HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] if you must, then touch it - Printable Version

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if you must, then touch it - Rikyn - 04-08-2016

I left Rhea in continued good humor, venturing eastward from our departure in the willows and hoping to not cross paths with her for some time again.  While it was fun pretending to be overly friendly with hybrids, I couldn’t help but wonder just how that particular delight would come back to haunt me in the future.  Women could be weird in the emotional department, and I, or Calor rather, had insinuated quite voraciously his appetite for some bird-icorn.
Spring was just around the bend, after all – unless it’s another false warming, where Birdsong peeps it head around the corner, sticks its tongue out, and blows a big fat raspberry full of snow at you for all your hopefulness.
Either way, I’ve been duped; the taunting season rushes through my young body like a drug, making me itchy inside, deep down, the sort of itch that means you have do something, anything, to pay homage to the thrill of life that reveals itself in the thinning of the snow, the chorus of birds, and the hum in the midnight air of creatures stirring or roused from their deep rests.  It’s the sort of feeling that makes me reckless, and though not quite as bad as when I’m pissed or melancholy, it makes me want to do… dangerous things.
So here I’ve found myself, again.  The scars on my ass and shoulder from their Snowflake’s shuriken assault are only just scars, but whatever.  I learned my lesson the first time, and I have been practicing, knowing now to stick to the hush of snow, or the utter silence of the still earth, unlettered with leaves or twigs.  I’ve also figured out a few tricks to get the occasional branch out of my way as I tip toe down deer trails, rain ruts – other natural paths hewn by Earth itself through their forest.
Again, as I had the first time, however, I didn’t think the entire situation through before I jumped into it, finding myself now a good distance from a swift escape and realizing, with horrid swiftness, that I might not be the only one who knows about deer trails.
It’s mostly the set of hoof prints that are inlayed in the dried rims of the puddle ahead of me, born from the melting snow on the high boughs above, the Moon twinkling on the surface of the murky water, but now that I breathe in with my nose aimed for the smells of others (having, again, been caught up in the grand sneakiness of my escapade)…
[ OOC: He’s here mostly to meet d’Arcy, but we are also playing ninja ~ however, he’s an idiot, so cue the forces!  Idk how far you guys would like to say he’s made it in, but he can’t see the wall anymore.  Feel free to rough him up a bit if you want or to otherwise cast magic/kick and or bite/yell at him. ]

in every heart a hole
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RE: if you must, then touch it - Raeden - 04-08-2016

 Have you ever noticed how every hurricane gets its name from a girl like this?
You're gonna wish you had a storm warning; you're gonna wish you had a sign.

The sleuth traveled through her home with her companion at her side. Tin happily pranced next to the cream mare as they walked together. Her teal eyes finally traced over the glass torn up wall. She shook her crowned skull softly as the scent she picked up did not belong to her home. The cloud queen pinned her ears as her narrowed her eyes trying to figure out where this thing was. Tin looked over the land with green glowing eyes Not suppose to be here Tin huffed starting down a trail. Silver flecked eyes angered as she picked the fine details of broken twigs and leaves out of place. Her cream hooves started down the trail following the signs and small give away's of the intruder. Her body crept along the path with Tin right behind her. They were not going to get away from her. She had tracked her way back to Helovia and she sure as hell could track down who ever was wondering through her woods.

