HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Chance [Challenge watching] - Printable Version

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Chance [Challenge watching] - Aelin - 05-01-2016


Is it because my life is ten shades of grey,
I pray all ten fade away.

The burst of flame was, as usual, the sign that her father had entered battle. Ever the dutiful daughter she had rushed to where the flames had burned, wanting to make sure Gaucho was okay. That whoever his opponent was, her daddy would walk away from the conflict. So each time she'd seen the starts of battles, she would wait, wait on the sidelines for her father to come home. She'd glided over the golden sands wings fully extended, eyes searching for her father. Although she had a pretty good idea - i.e. the raging fires. Her hooves graced the sands of her homeland shore, avoiding the still cold waters. Mixed eyes sought out the dun and black colours whirred in flames that descending from the skies, powerful, mighty and imposing. The sandy princess smiled as her eyes found the distant figure of her father, for now at least, he was well. Should much harm come to him she would be able to find a healer for him the moment it happened.

The flash of gold that decorated the darker and smaller figure caught her eye. Then she studied the body that danced away from her father's flames. The fur built to insulate against the cold, and the golden horn atop his brow. The boy she'd found in a cave, the boy who'd stranded himself in the arctic and she'd stumbled onto him. Rikyn.


The boy's proud words managed to be heard, despite the ringing in her ears. The sounds of her blood rushing, her heart pummelling against her ribs.
"No." The girl barely managed to mouth the words, the sound was lost to the winds before her own ears had a chance to hear her plea. A startled gasp escaped her chops as her hooves touched the frozen sea waters, the chill instantly climbing up her legs. The boy had been right - she was made to be dressed in silks and bathe comfortably in the sun. He was made for the cold, to be rugged up in furs and hidden away from the frozen bite.

Rikyn, what the hell was he thinking? Why the hell was he fighting back?
"RUN YOU IDIOT!" Aelin's scream was carried over by the water. Her father was going to put him on a spike and roast him until he was crispy. Pretending to be brave while seriously hurt was one thing...facing her father was futile and showed his naivety. "That imbecile." Now she was angry with him as well. If he wasn't a pile of smoking ash once her father had finished with him, he sure would be once she had her say! "That thick, brainless...simple headed boy!" The girl forced herself to watch as she paced along the shoreline, fury rolled off of her thickly, putrefying the air. Aelin wondered if the waves would also carry her fury to Rikyn, if he could sense just how much she was going to kill him.

RE: Chance [Challenge watching] - Gaucho - 05-13-2016

The boy, unsurprisingly, had crumpled at Gaucho's hooves. The dun might have kicked him again to ensure that the blackness that had likely taken up under would last a bit longer, but decided against it. If anything, the stallion's impishness would only be further fueled by Gaucho 'kicking him while he was down'. And so the primitive stallion had taken his easy victory and left the boy to lick his own wounds. Had he not attacked Mara, Gaucho might have even helped heal them for him. But the attack on his companions was unsolicited and crass. So Gaucho left without aiding or attacking further.

The dun's large fiery wings stretched out from his flanks, and he glided across the tumultuous sea that separated the Throat from the Heart. During the spare he believed he had distinctly heard Aelin crying out - though he couldn't hear her exact words - and now as he flew back towards his home, he knew that he had heard correct, for there she stood.


Perhaps the most beautiful of all of his daughters, growing into a well rounded mare, stood seemingly troubled.

"My khalakki," Gaucho called down to her. His fiery wings tucked neatly against his flanks as he landed with an odd elegance for a creature so large and primitive looking. "Gaucho hear you call out. You know that boy?" His blue-gray eyes were soft, perhaps even a little amused as he looked down at his daughter. They could have been lovers, for all Gaucho knew, but even if he had, that would have not have saved the boy from his flames. Assault against the Throat always came at a cost, regardless of what ties might lay within.

Still, he was interested to know.

Image by Schwartze

RE: Chance [Challenge watching] - Aelin - 05-13-2016


Is it because my life is ten shades of grey,
I pray all ten fade away.

