HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Innocence of Spring - Printable Version

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Innocence of Spring - Adria - 04-13-2016

     How many suns had it been? Probably more than the girl should have let slip pass. You see the girl hadn’t travelled the surface of this land since the beginning of winter. No, she had been a wander of the caves below. Of course you couldn’t really blame her. The poor girl was not exactly prepared for freezing temperatures, and little food. In fact were it not for her feathers insulating her she might had faced even worse fate. Winter simply was not something she had ever experienced before, and she wasn’t sure she had liked it. So when the caves offered a warm shelter, and a treasure trove of curiosities, she was sold. She had been wondering though if Helovia was like this all the time. And in fact, her mind had even gone back to braving the channel south again. That was until a small flower appeared at the entrance to the caves. She held that little flower with such glee you can’t even imagine. And as the days past, the snow trapped world melted, and the girl wandered out more and more, stretching her legs, and feeling the breeze about the earth play with her own.

So that is how she ended up here. Flying. Though not in the air. But on the ground, she raced across. Thin, legs reach and tear at the soft new earth, leaning and pushing her lean body ahead. Wind whipped about her in a fierce untamed bluster, tearing at her eyes, making their sea blue depths water. Oh but the rush, the release. A buck is thrown into her stride and laughter whispers above the pounding hooves.

She only slows when her body can go no further. Legs burned hotter than the fiery sands, and her lungs clawed at her chest. Oh but how invigorating it was. How freeing. How playful. The girl had been so trapped in her mind those days in the caves, and now at last she was feeling out the world again, wide eyed and full of wonder.

It should be understandable then that when the girl, still catching her breath, comes to the stone rotunda, she found her usual light and playful mood fully restored. Sea blue eyes danced over the stained glass and colored clothe, feathers reaching out, guarded as they were, to brush against them. The sunlight filtering through the leaves above made the colored light practically dance across the floor and the pearl smiled at the private show. It was in this trance of looking about this strange place, walking through its stone arches that she found herself lost. Intoxicated by the new spring air, and sights.      

OOC:: Where that muse came from I have no clue. XD 
Also I have no clue what happened to the title....>> I'm not too good at those lol


RE: Innocence of Spring - Mesec - 04-17-2016


The pilgrimage that Mesec was taking across Helovia with Lucius was as much to keep himself worn out as it was to keep his mind occupied. They sought out places where happier memories existed - seeking out those that were not tainted. He wouldn’t go home, if the Throat was still home, not yet - but losing himself in the caves and using them as a temporary cage just in case it emerged was a drastic and daunting option. And even down there, there was no guarantee no blood would be spilt.

So they wandered, and today they came across the great rotunda - with its stone archways and gently blowing curtains. With effort, Mesec only allowed the fond, warm memories of his last reunion with Roskuld fill his mind -  a time before the warg, before Lucius even. It was so hard to believe that Ros and Lucius had not yet met. The zephyr had become such a huge part of him since being given that beautiful, daunting egg.

It was warm, a temporary respite in a Frostfall that was stretching too long, and though it seemed to trick many of the creatures into believing Birdsong had come, Mesec sought the refuge of the rotunda anyway. Perhaps he only wanted to be in the exact place where his memories had happened, so he could let himself be lost within them.

Of course, he wasn’t the only one drawn here.  

Immediately, it was his intention to retreat, to get himself out of the situation that the had accidentally stumbled into. What was the point in isolating himself to protect others if he wasn’t going to uphold the isolation? He was putting this stranger in danger simply by existing (and, ironically enough, the guilt and sadness at that conclusion threatened to let loose the monster that was hidden inside of his heart). He had been keeping himself as weak as he dared - always moving, rarely eating - the delicate lines of his ribs showing from months of neglect so there’d be less energy for the warg if it showed.

