HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Never Look Back - Printable Version

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Never Look Back - Rhea - 04-05-2016

Climbing higher into sky the hybrid could only curse and complain about the natural yet annoying feelings that she could not shake from her body. Things were happening out of her control and it was something that she absolutely hated, losing control. Squinting into the light snowfall the mare tried to pick out anything familiar against the white backdrop. From up here everything looked the same but then again maybe she hadn't flown far enough yet. Veering sharply to the right as a giant gust of wind took her by surprise the winged maiden had to really fight to get her stability back and ride out the gust. When more gusts continued to blow in she was forced back to dive back down towards the earth as her strength began to wane.

Landing with more force than intended a tornado of snow erupted around her as her hooves buckled slightly beneath her. Groaning softly she let herself come to her knees before laying herself down in the cold snow. Out of breath from fighting the storm and exhausted she figured here was as good as any to recuperate her strength. It had been quite awhile since she had flown in bad weather but at least down here on the ground things were calmer except for the wind that kept going strong. Tucking her wing over top of her head to keep the snow from hitting her in the face she let herself rest instead of pushing on as was her normal habit.

After what seemed like hours her breath finally returned just as the cold had begun to sink into her back. Struggling to her feet the hybrid took the time to slowly shake out her wings feeling to tender ache deep within the muscle. Nothing serious, it would just take more rest before she decided on doing anymore flying. Bowing her head to the storm she pushed forward hoping that she was closer than she had thought to the borderline of the Basin.

•• TAGS: @Ashamin •• NOTES: Hope this is ok ••

“Just because it looks like a leprechaun and talks like a leprechaun, it doesn't mean it can't act like the little fucking demon it is.”
Table by Moonstone Designs   Image by click <3

RE: Never Look Back - Ashamin - 04-23-2016


Ashamin the haruspex, the painted buck, the stag among kings, the once quiet little stud, was returning home a different beast entirely.

Ashamin the Clovenheart.

He knew, as his sides heaved with terror and effort (for truly he had run, far from that wicked mare and all she had turned him into,) that they would both be changed. He and the philosopher, the winged trickster, they were different now. They were partners in a devastating crime. Implicated in tragedy. Forever, forever, changed. And for that he bore a new name, something as close to what he could imagine himself to be. Broken, and forever too reliant on that organ that felt to him as if it were size of a child unborn. A child murdered by his rage.

Was there anything left to feel, after that? Surely he needed to remember himself, remember the colt he'd once been. By his father's side Ashamin had been genuine.

Why had Veril really given up teaching his son to fight? Had it been because Ashamin was too inept, or simply too terrifying to face? Perhaps the late stag had seen that potential in his son: the potential to become this. Utterly broken, lost in a sea of devastated morality, and struggling just to breathe.

He could barely see himself in the storm. His companions were there, too, he knew that. He knew Lochan and Rakt were somewhere in this snow but they weren't beside him, he didn't want them to be.

Stay? the little eye had asked with such kindness, as if he had not just witness his bonded end a life. Guide? Help?

But no, the offers fell on deaf ears. It was Rakt that had made Lochan give up. The younger, red companion had flashed a bloody image of their home in Ashamin's mind and pulled Lochan from the haruspex's side. They would be there waiting for him when he got back. He didn't fear for their safety in the storm, not with their keen vision, but they feared for his.

Whether or not he would make it out alive... who knew.

When the angel fell from the sky, dark and familiar, Ashamin could only seek it out. Hollow and numb as he was, he should have stayed alone. He was a killer now, after all. But it wold be easier with company as long as they weren't trying to help him; as long as they hadn't just witnessed what he had in himself. Ashamin just couldn't do this one alone or with his companions the witnesses. He wouldn't be safe on his own.

