HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Nomadic Penchant - Printable Version

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Nomadic Penchant - Ru - 05-02-2016

She was alone once more, taking to the skies once more – searching. She wasn’t sure what for, but it was a restless feeling, a product of her loneliness that ached in her wings. She broke away from the earth, to taste the endless freedom in the heavens above. Where no boundaries could suffocate her spirit, and all possibilities unraveled their weights – this was home away from home.  Her pillar, her rock, despite the tempest that lurked between the rough winds; Ru would learn her ways, become as ruthless and cunning as the gales. Perhaps as frightening as the lightning; would people notice her then? Would the sounds draw their ears, and their eyes to her silent mouth?
A soft sigh exited her dark maw, her breath catching against the strong winds shifting against her – shoving the weak breath back into her mouth. It was like choking, making her cough. She merely titled her head down to avoid the forceful streams. Lost, dissolved before it even filled the wavering voice behind it. Though it did not matter. Her tears would not change the way the world was, her isolation would only discourage others from drawing near. It may have been foolish then, to seek the Hidden Falls. Not knowing where exactly it lay, with only fuzzy memories as a guide.
On the other hand the work of getting there put her mind at ease. It was a restless day, clouds blotted the sky now and then; and she, the lonesome sparrow fluttered in and out of the chilling mist. Vapor covering the dun-skin yearling like a million, tiny crystals. Strangely, it was pleasant – the cold biting at your skin, with the wind to rage in your ears.  Hearing nothing, numbed and untouchable.
She followed the river closest to the Threshold, making her way north. Inevitably she gave in to fatigue, and drifted towards the edges of the Hidden Falls at its most southern borders. The girl made an easy landing upon a meadow, few trees present. A little hill that rolled further on to thicker forests, rivers and mists that lazily wafted ahead. After such a journey she shook herself of the ice and snow, spluttering off as much as she could. She continued further on, walking along the crest of said hill, and pausing on its rounded summit. A breeze of the softer type rolled on by, carrying the subtle hints of equine. It brought a twitch to her nose. She wondered what she would find there, in the Hidden Falls; if December would somehow catch her scent, or if they’d miss each other entirely. The thought of the heavy mare, large and strong, brought a faint smile to her lips. It seemed like ages ago, since she’d first broke into this Helovia. It was as if… nothing had really changed though. Except for the hardening of her heart, and the ever present, wistful ache in her bones – for which flying could only cure.
Right then, as she stood there simply embracing the terrain. The sun’s light shot out, basking the white of winter in a golden glow. It sparkled here, it was alive with a cold, welcoming burn in the eyes. As the wind twisted once more, the yearling girl lifted her head. Closing her coral eyes in delight of the wind kissing at her bare neck. The sting of the sun’s reflection causing her eyes to water, picked up by a brief and sudden gust.
At least she didn’t feel completely naked and ugly, with the sparse layer of white feathers converging on the spine of her neck. Not yet thick and full, still odd and growing in that strange body of her’s. Maybe one day she would feel right again.

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[open for any and all]

RE: Nomadic Penchant - Agnodice - 05-08-2016

a new world, material without being real,

where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about

They followed the wind, wandering with it's push and pull, though inevitably ending up where their hearts belonged. Her hooves were sore, her body weary from traveling so much. She had taken to exploring Helovia further, just to introduce her companion to the land. She didn't know it well herself, but she found it important to know it nonetheless. Having Hero around gave her the perfect excuse to explore Helovia more, for her companion was as eager to learn as she was.

He had grown greatly in the season since she'd first met him. He used to be a scraggly looking reptile with leathery, useless looking wings and a bright, open mind. His body had grown, his muscles hardened, his wings became useful and used often. His mind was still open, though it now possessed a small wealth of knowledge, most notably of herbs.

He liked the study of herbs as much as she did.

He clutched a piece of willow bark in one claw, a flower from her mane in the other. He trilled upon his perch on her withers, waving the willow as if to say, 'I haven't lost it yet! I know it's important and I still have it!' She tilted her head to the side and offered her companion a tired, though genuine, smile before turning back to the route ahead.

She pricked her tulip shaped ears forward, the dainty tips kissing their mate. Waterfalls. They were close. She quickened her pace, picking up a sweeping trot and leaving a flourishing trail of flowers and petals in her wake as they fell from their hold in her hair. Hero chirped from his post, tucking the willow into her long curtain of mane so he could use his claw to grip a lock for balance.

The doctor leapt across the border, smiling, happy to be home and happy for it to be spring. She trotted forward a bit farther into the herdland, breathing in the familiar smell of home as she wound her leonine tail around her hocks. Home. A gust of wind blew through her hair, sending even more petals and flowers scattering the area around her. But she was in a happy mood, and smiled at the departing petals.

Snap. Crack.

She flicked an ear to the side, her dragon poking his head up from the nest of ebony hair he had made in her mane. A girl stood not to far from them, a pegasus, covered in feathers like no other she had ever known. So obviously the duchess had to investigate. Well, maybe she wouldn't directly do so first. She would order Hero do it instead.

The little dragon obeyed orders. Though he could be a ditzy creature and occasionally misunderstood her meaning, he would always do whatever she told him to do. She hung by a tree, watching the pegasus girl, leaning on the bark for support as her dragon listened intently to her orders. Once he thought he understood he leapt from his perch, sailing through the wind to the girl's side, a flower from Agnodice's mane still clutched in his claw.

He trilled a greeting to the girl, hovering by her head and extending his claw out, offering the flower (though he did so with a twinge of sadness - the flower was a soft, pink lily, one of his favorites to look at).

agnodice & herophilos

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who let me write a post at midnight again
whatevs hope you don't mind me throwing these two in :D @Ru

RE: Nomadic Penchant - Ru - 05-21-2016

Ru’s thoughts scattered, leaving her with their soft murmurings. Like a swarm of bees, muted in the background. With the winds they dissolved further, until they seemed to have been forgotten. But not without the coolness of her heart, or the long gaze that searched the Falls for something familiar. By now her mother had become nothing more than a distant memory, a story no one would ever utter. Ru, incapable of speech, wished she could at least produce a word or two – wouldn’t that have made life easier?

The trilling sound snapped her from her gazing. Startled, briefly, as she stepped away from the flying creature that uttered it. Muscles tensing, legs eager to dart from something that might reach for her flesh, tear it to pieces, devour her body whole!

Flinching, despite the dragon’s small appearance. The serpent seemed to be offering her a – a flower? A bubbling sound of wonder gurgles from her throat. She tilts her head in an air of wonder that breaks her cool gaze. Deciding that, if the dragon – it was a dragon? Wasn’t it? – Were to harm her in any way, it would have attacked her sooner or later.

And with that, a happy, foalish smile swept her face. She coos back, and carefully stretches her head out to take the lily with her teeth. Squealing and flaring her nose from the smell. Frowning lightly, wondering where she might place it for safe keeping, she turns her neck and ushers a wing forward. At least the girl would remember and take the intention to heart. Hoping it wouldn’t blow off quickly, she manages to stick it in between the feathers closest to her body. The pink, soft petals poking out.

A flash of inspiration and giddiness idles in, when days seemed much happier – and the world was ripe for the taking. Ru playfully rears from where she stands, nudging her muzzle towards him, like one should poke in a simple game of chase. She falls back to the ground, ducking her head and skirting away from. Clucking at the black, serpentine friend.

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XP No, I thought it was lovely! Thanks for dropping these two by :3