HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Run, Run Lost Boy - Printable Version

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Run, Run Lost Boy - Daetiin - 04-20-2016

My time in Helovia so far had been uneventful, the nagging loneliness of my beloved magic being gone constantly tugging at my heart strings even in the midst of a very, very welcoming herd was enough to drive even the most sane of mares mad. And I was the furthest from the most sane. Solid, black ears flicked back into tresses that were slowly, with a lot of work, becoming less and less travel tangled as I thought over the lack of sanity dancing around in the empty ballroom between my ears. Surely at some point I had to be a little less crazed than I was in this current state? Or had my magic always been my anchor to reality? I chewed on the inside of my cheek while wandering northward, unsure of where I was going but going there none the less.

Emeralds shifted easily from side to side, taking in the beautiful lands of Helovia. Even covered in a thick blanket of snow there was no denying that come Spring when Winter lost her cold grasp on the world that things would be nearly breathtaking here. The flowers in full bloom and the birds singing in the sky, a gentle smile tugged at the corners of my spotted lips, hopefully by then I would have found Oultik and we would begin out plan on how to return to the rest of our band of merry men. A cloud of steam billowed in front of me momentarily before fading into nothingness as the air cooled down once again, well muscled neck arched as I brushed my lips against the piece of carefully crafted jade that swung from a thin gold chain around my neck. Soon we would be together again and all would be well in the world.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice the pale grey egg that was half buried in the snow until my cloven hoof caught it, a chink filled the near silent air as it rolled a couple inches away, it's travels slowed by the thick blanket of snow. Bright green eyes lit up with curiosity as I slid carefully closer to the smooth egg, wary to hit it again on accident in case there was something of importance resting within it's protective walls. Peachy nostrils flared as my tiara dropped so velveteen lips could brush over the surface, pleased to find that there was still some warmth left within the egg. 

I looked up, curious to see if the mother of this infant was lurking somewhere nearby, waiting until my guard was down so she could destroy me for touching her child. But it seemed that we were alone in this winter wonderland, so with an easy sigh I laid in the snow. Creating a nest for the egg and myself by shoving snow away before stretching out to pull the pale grey closer to my body. Once I felt it was warm enough for travel, maybe I would bring it back to the Falls and see what others had to say about it's existence, if it was something important or something I should have just let die.

table by tamme | |art by TierRen | @open | finding her egg

RE: Run, Run Lost Boy - Lyanna - 05-01-2016

i am a leaf on the wind

They are alike in at least one way. Perhaps the only way that matters, when your life has been so thoroughly shaped by the power that used to flow in your veins. She had known without testing when the wind was taken from her. The world fell silent when she crossed into the Threshold, the whispers on the wind dead in the air to her now. Her veins felt empty, tired and sad. Losing her brother and her parents had placed a few holes in her heart, but losing the wind was like losing herself.

Lyanna is quite sane though, all things considered. She’s good at smiling, at pretending to be okay, at acting like nothing at all had happened. Rather, she’s just a mare that stumbled on Helovia and decided to call it home. But perhaps, if she dwells on it at all, losing the wind is the reason she cannot fully find a way to fit in. When you don’t even know yourself, it’s somewhat impossible to help others come to know you as well.

Perhaps it is why she wanders through the skies so often, using the currents of the wind to glide above the oceans and forests and meadows. It doesn’t matter to her that the chill of Frostfall is two-fold here. She flies anyway, imagining she’s moving the currents to her benefits. She’s not, of course. Once upon a time, she could have. Once upon a time, she could have just stopped the winter winds from touching her at all.

A chink sound pulls her out of her memories, teal eyes suddenly alert to exactly what was going on below her. A horse (a mare, she thinks, but it’s impossible to tell from this height) in the snow below catches her eye, and she glides on the wind, debating dropping to the earth to make sure all is well and simply going on, keeping to herself and the only place where she can be one with the wind.

But habit is a hard thing to break, and she lands, knowing it’s the right thing to do. She lands some distance away, figuring it’s rude to just drop right in front of another horse. By the time she’s made her way through the snow to the source of the sound, the mare is laying in the snow with an egg. The first time Lyanna had seen such an egg, she had no idea what it was. Now she knows that at least some of them turn into companions. There could be others that don’t, certainly, and she has no way of knowing that. But some definitely do. That’d been one of her first adventures in Helovia, after all. A strange rat man and his two eggs.

“Hello,” she offers, nodding her head and stopping a respectful distance away. “I’m Lyanna. I heard a sound and wanted to make sure everything was okay.” Though it seems obvious now that everything is perfectly (well, mostly, the mare is lying in the freezing snow) fine. Still, she figures she might as well have some reason for intruding.  

watch how i soar.



