HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] This way, that way, over there, wrong way - Printable Version

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This way, that way, over there, wrong way - Fiachra - 04-06-2016

Well. Now I am well and truly lost, the purple-haired mare thought. Fiachra ducked her head beneath a low-hanging branch and picked her way carefully through the underbrush. She had parted with the trail a while back, thinking she was heading in the right direction. She had meant to head back home, back to the Basin. She was weary once more from travelling and exploring the great lands of Helovia. She has seen much of her new world, had learned much. Now, however, she was tired and lonely again and was ready to lie down in her little cave and sleep for a week.

She'd been certain she was on the right track. This forest looked similar to the woods she had passed through when first coming to Helovia, the Threshold. She thought she would simply retrace her steps when Zahra had brought her to the Basin that day. Of course, it didn't quite work out that way.

Her tail caught on a bramble and Fiachra jumped. Tugging her tail free with a frustrated swish, Fiachra looked around. She needed to take stock of her surroundings. The forest was thick, the canopy letting in very little light above, and giving very little space to move about below. Furthermore, is was quite so quiet. No birds were singing, despite the early spring afternoon. There were no crickets chirping or frogs croaking. A shudder ran down the dark mare's spine. She did not like this place. It was dark, dreary, and stifling and she wanted out.

Glancing around, Fiachra tried to gather her bearings. She tossed her plum-hued tail, swatting a couple of gnats who dared to try for a bite of her hide. She had come from the south. Southwest? she thought, doubtfully. That would put the Basin to the far-north-northwest, of course, but was there a way to get there from here. Maybe she would be better off backtracking and going around. To she needed to go that way. No... that way, the corrected herself. But maybe it was that way instead? She stamped her fore hoof, impatient with her own lack of navigational skills. How had she allowed herself to get into this mess?

Home, where I wanted to go,
And nothing else compares.
image credits

@Rikyn Hope it's okay!

RE: This way, that way, over there, wrong way - Rikyn - 04-06-2016

Not the five feet of water to your chin

"Zandora!" I call out to the mare glimpsed through the trees, having mistaken a violet tail on the backend of a mare for an entirely different tail. The uneasiness that settles through the stranger is not one I share, having known this wood for most of my life, and believing that only adventure could be found here (though surely, there are devils, too). It’s the wood where I found my mirror, and met Volterra, and I often think back to being small, and walking beneath the impressive and intertwined canopy with my friends alongside me.

That the mare is not Zandora becomes apparent the closer I get, the fact that the Sun is out above us barely evident in the dim light of the elder forest and having provided little enough light to notice her tail was purple previously, much less that it is tipped in crimson, or that her haunches are white and not marked with moons.

Oops, I think, pausing in place, an awkward smile replacing the one of familiarity that had bloomed on it before.

While the soldier I’d thought this lady was could be rather boring company, she was familiar to me; I guess I sort of jumped on an assumption when the sound of snapping branches had alerted me to someone ahead of me.

"Well, you’re not Zandora," I say, realizing too late that it kind of makes me sound like Captain Obviously Rude (because calling her someone else was already very suave), but I do take another look at her long enough to piece together that she doesn’t seem the sort who is completely at ease in the woods, all alone. While I may not be the most wonderful of shining knights, I do fancy myself the sort of guy to wear a suit of armor, especially if it’s for a woman with any measure of attractiveness to her.

Not Zandora looks pretty good to me.

"Are you lost?" comes the first useful thing I’ve said so far, mostly because if she is, I can get her wherever she’s trying to go – unless its somewhere totally bonkers, like back to the Rift. The best I can do for her then is to take her to the Spark, and hope he was in a good enough mood to humor sending her back to her terrible land and horrible Gods.

[ OOC: It is wunderbar! ]

but the inch above the tip of your nose.


RE: This way, that way, over there, wrong way - Fiachra - 04-06-2016

Fiachra, already jumpy and anxious for being lost in a dark and unknown wood, nearly leaped out of her hide at the abrupt and rather loud voice calling from behind her. Zandora? Who on The Bright One's precious earth is Zandora? Turning on her haunches, Fiachra's purple gaze searched the dimness of the forest for the stranger. Her mane caught on a branch as she did so, but she paid it no mind.

A unicorn approached her, a stallion who seemed younger than she. His coat was of a dark brown hue, almost black to match his hair, save for a single stripe of yellow in his mane. Fia's face broke into a smile, relief flooding her to no longer be alone in this maze of a forest. Perhaps this lad knew the way out. Perhaps he could show her the way.

She grinned at him, friendly as ever to a new face. "No. Not Zandora, that's true," she replies. She wondered what about her reminded the stud of someone else. Perhaps Zandora was that mare from the Basin she had spotted from afar but had yet to meet with the purple hair much like hers. She herself had wondered on the similarity of their hair color and if the mare was of Kwalic blood, like herself.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you," she offered with a little shrug. She didn't need to apologize, of course, but she felt it was a nice thing to say. "I do seem to have gotten myself a bit turned about, yes," she said next, in answer to his question. "My name is Fiachra. I was trying to find my way back to the Aurora Basin?" She left the statement with open intonation, making it sound more like a question than an explanation. "What's your name?"

Home, where I wanted to go,
And nothing else compares.
image credits

RE: This way, that way, over there, wrong way - Rikyn - 04-07-2016

Not the five feet of water to your chin

If she takes me as being rude, she doesn’t let us much on with that smile, and the casual way she agrees with not being Zandora.  It instantly gets it through to my head that I like her – she’s not an uptight piece of work like Ki’irha, or Erthë.