He moved forward, only close enough to find her dark shape in the snow. Rhea. Ashamin had seen her before, maybe once at a meeting or some other time. And once he was there he wanted to fall too, let his body spread in the snow and languish there. Maybe he would never stand again. Only Rhea stood, and Rhea pressed on. And he had to call out to her as if they were friends and not passing faces in the crowd at a meeting or by the lake. He needed to make a connection because if he didn't? Well, who knew.




@Rhea (no need to tag me just shoot me a message on skype)

RE: Never Look Back - Rhea - 04-27-2016

Head bowed to the wind and ears rotated to the side the dark mare battled onward silently complaining underneath her breath. How had she become so weak that she could not battle the force of a wind storm? All her wandering through Helovia had obviously taken a toll on her both mentally and physically. Leaner than she had been in months all her walking had likely contributed to her lacking wing strength. With her head being in the clouds half the time she had forgotten to consider what such downtime would do to her finely tuned bodice. Luckily for her things hadn't gotten to the point of no return but it would mean a hell of a lot of work to rebuild what she had diminished over the last couple months.

Pausing to look around her for the distinguishing sign of the Basins sentinels she frowned when nothing came to view. Surely she should have arrived by now, should she not? Maybe it wasn't only her wing strength that had diminished, perhaps her perception had changed as well. Shaking her head she was about to move on when her name sounded across the winds whistles. Pausing mid step her eyes skipped across the barren landscape until the black and white stag entered her sights. At first she couldn't remember how in the world the stallion remembered her name, but she quickly dismissed it as a lucky guess.

On second thought what could he possibly want with her? Wasn't he one of those that had shunned her believing her to be filth just like the rest of those with wings? Everyone had believed that didn't they? Letting her foot come back down she waited for the beast to close the distance before she let words leave her mouth. "Ashamin." She said simply in greeting her eyes sweeping casually over his frame. Something was different about the way he carried himself but it was difficult to figure out just what. If she knew the boy better it would likely be easier but she had no friends to call her own. Hell she barely knew half her old herd by name never mind their personalities traits. "What brings you all the way out here?"

Rhea Speaks

•• TAGS: •• NOTES: ••

Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: Never Look Back - Ashamin - 05-02-2016


It was better that the Clovenheart didn't know Rhea well. If she knew him she would sense his distress, or maybe ask what was wrong. She would try to delve deeper before he'd offered to share, try to dig in. As it were she was a distraction instead, someone whom perhaps he could talk to about his rather monolithic problems but didn't have to if he wasn't so inclined.

There was a simplicity in that which the haruspex took comfort in. She knew his name and he knew hers--there wasn't much else to it.

What brings you all the way out here?

He stood still, freezing, and wondered the very same thing. There was a deep and dishonorable truth and then there was a simpler, warmer one. As the haruspex looked at her dark hybrid figure standing so sturdy in the snow, he knew that she would be able to accept either answer.

But he couldn't, so he told her the easy thing instead. "I'm just trying to get home," he called back, trudging forward a few more steps until she was less of a blur through the snow and closer--almost within his reach. It was a stretch and he didn't deserve the comfort of touch, didn't have the right to act as if he were unchanged, but he reached out his nose to try and touch hers in his customary greeting.

That was what they all knew him for nowadays, wasn't it? The way he touched, the way he loved, the way he felt for everyone he ever met. But only he knew the way that he killed.

"Are you heading back too?" Ashamin asked, his tone concerned even in his effort to sound flat and deaden his emotion. The truth was though that her presence was a comfort. She seemed strong when he was not--she could have given into this weather but she had pressed on, and without her example he might not have done the same. "It might be good to stick together," he added, as if he was not some monster that should be locked away to suffer in eternal solitude.



RE: Never Look Back - Rhea - 06-14-2016

Standing stock still as she awaited the stallion's presence wondering where this conversation was actually going to lead. What was she going to say to him? Hopefully not the stupid blathering that had been leaving her mouth lately. She hated herself for the confusing words and even more for the thoughts such questions created. They all swirled around like a storm maddening her when none could be answered.

