HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] I Warn You, I've Been Trained to Kill Since Birth - Printable Version

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I Warn You, I've Been Trained to Kill Since Birth - Merlin - 04-21-2016

The outskirts of the trees had been appealing to say the least. The darkness within had managed to seep through here and there, leading to the beginning of my curiosity. Now ever since I had been released from Life Giver's loins and into this world; our time together has been very limited. Any chance I had been given, I went to Father's side, avoiding the yellow balloon and her slobbering mutt like the plague. The thing had seemed to take a liking to me, which I had never been okay with. I flashed light at the fucker literally minutes after I had been born. Of course idiots never learn. Perhaps that was why Life Giver didn't seem to understand that I wanted her to GTFO. But that's beside the point currently. Whenever Father wasn't around, I was off meandering on my own terms, finding interesting things to collect or the random rodent to stomp on and kill. The only thing I've had yet to try is the taste of flesh... that might be the next thing to do on my list.

There was a delicate crunch beneath my dainty hooves, thanks to the brittle branches cracking beneath my weight. The air was foggy and devoid of life, tendrils of the cloudy substance wrapping around my body eagerly, as if ready to feast upon my flesh. Silver eyes looked carelessly around me, wondering if something was waiting to jump out at me from the shadows. When nothing came I snorted, tossing my head effortlessly before beginning a brisk trot deeper into the trees. Try as they might to intimidate me, to come close to my soft baby fur and attempt to send shivers down my spine, I only felt comfort from the dark branches reaching for my flesh. This was a place I could easily come to like. The strange sounds seemed to fill every corner of the forest, going on like an ominous song meant to lull those deeper into their chambers. If they didn't run out of fear from the slightest movement first. I had assumed nothing was living here, that all was dying and nothing could heal this desolated expanse of woodland, until my eyes had fallen upon a nest high up in the trees.

A brown raptor circled protectively around it, sharp eyes glancing at me each time it came around full circle. I stared back fearlessly, watching every movement with slightly piqued interest, before finally gaining the courage to take a closer look. She didn't like that very much. Beak clicked and a ravenous screech left the yellow bill, and soon the large wings were turning towards me, her entire body swooping down to have at me. As soon as she was about to make contact I executed my attack, a flash of light charging from the tips of my horns and exploding brightly around me. When the white faded and everything cleared around my direction, I turned to find the bird upon the forest floor; stunned from the sudden burst of light. Apparently my magic was excellent for stunning stupid little birds that tried to attack my face. And although she had missed my beautiful complexion, she hadn't missed my left ear, having torn a small hole into it that began to trickle blood down my neck.

Snorting in distaste and mild irritation, I approached the feathered bitch who was starting to regain composure from my little stunt. I wouldn't let her get away with it though, not after what she'd done to my once flawless body. She was going to pay. Without another thought my hoof was slamming itself down hard upon the bird's skull, the crunch satisfying as it pushed down through the skin against the bone, grinding it into the ground. I took the time to twist my hoof to and fro, digging the bludgeoned head in victoriously as a smirk graced creamy lips. Oh if Father could see me now. Except he might not be too pleased that I crushed the brains of a bird of prey. Pulling away slowly my hoof slid across the ground, ridding itself of the inner guts and gore of the raptor. Too bad it had to end this way, perhaps I could have kept it as a companion like Father had.

That's when the creaking of the trees caused me to look up once again at the nest above me. The nest swayed within the breeze, almost threatening to fall. Although I couldn't see what was happening in there, I knew something was alive and moving, because I heard the rustle of twigs and a loud crack. Not long after, a grey, fluffy head emerged from the recesses of the twigged shelter, beady eyes looking down at me with the utmost curiosity. Before I could much respond I felt my world begin to change, to click together as if another piece of me had finally found its way back into my soul. It was then that I recognized I was not the only one aware of my thoughts anymore. As the beady eyes studied me and then the corpse of its mother, a slight click escaped the dark beak as I could feel the curiosity continuing to grow within the birds mind. Obviously it had never experienced death before. Well, it would have had to have learned sometime.

Now I was stuck in a strange predicament. My apparently new companion was not only a useless fluff of grey, but it was also very high up in a tree where I wasn't able to grab it. The only two options I could think of was either knocking it down, or finding someone who could be of use in order to retrieve it... or him. Something inside was telling me it was him. With eyes of silver never once leaving the gaze of the little fluff tard, I finally managed to speak for the first time in the silence I had caused thanks to my little 'incident',"Find a way to get down. I'm not waiting here all day to fetch you." And thus began our relationship of me telling him what to do.

[Very long, I apologize. No need to match! @Rikyn ]

Maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love

image credits

RE: I Warn You, I've Been Trained to Kill Since Birth - Rikyn - 04-22-2016

Not the five feet of water to your chin

The flash of lightning sets my hooves to motion with the speed of the gleam dancing through the bleak wood, my heart soaring high to see what my mind immediately takes to be my mother’s magic; as I run, I can’t help but wonder why I care so much, why hope floods me like wildfire, and pushes my sinew all that much more swiftly across the root riddled paths.