RE: Run, Run Lost Boy - Daetiin - 05-08-2016

I shivered, buckling in against the cold winds that whipped around my frame as I pressed as close as I felt I safely could to the delicate egg. Ebony tresses settling against the pale grey surface in a feeble attempt to protect the child from further freezing while I looked warily for the mother of this precious infant. Ears flicked back into a tangled mane as a sigh, in the form of a cloud of steam, rolled forward from slightly parted lips. There didn't seem to be anyone around, and I was now stuck here, nesting in the snow while attempting to protect someone else's child. I had no desire for a child of my own, so why did I feel the need to care for this egg I had so carelessly kicked a couple inches through the thick blanket of snow.

It didn't take long for the icy air to settle into my flesh, numbing everything and erasing the feeling of cold from my body. Instead I fell into a state of relaxation, dark lids flittering shut over bright emeralds as I began to doze off, my chin resting tenderly on the cool, pale grey surface. There wasn't much time for a nap before the approach of another put me on a state of high alert. Dark ears pulled themselves forward as lids dragged lazily away from my eyes, only to return in the form of a squint against the brightness of the world around me. Moments later the winged form of the flying rat came into view and I bristled inwardly as memories of what her type did to my family flashed through my mind. Why had I allowed myself to be in such a vunderable state when creatures such as her were around?

I didn't stand up though, rather I tucked the egg in closer to my body, my temperature rising once again as I watched the teal and black creature come in closer. Her body language seemed friendly enough, but I knew better than to trust the friendliness to the fullest extent. "Hello." Soft, feminine lyrics filled the cold air as the winged mare stopped a safe distance away from us the egg and I. Once her movement had ceased I felt the air return to my lungs, there was no need to spring into action and stain the pure white beneath us with crimson just yet. "I'm Lyanna. I heard a sound and wanted to make sure everything was okay." I forced a polite smile across my two toned features as my weight shifted to elegantly pull me up from the snow I had been resting in, the egg pressed carefully up against my leg while vocal chords began to weave vibrations into words. "Everything is well! I am Daetiin." Emeralds danced to the feathered appendages tucked in close to the dark mare's sides. "Does it not hurt to fly in the cold?"

table by tamme | |art by TierRen | @Lyanna | finding her egg

RE: Run, Run Lost Boy - Lyanna - 05-10-2016

i am a leaf on the wind

Perhaps she should harbor some hatred for those not of her kind. Perhaps the lure of the Throat, a place almost exclusively for Pegasi, should have called to her. But in the end, she didn’t blame an entire race for what a select few had done to her family. Done to her, if she thought about it, but unlike her family Lyanna was alive and well. She couldn’t pity herself, as much as she sometimes wished to.

How very similar their lives are, not that either of them knows it. These two strangers in the snow.

The mare seems to tuck the egg closer to herself, protecting it from the unknown horse and potential threat. Lyanna doesn’t take it as a personal insult (though perhaps she should), but rather assumes this is the logical thing. Lyanna is, in fact, a stranger, and currently in the better position for defending or attacking, as the case may be. Though she has neither thing in mind.

Corbin taught her to fight, yes, but that did not make her a warrior. In the end, she was too kind, too naïve in some ways. In the back of her mind, she knows the truth of the world, but in the way she lives, she hardly acts like it. Likely, this would bite her in the ass someday. But then again, could it be worse than losing her family and her home? Not likely. Dying wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen to her, not anymore.

The other mare stands, and though Lyanna thinks that perhaps the smile is forced, she isn’t sure. And besides, she did just interrupt what looks like something of a private moment, having foolishly rushed in to help someone that did not need help. Foolish as well because really, what was Lyanna going to do? She was not remarkably skilled in battle without the aid of the wind, and she no longer has that ability. Not that she was ever remarkably skilled even with it, but at least then, she stood a chance.

“Clearly, I was worried over nothing.” she says with a bit of a sheepish grin. You’re going to get yourself killed, Lyanna. her brother’s voice rings in her head, pride mingled with the reprimand. Yes, she probably was. Maybe that’s what she’s angling for. It’s hard to start over, and she feels like she’s failing every day. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” She adds in response to the other mare’s name, storing it away for later as she always done.

Then the mare asks about flying in the cold. She laughs slightly, a pleasant, easy sounds. “No worse than lying in the snow, I imagine.” Her grin is slightly playful now, doing her best to offer some sort of olive branch here. And in some way deflecting the truth of the question, that she has nowhere else to go and nothing else to do. Helovia is not home, and it is does not feel like home. She’s trying, but in the end, the only place that she feels like she belongs is in the sky. But that, of course, is not a conversation for perfect stranger.

“Is it your egg?” She asks, trying to further the conversation, feeling like always like perhaps she should just go. She doesn’t belong here. But yet, here she is, and here she’ll stay.

watch how i soar.