Heading home... wasn't that exactly what she was doing? Well maybe but only she couldn't really call it a home. Too many people seemed to hate her enough to make it feel less than homey most of the time but since when had she cared if she ever had a home. Stiffening slightly as Ashamin reached out his nose for a customary touch she had to force herself not to over react. She was trying to be social, remember?? The thought made her cringe internally but it was enough for her to soften her exterior and return the favor. Come to think of it... since when had anyone ever actually been kind enough to offer such a trusted gesture? Most hated the very sight of her for gods sake, flicking her ears slightly she finally managed to extend her muzzle to meet his. The touch was brief and simple but it still sent a flash of heat through her body like a wildfire. Again her mind reeled as the heat spread deep down into the pit of her stomach slowly simmering until it stuck there like a hot coal.

Shaking the feeling off she forced herself to spit out an answer to Ashamin so that she wasn't left completely speechless over her little shocking hot flash. "I.. I really don't know where I am heading. I suppose I was heading back." She said just loud enough for his ears to pick up. She wasn't completely sold on the idea of sticking together but instead just shrugged and decided to go with the flow. They would both return as one and then go their separate ways like was to be expected, nobody ever stuck by her side so there was no point in getting her hopes up not that she wanted it anyway. "Ya I guess sticking together sounds alright to me."

Rhea Speaks

•• TAGS: Ashamin •• NOTES: Sorry for the shortness will be better next round ••

Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: Never Look Back - Ashamin - 06-16-2016


It was the little stutter in her answer, that moment's breath after the I, that triggered the same hesitation in him. He realized with a shock that he wasn't even sure if he wanted to go back. But could Ashamin really leave his family behind like that? Rexanna, Rein, Hotaru, Ki'irha.... there were so many that he cared about back in the Basin. Wouldn't it be betrayal to leave them?

But what about Rhea? Sure, she was no close friend of his but she needed him; he had a sense, even if it had little grounding in fact and could have been made up entirely. It was more likely that he needed her—that he needed someone who didn't know of his sins, didn't expect a great love from him.

She, still and in her distance, was a comfort. And when she took his touch but shivered with it he felt sadness, as if it weren't something she'd ever expected. What kind of kindness had this mare seen, as a hybrid in a herd with so many like Rikyn? Maybe she wouldn't want to go back, either.  Maybe in this cold weather, in this wilderness... they could stay out alone.

But it was a wild idea, to leave the Basin behind. Ashamin couldn't commit to anything, not without talking to the God of the Spark, the herd leads, maybe others. The fact that he was even considering it now was enough to get the blood pounding in his ears and make him think he was insane.

Then again, a lot of what had happened recently was, well, out of the ordinary. And he wasn't exactly the better for it—could this help?

"Rhea..." he said to her, her name a whisper as it was eaten up by the snowy wind, "Rhea, what if we didn't go back? What if we stayed out here, together? We could make something else of ourselves. Find others, build something." Ashamin turned to look back towards the basin for a moment before locking eyes with her. He wasn't aware of how just his touch had affected her, so it didn't occur to him that the intensity of his dark eyes might stir something else. "The Basin isn't our only option, Rhea. If we—if I left it... would you wait here for me? Until I could find you again, until we could... figure all this out."

Figure all what out? The haruspex's heart beat loud in his chest, thumping heavily against his inner walls. His thoughts screamed, reason told him this was a foolish idea. Rhea was barely more than a stranger, the Basin was his home, why would he leave all that for a life in the wilderness with her? Just because now, in his moment of vulnerability, he found comfort in her cold lack of judgement, her lack of knowledge of the monster in his heart?



RE: Never Look Back - Rhea - 06-16-2016

I what world was she when the idea of sticking together was actually on the list of answers that she could have given the stud? Maybe she had completely lost her mind and this was just some parallel universe? If only that was an answer... Resisting the urge to give a deep sigh of disbelief she chose to instead maintain her composure. Falling apart was never going to be the answer so she just needed to somehow live with the atrocities that seemed to spill from her mouth as of late. This whole touching thing was clearly a bad idea so she was not planning on repeating it anytime soon, she wasn't sure she liked the whole feeling strange things happen to her body.

