HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
my oh my | OPEN - Printable Version

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my oh my | OPEN - Elizabeth - 10-14-2012

the fallen

All too familiar, this whole land was frozen. The chill will crawl under your skin and shiver your bones and ache them to the very core. My aging joints still finishing final growth. My age decieved me. Eight was harsh but yet still youthful and beautiful. Besides the scars that are worn so proudly. Battles from youth and rule... leaving this mindset in warrior mode. It had been so long since I had battled against a useless equine or a feather brained bat. Their own ways about this planet disgusted me. Twisting my stomach and pinching nerves in my head, kill. Worthless creatures.

Silver eyes rolled in disgust. A hoof slipped upon a patch of ice and skidded sideways but several inches. Enough to send this body off balance and trip over itself. I looked a fool. This beautiful fallen angel looking a fool. The barrels at the bottom of my muzzle released a snort. Loud and anxious. Annoyed. Flicking the long silver tail, ashened ends, against the muscular hocks of my legs. A tunnel presented itself after I had regained my stability. Ears graced its presence and held it almost dear. Eyes watched like a hawk carefully. No sounds, no sights. Perfect get away.

Picking my way carefully again I took to the cave. The rising sun setting stones to light. I watched the speckles dance across my own hide and the floor of the pathway. A beautiful discovery made. I stopped once deep enough inside. Watching breaths exit quickly from my nostrils, the white fog dancing with the speckles. Alone in my world I remembered home. Remembered the reign of terror held. I was the great. Fool's they are, to run me from such a great rule. They would have rose high. Mighty. Like this species should. I furrowed my brows in hatred, quickly flaring my temper. Suddenly the world wasn't so cold. Blood boiled beneath my hide and I began to shed a fine sweat. Almost unnoticeable.

|OOC- open to any and all. I'll warn you now she is racist beyond belief and will ATTACK any that does not bare the horn blood.|
"blah blah blah."

RE: my oh my | OPEN - Giselle - 10-14-2012

Few thing could undermine patience as much as waiting. In essence I was a creature of action, and to remain in the same place day in and day out without anything to do, without purpose or goal was definitely getting on my nerves. I had followed the band of outcast unicorns north because of a hope that they would make something happen, but rather than to scheme and plan for the future, all I saw was sulking and moping about things that belonged in the past. It never did anyone good to dwell over history. I myself is a living example of that, because, where would I have been if I couldn't put pain behind me and carry on? The situation was granted a bit different from the rough times during my childhood, but wasn't it because of the strict upbringing that I had become the one I was today? Strong, capable, with a clear goal in mind. Oh, if the doddering fools could just get their acts together, stop tending to their injuries and think.

But I never said anything. Who was I to voice criticism, new to the herd as I was, unknown and unspoken for? No, I would bide my time, grit the teeth and wait for the opportune moment, despite the growing urge I held to bite down into something, feel the salty taste of blood upon my tongue and see the crimson scatter around. I allowed the mind to sink deeper into the pleasant daydream of cutting pieces of flesh from the ass of the idiotic brother that had turned his back on me during the battle, humming soothing tunes to myself as I walked. Far better than to spend my days watching grumpy soldiers and fat mares totter about, I would retreat to the solitary space of the Arch and wallow in my bloody reveries.

Upon arriving, I found to my dismay that the space had already become occupied. Lids dipped over eyes as pale and cold as the landscape around as I watched the shape of a horse slip in through the mouth of the icy cavern, and for a moment I considered leaving and finding another place to stay. Then a shrug of the shoulders brought me forward, reconsidering the plans for the day even as I moved to follow the unknown mare. Might as well see if there was a way to find entertainment elsewhere; if she was hornless I could always amuse myself with draining the blood from her veins. And if she was true to blood and cause.. Who knew what fun we could have?

My steps sent echoes through the hollow space as I cautiously tripped over the icy floor, crimson tassels swaying behind the muscled rump. The cold that instantly sought to extract the warmth from my blood wasn't going to help the slowly healing scratches and bruises on my body, but I couldn't care less about the discomfort that walking brought. Too focused on the stranger that appeared before me, I put on a courteous smile and arched the storm gray neck pleasantly in order to display the ivory horn that stretched from my forehead; the spitting image of nobility and elegance.

"You don't mind sharing space for a while, do you?" I asked with jovial tone, all while my eyes roamed hungrily across her frame to assess the person before me. A lovely horn extended from her dark brow, the first and most important thing I took note of - the rest was unimportant. Dark body, strong built, yada yada lets move on. It was the look in her eyes that would determine whether she was going to be able to entertain me or not.

RE: my oh my | OPEN - Elizabeth - 10-14-2012

the fallen

It was the clacking of hooves the sent my mind from memories to reality. The shape smaller than I but oh the marvelous horn she sported. As she eyed me, I did the same, leaving the silver orbs to do the work. I took in each scratch and mishap upon her body quickly. Judging her as one such myself. Of pure blood bred to fight. Although she was in the disadvantage of brute size and strength. Even though I doubted her none. We're all different in the same blood. She smiled, I smiled. "Not at all, dear." I spoke. My tone equal to hers.

She reminded me of the mare who tried so desperately to spill my blood, only to realize hers was the only blood spilling. My eyes danced across her face and I snorted hysterically. Maybe a rude gesture to her but in my head, I was remembering an event so laughable this mare would fall hard from doing such. I set my face forward again watching the speckles. As if she was of no use to me. Although my way of going about things was abrupt and harsh she didn't seem like one to take it too deeply. I didn't mind her company. I just wasn't going to pay much attention at the moment.