It was over much faster than the girl had anticipated. Rikyn lay at her father's hooves, unmoving and battered. Panicked breathes wheezed in and out of her nostrils, her orbs of earth and sky stared at the boy. The girl wondered what her father was planning to do next as Rikyn (unsurprisingly) remained crumpled at Gaucho's hooves. A vague hope of her father healing Rikyn, at least enough so he would wake, flickered in her chest. Worry swirled in the pit of her stomach, a bitter taste rose in her mouth. Snorting she tired to ignore the panicked feelings for the dark boy and instead soothe herself with the knowledge that her father and his two companions were (for the most part) unharmed. Most of her worry (now tucked away) had been for the idiot boy who'd decided to face her father head on. Seriously, what had he been expecting? To walk away with only a few minor scrapes and bruises? The girl knew her father was a legend, Rikyn must have known what he was getting himself into. What an idiot.

Aelin's eyes darted between the boy's crumpled form and her father which still over the crumpled mass. So what would happen now? The girl's entire body trembled as she continued to watch.

Finally her's father's immense fiery wings stretched out from his flanks, and Aelin exhaled in relief. Until this moment Rikyn could have roused and perhaps would have wound up pinned under her father's hooves. Aelin watched as her father glided over the turbulent waters that separated the Throat from the Heart. The girl was nervous, wondering if her shouting had distracted her father during the fight. No doubt if her voice had caused him to stumble in the battle he'd be rather disappointed with her. Scuffing her left hoof along the ground the sandy princess remained where she was, waiting for the Khal to arrive.

"Papa," the young girl called up to her father. Dragging her eyes away from the crumpled form of her friend Aelin instead turned to her father. Despite his enormous size, her father navigated the space with ease. The girl moved to greet him, extending her neck towards him hoping he will bend down and allow their noses to touch. "Are you badly hurt? Aelin studies the injuries to her father's knees and chest, concern rippling through her small body. The Sultan's legs appeared to be in desperate need of attention. Again Aelin was frustrated with herself because she could not heal someone in need and this time it was her father. "I did not mean to distract you." Aelin offered in the way of an apology, looking away from his soft gaze, shame burned through her. Nodding in response to his question Aelin confirms that she does know the collapsed boy. "He's a rakhi vera." It was as much as she understood about Rikyn's situation. When they'd spoken in the cave it she'd gotten the impression that he had no home or family.

The panicked feeling for the dark boy bubbled to the surface again. "He needs a healer." The girl did not presume to ask her father to patch up the boy he'd just beaten to a pulp. Perhaps she could find the light shaded mare in charge of looking after the injured members of the Throat. "Papa, why did you attack him?"

rakhi verak - boy traveler.
Not sure if Gaucho healed himself, if so just ignore her study of his injuries ;D

RE: Chance [Challenge watching] - Gaucho - 05-14-2016


   [Nope he didn't heal! ]

Gaucho exhaled a loving and paternal gush of air towards his daughter as their noses moved towards one another. The dun's bone-pierced muzzle touched the velvety skin of Aelin's, and the Wildfire closed his eyes for a moment, appreciating and enjoying this moment of tenderness with the dainty organic filly.

As she inquired about his injuries, a grin broadened the warrior's primitive features. He was not badly hurt, nor was he worried about the injuries that he had sustained (save for Vorsa's frail mental state). It had been a duel, and to come unscathed from such would have indicated that he hadn't given his opponent a fair chance. Gaucho shook his antlered skull slowly. "Gaucho fine. Not always good to heal right away - Injuries teach lessons, and it harder to learn when you not feel the pain." Even so, the Sultan was clearly not in any discomfort.

I did not mean to distract you.

Gaucho shrugged his rugged blue-striped shoulders, and his dark wings fanned from his sides in a gesture that simply said, And so what if you had? The Wildfire was always looking for ways to hone his skills, and if his daughter had been a distraction that he couldn't overcome, then clearly his training was not yet complete, despite his prowess on the battlefield.

Aelin mentioned that the boy was without a home, and the information didn't surprise or matter much to Gaucho. At one time he thought that the vagabonds of the land might have had a harder time differentiating the Dragon's Throat borders, or knowing who their family roster was composed of. But enough time had passed, the legacy of the Throat had been cemented enough that he now no longer had any mercy or compassion for those who assaulted his family or his home.

"Like Gaucho say, healing right away make it easy to forget lessons." He began, his voice soft and warm, with a paternal gentleness reserved only for his children (and usually, just his daughters). "He try to attack Misael. Helovia knows what happens when Dragon's Throat family are attacked." Again, his shoulders shrugged. He did not differentiate between motives or needs. It didn't matter to him what drove others to attack his family, and it had never occurred to him to ask. The punishment was always the same. That was justice.

The Wildfire cast a look across the sea. He couldn't tell if Rikyn had risen yet or not.

