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[P] I just wanna fly - Printable Version

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I just wanna fly - Johnny - 03-22-2016

sweet, sugar, candyman

Alright, so when I woke up today and was waiting for Jellybean to slowly crawl off my face, I started thinking about how much easier life is going to be when she can learn how to fly.

And that’s how we ended up here. We had already been travelling south, more or less just because I had barely moved at all this season and even for a lazy, sugar pony that was sort of pushing it. Besides, this was the season where I actually COULD explore! Without the danger of melting or the annoyance of flies.

You think you get it bad being swarmed by flies in the summer, can you imagine what it’s like when you’re sweating sugar?

So here we are, in the Thistle Meadow, and my companion has decided that she doesn’t want to learn how to fly anymore. “Jellybean! You’re not trying hard enough!!” I admonish her, though it’s kind of hard to be so angry at her because she’s ridiculous and adorable and the laziest thing I’ve ever met which makes it funny. Instead of leaping off of the rock and taking to the skies she sits down on her fluffy butt but there’s not enough room for her entire butt on the rock so she tumbles over backwards and lands in the snow.

I mean, you’d think there’d be some sort of evolutionary kick that would help her figure this out but to be honest I don’t know what sort of evolution led to a creature like Jellybean in the first place so…

She squirms out of the snow but only enough to poke her little pink head out and once she finds me she chirps loudly, the crown on her head puffing up and something which sort of sounds like laughter comes out as she bobs her little head.

What a little shit.

sketch by Jen!

for @Aithniel :D
this is what Jellybean looks like