HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Thistle Only Take a Moment - Printable Version

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Thistle Only Take a Moment - Ezital - 05-02-2016


It seemed that most of Helovia was covered in trees. He'd never known they could have so much variety, for just once he thought he'd seen them all there was another. Some were tall and thin, tipped with bristly needles, while others were shorter but wider with branches bowed under the weight of their thick leaves. This one bore sweet scented white flowers, and that one was coated in a crusty bark the other animals seemed to love.
They were all the same after a while, and Ezital was sick of them. He was sick of their twisted roots that tried to trip his hooves and their low hanging branches that grabbed at his horns and pulled his braids. What purpose did they serve anyway? They were far more trouble than they were worth, just an unnecessary obstacle that hindered his travel.
The meadow was like a beautiful oasis when it came into view. The grass was soft, tall, and green, even dotted with some strange purple wildflowers.
He didn't even stop to look around the vast greenery for threats before he cantered forward and dropped into the grass. It was pure heaven, for about ten seconds. It took at least a few rolls for him to register the needles of pain stabbing into his ribs and spine. He was back on his feet in a flash, kicking out his heels and letting out a little squeal along the way.
Spinning around, he prepared to face an unknown enemy, launching a covert attack with an elaborate dart gun. Clearly, the mastermind had waited until Ezital had let his guard down for the smallest moment, stalking his every move from the caves, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He would, naturally, know the young stallion's weakness for flowery meadows. The culprit would leap from behind the nearest blade of grass with a maniacal laugh, bent on Ezital's destruction. But he would only meet his end!
Ezital waited for him, knees locked and flanks vibrating with tension. His ears swiveled to catch every tiny rustle in the meadow, even the ones his tail made as it swept through the grass like a venomous cobra.
Eventually he decided that his fearsome stance must've scared off whatever creature wished his end. Probably for the best. Ezital didn't like to get into fights before he'd eaten breakfast anyway. Also, there was something uncomfortable and prickly tangled in his mane and caught in his coat.
Nothing a quick wash in the stream couldn't fix, he decided, and headed towards the flowing water.

ooc: Open to anyone. :)

RE: Thistle Only Take a Moment - Spice - 05-02-2016

I'm here for one reason and no reason at all.
A wanderer's wander. Some unknown reason to me. My herd was not in view anymore. No more was I apart of that home. Too bad, I loved it there with all my heart. I guess I just needed to be free to find myself once again. No bind of real jobs and work to keep me down. Not like it really was in the first place. They didn't really need me, so it seemed so I guess it was easier to drop me.
I understood that.

Beside me, a tweet of of a chuckle rang out; where? Close to my ear. "No, I don't know where we're going at the moment, but we will soon find out..." My voice trails away as my emerald gaze catches onto a dark physique in the sunlight. It was moving towards the shade and the stream. A new friend! Was my first thought. My second was an enemy. I hadn't made a lot of those, but maybe I shall.
Maybe I could stir things up a bit. Make life a little bit more fun. More daring and less caring, if you know what I mean.

I fly at an easy pace now, contemplating to stop and say hello to this fellow stranger. For I am a stranger to them as well. I quickly decide to land and say a hello. For now, I have the time and the energy. I circle around, dipping my plumes towards the ground as I spin and near the meadow.
Hard hooves slap grassy ground, the small bird landing in my forelock gently, nestling in.

I make my dainty way over to the man. Careful of the thistles. I know this place, unlike this possible new friend of mine. I can spot thistles on his coat. "Hello!" I call, following behind him, picking up my pace to meet his. "I'm..I'm Spice." I say, looking him up and down for the first time. Leafy green eyes catch his crimson-stained underbelly and a small smirk appears on my kissers. He reminds me of someone I only knew from old herd meetings. We never spoke, but he was a fine lad. I can't recall his name at the moment, but his face pops into my head for a brief moment before I focus back onto the boy in front of me right now. I await his response with a smile.

"Talk talk talk."

