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Wolves in Sheep's Clothing [Rumplestiltskin] - Printable Version

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Wolves in Sheep's Clothing [Rumplestiltskin] - Eligor - 10-14-2012


I Play Doctor For Five Minutes Flat

Flitting radiance. Each individual snowflake that fluttered in breathless ecstasy through the rush of bitter air twinkled in the incandescence of the sun’s warmest kiss. Although her heat was not enough to entrap, crush, destroy… For winter’s hold was a mighty and ruthless fist whose embrace was suffocating and ever formidable. As the wonderland it created was a delusion of perilous beauty in its finest forms. Every rose does have its thorn, does it not? The bark of the surrounding trees seemed to be peeling under the grand pressure of arctic bliss as it drew down upon the earth in a commanding way, pressurizing its authority; those limbs twisted and coiled in a menagerie of directions, as if they had become crippled and frozen in place for all eternity. Timbre, a rumbling echo that was thrown through the labyrinth of magnolia hypnotism, as if some sort of ghastly phantom’s fabrication. Shuffling. Grandeur pillars of sinew moved faintly, muscles rolling through the unknown creature of the dastardly fantasy world.

An angel, an angel perhaps! For it was a fabrication of pious glory, that man. Frame the structure of dominion that was painted with the robust of strength and youth, and about was flecked the many stories of battles long passed. Cloaked in the glorious insignia of the powers above; unalloyed ivory which was accompanied by the endowments of heaven which thumped at his sides, feathered, beautiful, and splendid. Ah, but what lies…what lies… for if one were to come closer, to inspect, the discovery of more would be made. Beneath thick and cream eyelashes that cast deepening shadows down the handsome cheek bones, were the oculars of scarlet. Hell born insignia. As marking the spinal column to neck to rump is a dorsal of the same vermilion saturation. Stained red. Oh, but only the dastardly wolf trapped in sheep’s wool!

Chill nipped harshly at the beast’s nose as the skull receded to the earth below, proboscis bumping roughly into the blanket of snow that covered the soil. Eligor snorted vigorously as the cold and decayed grass beneath his lips seemed to lash back with sourness, and the stallion jerked his cranium back. The mane was a banner of alabaster which fell in twisted, knotted, wind snarled escapades of a vagabond’s toils. Hearken crown flicked to and fro in a sort of boredom before the pillars of sinew beneath moved the creature forth, hoof after hoof, leaving thick prints in the ivory blanket of vixen winter’s bequest.


RE: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing [Rumplestiltskin] - Rumplestiltskin - 10-14-2012

Oh&Baby, even fairytales will be jealous..

I had been merely standing here, minding my own business when the strongest scent of testosterone curled its way up my nostrils. The putrid stench made my maw wrinkle in disgust. Brutes always smelt so much worse than the delicate perfumes and notes of the weaker gender. The invasion of my personal space with such a strong stench completely threw my focus from the thoughts of Belle, the treasure pelted harlot that had somehow stolen my blackened charred heart. For that, I suppose, I was vaguely grateful. But now I had to decide whether to slink from the probable confrontation from this masculine equine, or to advance forward and face the demon head on.

My orbs flicked about, trying to locate the source of the decaying scent, but only managed to see white, white and more white. The covering from Jack Frost was beginning to get on my nerves, for it left my pelt damp and my banner stiff from frost. I decided to start forward and find where this brute was hiding. My pillars sunk right through the icy blanket, so that I was covered right up to my knees in the stuff. It made moving forward slow and sluggish, my banner trailing along the top of the snow and my pillars having to really surge forward to make any form of progress.