A shiver traced up from the end of her spine as the wind continued to howl around them making her draw her wings closer in towards her body in an attempt to conserve heat. The day likely wouldn't be a bad one if this damn wind would let up and the sun shine though but no of course it wouldn't do that just because someone wished it that way. The weather was something that was a bitch all on its own, there was never satisfaction except on the rare day here and there. Want a few days of warmth? Too bad you instead get three straight days of rain. If her an mother nature ever met up she doubted that there would be too many nice things to be exchanged.

Ashamin's next words seemed to leave her stunned and speechless for a matter of moments. Did he just say together? Together as in how? Was he completely out of his mind?!? Was this something you even ask someone that you barely knew? What was he wanting to do, go find a bunch of outcasts like herself and form a pity party? Thinking about it was actually quite comical if you thought about it long enough, it would just be an excuse for her to sit around and laugh at everyone more than usual. "What do you plan on doing? Build what exactly?" She asked her eyes meeting his for a moment or two before she needed to pull away from the intensity. That touch they shared had her rattled and she wasn't enjoying the feeling of being so vulnerable when she was usually the shark in the waters.

By now her heart was beating in her chest loudly as she attempted to process the rest of Ashamin's comments. Would she wait for him? Wait for him to do what exactly? Leave the Basin behind so they could form... no create something from nothing? While the idea was intriguing she wasn't exactly sure what she was getting herself into by agreeing to such a thing. Clarity was something she was desperately trying to hold onto perhaps this would be the answer to all this inner crap she had been dealing with. Turning her eyes back to find his she finally spoke this time more certain than she had been before. "I will wait, but not here its freaking cold. Where should I go?

The words sounded foreign coming from her lips but it was indeed her voice that came out. She wasn't sure what Ashamin was thinking and she sure as hell didn't know what she was thinking but in her heart she knew going back to the Basin was not the answer she needed.

Rhea Speaks

•• TAGS: @Ashamin •• NOTES: ••

Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: Never Look Back - Ashamin - 06-28-2016


His eyes were wild, his heart rising and dropping inconsistently with every second. When he dared to hear it he could only do so for a second, for the pulsing drove him mad and the excitement he felt was laden, too, with guilt.

Rhea asked good questions, ones that Ashamin hadn't really thought of an answer for. He stood shocked for a moment, his ears fell back as if he were defeated, but he then refocused. No, he couldn't give in just like that. And she hadn't either, in fact, she had agreed to wait. That was something, now he just needed to give her a solid reason why.

In the bitter cold, his voice shook and almost seemed to disappear. Somehow, though, the Clovenheart got the words out. "We're going to build a collective. Independents, sharing knowledge and defending themselves out here. There have to be others like us, Rhea, looking for a home that isn't like... this," he explained, gesturing towards the basin and the cold all around them. "Let's find them, let's gather together the Unbound in these wilds and make something of ourselves. "

She asked him where else to wait with good reason, but in his excitement he found himself losing sight of the map he'd build, forgetting all geography. The blood falls were both close and the first place he thought of; besides, it was a site of turmoil, a place where he'd staked his independence. "I'll meet you in the Blood Falls, just south of here. In time I'll try to bring others, maybe you can do the same, but for now I'll just get my affairs in order with the Basin." He paused, wanting once more to extend his touch but not sure how she would respond. Rhea seemed guarded—quick to look at turn away from his warmth.

But even if she had her walls up, Ashamin figured he had to at least try. "Thank you,"the Clovenheart almost whispered, just loud enough to hear above the wind. Then he extended his nose once more, hoping to brush it by her cheek, and turned to leave and face the snow. In the blood falls, they would meet again.