Teal eyes flicked back to Tin as he came to a halt. Intruder close . Raeden dipped her royal like skull to the companion as they disappeared into the brush with a bit of magic. The two blended into the brush and the landscape around, they were invisible to all who did not know. She smirked lightly, a black stallion was the one who was not suppose to be here. He was in the palm of her hands now, and she did not take kind to intruders. Her body moved like a fox down a different path, and Tin still hid the two as they tracked the new path. Her hooves walked on clouds as she came to the end of her path. He was her's, and he did not even know it. This stallion made the wrong choice, and she caught him. Raeden stood right in front of him, yet it looked like nothing was there. Only dense brush that covered the path was visible, and the storm awoken as she dipped her head to Tin. the two appeared out of thin air and her sharpened horn directed at his chest. Then her powerful rear legs sprung her beautiful body forward , and her crystal like horn aimed at his chest. It could have pierced his skin if he did not have enough time to move, but if he saw her in time he might have been able to dodge it in some way; she was not sure how, but he might have been able to. Her front hooves raised in the air as she reared up taking about two steps back. Teal eyes narrow looking at him almost maw to mawWho are you,what do you want, and why are you creeping around... You have one chance to convince me not to slaughter you, and hang you black blood dripping hide from my back, and leave your skinned remains to the buzzards . Her words sounded like they did not belong with this cloud like queen. They sung and burned with hate as her light ears pinned to her skull. Teeth bared at the stallion waiting for an answer. Her slim female body made her beyond beautiful, and her coat added to her charm, but she had a nasty attitude right now. Tin stood next to her with his large rack pointed towards that stallion in case he tried to attack.

words Talking

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RE: if you must, then touch it - Tembovu - 04-15-2016

The thing about deer trails is just that: they are meant for deer. Even the cloven hooves of equids cannot manage the trail with the same silence, the same ease, as their slender, antlered ungulate cousins. And so it was the carefully covert crunch of snow interspersed with a sly snap of dormant branches that cocked the Elephant’s ear. His rest (a rarity, truly) in the sunlight that illuminated the small clearing he stood in was interrupted by such noises— and his head slowly lifted from its wither-level lounging.

Languidly, his large skull swung in the direction of the intermittent, surreptitious sounds, black-dotted ears sweeping forward as navy eyes probed the shadows between coarse trunks. But he saw nothing in the late Frostfall light. The laze left his features, relaxation creasing into alert attention. Deep, slow breaths scented the air, leaving clouds of vapor around his face but he only scented—

Raeden and Tin? Another deep inhale expanded his slabbed ribs— and another he did not recognize. A stranger? So deep in the Edge? Did Raeden bring them (him, Mbwene’s long trunk scented testosterone… plenty of it) as a new herd member? But it was not the practice to bring them past the border…Perplexed, the King’s massive strides began to carry his great bulk through the trunks, following his flared black nostrils to a scene that raised both of his onyx brows.

He had known Raeden only as the beautiful, dispirited mare who sought a place and purpose. Now, seeing her with her horn aimed at a dark, muscled stallion. Though his first instinct is to intervene (the soldier in him wishes to protect both the Edge and Raeden), he simply stops and casts his gaze between the mahogany man and gilded woman.

Mbwene hovers at his side silently, though her trunk is raised and ears are out in silent warning to the intruder. Though she does not know Raeden, the connection to her that she felt from Tembovu made her trust the pale palomino. So her bright blue eyes narrow on the interloper, not yet distracted by the bright beauty of Tin.

A pale ear swivels towards Raeden to hear her words— words that were so different than her lilting melody at the beach. These held a bite, backed by the pinned ears and barred teeth. She was vicious in her beauty, and the King had to pull stunned gaze away from her to inspect the man.

Youth was relinquishing its last hold on the coffee-colored man. A stallion’s muscles layered his frame, but time and testosterone had not given him the thick jowls or crest, yet. Gleaming gold leapt handsomely from his face, mane, and horn— stark against his the rich dark tones. Despite his youth and intrusion, the Elephant could not deny the man his handsomeness. Though, the gleam in his gilded eyes…

A breath blew out harder than he intended— resulting in an intrusive snort. “Thank you for watching our borders, Raeden,” his low voice rumbled to the sleuth, before shifting to address the stranger, “Do you have a good reason for me to call her off?” Only now does the smallest amount of annoyed humor creep into his timbre and navy eyes.
the elephant king