She betrayed me, and us, I think, she doesn’t love or want you.

Why do I still miss her so badly?

It’s a black hole draining down into my belly as I run.  While I can think of her now without my insides curdling in loathing, in sadness, I can’t stop the old, cold feeling from sweeping over me like it had at first.  

The hole gapes wider as I slow down near the smell of electrical burn, hooves finding soft spots on the ground to cover my approach, as I tip toe forward to look through the slanted trunks; it is not mother.

A girl towers over a bird of prey, its feathers singed and smoking; I don’t know why she’s decided to torment the creature, but I don’t intervene, either – its this cream stranger’s soul, not mine.  Her hoof rises, crunches down on the skull.  My ears fall backwards.  My chest tightens, constricts, tries to force down the wild elation of hope so suddenly stilled by the sight of a strange, murderous girl.  It takes me some time, standing there, watching.

She leaves the bird, her strange horns of hair drawing my eyes, a focus I try to put all my attentions on, because if I think about now I can’t tremble over what might have been, and what was.  She begins to walk away when some sort of noise I can’t hear from here draws her eyes up into the trees – I follow the motion, to find the bald head of a bird, no doubt the child of the slain beast littering the forest floor now.  It peeps, squalls.

I’ve never witnessed a bond born before.  The cold nonchalance with which she’d walked away from the adult raptor is lost in a sudden interest in the bird above, and I’m smart enough to put two and two together, managing to smile despite the demons crooning in the darkest parts of myself.

Find a way to get down,” she’s demanding of the useless flesh blob.

Shaking my head at the stupidity of young girls, I decide to reveal myself, stepping from the trees where I’d hidden in the shadow.  A small chuckle breaks from me as the little hatchling seems quite flabbergasted by the request given to her by the filly on the ground, a chuckle that falls into an admonishing snort.

Go away, mother.  I have better things to think.

"It will die trying," I say, as if it’s a matter of fact, not speculation – I’ve seen enough dislodged hatchlings to know young birds aren’t good for much but dying until they can fly.  Taking account of the situation from directly below, an idea strikes me, a memory coming to mind of Volterra, and my mirror.  Glancing about the foliage for something sizeable enough to carry the hatchling without hurting it, I delight in the discovery a raccoon dozing the afternoon away on a nearby tree.

A rogue’s smile lacquers to my lips, golden eyes sparkling with the grand prowess of my skill as I turn back to the strange filly.

"I can help, if you want."

but the inch above the tip of your nose.

RE: I Warn You, I've Been Trained to Kill Since Birth - Merlin - 04-23-2016

Someone had managed to approached without me noticing right away. Turning swiftly in the direction of the masculine voice I stared into his golden eyes with fierce silver ones. It hadn't been wise for me to come here alone, to wander on my own without at least one of Father's companions or even Life Giver's mutt (did I really just say that?) for protection. But I wouldn't back down from him, even if he was nearly twice my size, and most likely could break my skull as effortlessly as I had smashed in the mother bird's. So instead I watched him intensely, letting his words sink in as he approached with what seemed to be a smirk on his dark features. He was unicorn like myself, with streaks of gold in dark locks. A strange marking lined his left eye, along with another intricate design curling around one of his legs.

And I thought I looked feminine. If it hadn't been for the obvious musk radiating off of his coat I most likely would have assumed for him to be a girl. Delicately tracing a hoof into the dirt below me, my head slowly tilted to inspect him further, wondering what exactly he expected himself to do in order to get my little fluff tard down from his nest. There was a squawk in protest from the creature above my head, causing me to swish my tail in order to dismiss him. His say was entirely meaningless, as it was for any man; except for Father of course. He would be the only man I ever actually respected in this lifetime of mine. So after much thinking my lashes flutter over my silver irises delicately, almost sweetly, as I began to approach the larger bulk fearlessly.

"Is that so?" I crooned in a condescending tone, continuing to look him up and down dismissively before finally turning back to look at the nest cradled between the branches,"And how do you expect to help? It's not like you can fly up there, are you just going to throw rocks at it? Because I could do that by myself. In fact I believe I will." Smirking smugly I sashayed over to the tree once again, finding a decent size rock and looking up at the branches that held my prize fast. Within our mind I was able to tell him where to be, to move just in case my aim wasn't exactly true (which it would be, because what could I possibly do incorrectly?). After trying to search for a weak spot my eyes focused on it, before with a massive swing of my dainty skull I launched the rock towards it.