Lucius, however, had other plans. He had been hunting in the woods nearby, taking advantage of this temporary warmth to catch creatures caught unaware, but swooped into the rotunda and flew low near the pale blue mare before circling into the ceiling above her - crying out with a friendly and playful noise.

With a brief roll of his silver eyes, Mesec cleared his throat discreetly before speaking up from his spot near one of the archway entrances. “Sorry about him, Lucius likes to make new friends for me.” Which normally couldn’t be further from the truth - the zephyr seemed to find worthy friends few and far between - but lately he had been growing less picky. He had been drawn to the smile of this strange, sky-coloured mare, and Mesec felt the same effect. He took a hesitant step forward with an equally hesitant smile on his own face. “Incredible, isn’t it?” He asked, gesturing to the structure they stood within.

and that's me, that's me, the boy with the broken halo
that's me, that's me ________________ the devil won't let me be

artwork by the fabulous tamme

my boy is so good at conversation starters xD
@Adria (let me know if you'd prefer not to be tagged?)

RE: Innocence of Spring - Adria - 04-17-2016


Hot breath steams within the stone keep, only adding to the mystical air. Though her coat is still damp with sweat from the run, the cool breeze about her, flowing playfully in the stream of curiosity chills her body. Yet to these she took no notice. The light continued to dance about her, and with it she was fascinated. So no notice was the approach of another, crunching through the light snow.

A dark shadow swoops overhead, and the girl jumps slightly, ears falling back and head ducking. Her gasp of surprise though is soon opened to a light laugh as she sees the maker twist in the air and call out. The pearl never did know fear for very long.  For a second the girl is fully captivated. Her grin wide as her sea eyes follow the creature about the top.  “Ello there.” The soft voice rolls out in a whisper, curled ears and head lifting back up. It was a most strange being though, as four wings carried it gracefully through the air.

A rumble rolls behind her, breaking her attention again. Refined head twists sharply back, tasseled tail whisked back, and the wild grin of childish delight tamed itself. Slowly, glancing back to the bird above she turns to face the other, the tasseled tail whisking through the leaf litter to curl back alongside again. Her chest is fluttering all about though. At last another creature of this world! How many voices had she heard in the caves and never found? How many days without seeing another of this Helovia? Now here one had found her. The breeze about her back picked up, though it sent a chill down her spine the girl was delighted for it. She mustn’t mess this up, her mind cautioned her. She didn’t want this one to leave as well. Best manners. Small smile. Delicate curl of the neck. Tucked, smooth wings. Just like she papa had told her.

He spoke an apology, and the girl immediately begins breaking her own rules. Her grins grows and light laugh dances from her (more from delight of having a conversation than actual humor at what he said). Sea blue eyes moves back to the bird, captured by its double set of wings. “He’s quite alright. Hello Lucius.” As always though the questions began to hum in her mind, and the wind plays more noticeable with her mane. She might have remembered her father’s lessons, but she wasn’t beyond breaking them. Not all the questions could be bottled up. “What is he?” The pearl had seen sea birds along the coast, but never one such as this…and those wings….

A click of a hoof brings her back to the other as he speaks up. And as he gestures the girl at last notices. The ragged winter coat, the thin frame, the worn and weary body. It’s a moment before she looks to where he gestures, caught in her own thinking by seeing such a weathered creature. His glowing wings had found her interest to be sure, but his condition had as well. To be sure plenty of those on her own island she had seen. The lack of food and sand turf made life hard on some (though she never knew the clawing hunger as they did), yet here she had found little shortage of such things. Was he from another part of this world? Was he not from here? Was he ill? One curled ear twisted back, as the concern infected her. The lightly dancing mane stills slightly. Yet, being the pearl, she was easily distracted. Her gaze at last follows to the glass and clothe.

