HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] help me get back to me (Joining?) - Printable Version

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help me get back to me (Joining?) - Syrena - 04-17-2016

let the water take me
She had called the Falls home once, briefly, drawn by the promise of water before she knew that all her powers were gone. Oh, how she remembers that day, telling her recruiter (Essetia, was it?) of her powers. The mare had been so shocked, perhaps rightly so. How far Syrena had fallen since then, and she feels like she’s crawling back now. Would they even want her, the remnants of a monster? She’d failed before, what’s to say she wouldn’t fail again?

She cuts that train of thought off though, instead focusing on what it is she needs to become. A mare that smiles, that says hello, that learns name and faces because she’ll expect to see them time and again. There’s little she can really offer the Falls. She’s no spy, no warrior, no healer (ha, her, a healer). But she can learn the stories of the Falls, can keep the history teach it to others. After all, she is a creature of legend herself. What other task is she better suited to?

Not that she has any clue if they will accept her again, but she’s decided she needs to have a purpose in mind. Without it, she’ll simply end up nesting in a pool and staying hidden. But there’s no use in that now. It does her no good to hide anymore, to pretend that maybe life will right itself. She cannot leave and gain her powers back (she has tried, she has no real affinity to Helovia after all). She cannot become what she was. The best she can hope to do is earn a few new powers here, and find a place to live out the rest of her mortal life.

God, how she hates the word mortal.

She stops at the border of the Falls. The kingdom is as beautiful as she remembers it, and she tries to think on that, rather than thoughts of the sea or her sisters or all the pieces of her past that plague her. Instead, she looks into the kingdom, trying to remember the paths and the pools, trying to imagine her life living there. She had no other choice. She had to move on.

And so, trying to her best to look at least pleasant, rather than angry and miserable, she waits to see if they will even have her back. If she’s lucky, they won’t remember her.


darya87 | larfsalot
on deviantart

RE: help me get back to me (Joining?) - Brisa - 04-21-2016

Brisa & Hikari

It was difficult to determine if it was the nightmare that woke the grey mare from her slumber or if it was Hikari's high pitched yips that drew her focus. Whatever it was she was thankful for that for it had not been a pleasant dream. She had been taken back a couple years to the day when Levex had disappeared from their lives only this time she watched was he was dragged away. Try as she might she could not reach her son for the chains that bound her would not give. Instead they dug deeply into her flesh drawing blood the more she attempted to break free, it was at this point where she had been pulled back to reality. Levex was still gone and with him a piece of her heart but she still had Aeolus and this she was forever grateful for.

Shaking the coldness from her limbs and pulling her mind back together she lowered her head to recieve happy kisses from Hikari that she was finally awake. What would she ever do without her? Smiling gently she swiftly swept the pup up onto her back before turning and walking off to clear her head.

The darkness of the mare's coat was what caught her eye as she cleared the hilltop opening her view to include the borders of the Falls. Flicking her ears back uneasily for a brief second she altered her course to come to a halt a few meters from the strange mare. "Can I help you with something?" She asked kindly offering a small smile to the mare. She believed that everyone should be given a fair chance to explain themselves before jumping to conclusions, this mare was no different. She had been courteous enough to wait outside the borders after all which was more than could be said for others.

"Brisa Speaks"

RE: help me get back to me (Joining?) - Syrena - 04-30-2016

let the water take me
It doesn’t take that long for someone to find her. Someone, thankfully, that does not recognize her, and that Syrena does not recognize either. Not that they might not have crossed paths before, but even during her time in the Falls, Syrena had mostly kept to herself and out of the way of others. Clearly, that had worked out so well for her, given that she’d, not shockingly, up and left. Staying put was far from her strength in life. Even now, standing here with words on the tip of her tongue to tie her back to one place, she felt an itch in the back of her mind.

No, it wasn’t an itch. It was screaming. Kicking and screaming at the idea of spending too much time in any one place. Shut it. What choice did she have? She couldn’t leave Helovia without losing the few powers she’d managed to gain back. Her days as a siren were over. Those powers would never return. Not here, not outside Helovia, not deep beneath the waves of the sea. She was nothing now, and the only way to stop being nothing was to start living.

Here. In one place. Dammit.

Seriously, shut up.

The gray scaled mare has probably been silent a moment too long, eyes looking at the other gray mare (though this one looking far less wet and far more normal than Syrena), and the fox-like creature on her back. Kitsune, she thinks, though she isn’t entirely sure. "Yes," she starts, with another quick mental kick and a slight shake of her head. Name first. “I’m Syrena,” she offers, words silky and friendly, smile easy on her lips. At least she was well practiced in being pleasant, though it was far from her preferred method of living. Better get used to it.

