began his request. The movement was patient and kind, a symbol that the stallion already had his attention and that he could speak plainly. The God's feathers ruffled a muted you may in response to Volterra's query, and his massively horned skull bobbed ever so slightly.

There is something monstrous in me, Father Earth, something loathsome, something despicable.

Almost sadly, the God's ears perked forward and his head titled. At first, he had to stifle the urge to allow his thoughts to turn to his child and what the implications of what Volterra had just said might relate to her. But she did not need (or likely want) his protection, and these moments were to be saved for Volterra and his needs. And so, the God shuffled Isopia from his mind. Had he known Volterra's own thoughts, he might have offered to do the same for him as well. Instead, he merely looked on with a mountainous well of patience and concern, wondering what monster Volterra thought lurked within himself.

The God is about to speak, but Volterra continues, and his words send silent shivers down the God's back: Oh - and I want it to hurt.

The God exhales. Punishment. Why do they all think that the are so deserving of it? That there flaws necessitate these flagellations? As much as he wants to console the monochromatic stallion, he knows that it will do him no good. Nay - if his mind is made up, then this is his cure the God thinks to himself, nodding his massive skull once again.

"I can." He says finally, his words simple - a blanket acceptance of all that Volterra has said. He will offer him no advice, no sympathy, and no judgement.

"If you want to manifest this monster ... then you must first learn control as you are now. I won't have you wreaking physical havoc as a beast, simply because your emotions are too wild inside of yourself. It is remembering what you are - who you are - that will chain your demons. Take this-" The God offered Volterra (or perhaps his dragons, whose claws were far more dexterous) a stone. It was plain by all accounts, but was jagged and rough. Almost any side of it could be used as a weapon if done correctly, and even the mass of it would do some damage if thrown.

"You are to make this stone smooth. But rubbing away at it won't do the trick. Only your actions and emotions can degrade its rough exterior. It requires secret feelings - love, sadness, guilt, need or true hate. The type of hidden feelings, not the ones that bubble easily to the surface like frustration or anger. It will also accept sacrifice or altruism." The God shrugged casually, as if perfectly fine with the lack of direction he was giving Volterra on how to smooth the stone. "I'm sure you'll find what works and what doesn't easily enough."

The God paused, wishing again that the mortals could understand that this was not the way ... but alas. Perhaps it was. It was their way.

"Bring me back the smoothed stone, and we shall see the face of your monster."

Volterra has been given a rough stone! No need to add this to your item list. Only true/deep/meaningful encounters will cause the stone to become smooth. Deep honestly, vulnerability, altruistic actions, proper restraint etc will cause the stone to gradually become smoother. If you have questions about what will count, PM me.  After Volterra has 'smoothed' the stone 5 times, bring it back to the Earth God.