HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Help Vol feel the feels! - Printable Version

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Help Vol feel the feels! - Volterra - 04-20-2016

Hello all! For his shapeshift magic quest, Vol needs to feel some deep feels. I have a plot in mind that would hit three of them, and I'm really excited about it. BUT I NEED YOUR HELP.

Do you have a female character that you're losing muse for and want to go out with a bang, or would you be willing to create a temporary one specifically for this plot? Do you want to help my fabulous self with my first magic quest? Do you want some free snow art, because I'd really appreciate anyone who would offer a character for this and would happily throw a manip at them?

THEN ROLL RIGHT UP. If you're interested and have an eligible mare, please PM me. You will receive my undying love and eternal thanks, plus the aforementioned art <3 and did I mention my soul?

RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Tiva - 04-20-2016

I would be more than willing to make a temp! Or I have Zunden, which is up for adoption that I would throw at this.

RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Volterra - 04-20-2016

Omg pare that would be awesome! I'm in work at the mo but I'll Skype you later :D

RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Tiva - 04-20-2016

Awesome! You can Skype me anytime and I'll get it <3 Phone Skype is the best! xD If I make a tempt it will have to wait until the 6th of next month, that's when I made Astarot!

RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Odd - 04-20-2016

-hovers- >.>

RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Volterra - 04-20-2016


RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Odd - 04-20-2016

Maybe after Aith encounter? When she finds out? :O


I also have Tae (not a mare?) or Shida if they are at all helpful!

RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Brit - 04-20-2016

I have Lakota who is set to die and I would be grateful to have her go out in a cool way! But you have some volunteers so not necessary!

RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Emily - 04-21-2016

He's welcome to find Mirabella, or whatever will be left of her. Since ya know, she was the first to bed him and stuffs

RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Zèklè - 04-22-2016

UM I don't know if this helps you specifically but Zero has a lot of feelings to work out and would happily throw his puny body at Vol in tiny, futile rage if he found out Vol'd hurt Iso.

RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Aelin - 04-23-2016

Not sure if Aelin could help out in any plots? She's protective of her family, would be pretty pissed if someone hurt them. *shrugs*

RE: Help Vol feel the feels! - Watermel0nBob - 04-24-2016

I know that Timothy is a boy but he could easily be hella gay and I'd be happy to see him go out with a bang.