RE: if you must, then touch it - Rikyn - 04-21-2016

If it wasn’t such a bad thing, the sight of hooves appearing in place of the divots, those hooves leading up to a unicorn mare pretty as sunshine, I might have crowed in excitement, tail twitching madly, eyes wide and eager to learn what magic did that. Her horn, however, is about two and a half inches from my chest, and the bright blue of her eyes is violent in the dim lighting, the assault she drives into like a vengeful angel drawing the sort of impulsive back pedal one earns from most people surprised out of their daylights. A snort of thankful pain (she could have killed me, the bitch!) tinges the cool air, the whisper of her horn tip along the flesh of my chest causing a welted ridge to rise from the impact, the weapon itself tingling where a single step would break my skin, hooves beneath me breaking violently the fallen foliage that, previously, they had so tenderly taken caution to avoid.

The pretty maelstrom isn’t done, the ripples of her moonlight mane rippling as she rears upwards, her blunter weapons a shield between her soft belly and my own rapier as she backs away, a dancer. The sound of her commotion covers the arrival of two others, my golden eyes just now discerning a deer figure behind her, quite different from Ashamin and Thranduil’s smoke covered beasts, but also quite the same. He’s pretty, like her, but I don’t really have time to focus on all that, one ear tilting back in dislike of her shouting, but one still wary of her horn.

It’s that backwards ear and the smell of musk that makes me look away from the shrill shrieking of the guardian siren, a glance of a golden eye tilted back, anyway, because did she really just threaten to skin me?

My head is reeling, overtaxed with all these things, ears pivoting everywhere, hooves tucking tightly beneath my bundled figure in desire to run, my knightly honor denying me such easy retreat. How suddenly it had gone from quiet, from fun, to having an angry woman threatening to kill me, and some hulking guy and his odd fleshy rock creature (what was on its face?) cutting of another side. The snort of the fellow makes me look full on at him, a sheepish slowness to the turning of my head, the child caught with his mouth in the herbal healing supplies, in the dead of winter.

I realize my mouth is open. I close it slowly.

I practiced this, I tell myself, just say what we practiced!

But there is something so confident in Lord Stripes demeanor, something about how he walks in and wrests control of the situation with his presence, and I know I’m in trouble, my tongue won’t form the words of salvation I’d formulated the day before. My eyes flicker to the odd creature accompanying him in between his words – too nervous to blatantly stare, but too curious to not look at all.

Its so ugly, is all I can think, not my rehearsed repertoire of words at all; I let my eyes glance over at the shrill harpie again as he mentions her, before I, at last, meet his steady, earth-bound sapphire gaze with the devious, twinkling brightness of my own.

"Uh, uhm, I, well," I stammer, swallowing the wad of dryness lodged in my throat, breathing, deep.


"I am Calor, an Outcast, you see," finally arrive some words, albeit the wrong fucking story (this was not the plan at all brain), "I was invited by, well, a girl."

I pause, take time for a dramatic lowering of my princely visage, a shifting of my golden eyes through the tree line, my tail curving with the flair of a fine actor about my haunches. If it is a girl I’m here for, she probably has family. A father.

I remember the glare of Xynia’s sire all too well. He probably still wants to kick me in the teeth.

"I, er, well, I’m trying, to you know, find her. She was supposed to be at the wall, but she wasn’t."

[ OOC: lirl its so amazing <3 If d'Arcy can come in before Raeden that would rock! ]
in every heart a hole
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RE: if you must, then touch it - d'Arcy - 04-30-2016

Jealousy. That was a new feeling, and not one that the red girl had taken kindly to. Her mother had gone galavanting off on some trumped up excuse and returned with a new set of twins following close at her heels. What about Libertad? What about me? Weren’t we good enough for her? these thoughts and others ran through her mind time and again no matter how many times she told herself they were illogical and useless.. They repeated, bringing back those twinges of hurt she had experienced again and again until the bitterness began to build calluses on her heart. The sad truth was, however, that as much as d’Arcy had begun to resent her mother’s actions, it was the fact that anyone was allowed to have so much sway over her emotions that really grated. It scared the girl, that weakness, then sentimentality. She had found in herself a path that let others in and something in her young mind was already starting to block it off and seek out a sort of emotional independence even as time marched her relentlessly on the path to adulthood. She didn’t need her mother, she didn’t wand to need anyone. Well, always excepting Libertad. She didn’t seem to have any choice on that score.