“It is very beautiful.” Her mind is instantly absorbed back into the scenery. Yet in her bubbling mind, leaping and dancing across thoughts, one strikes up with a fearful result. Was this his home? The tension underlying her deep desire to continuing a conversation and not be lost to solitude again tremors up. Look how she could have already ruined it! Here she was standing uninvited into his home! Her imagination runs from her reality. No wonder the bird finds itself so at home here, it was his home. Oh and he was so nice about it too. She couldn’t press on him further. So the girl’s head dips, ears tilting back as her voice, laced no longer with light gaiety, now with hesitation breaks. “Is this your’s? I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean to-“ Cloven hooves back step, the thin wings moving outward, metal guards glinting, as she stumbles over an apology. A bit dramatic perhaps, but so desperate was the girl to make a good impression. So desperate to not mess up. To not be alone. Again.

OOC:: Tag is good! And don't worry Adria is plenty capable of holding a conversation with herself lol But do excuse me, I'm still figuring her out, so much rambling here


RE: Innocence of Spring - Mesec - 04-25-2016


Encouraged by her laugh, Lucius went down for another loop around her before soaring over to Mesec to perch in his normal spot on the folded wings against his bonded’s sides. He usually would have flown right back out of the rotunda again but it was safer now to stick close to Mesec. Everything seemed calm but the chance that something could trigger the transformation was too great.

Lately it had been only happening at night, when it was too hard to not let the uncertainties and doubts fill in the blanks of his spotty memories, filling them in with the worst that his imagination could conjure - which, even for the son of the god of dark magic - could get incredibly bleak. But here, in the light, and in this company, the night truly felt far away. If it wasn’t for the ever-present weight of his exhaustion and hunger, this could be just another easy, Frostfall day.

“He’s a zephyr - a night bird - and my companion.” Mesec’s smile grew warm as he answered her question about Lucius and it earned him an affectionate tug on his mane from the zephyr as he further settled in.

Thankfully, Mesec had been busy looking at the structure around them and did not notice how her gaze lingered on him, the signs of the stress he forced upon his body were becoming noticeable to others now. Fortunately, his folded wings hid the ripples of ribs under the skin and the angular shape of his hips as the fat and flesh receded. But even as they were admiring the structure together, the sky-mare stumbled into an apology as she wondered whether this was his home. Silver eyes snapped back to her - surprised to see her start to back away - and he was quick to take a step forward and speak reassurances. “Oh no, this isn’t mine - I’m just visiting, the same as you. This place belongs to all of Helovia. It has building pieces from all four of the herds.”Although he knew he was dangerous, each moment spent in her company a risk, Mesec craved the company of someone else - craved the distraction that it brought to him, and did not want to see her leave.

He gestured to each feature in turn as he spoke of it, a warm smile still in place as he tried to encourage her back into the easy conversation. “Glass from the Edge, stone from the Falls, metal from the Throat, fabric from the Basin.” Every single one of them a place that he felt a tie to in some shape. “I don’t know all the history behind it but it must have been built in a time when the herds were united as one… which doesn’t happen very often.”

and that's me, that's me, the boy with the broken halo
that's me, that's me ________________ the devil won't let me be

artwork by the fabulous tamme

@Adria <3 love her so much!

RE: Innocence of Spring - Adria - 06-07-2016


There were so many new and curious features in this conversation; it was understandable that the girl dashed from one to the other. So her desire to know what a companion was lost in the tumble of her mind as it leapt from one topic to the next. She did note though, that it meant the creature seemed to hang around with other. A permanent friend? That sounded very desirable to this rather lonely pearl, but of course her own thoughts moved her quickly off of that topic.

Her fears, a feeling still so strange as to not even have a name in her mind, were quickly eased. He steps forward, and the girl’s head tilts slightly, eyes bright with hope. It wasn’t his. A smile graces back on the girl’s dear lips and her heads comes forward again as he goes on. Perhaps she should have dwelled a moment on how pathetic and desperate her jumping mind had revealed her, or at least it should have left her a clue. At least it should have spoke to how silly she was being. The girl had always gone with the flow, and trusted (without bothering to know it was trust) all was well. Now the reveal she had thought of all on her own, that they might not be all well, was disconcerting. Perhaps revealing she had learned more on this hiatus alone than she had intended about the real world. She should have dwelled on all these things. But she didn’t. There were pretty views and kind company about.

