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[O] 'til i reach you - Printable Version

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'til i reach you - Rexanna - 05-16-2016

I’ve become a simple souvenir of someone’s kill
The Thief had never been to the Edge. It was a new experience, instead of heading straight home - taking a detour from the Meadow straight to the territory of the Edge - at least so she thought. It wasn't until she was swarmed by mists and a feeling of unease that settled into her stomach (one that was a bit larger and rounder as the weeks went on) as she stepped into the thick of the trees. She felt excitement, taking note of every little bit and piece of the changes in her body as well as her mind. Ever since her previous pregnancies, she could tell what the feeling of her swelling belly meant. And she also knew just who had done it. It elated her, ecstatic to find out that she would be bearing a child to the only beast she had ever wanted to. So of course, she took his advice earlier to visit the Edge. She sought out the man that gave her the life within her, to tell him of such events.

She didn't know exactly where the Edge started, but as she stepped carefully over roots and through trees, she felt a tug from Marembo on her forelock. He pointed the best he could within the boundaries of her vision to the shiny pieces of glass that littered the ground. It was a new experience for her, unsure of how many eyes would be watching her as she approached the strange broken wall before her. The Thief was used to the Basin and the one way in, one way out approach. Everyone knew when someone came to visit, the commotion on the border was all too much to ignore. It was open and barren, snow white, and familiar. This was simply awkward, for the mare.

So cautiously, she stood beside the crumbling wall - her blue gaze dancing across the trees, lingering on the shadows and the crevices. "I seek the Elephant King!" She called out, swishing her dual toned tail against her ankles. She was worried, but she had been offered a chance to visit and see what the Edge was like - and so she was here. She had taken up the King on his word, and now relied on the Elephant to show her around as he had promised. Perhaps the day would turn out a bit nicer, from Birdsong's arrival. Perhaps it would make a beautiful day to tell her lover the wonderful news.

And like the sea—
I’m constantly changing from calm to ill.
image | coding

@Orithia let the happiness bulldozer come crush her dreams. It'll get better, I just suck at starter posts.
also @Tembovu because, yknow <3

Editing again, since it needed the open tag xD I just ask that it stays between Orithia and Rex, seeing as she's making sure Rex leaves anyway :P <3

RE: 'til i reach you - Orithia - 05-16-2016


She was well and rested - quite the feat for her these days.

Hawezi had been becoming increasingly mobile, making friends and spreading his oblivious cheer throughout the Edge and it's borderlands. A soft smile curled at the edges of the woman's coral lips as she watched the gangly colt, still sleeping in these wee morning hours, pale eyelids closed over strikingly innocent eyes. More and more frequently, the blushed woman had noticed, there was a pang in her gut at the sight of the child at peace - an urge to curl around him, claim him as hers to protect and provide for.

And yet, that was not plausible.

The child of a Gracious King and a Warrior Queen wasn't fated to be tainted by the touch of a murdering ex-whore. So she stood at the appropriate distance, remained appropriately quiet, soothed herself with his happiness and nothing more. A warmth had began to spread from her belly to her chest, blossoming forth on a wave of what some may have called happiness - but Orithia knew better than to believe that there was any such emotion left in her. Contentment colored her pastel eyes with a new shade of calm, brushing away at the less savory portions of her soul.

If only for the moment.

The moment shattered in a call, shrill and filled with something akin to joy.The beckoning hailed the Elephant King in a markedly feminine voice and Orithia's curiosity was piqued. With a last glance at the sleeping Boy Prince, the rose forced away her worry and moved toward the scent of other. Further toward the borders, glass crunching beneath her hooves and the mists swirling lazily about her form, Orithia moved as an apparition. As she spied the slim figure and its' swollen belly, the pegasus arched a brow in tentative concern; was this yet another scorned woman seeking asylum beneath the reign of a Plainswalker King?