OOC;; hallo I'm currently trying to get back into this writing thing, life's been crazy so yes, it's gonna be a little rusty and I aplogize! And the little bird that makes an appearance is her zebra finch Wayne. <3
Image Credits
- table by Niki -

RE: Thistle Only Take a Moment - Ezital - 05-05-2016


Most of the flowers shook loose on their own as soon as he leapt into the water with a giant splash. He snorted a little as the cool water slapped his belly. It was early in the season and full of snowmelt that defied the warm rays of sunshine.
There was one particularly stubborn flower tangled into the braid at his withers. A bit of prickly stem was still attached, and it was snagged a bit too high for him to grab with his teeth. He twisted his neck every way it would go, shook his mane like a wet dog, and rubbed his withers against a nearby rock, but the willful plant stayed just out of reach.
As he struggled, there was a crash of hooves in the grass. He jerked around to face the source of the sound, only to find that one of those annoying bird horses had landed nearby. How wonderful that the universe had a sense of humor.
He started to pin his ears irritably at the stranger to send her away, when he noticed she was not quite alone. There was a little bird tucked into her forelock, a little bird with a tiny beak and nimble feet. He glanced at the bit of twig caught in his braid and back to the winged pair. A slow smile pulled at his lips.
"You there!" He called over the sounds of the water. "I'm having a bit of trouble here, could your little friend help me out?"
Gesturing helpfully at his withers, he smiled sheepishly. "I would be very grateful."
@Spice welcome! <3

RE: Thistle Only Take a Moment - Spice - 05-09-2016

I watched him as he'd splashed into the water and seemed to be having such a great time until he noticed the stubborn little thing stuck in his withers. Goodness, he wouldn't be able to get that one out on his own. I took a few steps closer as I watched his struggle, watching the ways he attempted to get it out, rubbing it up on a nearby rock.

I find this amusing and suppress and chuckle. I wouldn't have appreciated it if someone was standing and watching as I tried to get a thistle out of my withers. Not fun.
He'd turned and saw us so I took a few more steps towards him, not to seem like I didn't want to speak with the man, I did. I just didn't want to bother him with his puzzle-cracking. He calls us in such a fashion that I felt the need to look behind me, but I knew he'd been talking to us.
I smile and nod when he finishes, saying he'd be grateful. I would help any soul who needed it and wanted it. Motioning for the small one to do her thing, she scrambled out of her nest in my forelock and took flight, landing in his withers, holding on with a grip of her small claws, she picks it out with her beak, letting it fall into the flow of the water below him.
Then she tweets a welcome to him as she flits back my way, now perching on my back that she was more comfortable with the stranger now. "There we go." I say with a smile.

"Talk talk talk."

OOC;; sorry for the double tag on the last post
TAG;; @Ezital
Image Credits
- table by Niki -

RE: Thistle Only Take a Moment - Ezital - 05-12-2016


Ezital held himself perfectly still, so as not to frighten the little bird. As he watched, the creature made quick work of the twig that had occupied him for at least a quarter of an hour. It looked like the songbirds that sang to him in the forest while he walked, though he knew them as little more than flashes of colored feathers. He wouldn't be able to pick any of them out of a lineup, as it was. It wasn't that he had anything against feathered creatures in general; it was more that he didn't feel that feathers and hooves made for the brightest of combinations.
Once the bird had finished, it gave the tiniest, happy chirp that tugged Ezital's lips into a smile. He lowered his head and nickered softly in thanks.
Back to business then.
"Did you see anyone else around while you were flying around up there?" He asked the bird-horse, careful to use smaller words. He stretched his tail straight up, as far as it would go. "He'd be about yay high, lots of muscles, very sinister looking?"
He stood a little straighter and kicked some of the water off a hind leg so she would know he was a professional. Warriors didn't take a vacation after all, and there was a mad horse with a dart gun on the loose.
"What are you doing out here all by yourself anyway?" he asked. She didn't look nearly old enough to be alone, which honestly he had no business thinking about anyone. He'd been roughing it since he was a weanling, and he'd turned out alright.
Well, perhaps that wasn't the best example.
"Helovia can be full of all manners of unsavory creatures that you'd rather not meet." He'd rather not meet them either, but that was strictly need to know. He glanced between the bird-horse and the little bird tucked into her hair. "What are your names?"

@Spice No worries :P