“I used to live here, a while ago. And I was hoping that perhaps I could come back.” She falls silent, trying to keep her face pleasant and warm and friendly. Trying to keep away the thoughts of the sea, so far from her. Trying to keep away thoughts of her sisters, of all the things she had lost. Focusing only on the task at hand. Convincing them she was normal, pleasant, and not the remnants of a beautiful monster. Not that she had any powers now to harm anyone with, only the memories. But still, stories and memories were powerful things.


darya87 | larfsalot
on deviantart

RE: help me get back to me (Joining?) - Brisa - 04-30-2016

Brisa & Hikari

Warming to the sunshine upon her back the pale mare stands and awaits her response patiently from the newest friend to breach their borders. She is thankful that it is not some pressing matter that needed to be dealt with by the leads for she had yet to see them in passing. At least it was something simple that she could deal with by herself. It was amazing for the once painfully shy mare who had mainly kept to herself to be able to take on the duty of accepting those who wished acceptance over their borders. It just goes to show how much one can change from year to year with the help of good friends and lots of encouragement. Who knows where she would be in a years time from now, but she was sure looking forward to it.

Flicking an ear as the mare kindly introduced herself she nodded politely in greeting. "Welcome Syrena. I am Brisa and this is my companion Hikari. Its our pleasure to meet you." It did not take long for the grey mare to get to the point of why she had come to stand upon the borders and to voice her wish to rejoin their herd. It took a couple moments of careful consideration based on what she had already picked up from their conversation for the Mason to come to her conclusion. "We would be glad to have you back." She commented with a smile stepping aside slightly so there was an unrestricted pathway into the Falls.

"Do you have any interests in taking up any of the jobs? What all have you done in the past?" Letting her blues fall back to the grey mare's face she hopes that perhaps she might have an interest in one of the many job opportunities that they offered here. Each sector was in need of extra help so whatever the mare chose would be more than helpful to support their ever growing family.

"Brisa Speaks"


RE: help me get back to me (Joining?) - Syrena - 05-01-2016

let the water take me
The other mare introduces herself, and the fox-thing on her back. Brisa and Hikari. Syrena is vaguely tempted not to care, to discard the names like she’s done with so many others. Hell, there are some who’s names she never even asked in the first place. But no. That was the old Syrena, the version of herself that she’s going to have to discard if she’s to survive in this world. So instead she nods, a pleasant smile still on her face, tucking away the names for later use.

There’s still a part of her that mental cringes at the process. At the necessity of smiles and nods and pleasantries and names. That same part of her believes she is destined to fail at this attempt at life. A normal, plain, un-enchanted life where all she could do was make water plants grow. But the rest of her shoves that aside, eager to come into the kingdom and get to the pools and the falls that are scattered through the land. It may not be the sea, but water was always preferable to land.

The mare hesitates for a moment before deciding to welcome Syrena back in. She can’t help but wonder if the jig is already up, if she’s not as convincing at normal and pleasant and she thought. And if they don’t accept her? Then what? Back to nothing. A life of nothing.

And that is worse than not being a siren.

But then the gray mare steps aside, welcoming Syrena back to the kingdom and asking Syrena what job she might want. The seal-like mare steps over the border with a small smile of thanks, though voicing nothing (she doesn’t love pleasantries, if it isn’t obvious yet). “I admit I did nothing when I was last here,” she says, almost looking sheepish as if ashamed that she’d just lazed in the pools. Of course, she was none of these things except a decent actress. But she was pretty sure she should feel those emotions, so she wears them.

“I was thinking perhaps storytelling or crafting, though I admit, I don’t know which.” She suspects she’d be better assisting the Hidden Falls Storytelling, knowing full well that the pools were a special place for that, and water always called to Syrena. But if she remembers correctly, she’d heard something about caring for children in those ranks, which really, is a hilarious thought. Syrena, watching over children.

But then again, no matter what job she picked, she’d be expected to be helpful. Gathering supplies or watching over the brats or whatever else in between. She best get over it. “Could you possibly tell me more about each here? Does one particular branch need more help?” She sounds genuine in her curiosity, and strangely, she almost is. This is her only path forward, and while it grates on her nature every step of the way, it is the only way she has.


darya87 | larfsalot
on deviantart


RE: help me get back to me (Joining?) - Brisa - 05-01-2016

Brisa & Hikari

As she moved aside to allow the mare entrance into the land a warm feeling passed over her. Based on the experiences that she had gained through her touch with the earth she took it as a stroke of encouragement by no one other than the Earth itself. Fate always had some strange way of playing out and it would seem the Syrena was just another of their sisters finally coming home to where she belonged. Smiling softly to herself she turned to fall into step beside the grey mare as she continued to speak.

“I admit I did nothing when I was last here,” While this was a little surprising to the pale mare she couldn't be totally taken aback by the revelation. She herself in the past had been hesitant to take on any roles to help support the herd due to her shyness but with time she had come to find her place here in the Falls. Granted it had been with Kaj's help and encouragement but all in all she was happy holding the role as head Mason. “I was thinking perhaps storytelling or crafting, though I admit, I don’t know which. While she wanted to immediately tell the mare she was going to become a crafter she held back her favoritism for her own craft to allow fairness between all of the various duties.