Yet as she slowed to a stop before the gold accented mare, Orithia caught the scent of her mfalme lingering about the strangers' skin. Eyes narrowing with poorly-hidden suspicion, the warrioress took a deeper inhale, air ballooning out of her nostrils in twin clouds of vapor. Cocking her head to the side and ruffling her wings against her sides, the desert dove considered the shorter mare and the boldly striped creature upon her head. A small, cruel smile toyed at the edges of her mouth and the silence stretched on, the disgust and rage simmering beneath her pale skin palpable in the balmy air.

"I know who you are, dalali." Her voice was a syrupy coo, quiet and warm and dripping poison to the shimmering earth, "I know what you have done to him, to my Mfalme. I have seen the ruination you bring to those you claim to love and I only have this to say to you;"

Even the silence was sharp.

"You will not deign to harm him again, you will bite your tongue in his presence as well as mine - your right to speak your mind ended when you hurt him. Your loyalty to him will be undying and unquestioning. If you make a mistake where he or his children are concerned ever again, your beautiful horn and those enchanting eyes will become nothing more than my bedazzled crown."

Her voice was low, even, dangerous; a blade slicing through any doubt of the promises she spoke. Eyes trailed along the blackened letter engraved on her chest, the stamp claiming her as lower, lesser, filth

That grin only grew.

"I see you have been branded before, no? Such crude handiwork must have been painful. Such a shame it would be to see another pressed into your flesh... Yes. What a shame it would be to have to press another mistake into your flesh."

Eyes snapped back up to the mare's face - Rexanna's face, she knew this as much as she knew anything - her smile a knifes blade against a bare throat.

"Do I make myself clear, dalali?"


Dalali - betrayer in Arabic (Ori's native tongue)

RE: 'til i reach you - Rexanna - 05-16-2016

I’ve become a simple souvenir of someone’s kill
She stood, waiting. Listening as the echos of her voice died down from the damp and mystical environment she found herself in, the only sound left was the sound of Remy as he breathed little puffs from his tiny nose. That is, until she heard the sound of glass crunching beneath hooves - seeing a vision of wings and white unveiled by the mask of the mist. The faint smile Rexanna found on her lips began to grow at first, perhaps she would know where the King was and could guide her to him. She shifted her weight briefly, allowing the stillness of the moment to envelope her and Remy and the presence of life that was clearly beginning to spread across her cream and golden body.

It wasn't at all what she expected, however.

"I know who you are, dalali" The voice was a mix of warmth and welcoming, but hostility lashing out in every dip of the syllable. Rexanna's ears swiveled with uncertainty at the nickname, clearly unknowing what the name even meant but understanding that it was probably nothing good. Her smile quickly faded, lost to the words of the mare as she approached. "I know what you have done to him, to my Mfalme (She still was unsure what these names were or what they even meant). I have seen the ruination you bring to those you claim to love-" The Thief's ears flattened, the hair across Remy's back standing up as he stood across her back. His beady eyes glaring with a stare that Rexanna didn't even know he could make. She thought about speaking up, to interrupt the woman, but decided to act against the fact - especially carrying a child within her.

The silence grew after those words, pointed and vicious. Her ears stayed flat to her exotically designed skull, blue gaze seeking out the mare's and the truth of his words. How did she even know that the child was his? Snorting in her direction, the Thief never took her eyes off of the creature that seemed to act as though Tembovu was a god. "How much did he tell you? Did he tell you how terrible I was? Did he tell you what kind of monster I ended up as?" She began, her voice a darkened tone of the chimes she normally spoke within. "Did he tell you what he did that caused such events to occur?" She questioned, flatly, eyes lingering on the mare with wondering what perhaps Tembovu had told her. Had he told everyone? Was she supposed to walk around with a painted target on her back for the rest of her time here ever since her downfall?

"I see you've been branded before, no?"

The words froze her, and silence overcame her lips as if someone had stitched them shut. Her blue gaze narrowing at the mention of the word brand and suddenly, her thoughts shifted to Cal and how worried she had been about him hurting her companion - now she had even more to worry about.

Flicking her tail in annoyance within the mist, Remy decided to do his best interpretation at a growl. He could sense the images painted within the mare's words and how far they related with the mare. "I didn't destroy him, as you think that I have." She began, words spitting from her lips before she had time to think about what she was even saying. "He wasn't a King before I confessed. I confessed to him, and he still chose to lie right back." She hissed, teeth clicking with the frustration building within her. "Even Kings aren't saints."

