HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Spice up Your Life - Printable Version

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Spice up Your Life - Johnny - 03-25-2016

sweet, sugar, candyman

How do you even teach something to fly when you don’t have wings? It’s a problem I’ve been facing for a while - got a little bit of help but this is a long-term issue. Apparently she’s not just going to magically learn how to fly in a single afternoon? God, how to all of these pegasi do it? It looks exhausting just thinking about it. Which is why I’m lying down, watching her. I know that there’s nothing that I can do to actually help aside from providing emotional support. I tried running around with her - even tried jumping over some rocks and ‘flying’ for a few moments to give her a little bit of inspiration, but all she did was laugh at me.

So I’m lying here.

I’ve nestled myself comfortably in the snow, actually keeping my legs beneath me this time. I’m not just lazing about with no reason - I’m paying attention.

Although she isn’t. Now that Birdsong is sneaking up, a few of the migratory birds are back in the area and they’re tweeting away in the trees and it’s proving to be quite the distraction for my little companion. Her bird half is chirping back to them - trying to mimic their calls and sometimes even succeeding - while her puppy half is lying flat on the little boulder we had picked out. It was a good height - tall enough that she could get some lift or whatever she needs but not tall enough that she would hurt herself when she fell. Which had happened a couple times already so there were a few Jellybean-sized imprints in the snow where she had been leaping off. A couple times, those pink-lined wings had beat furiously and been rewarded by a little bit of air only for her to fall back down again.

Apparently she was taking a break now, which I can appreciate, but it felt like she had been taking a break forever. What a slacker!

I have no idea where she got that from.

sketch by Jen!

for @Rift, @Aleta, and @Agnodice :D

RE: Spice up Your Life - Agnodice - 03-27-2016

a new world, material without being real,

where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about

She picked her way delicately through the snow, over small rocks and under looming branches. She had left her basket in the Falls, for she had no plans to gather herbs. She was adorned with only the flowers in her hair and the leonine tail that swept behind her.

And, of course, the winged reptilian perched upon her poll. He wound a lock of hair around his tail, clutched a vermilion colored flower in his claws. He looked around the forest dreamily, his mind excited and curious, soft and warm against her own cool presence. She would often smile to herself, for no particular reason, just that he was there and he loved her. Well, she assumed he did. She was the one who helped feed him after all, even though she was rather terrible at that.

A rustle amongst the trees, a soft chirp, and then the confusion, questioning mind of Hero lit up. She smiled wider, gaze flicking up, straining to see his black form. 'Swallow, maybe?' She commented, pausing to listen closer to the calls of the birds. But the melody she expected was the not the tune she received. Her brow furrowed, head tilted to one side, flowers and petals dripping from her mane.

She didn't recognize that one. Hero trilled excitedly from his post, winding his tail even more around her mane, clutching the flower close to his breast. He was going to make this an adventure.

The small dragon sprung from his hold on her head, leaving her mane to spiral from his tail, though he kept the flower close. His wings unfurled, flapping hastily in the air, his flight still unsteady due to his young age. But he knew of flight, and practiced often when his bonded was asleep, and sometimes when she was awake, too.

He took off in the direction of the unfamiliar chirping, leaving Agnodice to scramble after him, her dainty legs floundering in the snow. Her hair scattered flowers and petals everywhere, littering the snow, standing out starkly against the pigmented verdant. She leapt after her bonded, following him over fallen trees and branches till he slowed his unsteady flight, landing in the snow, flower still between his claws.

His blue gaze was wide and round, flicking from creature to creature, heavily confused. Agnodice arrived moments later, halting abruptly upon the scene, scattering flowers around the clearing. She was ready to chew Hero out for making her run, for making her chest heave and pant and starting a sheen of cold sweat over her frail bodice. But what she saw made her put that off till later.

"Johnny?" Agnodice panted, her head tilted to one side, leonine tail curled anxiously around her hind legs. It had been a while since she had met the peppermint pony, but his smell and candy hair wasn't one she could easily forget. Her gaze flicked then to the...bird? Dog? Bird-dog thing, seemingly the maker of the unfamiliar chirping. Her brow raised, gaze moving back to Johnny, the small dragon by her hooves mimicking the questioning expression. 


@Johnny :D

agnodice & herophilos

Image Credits | Background Credit

RE: Spice up Your Life - Aleta - 03-29-2016

The snow was thickly blanketed on the ground, and the girl picked her way carefully through the forest, trying to avoid the worst of the clumps. Gods, she hated the snow! It was wet, and cold, and messy, and it hurt her legs. The flakes were like needles on her sensitive skin, and when she would occasionally fall into a deeper drift than anticipated, it stabbed her belly without mercy. Her mother kept telling the her that spring was right around the corner, but the expression was lost on the filly. "What corner?" she would ask, and Mother would just smile. Aleta never really got a straight answer. It was infuriating.

In fact, that was what had led the filly here today. She had convinced her mother to take her on another excursion beyond the borders of the Falls and, in an attempt to escape the snow, they had slogged their way to the forest. Her mother had suggested that the trees might have blocked the worst of the latest blizzard, and Sohalia had been right. There was much less snow here than there had been beyond the edge of the Deep Forest, and for that, the filly was grateful. Still, when she had complained that there was still quite a bit here, her Mother had smiled that useless smile and said that useless thing, and the girl had gone off in a huff to explore.

Luckily, the filly was quite good at navigating. She had never gotten lost, not even when she strayed quite far from her mother's side. When she came upon the small clearing that held the unicorn and the weird creature, she could have told anyone that asked that her mother was digging through the snow in search of grass in a little meadow that was about fifty-two paces to the east. The sounds here would not carry that far in the snow-muffled woodlands, but Aleta could return to Sohalia quickly if need be. Besides, it would be difficult to miss the tracks that the girl had left in the snow, just in case her mother needed to find her.

In any case, she was watching from the trees as someone new burst onto the scene. The mare looked vaguely familiar, as though Aleta had perhaps seen her in passing; it was entirely possible, given that they were from the same herd (not that the girl knew that quite yet). A little dragon was with the mare, and altogether the four of them made quite the odd group. An equine, a pegasus, a dragon, and a -- the girl frowned. She didn't have a name for the bird-dog, and the realization annoyed her. She liked knowledge and the collection thereof, and after deciding that none of the creatures before her appeared threatening, she decided that she would reveal herself.

The filly stepped from the shadows, a crease in her brow due to the concentration it took to pick her way through the snow to investigate the creature that was the source of her curiosity. She stopped a polite distance from the group, though she longed to get even closer. She cocked her head to one side. "What kind of 'panion is that?" she asked, her childish voice high in the frigid air.

Art by Neverrmind @ DA