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[P] Past Poison - Printable Version

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Past Poison - Aelfwine - 05-04-2016

wake up to the sound of your fleeting heart

Aelfwine wasn’t sure what it was that brought her here, but she was pleasantly surprised to see the stalks of bamboo that jumped from the earth. The ice had slowly begun to melt away from the earth as Birdsong took over and Aelf found herself beginning to shed her winter coat. The winter had been long here in Helovia since she had arrived and she was sure that it had to have been over soon, but it continued to stretch on. She was stuck searching for the Edge throughout Frostfall, but the ice and temperature made it difficult for her to will herself to go on far journeys. It took her months to even each this wondrous place, but nevertheless the dappled doe was pleased with the result. She watched the sun as it cascaded over the stalks that sprouted to the partially cloudy sky, breathing in the fresh scent of spring. Her great horned head lifted high into the sky as she drunk in the scent, flicking her tail with a sense of utmost content to have stumbled across such a jewel today.

Still, that didn’t deter her from missing her brother. It had been so long since she had seen Tilney, and it was months since she had been tracking Tuppence – only to lose them in the wilds of Helovia. And Arah, the ivory doe didn’t even recognize her. She was the same princess from her past, she was sure, but whether or not Arah knew or wanted to admit it was another story. She needed to find them, or at least find something, to bide the time away while she figured this Helovian life out. Was this to be her end goal? Maybe. Or perhaps she’d continue moving on once she had spent time with her siblings, as she always had. Only time could tell.

Yet when Aelfwine opened her eyes, the beautiful scenery had faded away. She could still sense that she was standing where she had first closed her eyes. However, she was seeing nothing but darkness. Turning her head left and right, the doe widened her eyes with a frenzy. “What? How? Where did it all go?” She mumbled to herself, unable to fully understand what was happening to her. All she knew was that she saw nothing but a dark void – nothing like the beautiful picture her emerald orbs had witnessed moments before. She stamped a cloven hoof into the lush earth, cursing under her breath as she searched for a way to remove herself from this cursed place – but she still couldn’t see. So she stood helpless, grumbling over the fact that she had lost her sight.


Image Credits  |||  Table by Tamme!

@Knox sorry it took me so long to get this up!

RE: Past Poison - Knox - 05-12-2016

The hunter does his best, but of course it isn't enough. Not here, in a land where a rift god burst through and brought chaos into the world with obvious and determined wretchedness. Knox couldn't focus in this maze, couldn't stay on top of the task at hand. Even if it was the same task as always, nowadays. Seek. Find. Blind. Bring.

Still, with as simple a formula as that laid out before him, Knox fails. The blinding magic lasts but only for a second before his focus is lost and the smoke coils back as if animate--as if upset. The hunter's teeth snap shut, narrowly missing his tongue, and the cloak he's kept up as an extra layer of protection falls with their clack. Luckily his third barrier is up, and so when the light falls and he appears in full behind the mare he had sought he does not appear as himself, but rather Janos.

The young pony mutt is anything but threatening. He stands behind the mare and nickers softly, his stance more submissive than anything else. Maybe not the best choice, but the one that Knox has made.

"I'm sorry, I..." the hunter pauses, playing at his half-father's like a true actor, and then goes on. "I didn't mean to startle you, please, don't be scared, I... I just meant..." Another  pause, another hesitation. Janos' clear blue eyes stare at the mare, hoping she'll turn and accept him. After all, it's supposed to be her idea, isn't it?

"I'm Janos, miss. I was ordered to take you to my home. To the Hidden Falls."

And then there is that blissful, innocent, stupid silence of waiting. Janos, little more than a child, has to try and seem as if he's come to take her home.

img © nereis01


RE: Past Poison - Aelfwine - 05-19-2016

wake up to the sound of your fleeting heart

Her vision came back, the beautiful greenery surrounding her rushing back to her senses in a flurry. A snort of disapproval escaped her as she heard the soft nicker behind her. The doe's ears flicked backward flush against her skull in annoyance. She didn't simply have time for these kinds of tricks when she needed to find her brother. Turning her body, she did her best to stay relatively in the same place - though carefully placing a bit more of a distance between her and this creature.