Fortunately for my patience, it didn’t take me long to locate the demon who was giving off the smell that had interrupted my afternoon. He didn't disappoint, for he was pelted in in the whitest of white, dissapearing into the snow if it wasnt for the scarlet slash that went from his rump to his whithers like someone had sliced him right through. He had formidable devil coloured eyes, and held himself in the stance of a warrior, and those wings!Here was an angel, but completely wrong. I hated to say it, but I was impressed and a slight intimidated.
Despite this, I wanted to know more, and there was rarely an equine that I felt inclined to make the first interaction with, but here was one. A pegasus, so regal and yet so evil that it just about winded the breath right from my chest. Here was one equine who was on my wavelength, or at least I hoped. I stepped forward with a glint in my eye and a grin on my dial and proceeded to speak;

”Greetings stranger. Forgive me for intruding, but I am Rumplestiltskin. Whom might you be?”

I raised my skull to look this demon angel straight in his crimson, bloodshed orbs, heartbeat racing in excitement for what might come next.

Tagged: Rumplestiltskin Notes: Can’t Wait xD Credit: Manip: Loopie2008, Table: Stephy

RE: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing [Rumplestiltskin] - Eligor - 10-14-2012


I Play Doctor For Five Minutes Flat

Disturbance. Like that of the sweetest spring morn’, its silence broken by the rustle of surroundings and the harsh scream of agony… Ecosphere hummed generously with the vagrant rush of a zephyr and its profound violence. A knife of ice which sliced to the bone, to make one quiver and quake if they were not used to the formidable pinch of winter. Cologne, which peeked a little flame in the abyss of the beast, one which stoked itself up into a raving inferno. Curiosity,ire, flitted through the veins of the creature, the life liquid within seeming to run as tepid as lava bubbling from that of a volcanic structure. Grandeur limbs sojourned, the sinew beneath ivory tuxedo quivering with a sort of excitement. Ah, not peeked at the ravaging inquisition which would plague one’s mind before meeting another, nor peeked by the lonely years when he had been accompanied only by that of whispers of insanity. Now, he was distracted and vexed by the scent of testosterone. He rather enjoyed the female variety more so then that of his own…

Ocular gemstones, which were as hot as the adrenaline which poached his innards, flashed wickedly from beneath thick cream lashes to take in the reflection of a walnut painted beast. The other brute was the same height, although his appearance did not strike a… daunting threat, yet Eligor was not short of erudite and knew better then to simply judge one by that. Any creature could present themselves as a threat… Still the demon fixed his posture at the appearance of the other and his defenses accumulated rapidly. Muscles seemed to bunch and tense beneath ivory cloak, as if ready to spring and jitters ran ramped throughout the man’s legs and ankles, causing him to spring with every movement; ready for battle. Tail lashed behind like some type of imperial whip flaggelated to and fro violently as if a army of flies had attacked his hide. As was it his thick and sumptuous lips pulled back to reveal ivories, as if growling like a senseless lupine. Hearken crown that at almost all times sat propped finely upon the skull now was flattened against the skull like a war helmet.

Rapidly the beast did ascend slightly upon his haunches, bringing his front hooves off the frozen earth beneath but only slightly. As he descended his feet crunched gruesomely against the arctic blanket, sending a wave of flecked ice about.”Eligor.” Snorted the imp harshly, gems feral as they never left the other male. The grounds of which two brutes would stand usually called for that of a battle ground, but for the most part, the fallen angel of Lucifer’s intents calmed himself ever the slightest, for the other had seemed brave enough to offer himself forth, connecting. Strange really, not many other males could speech be accomplished with… Although the stallion had nothing more to state, and awaited more from the other, while stomping softly at the earth. Dare to dance with the devil…?


RE: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing [Rumplestiltskin] - Rumplestiltskin - 10-14-2012

Oh&Baby, even fairytales will be jealous..

I am not normally one to approach brutes, I prefer to slink away from confrontation. Not due to being a coward, but just because I never see them as worth my time. I can fight with the best of them, and I'm not one to be intimidated by a brutish show of bravado or masculinity. I much prefer the company of those of the weaker sex. I enjoy watching them fall for every lie that drips from my velvets and then taking for everything they have. Leaving them with not even their dignity gives me a perverse sense of satisfaction that you just can't get from prancing around with another brute. Besides all that bloodshed and likelihood of scars just isn't worth the hassle. It isn't something that soothes or strokes my rather large ego the way femmoras do.