"He will live." Gaucho rumbled thoughtfully, and in his antlers, Vorsa trilled sulkily. The dun's eyes roamed upwards slightly, and he nodded thoughtfully. acknowledging the phoenix's contempt.

Image by Schwartze

RE: Chance [Challenge watching] - Aelin - 05-14-2016


Is it because my life is ten shades of grey,
I pray all ten fade away.

The dun girl giggles as Gaucho exhales a gush of air towards her, the sound of her delight revealing how young she actually is. Her eyes close as their noses moved towards one another, she knew you couldn't see love, it was something that you felt. Her father's muzzle touched hers, his rough and hers soft but the difference in only provides comfort. Aelin likes to think that she is the most gentle of his daughters (perhaps children), not just in body but also in mind. No matter how old she grew, the sandy princess would never refuse affection from her father. Simply, she adored him.

The grin that broadened her father's painted face is again to lesson her worry for his physical injuries. Aelin had never been a good judge of wounds still she was sure he needed a healer. With her father's assuring words however she nodded, at least for a while she'd keep her insistence that he be healed quiet. The girl sighed quietly, happy that at least someone was okay. Having looked away towards her father she found herself struggling to locate the dark blur that was her friend. Her eyes skittered towards where (she believed) Rikyn had been crushed, her father may be okay but that surely didn't also apply to her crushed friend?

Beside her Gaucho shrugged his sturdy blue-striped shoulders, and she smirked as his dark wings fanned from his sides. Clearly she hadn't caused too much of a problem and he'd manage to ignore her outburst. The tension she hadn't realised she was holding in her shoulders was released. If her cries had caused him to falter or stumble and sustain injuries then she'd be devastated. She needed to be brave and strong for her father, not a hindrance.

The soft and warm words made her smile up at Gaucho. She felt comforted by his gentle voice, knowing that his injuries where not causing him much discomfort. Again, his shoulders shrugged. But Aelin took time to ponder his words, she'd seen him take on many opponents. He always seemed to be fighting the battles for the members in the Throat, he always took this responsibility upon himself. Time after time she watched her father gamble with his wellbeing rather than allow them to take the risk.

Her father's assessment brought her back to the present but she did not look towards Rikyn.
The realisation that he’ll always put himself in danger to protect the ones he loves and the ones he is responsible for causes tears to spring to her eyes. Gaucho would give his life for this family. Aelin loves him so much that she can't allow him to keep doing this, she wants to protect him (perhaps a laughable notion). "Papa, I need you to promise me something." The sandy princess begins, her eyes staring unblinkingly up at her father. "Promise that you'll never put yourself in a perilous situation again." The girl now moves so that her head is resting against her father’s shoulder, her eyes still staring up at him. "Promise me that you’ll always be around to protect me." The message in her words was hopefully clear; never risk you life again, be here, with me and our family until you peacefully leave to ride in the night lands. After all, she wasn't really asking for his protection, she was asking for his life. 'I don’t need you to be a hero. I need you to be my father.'

RE: Chance [Challenge watching] - Gaucho - 05-15-2016


   [[AWWW YOU.]]

Gaucho looked with concern towards his daughter who now appeared to be crying. With a softening confusion the dun tilted his antlered skull as he looked down upon her. Was she really so upset about the boy? With a sidelong glance he looked over the sea, wondering if the loss of the lesson for Rikyn was worth cheering his child up. He wasn't sure, nor was he sure that was the reason for her tears. But quickly she was speaking, and now with all the love and concern of a father whose child seemed to be distraught, Gaucho listened.

Promise that you'll never put yourself in a perilous situation again

Pear-a-liss? Gaucho thought, knowing that the word was wrong. Mara, smugly, tapped his brow gently with her tail and whispered the meaning of the word into his mind.

The Wildfire's wing moved back to allow his daughter's embrace, and then the flaming appendage gently pulled her closer to him, as his bulky and rugged skull turned around and lowered, to look at her. Part of him wanted to sigh, to laugh away her tears, but something else inside of his mind knew that Aelin needed more than that. She was the most gentle of his children, and Gaucho loved her for that.

"Gaucho always do what is best for family." He began, ruffling the strands of her forelock with his muzzle. He recognized her need for reassurance, but he wouldn't lie to her. His place as the Khal of these lands had fixed his obligations. He could never shy away from battle, nor would he want to. "But Gaucho not fight wars alone. Not fight Gods. Gaucho have Throat warriors always." He might be forced into battle because of his station in life, but he wasn't boastful or stupid enough to fail to ask for aid when he needed it. He hadn't fought the Riftian Gods alone, and his warriors - and the rest of the herd - had always stood by him during times of strife.