In the time since her mother’s return d’Arcy had eschewed seeking out company of any kind. The edge was a misty and mysterious place and as one of its denizens she knew enough hidey-holes and secluded spots to avoid being seen or seeing anyone. This was quickly becoming a habit when confronted with feelings beyond her usual scope; in company she automatically spent all her time analyzing the reactions of others so that introspection required solitude.

What she hadn’t counted on was boredom. The red had never been called sociable, but she usually spent her time around others; observing, eavesdropping, learning. After a few days of sulking she had realized the only real solution to her growing despondency was putting her energies into something other than licking her wounds. Birdsong was fast approaching and soon Iona would call the sleuths again, and d’Arcy among them. Even though it was not an official title given her adolescence, the little shadow was eager to take he place among that cadre. She had trained with Raeden some, and worked daily at improving her own skills. So, seeking solace in productivity she set out to find some nugget of knowledge to take back to the Spectre.

She set out with no particular destination, intending to try a little tailing on the first person she came across and focusing carefully on the way she walked. Creamy hooves moved over the ground with achingly deliberate placement as the little shadow tried to make as little noise as possible in the audible minefield of underbrush. It was sound not made by her, however, that soon had the girl coming to a standstill in her path. Voices drifted from not to far ahead, familiar ones, and d'Arcy;s ears pricked forward to listen carefully. It was Raeden, though the girl had never heard quite such a tone coming from the angelic sleuth before. Carefully, she picked up her pace again, slowly moving forward until the path revealed before her a drama already in motion. Readen was looking about ready to attack a young stallion and it appeared as though the elephantine King of the Edge had just happened upon them as well. If d'Arcy had sought a cure for boredom she had definitely found it.

For half a breath she studied the scene, the stallion, as he began to stammer out his excuses. Young, perhaps not too much older than d'Arcy was herself and entirely out of place. His excuse were plausible, perhaps but somehow d'Arcy though he might be flying off the seat of his pants and was instantly intrigued. The red girl had seen enough of blood to know that seeing the intruder skewered by the Sleuth and the King would be both distasteful and a waste of an opportunity to satisfy her own curiosity.

She moved into action, stepping onto the scene with an air of mildly annoyed nonchalance that was as carefully constructed as the steps that had brought her here. It was a bold sashay, one that took advantage of the form that was firmly leaving foalhood behind her. I'm an adult. Fucking take me serioiusly. "Calor!" It was a a scolding interjection, loud enough to hopefully startle the adults of their potentially murderous bent. "There you are! I thought we were supposed to meet at the wall." She didn't wait for a reaction but smoothly slid past the others to come alongside the young stallion. Not missing a beat, she turned to face Raeden and Tembovu while leaning into his side to shove him decidedly out of range of the mare's points. At the rough touch her magic reached out to try and push at his mind as well 'This is fine.' it wanted to whisper, 'Don't fight it..."

"I am so sorry." she offered to the others, cobalt eyes finding Raeden and Tin's familiar gazes before sending the same pleas of practiced sincerity at Tembovu. "We were going to meet up so he could show me the Rotunda, but Lib held me up." She turned to the stranger, using indicators of familiarity that she had studied in others, few of which ever came natural to her: a shove of the shoulder into his, a pleasant, if annoyed, smile "You really should have waited, you know. And don't you dare start on with that "d'Arcy the Latecomer" drivel again." The flash of severity in her eyes was deliberate, the name drop was deliberate, and she all but willed the young man to have the presence of mind to play along. Don't you fuck this up.
Ain't no mercy in my smiling
Only fangs and sweet beguiling

@Raeden Sorry for the wait!
d'Arcy attempts to use her magic on Rikyn:
:: [ Magic: DarkxLight | Can manipulate dopamine levels in the brain causing pleasure responses ]
:: [ Restrictions | Can affect those in a 5 m radius from her and the affects last 20 seconds ]

RE: if you must, then touch it - Raeden - 05-03-2016

 Have you ever noticed how every hurricane gets its name from a girl like this?
You're gonna wish you had a storm warning; you're gonna wish you had a sign.