There was just something about this demon angel that had peaked my interest and drawn me forwards through the frosty blanket. The ice white of his pelt was completely mismatched with the crimson of the slash across his back and that of his eyes. His stench gave off that of a brute that held power and strength, along with his posture of a warrior. He reminded me of who I thought myself to be. I may not have the looks of a demon warrior but I believed myself to be on the same page.

I stood and observed this impressive beast as I awaited on his reply, watched his bloodshed eyes flash in defensiveness, and saw as they calmed, like he didn't see me as much of a threat. That caused my hackles to raise, and my pools to flash. I may not enjoy fighting, but it didn't mean I wasn't good at it. It seemed that I had cause his defences to raise, as his muscles tautened and rippled beneath the snowy pelt, velvets pulled to show off grinding ivories and his banner lashed out like a ripcord.

I barely batted an eyelid at this definite show of masculinity, for I felt it was more for show than anything else. I decided against joining in on this pissing contest, for it would only encourage the beast.

I was slightly more taken aback as he brought himself up onto his rear pillars slightly and as he landed, the snow crunched threateningly beneath his plates, spraying snow just about up into my dial. Lyrics dropped from his velvets in amongst a snort, so much so that I nearly missed them. So this demon was dubbed Eligor. It wasn't a name I recognised. I stamped my fore pillar in impatience, wishing he would just stop peacocking and realise that I wasn't out to be a threat to him.

I chose to respond in a manner that would show I held no menace towards him, but that I was more than ready to return a challenge if needs be;

“Eligor. Hello. What brings you forth into this barren place during Jack Frosts time? It seems to me you would have somewhere that was more preferable to be..?”

I dipped my dial, flattening my harks and swishing my banner defiantly, daring him to continue down the path he was travelling down..

Tagged: Rumplestiltskin Notes: Can’t Wait xD Credit: Manip: Loopie2008, Table: Stephy

RE: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing [Rumplestiltskin] - Eligor - 10-16-2012


I Play Doctor For Five Minutes Flat

Perfume was contradictory to the putrid stench of the creature which was halted before the demonic angel. Instead there was a prevailing and fetid aroma of testosterone; whispering entices of combat and dominance! Ah, was it always such with the brutish specimens? More than likely, many of the times, it was indeed just this. Or perhaps, it was the natural behavior and mannerisms of the psychotic vagabond and could not be portrayed to ever other bloke which did inhale and exhale existence. And I shall devour that existence! Those dastardly lips, thick with a despicable mania intent seemed to ooze an unspoken menace which may have bubbled and effervesced between clenched and gnawing bicuspids. Alas, no threat, no battle, no challenge would seem to arise on this finest occasion yet.

Sinew, the building blocks, beneath the tender and taught flesh, covered by a tuxedo of radiant alabaster, quivered in a soft leisure; relaxation. The hazel tinted fellow presented himself as nothing but merely an inquiring mind, and that his spirits did not lay in the fields of battle as that of Eligor’s. Pity, pity… Yet the wintry beast did watch from beneath those thick and heavy eyelashes, the pillar of the other male flash out and stomp at the earth, causing a defiant flicker of the hearken crown propped finely upon the skull. Lash wove to and fro in a less dramatic notion behind him and coral appendage slipped from between the kissers, slithering across the lips as but in a type of capitulate of less feebleness then others; acceptance of the other’s presence in the space they occupied. In but a brisk movement, the demon slightly lowered the cranium of royal craftiness, shaking the entire frame with a massive snort which shook his breast and seemed to thunder down to the very soles of his dignified espadrilles. Tassels of ivory silk sewn upon the skeletal structure of the neck whipped about in the air, tangled and full of a feral beauty.