RE: Run, Run Lost Boy - Daetiin - 05-30-2016

She seemed nice enough, the black and teal bird who stood before me. There wasn't anything threatening about her, and I knew my own strengths well enough that I wasn't worried about the possibility of her charging at me, those large wings of her would surely weigh her down. Right? It had been a while since the last time I had fought against one of the bird brains, they had been well skilled and trained warriors though and something about the silky smoothness of this one's flesh told me that the battlefield wasn't exactly where she felt most comfortable. For this reason, and this reason only, I allowed my spotted, battle scarred frame to settle down only slightly. The strict rigidity of tight muscles giving way to a more relaxed setting in hopes of keeping the mood light between the two of us. I was more worried over the safety of the pale grey eye that rested in the crook of my hock than I was over the well being of myself or the bird that stood before me.

“Clearly, I was worried over nothing. It's a pleasure to meet you." Lyanna's soft voice rings out once again, the ghost of a smile tugging ever so gently at my mottled lips in a show of friendliness towards the mare who happened to carry a similiar DNA sequence to those who had ruined my life. It was moments later that the black and teal laughed quietly, a pleasant enough sound, and replied to my inquisition on flying in the cold. “No worse than lying in the snow, I imagine.” A peal of laughter fell from my own slightly parted lips as I shook my crowned skull. "I suppose you are right, but being cold enough that you no longer feel cold can be quite dangerous so high above the Earth I would think." But then again, I would never know if it was more dangerous, or just as dangerous as the onset of hypothermia.

The pale egg shifted slightly against my hock, forcing my attention away from the teal marked bird, ears remaining pricked in her direction in case the friendly nature changed suddenly. I snorted softly, allowing the steam to billow over the still shockingly warm egg, emeralds carefully scoping out it's smooth surface for any cracks or signs of injuries that were definitely unwanted. “Is it your egg?” Lyanna's words fell upon my ear drums just as I was looking up from the infant, satisfied that whatever the child was had just been stretching and wasn't coming into the world just this second. Judging by the movement though I assumed it wouldn't be long before whatever it was decided it was too cramped inside the protective layer and broke free into the real world. 

Excited nerves jumbled about in my stomach, giving off that feeling of butterflies that younger mares yearned for so badly, I just thought it made me feel sick. Why would you want to be around someone that made you feel as if you were going to throw up every time you saw them? I shook my skull horizontally as I allowed my focus to drift back to my new, and only mildly unwanted, companion. "I found it, here. Not long before you showed up...I'm not quite sure what it is. But I don't see any signs of it's mother so I figured I should at least try to keep it warm." I hoped maybe the creature who was part avian herself would know what the egg was and what I should do with it, or maybe she was just as clueless as I was and we could just hope that it would hatch soon.

table by tamme | |art by TierRen | @Lyanna | sorry this took so long dear

RE: Run, Run Lost Boy - Lyanna - 06-06-2016

i am a leaf on the wind

The other mare is right. It’s a bit of a death wish, flying in winter. Her extremities go numb first – ears and nose and legs. Then slowly, the cold creeps in further, up her legs, across her face, bit by bit inching crawling spidery fingers toward her sides, her spine, her heart. She cannot bring herself to stop flying, despite the danger. Cannot spend more time without the wind than she already does now. Losing her family wasn’t enough. Losing the wind, the only thing she’d had left, had been like losing a leg. Worse, actually. It was worse.

At least in the sky she could pretend. In the sky, it was almost like she could call the wind to her again, could ask it to lift her up. And in the end, part of her didn’t really care if she froze to death up there. She still hadn’t found anything worth living for below.

She was trying. God, she was trying. But there was nothing here that made her want to stay. She only stayed because she had nowhere else to go. But the Edge, though she called it home, did not feel like home. Helovia still felt like a place she might have visited on a diplomatic visit. Sometimes, she woke up thinking she was still in Morham. In those blurry moments between sleep and wakefulness, she was at peace. It was a short lived thing, but she enjoyed those moments.

But she is good at smiling, good at pretending. That is the job of a (former) princess, and so she only grins slightly at the laugh that leaves Daetin’s lips, her eyes friendly, her posture easy. She’s spared some having to keep that conversation going though as the egg shifts slightly, pulling Daetin and her attention to it. The mare speaks again, admitting she’d just found it here.

At this point, already cold, Lyanna plops down on the ground, settling in and hoping the other mare doesn’t mind too much. What else is she going to do? Go back to the Edge and wander around aimlessly some more? It wasn’t high on her to do list, so she settles for being an uninvited guest instead. But she was starting to feel weird talking to a mare laying on the ground while she was standing up, so she’ll deal with the snow instead.

“I saw an egg like this once,” she says, remembering the rat man and his two eggs. One that was nothing, and one that a mare took with her. “There was some sort of companion in it, though I never found out exactly what.” She pauses, wondering if she’d ever see that mare again, wonder just exactly what had hatched from that egg. Probably, she’d never know. “Maybe this one doesn’t have a mother. Maybe it was meant for you.”

watch how i soar.



RE: Run, Run Lost Boy - Blu - 09-10-2016

unarchived per request