She heard the well known voice of her king step in behind her and she let her ears flick towards him. She smiled softly to the large man as he thanked her for protecting the boarders. Tin watched the stallion with his large sharp antlers pointed for his chest in case he tried to attack Rae. Well he is NOT very good about sneaking around here... So I figured something was up with him Her angelic voice cut through the air like a bull whip lashing at the stranger. Her ears pinned and a grumble crept its way from her chest as he stammered on and on and..... ON... Oh for god's sake just spit it out!Her voice chimed in careful not to cut off her king from speaking. Then he said a Girl was suppose to meet him. Dear lord help that child...You think a girl is a good reason to cross our boarder? You can park your pretty ass on the other side and WAIT for her like a gentleman would. She grumbled with a slight chuckle shaking her perfectly crowned skull.

Just as she finished she heard another approach them. Her head shifted quickly to see the beautiful red girl she had taken to the Basin. Her maw shifted into a smile seeing her again she jumped in right away telling the boy he should have waited. Well I am glad someone knows this stag. Listen to the lady next time will you? D'Arcy then spoke how she was suppose to meet him somewhere else and Raeden glanced over to Tembovu to see if he would have something to say about this. Bright teal orbs flicked between all three standing there. Well I think our intruder should be escorted to the glass wall once again... Maybe D'Arcy could do us the favor Tembovu, she proved her self very diplomatic when we traveled to the Basin. That is your decision My King, and I will support what ever you please to do. Her teal gaze winked at the young mare so only she could see. Raeden knew what it was like to want to be treated with respect at a young age, and well how embarrassing would it be if the boy and her needed a guide to the glass wall. She knew she would die if that happened to her, and it would be the most awkward thing.

words Talking

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RE: if you must, then touch it - Tembovu - 05-11-2016

Amusement slowly replaces the annoyance as the Elephant watches the man’s mouth slowly close. Navy eyes watch his own golden gaze repeatedly dart to Mbwene and Raeden. His amusement grows at the man’s stammers, spreading a lopsided grin on his dark lips, but remaining silent as he awaits an answer.

Dark brows raise further as Raeden’s angelic voice whips through the air, biting and sharp— but mindful to not interrupt her King, he notes. Navy eyes watch study the gilded beauty for a moment, thoughtful and appreciative, letting her reprimand the trespassing stallion for his weak, stammering excuses in his stead. Her pointed words are more than capable of admonishing the intruder— and what she says is right. The young stallion should have waited at the borders, no matter how impatient the allure of this ‘girl’ made him.

Thick, loosely spiraled spear sliced through the air, jerking to the sudden appearance of Nyx’s filly. Briefly, the twin’s bloody entrance into the world flashed in his head; Nyx had lost so much blood and their sire had been so late… Navy gaze follows the red filly, briefly wondering where Libertad was (the two seemed rather dependent on each other, but perhaps that was the nature of twins? He didn’t know, they were not common in Dorobo).

Black-rimmed ears tilt forward, “Hello, d’Arcy,” his low rumble interjects her apology, perhaps slightly chiding as she failed to greet either himself or Raeden. Though, to her credit, she was preoccupied with ensuring the gilded woman didn’t skewer her friend.

His ears flick to Raeden as she speaks again, though his eyes linger on the stallion and filly, gaze suspicious and mildly disapproving. (Not because he suspected her ploy, but instead because he thought the ‘girl’ Calor waited for was for more romantic reasons. And d’Arcy was still a young filly, especially since the Elephant had been there for her birth).