Her gaze follows his as he points out the materials and their origins. The names twisting in her mind as she struggled to give them meaning. The Edge. The Falls. The Throat. The Basin. The very idea that there were four herds here was news to the poor dove. Her small understanding of politics was also sent a bit rocking. So while she listened with the still kind smile and attention, her thoughts were going over a bit of rocky road. It wasn’t a mind built for remembering, and connecting things. Not to mention it hadn’t been asked to do anything like it in quite a while. Still the girl was lulled into peace through this internal struggle by his voice. Well, not because it was his, but because it was a voice. Someone talking, giving answers, and explaining. She had indeed been alone for quite some time.

When he finished, the girl was caught a bit unprepared. Usually questions bubble forth, but here she finds herself paused. The combinations of peaceful listening, and jumbled thoughts having put her off the track of continuing it all. Still, she hadn’t been instilled with manners all her life for nothing. So she hummed a “huh” and looked at the clothe gently floating in the breeze to the side. Her brain tried to wake up from its stupor. Here she was desperate not to lose this company and she couldn’t even think of some way to continue it. The pressure obviously didn’t help the poor dove.

After a moment she at last pulls through. “Is there a lot of fighting here then?” The term wars, was not exactly in her first call vocabulary, but fighting she knew well. The metal guards tucked close to her wings felt warm against her skin in reminder. So it wasn’t a tone of fear in which she spoke, as some who judge the girl to quickly might expect. Instead it was a bit intense curiosity. It caused her then to offer her next comment with the continued light grace and small smile. “Sorry, I’m not from He-o-via.” (-so I don’t know, was an admittance her hierarchy never learned) The land’s name falls strangely from her tongue as if to verify that fact. Yet it was said more off hand, then as deeply sincere as her apology before had been. Proof that perhaps her recovery to her normal blind innocent self needed only time.

OOC:: So sorry this is so late! If you don't want to reply or it messes you timeline up you certainly can drop it. =]


RE: Innocence of Spring - Mesec - 07-24-2016


After his explanation about the rotunda, the pale coloured mare hummed a small ‘huh’ as she looked around. Maybe he had rambled on too much? It was probably a lot of information to jam pack into a couple sentences, after all, but he waited patiently to see whether it was boredom, disinterest, or digestion that stopped her from immediately responding to the information.

But, eventually, she did respond - which was good. He hated to think that he had actually bored someone out of the first simple conversation he had started in a long time.

The question about whether fighting was common had Mesec’s thoughts fumbling a little bit, trying to find the right answer. Would she be relieved or frightened of the truth? He didn’t like the idea of telling her Helovia wasn’t safe, because it could be. Mesec just seemed to be drawn into more of the conflicts than what he hoped was normal for the general population. Sometimes, even, it was a close family member of his that was starting those conflicts. But, of course, he wasn’t about to say that to a near-stranger either.

That would be a great way to make friends. ‘Hey by the way my mom likes to use brainwashing and mass murders to restore balance to Helovia sometimes!’ Yes, Mesec could see that going very well.

A small nip from Lucius reminded him that letting his mind wander, especially when it came to those he considered family, was a dangerous thing. He quickly resumed the small smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth as he responded to her question. “That’s okay, most of the inhabitants here weren’t born here - it’s alright to be curious.” Mesec tried his best to dismiss her apologies, not finding them necessary. “Fighting is… not unusual but it’s not common if that makes any sense. About once a year, something shakes the herds or something happens. Whether it’s an invasion or a portal from another world opening up.”

and that's me, that's me, the boy with the broken halo
that's me, that's me ________________ the devil won't let me be

artwork by the fabulous tamme

@Adria <3