So my lips mimic the friendliness her smile, golden eyes running over her face now that’s presented to me; three horns adorn her face, which is a decided bonus, most of my company as of late having been hornless.  While I didn’t necessarily write them off as companions because of their deformities, I did certainly prefer others of my kind, mostly because the potential of those relationships going badly seemed less.  The material her horns are comprised of is pretty, the facets of its color many, even in the shadow, and I can’t help but wonder what appearance they would take on were we to walk the sunlit meadows just beyond this ancient forest.

Her assumption that I had been disappointed is wrong – but I let it go.  I’m rarely disappointed by much, having learned already in the short seasons of my life that there are matters much more worthy of chagrin than meeting with a stranger, rather than someone I’d once walked patrols with.  The likelihood that it was only a social nicety does not burrow its way into my path of logic, mostly because I rarely say anything for the sake of etiquette, or being nice.  I say things because I personally feel they either need to be said, or don’t.

Not to say that I don’t occasionally say nice things, like when Fiachra, as she introduces herself, elaborates on the fact that she is lost, and that she just so happens to be looking for the Aurora Basin.

The truth, that she’s lost enough as to be laughed at, is a point I don’t miss – though I don’t laugh at her, to be fair, quite factually making it a point to restrain my need to poke fun at others.  I just smile a little bigger, and let the twinkle in my golden eyes snicker for me.

"Ah, I’m Rikyn," I reply to the nervously chattering woman, consenting to use my real name, as it seems we’ll be going places where my flimsy lies about what I’m called probably won’t hold up as they do with other games I play, "the Basin your herd?"

I don’t wait for answer, letting the pine, stone, and snow smell lingering over her predominantly Fiachra perfumes answer for me, leaving not but a heartbeats room between the question and the next series of words.

"I know how to get there, either way," my smile is lopsided, playful and full of the stupid valor of youth, my tail swaying behind me in evidence of how very pleased I am to be, yet again, the man of the hour, riding in to save the day, "I can take you, if you’d like.  It’d be nice to see old uncle Deimos again, anyway."

How very deviously my eyes glimmer at the thought of “old uncle Deimos’” face at being called such by the cheeky son of a woman he’d never been able to get along with – regardless, my words are true.  I did, from time to time, think about the big figures of my childhood, and miss them… even crazy, moon-eyed Zikar Sin.

but the inch above the tip of your nose.


RE: This way, that way, over there, wrong way - Fiachra - 05-04-2016

Her relief at having found an escort to lead her out of the dark and twisted forest was overshadowed by her curiosity and flippant interest at his next words. Old uncle Deimos? Fiachra's ears flicked back and forth at the sound of the name. She recognized it as the alias of the Basin's dark and formidable leader, the demon-like monster who had stood at the front of the herd meeting and condemned them for their childish bickering.

Her smile faltered for a moment. She was to be gathering information to help the herd, by order of the Lead Thief herself. All she had managed to do so far was get herself rather hopelessly lost in a maze of trees and, evidently, need saving by the nephew of her own fearless commander. A frustrated sigh heaved from her breast. Surely, she would get no useless information from this colt.

"You're Deimo's nephew?" she asked. His words had been fairly clear, but the prospect that the Reaper might actually have family seemed a concept that needed clarification. If any being had rose from the ground in sheer defiance of the natural order, it seemed it would have been Deimos. She hadn't even met the man, but his presence was enormous and, frankly, terrifying.

She answered his question next. "Yes. I just recently joined the Basin. I am new to Helovia, as you can likely tell from my current predicament." She looked around herself to make her point. "Are you from the Basin as well, then?"

Above them a large bird began chattering. She shivered, growing quickly tired of the dimness of the forest. She was eager to be back in the sunlight and headed north for home. "I would be grateful of some direction and company," she told him, glad that whoever had found her at least seemed capable of a friendly smile.

Home, where I wanted to go,
And nothing else compares.
image credits


RE: This way, that way, over there, wrong way - Rikyn - 05-09-2016

Not the five feet of water to your chin

I’m still laughing inside as she asks me if I’m really Deimos’ nephew, and I can’t help but smile in a way that might just give a way the fact that I’m not, even before I say so.

"Not exactly," I answer, looking overhead at the trees and the Sun (it’s like stars up ahead in this forest, stars drowned out by the light of fire) for a moment before looking back at her, "he’s my best friend’s dad. And he and my parents know each other really well."

I think he likes my dad. He even likes me, from the last time I saw him, and my memories of growing up under his protection. I don’t know what happened between the Reaper and mother that made either of them look like someone was forcing them to eat snails, or something else horrible, anytime they saw one another. All I do know is that’s how they looked, even though they were both supposed to be on the same side, even more than herd mates and leaders.

They were both at that secret meeting, that night.

I smile at her stated conundrum; I’d been lost a time or two, though never in Helovia. Even if I had been lost here, I don’t think I’ve had the sense to notice like I did when I was lost elsewhere in Loorien.

"I was born there, yeah," I say, smiling, eager to share a little bit more now that she’s asked (because I like talking about me, after all), "but I left about half a year ago, and before then too. They shouldn’t mind me helping you home, I wouldn’t think."

Glancing at her sidelong, my tail sways playfully in an elegant arc, excited to see the mountain again now that the reality that we’re really going has settled in.

"Let us go then, m’lady!" I laugh, springing into a graceful trot and weaving my way northward through the trees.

but the inch above the tip of your nose.