At the sound of his name on Raeden’s silken voice, he shifts his attention to her, surprised by the vote of confidence given to the youth, and that both she and d’Arcy had traveled to the Basin. His lips press slightly together for a moment, an ear swiveling sideways in thought, before nodding in agreement with the pale palomino and addressing d’Arcy, “It would be wise to keep a closer watch on your friends. Take him outside the Edge’s borders.” His navy eyes sweep to Calor, “Only those who call the Edge their home are welcome within our borders, Calor,” he did not explain the exceptions to this rule, for the moment, “Unless you choose to join us, then another transgression will not be treated so lightly.” His low rumble grew deeper, amusement and good humor fading from his masked face, as he studied the young stallion. Silence held for a few moments, before, “Enjoy the Rotunda. Take care of d’Arcy,” only now was there a hint of warning the King’s tone— he did not know the relations between these two, but he did not want to see any kind of harm befall the red filly.
the elephant king

@Rikyn SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! I'm the WORST D: and sorry for this abysmal post :[

RE: if you must, then touch it - Rikyn - 05-12-2016

Who said I was a gentleman? I want to waspishly return to the butter-cream bitch, but I keep my mouth shut (she did say I had a pretty ass), because I’m outnumbered, and someone else is coming.

Calor!’ she calls, appearing like a russet and ivory goddess of salvation from the surrounding forest, and I look to her with my gold eyes alive with praise for her timing and my fortune. What are the odds? I think to myself, a smile growing on my face to fit the assumption that I know this girl. She sidles in between the taller, adult unicorns and positions herself alongside me, as if this isn’t the first time I smell her youthful perfumes and admire (from a sidelong glance) the black luster of her growing mane.

I like her already, beyond the fact that she’s saved my ass just now. Her voice lilts with the skill of a true actress, and she’s pretty, despite being quite a few seasons younger than I am; still, there is the promise of perfect femininity to her growing curves. An additional delight sidles into my brain, the whisper of her voice riding my thoughts: this is fine, she croons though some Moonlight magic, don’t fight it.

Oh, darling, I won’t!

All the while she plays the game. She apologizes, and I return the stare of sincerity about to those gathered, letting her lead, because she obviously knows what to do at this point more so than I do. Her shoulder runs against mine as if it’s the hundredth time she’s done it. She chides me with the gesture, she suavely lends me her name.

d’Arcy the Latecomer Angel.

I chuckle, to lend to the scene.

I nervously return my eyes to the tall, tri colored fellow with the lumpy rock creature and its strange nose. Of course, the angry woman speaks up before anyone else (she’s a chatty one, huh?), but she’s a pawn in this herd if I’m reading this right. Tembovu, as she called him, seemed to be the head honcho in this situation.

I exhale a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding when he tells d’Arcy to take me and go. The disapproval on his face that Calor would court such a young girl is completely missed - I'd been looking for signs I was about to be chucked off the Edge, not whether or not he thinks I'm a suitable boyfriend for the cherry bay filly.

His blue eyes turn to me, like slate pointed spears. There is a warning in his voice that is otherwise amiable, warm. I like him even though he’s kicking me out of his pad. I like him even though he’s threatening me with an ass kicking if he finds me here again.

"Yes sir," I answer, nodding as I lean a little more closely to d’Arcy, sighing for dramatic effect that whoever “Lib” is has been such an imaginarily time consumptive jerk, "come on then, d’Arcy. Lib has stolen half our day again, as usual."

As I turn to walk away from this nearly disastrous adventure with my new cohort at my side, I dare not glance back at the two unicorns and their bond mates. I do listen, however, my ears tilting back to snatch the sounds of hooves should they decide to follow us.

"I think he’s jealous of our friendship," I prattle on with a wink and a rogue’s smile cast to the girl, in case they’re still listening, angling for the Rotunda (because that’s where we’re going, right?).

in every heart a hole
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