It just missed the mark I was aiming at... maybe by a little more than I had anticipated. It did hit the nest though, breaking a few twigs and causing a wiggle in the branches; but not a full budge. I would need to throw quite a few rocks in order to get this done. And ain't nobody got time for that. So, trying to look as if I actually hadn't given up (which I didn't, I was merely exploring my options at this point for a better solution), I returned my gaze to the larger brute, batting my eyelashes again and trying a different approach,"So how is it that you do it then? Are you gifted with magic like myself, but able to move objects instead? I am quite curious." Though actually, I really didn't give a shit. I just wanted my bird down and out of that tree and by me, so that I could bring him home and show Father how I was just like him. Yet there was no need to tell this young man that I intended on just using him as a pawn. That would just be so awfully rude.

[ Hey super random and no need to correct anything in your post, but I just wanted to let you know that Merlin's magic is actually:

[ Magic: LightxFire | able to generate a bright burst of light from her horntips ]
:: [ Restrictions | Able to temporarily disorient others; affects those within a 5m radius; Effects last 10 seconds in battle ]

Also I love Rikyn already xD Please forgive Merlin for being such a little bitch <.<]

Maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love

image credits


RE: I Warn You, I've Been Trained to Kill Since Birth - Rikyn - 04-27-2016

Not the five feet of water to your chin

She looks at me a lot harder than I do her; she’s a girl, no curves, no perfume, just straight, gangly lines and tangles of cream hair. Its not until she flutters her silver eyes at me and prowls forward like she is more than the little girl she is that I bother giving her much more than my haughty “better than you” attitude – the previous stance only changing in the slightest to, “you really want a piece of this?”

Aureate gaze narrows, my crown rising on a muscular neck that arches, the dreaded knots of my mane sprawled across the supple bend, spilling down shoulders marked by war. I look down at her – barely, because for a child, she is freaking monumental in size – deciding that this, this is how Ashamin felt for trying to help me all those weeks ago in the midst of that blizzard.

My frown inlays itself into tissues that had previously been only slightly mocking, but helpful. The little wench is just that, a wench. I offer her no commentary in response to her absolutely unnecessary bitchiness other than watching her traipse about, queen of nothing in particular (though, I think she believes she is queen of me).

I don’t blame Ashamin for calling me into the swirling snow. No wonder, if his heart clenched as tightly as mine does, its teeth gnashing for her throat as she haughtily prances over to a rock, and pitches it at the bird. I snort when it misses, a sharp, harsh staccato that trails white mist through the wintery air that mocks her for even trying something so dumb. Idiot, I think, not bothering to reprimand her – what do I care if she kills it, and half of herself, as well? Besides, she seems quite confident that her absolutely moronic strategy will play out, seeing as I can’t fly and all.

Despite having essentially told me to fuck off a matter of moments before, her failure seems to inspire some desire in her to accept my offer. I have half of a mind to just show her my big, beautiful ass for all her questions – but they are, after all, questions about me, about my power.

I give her a smile, the devious sort of grin that makes the eyes twinkle with I know something you don’t know, whole face alive with the vibrant charm that had been my mother’s only saving grace.

"Let me show you," I answer, pivoting so that I am facing the dozing raccoon, hoping that she’s not such a dolt as to miss him once he starts moving, even if she can’t find him in the dappled shade of the overhead boughs, barring the afternoon light.

I am a white energy flying through the millions of tiny things that are the air. I am rippling through the muscles of the beast, arcing, a distant spark holding me fast to the unicorn that stares at me from below, having been suddenly awoken from my sleep. It is a strange feeling to go from fully awake to sleeping to awake again. The feet beneath me are deft and black, and they grip the bark with such skill that my energy is probably not white, but green. These feet scratch and skitter and rattle dead leaves from the branches, make snow drift lazily from its hold. There is a nest. A baby bird. The others are only eggs, and they are empty.

My eyes below watch the progression of the raccoon that is me, its swift scurry to the nest, where its black hands grab the small bird.

A sudden desire lunges through my energy, a desire to bite its head clean away, to drink the blood and feel the tremble of its heart against my tongue. The belly of the unicorn does a small flip and I manage to refrain, the white power of my crackling biding this oddly furry body down the rough bark, one paw tucked fast with a chick to its breast, the other three scrambling against the surface of the monolithic trunk for purchase.

The chick is abandoned by a screaming raccoon as I pull my magic, myself, back inward, the arc of the spark that is me snapping back into its rightful form with much less horrible force than it used to. Terrified, the striped creature runs into several trunks in its mad dash away from the horrible unicorns that had somehow magicked it out of the trees and to their hooves.

Vision still slightly hazy, the pull of power required to manipulate the raccoon so far leaving me feeling as if I’d just run up and down the tree a thousand times, without being winded or sweaty. Its just tiredness, bone deep weariness… but I will let this strange girl see none of it, instead looking to her with a smile of victory on my lips, her bird chirping with its ugly, pointed slit of a mouth on the ground.

but the inch above the tip of your nose.