A stillness, a grandeur hush washed over the brute like a catastrophic wave, the calm before the storm! Yet he watched with such attentiveness as the soft words of masculine vibe fell from the other man, swimming through the ecosphere and seeming to fade. Still Eligor’s breathing was rough, heightened, deeper, a buoyant snort that could be easily turned into a high pitched battle cry if needed; tendrils of heat spiraling from the nostrils and dispersing into a nothingness. Oh and how he watched… from beneath oyster eyelashes which were flecked with ice, meeting the razor sharp, paranormal scarlet oculars which clashed against everything which presented him; like heaven’s palms pressed against the breast of hell’s gates. ”Salutations…” Rumbled the behemoth, virile baritone shaking the chest as the stillness still grasped his frame, acoustic radars fixed halfway back in a defensive but open manner. ”I am but a vagabond.”-replied he- ”And, what of you… Hazel brute A somewhat sarcastic and mocking lyric leapt upon his vocal chimes, a twisted grin etching the very edge of his lips.


RE: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing [Rumplestiltskin] - Rumplestiltskin - 10-18-2012

Oh&Baby, even fairytales will be jealous..

I could see from the relaxed, leisurely stance of the one before me that he no longer saw me as any kind of threat. As far I was concerned, this was a foolish move, never underestimate the one standing before you. They could always surprise you, no matter who they were. I for one certainly wasn’t going to let my guard down around this demon. For that is what he was, no mistake.

There was a flash of disappointment through the others orbs as he came to the conclusion I did not savour the fight as he clearly did. Now, now deary. Plenty of time for all that. In turn, I’m sure my pools flashed with that of venom. I coolly held the demons stare as he looked at me from underneath pearly lashes that were nearly feminine. I knew what he was after, and I hadn't yet decided whether to give it to him or not. I had to be sure he was worth bloodshed and aggro. So far he was giving me all the right signs.

This encounter was clearly cathartic for me, for already I hadn't thought of that harlot since it had begun. For that I was strangely grateful. I could almost feel the blood surging more powerfully, like a release from what had seemed like an eternal state of mourning from what was supposedly a lost love. My heart was pumping and racing, I felt more alive than I had since I had left the treasure pelted jezebel behind. I felt the urge of the fight return and cause my brain to spark and fizzle. The need for blood was sudden, and I struggled to quash it and remain composed.

Once I had regained what little composure I had, I noticed the plumes of breath emanating from the other, showing his harsher breath. He was clearly preparing for something I wasn’t entirely decided upon yet. Don’t waste your energy or your breath yet, pal.
I blinked out of my blood crazed reverie as lyrics started to drop from his wintery velvets, words as cold as the frost that covered the ground. The demons voice was what one would expect, deep, rich loud baritones dripped through the air. I snorted as I registered his sarcasm that nearly made its way over into contempt that was backed up by the twisted grin that had crept onto his demonic, blood thirsty maw.

This contempt seemed to push me right back over the edge. The rage consumed by body, almost causing me to gasp as it took a grip. The ghouls and ghosts of the past swirled and wreaked havoc with my already unstable, grieving cranium, cackling and mocking as they went. An almost serpent like look flashed through my orbs, giving them an eerie greenish glow, fleeting as it was. It was like the ghouls had completely rendered my power of decision useless, and were using me merely as a puppet.

They brought my fore pillars upwards from the ground, pawing through the frost bitten air. My ivories bared and grinding, orbs flashing dangerously. They brought me back down, snorting in fury, auds completely flatted against my dial.

They chose the lyrics;

”I am merely passing through these parts. I would watch your tone, if I were you demon. Being a vagabond, it’s not like anyone would be coming look for you, if something were to happen..”

I bobbed my cranium to show I finished talking, ivories still gnashing and grinding, harks flicking to and fro, orbs darting, waiting for his next move, fully prepared..

Tagged: Rumplestiltskin&Eligor Notes: heheh xD Credit: Manip: Loopie2008, Table: Stephy