"But that-" Gaucho's wing rose for a moment, pointing roughly to where Rikyn might still be laying. "That not a threat. That not take Gaucho away from Aelin." He looked back at her, winking now. "Gaucho never lose." And it was true, he hadn't. Sure, he had been forced to depart during the course of a battle, but never before had a foe or friend within Helovia, been able to drag him down. "-and Gaucho not plan on it. Gaucho come back to Aelin until the Sun God takes him away."

Image by Schwartze

RE: Chance [Challenge watching] - Aelin - 05-20-2016


Is it because my life is ten shades of grey,
I pray all ten fade away.

The Wildfire's wing moved back and she fell into the embrace, clinging to the strength provided by her father. Gaucho was made of so much energy, her father really had become the vital and sold brick she’d built her life upon. After the loss of Hawke…she couldn't stand loosing another member of this family. Especially not her father. Gaucho gently pulled her closer to him, Aelin snuggled into his coat. It had been hard to watch the battle between her father and friend and now she just needed his support.

Again Aelin managed a small laugh as Gaucho ruffled the strands of her forelock with his muzzle. It was comforting that he had so much faith in the warriors of The Throat. She should trust them to help look after The Throat and protect her family. Protect her father. Violence and the aftermath of battles have been a part of her life since she was extremely young. Yet Aelin doubted she'd ever get used to seeing her father marching off to war time and tome again.

Aelin's gaze followed to were Gaucho's wing rose and pointed for a moment, roughly where about Rikyn might be laying. Gaucho had a point, the tuff with Rikyn had not been a life-threatening battle - life threatening for Rikyn maybe. He looked back at her and winked, Aelin grinned back. She knew it was true, he hadn't lost a battle, at least not during her life. "Good." She pressed herself closer to her father and inhaled his scent of sweat, blood and home. "I don't ever want to loose you papa."

With a sigh she gently pulled away, her gaze upon where Rikyn had been crushed. "I should make sure he's okay." Shaking her head at her friend's stupid actions, Aelin pondered asking her father to heal him. It was likely to be taken as a strange request - considering her father had put Rikyn in his current position. Stretching her wings the girl mulled over her thoughts, wondering if she would disappoint The Wildfire if she asked him to heal her friend. She'd not want to anger him by asking too much from him...also Rikyn had attempted to hurt a member in their herd. Would Gaucho think he wasn't worthy of healing because of his actions? Sucking in a breath she looked towards her father. "I know he's done wrong by us but he's my friend and he doesn't have anyone else." Her eyes were wide, pleading with her father. After caring for Rikyn during the storm she felt a certain responsibility for his well being. At least in this situation.

Rikyn came across as a grouchy ass but Aelin believed that perhaps, underneath the grump, he was honestly just a little lost. "Would you heal him?" Glancing towards where the battle had taken place she tried to look for her crumpled friend. "Please."

RE: Chance [Challenge watching] - Gaucho - 05-27-2016



Gaucho listened with a patient paternal ear that many would likely not have ascribed to the primal warrior. Though for all of his faults, Gaucho did love his family and hold them above all else.

His gaze followed Aelin's out across the sea, and as she asked for him to heal her friend (just what sort of friend had she made in such an impish boy?), he felt torn. He had meant it when he said that the lessons taught by battle-pain were ones worth learning. The dun certainly held no real animosity towards Rikyn. The stallion had been stupid, that was for sure, but he had payed the price for that, and now they could both move on. Even so, Gaucho would have preferred to have the boy stew in his wounds a while longer.

But he couldn't resist the sparkle of Aelin's eyes, nor the hopeful tambre of her voice.

The Wildfire caved almost instantly.

"Yes." Gaucho grunted, his flaming wings unfurling from his flanks as well. "Lead the way."

He stepped towards where the land met the sea, feeling the way the salty air stung the few wounds that he had sustained. He would not heal himself. Gaucho was more than happy to submit to the mild jeers of pain that his body offered. The boy had got in some good hits, and though the outcome of the spar was never really in question, it could have been a more decisive victory. He would meditate on that, with his wounds to encourage him. 

[Are we making a new thread?]

Image by Schwartze