However, when Aelfwine's emerald gaze danced across the beast she thought her blinder to be, all she spotted was a rather stocky pony. She narrowed her eyes briefly, unsure what this dappled phantom had to do with her. She looked down upon him, taller than he but not by too much. His ragged mane was short and his eyes struck her with a sight that was surprisingly calming. He began to stutter but she kept her ears flat - her annoyance clearly plain across her face. She allowed him to finish his speech, taking in the pauses and the stuttering with a sharp glare that could stare straight through his soul.

"Well, Janos, you could've at least asked." She grumbled, shifting a cloven hoof in annoyance. "I've been trying to find my brother, I don't know how going to the Falls will help." She admitted, frustration creasing across her brow. She had spent so long already in Helovia without being able to locate him. All she knew was that he was in the Edge, but where exactly was the Edge? Perhaps integrating with a herd would grant her the ability to seek out her brother easier. At least, having a home and a safe place to rest would be helpful.

Tossing her heavy antlered head, she flicked her forelock from her eyes before staring down Janos once more. "On second thought, it might help. Do you know my brother?" She questioned, tilting her head. Aelfwine hoped that the stallion before her would know more about this place than she did. If he didn't know where her brother was, perhaps he could point her in the right way - provided she go with him. "The only way I'll go with you is if you promise not to do that again." She demanded, stamping a hoof in a theatrical display that she was doing her best to be serious. All in all, it probably looked rather ridiculous, but she was trying to get her point across. She'd follow him to see what it's like so long as he didn't take her vision away again.


Image Credits  |||  Table by Tamme!

Sorry it took so long to reply :|

RE: Past Poison - Knox - 06-22-2016

She does look ridiculous; had Knox been deeply and honestly in control, she would also have been laughed at. But the Hunter has smartly handed over some of the reigns to Janos, a young mutt with simply no right to laugh at another—let alone a lady.

Janos' features are an open book. When she says he would be of no help he looks sad; that he should have just asked, he plays out regret and shame; that perhaps he could be of some worth... well, that brightens him right up.

The silver pony nods fiercely, looking foolish and youthful but genuine, despite the fact that with Knox present he is not. "Of course, miss. I promise I'll not harm you, I'm not even sure I could again if I tried to," Janos answers swiftly, looking truly and deeply sorry.

The hunter chuckles and rolls an inward eye somewhere deep within his consciousness. But he won't act, he has to let things play out. That's his job now, after all: do what Archibald says, Knox. Be a good brother and recruit for the herd, however you can. Just do your job.

Something like anger flares up but Janos' shame kicks it down. "I don't think I've met anyone like you... I'm sorry. But perhaps someone else in the Falls might know him, and if nothing else you could find the comfort of family living with us," the young one suggests repentantly. It's sort of like a trade, then—this, her reward for his faults.

img © nereis01

@Aelfwine I succcckkkk

RE: Past Poison - Aelfwine - 07-10-2016

wake up to the sound of your fleeting heart

Aelfwine’s ears flicked to him as her emerald eyes saw the emotions mirrored in his face. As he showed some shame and guilt, part of her felt sorry for snapping at him like that. But she knew that if it were any normal meeting, they wouldn’t be trying to capture her and steal her vision away. A small sigh escaped as she forced her eyes away from him, looking off into the distance at the bamboo that towered above and created a maze-like atmosphere. “I mean, it’s okay.” She mumbled, half to herself, half for the benefit of the silver pony before her.

As he began to speak again about whether or not he had seen her brother, her attention snaps to him again. Heavy racked head shifting to look upon the pony in the intent to read his face. “If nothing else you could find the comfort of family living with us.” A slight tinge of annoyance vibrated within her dappled frame. She hadn’t been a part of a herd for so long. What did this pony know about losing family, wishing to be reunited with the ones still living, and getting told that maybe this other herd full of complete strangers could be the family she was looking for? A puff passed her greyed lips, emerald eyes tearing from him once again. “Show me your home.” Her tone wasn’t as kind as it was before, instead was more demanding. She wanted to see this Hidden Falls and what it could do for her in her search for the caramel stallion that was her long lost brother.

Image Credits  |||  Table by Tamme!

fjkdlsa;jfd took forever to reply i apologize. We can start their thread in the falls whenever! :)