"Well there are the basic duties to chose from which are crafting, healing, defense, stealth and storytelling. All of them are currently seeking members to specialize in one or another. Sadly I do not know too much about storytelling but as for crafting I am head Mason here in the Falls so can answer just about any questions you have in that regards." She went on to explain trying to dredge up as much information as she could on all the related tasks.

"Isopia is our head storyteller here so to find out more on that route you would need to speak with her. As for crafting we do need some more individuals to help with some of our current projects as so far I am the only crafter, but don't let that be your swaying factor should your heart be set with something else. Take your time to decide there is no rush but whichever you choose your help will be greatly appreciated." Glancing a look over to the unusual mare she hoped that her explanation hadn't been too rambly for her to understand.

"Brisa Speaks"

RE: help me get back to me (Joining?) - Syrena - 05-02-2016

let the water take me
If the siren could read minds, she would laugh at the notion of coming back to the place where she belonged. Not that she necessarily disliked the Falls or anything, but rather, she simply doesn’t belong anywhere that is not the sea. Her life had been a series of waves and rivers and ponds. One to the next, and never back again.

This was the first time she had come back to anywhere. If she were being entirely honest with herself (which she is not), perhaps simply coming back in the first place is a sign of belonging. But still, that notion makes her stomach churn, and she cannot think on it too much. No, she can only think of the end goal. She was born to be something more than, well, this. More than what she is. And though she’s lost her original path, lost her ability to be a beautiful monster, she can still be something.

The Falls is a means to an end, and little more.

In truth, she was technically a sleuth when she was here last, but she’d done nothing besides sit in the pools, so she didn’t think it counted. Clearly, that was not the path for her. Sneaking about and paying attention and having to knock horses out and take them back with her. No, definitely not. Something where she could keep mostly to herself and the waters while still playing at useful would be a better path for her.

The mare is kind, answering Syrena’s questions with as much information as she seemed able to offer. The scaled mare is almost grateful, if she didn’t still hold some hint of entitlement behind that gratitude. It’s hard to remember she’s no longer entitled to anything. That she is no longer capable of speaking in order to have her bidding done (with men, anyway, Brisa would be safe even if Syrena still had those powers). Syrena nods as the mare glances her way, showing she’s heard the information and giving herself a moment to think about it.

She is walking slowly, pretending she is not dying to plunge herself into the first pond she sees. Rather, she keeps the slow and steady pace toward the waterfall that gives this kingdom its name, trying to recall all the details and paths of this land. It has been a while, after all.

“What projects are you working on?” she finally asks after a few moments of silence. After all, picking a job in need of members was a quick way to impress anyone who was watching. If, of course, she managed not to fall back into old routine (stop thinking that way). “Is there anything I could do to help you while I decide which job?” She adds after another moment, the word help almost bitter on her tongue, though it doesn’t come across in her pleasant tone. Help. Something she has never offered to anyone. She’d have to get used to that concept though.


darya87 | larfsalot
on deviantart


RE: help me get back to me (Joining?) - Brisa - 05-23-2016

Brisa & Hikari

It was a little strange to be asked so many questions when she had for so long been the quiet one of the herd who had kept to herself and not done a whole lot. In a way it was a good thing as it meant that she was able to be more social, one of the things that she severely lacked in. She was not one for making friends easily and with her added responsibilities it was becoming difficult to keep in touch with the few friends that she had. So social was good, especially for her considering she tended to have more conversations with her son, Hikari and herself than she did anyone else.

Laughing at the thought silently she knew how far she had come, how much she had grown, how much she had lost. It had taken years for her to get to this point in time where she could casually carry out a conversation without breaking a sweat. Destrier and Kaj had seen her at her worst and it had been because of them and a few other select individuals that she stood where she stood today. She was more confident in the mare she was today than she ever thought was possible for one of her circumstance, it felt good.

Flicking an ear back to the conversation she was secretly pleased when Syrena seemed to peek her interests into crafting by asking about projects and other things. "Well the only project that I have been working on right at the moment has been a Healer's hut. It is almost finished but you are more than welcome to come out and help put the finishing touches on it." She replied with a smile crossing her face at the crafting project's mention. She was proud of this accomplishment and it would be great to get some help with finishing it up so that everyone can enjoy it. Hikari softly prodded against her mind before she caught a fuzzy image of the hut flash before her eyes. Surprised at this she turned to her bonded and nudged her gently before nodding. "The roof is the final piece that needs completion. After that everyone is welcome to make use of it for the purpose of learning the ins and outs of healing."

"Brisa Speaks"
ooc: sorry for the delay