Shifting her weight once again, the pain of the growing child within her made her uncomfortable to stand in the same position for long periods of time. Yet, her gaze never left the pale winged mare. "My business resides with him, and not you."

And like the sea—
I’m constantly changing from calm to ill.
image | coding

@Orithia oh snap

RE: 'til i reach you - Orithia - 06-13-2016


She wasn't hard to read, this Rexanna.

In truth, Orithia was slightly disappointed that the woman Tembovu had shredded his heart over wasn't much more than an irritating gnat. Knowing the behemoth, knowing his past, knowing the love he harbored for his deceased woman and their child - she had hoped that the next mare to catch the Elephant King's affections would at least be worth her salt. Glancing up from the glistening baby blues that served as Rexanna's eyes, Orithia noted the boldly shaded rodent and had to choke back a laugh.

The tiny thing seemed to have more spice than it's bonded.

The winged maiden continued to eye the fuzzy creature as Rexanna spoke, voice dripping with a determined vehemence. Swiveling an ear toward the mare and quirking an invisible brow, Orithia half listened and remained silent throughout the woman's reply. As Rexanna continued to speak, the winged lass noted the conviction behind her words, the stubborn conviction - but, there, the sudden silence, the absolute outrage that filled her next words.

The grin that had settled so carefully onto the ivory mare's lips began to curl ever so slightly at the edges, a gentle smoldering alight within those pale eyes.

As Rexanna's last syllables were snatched away by the breeze, Orithia took a moment to consider her adversary's words - was this conversation even worth a reply on her end or would it just be best to escort the thief back to whatever wasteland she hailed from? Cocking her head to the side, smile vanishing as she appraised the woman before her, Orithia gave a curt nod to no one in particular.

"Seems I've struck a nerve, hm?" Orithia practically purred her reply, the satisfaction at knowing exactly how to string this gold spattered woman up on her own rage filling her from hoof to head, "And yet here you are, spitting venom at the King's own while you strive for whatever victory you think is attainable at my expense." A humorless chuckle escaped from between curved lips, "Tell me, do you know I guard his son in the night? The child he sired with Queen Elsa to cement their rule? Did you know your children are the consequence of weakness? Of a slip-up?"

A smirk, a step closer, the rustle of feathered wings against well-muscled sides.

"Whatever business you have, I can handle it, because I think the King is a little busy with the child that matters, the child begat from something better than a thief, the child that wasn't an absolute mistake."

With an exaggerated sigh and a theatrical fluttering of lashes, Orithia aimed her gaze at Rexanna's dainty hooves and gave the woman a once-over, brows raised in disdain. "What a pity," Her voice had grown soft, almost kind, "That he may not tell me everything - by far, he doesn't tell me everything - but I have been told enough to know that there is nothing here for you, dalali." Behind the obvious dislike that rested in the pupilless blush of Orithia's eyes, there was something akin to pity; and that, she knew, was the greatest insult of all.

And yet, it seemed that despite her best efforts to hate the woman before her, to despise the fragile grace and womanly curvature at her belly, Orithia couldn't help but nurture the tiniest spark of empathy for the mare; she knew what it was like to be used, to be cast aside, to have promises of a better life - of a normal life - shattered at her feet. Yes, she knew what it was like to know there was truly no place to belong. Taking another step toward Rexanna, Orithia surprised herself by reaching her muzzle toward the other mare's shoulder, an attempt at an almost-friendly gesture.

"Come now," She murmured, "Let's not make a spectacle out of you. Let's get you home so you can rest. So the child can rest."

wowowowow sorry Ori just refused to reply to this for so long XD


RE: 'til i reach you - Rexanna - 06-18-2016

I’ve become a simple souvenir of someone’s kill
Seems I’ve struck a nerve, hm?

Pale ears flicked back, flush to her skull as her smoldering icy gaze never leaving the sight of the blush hued mare. Marembo, stayed strong and puffed up, a sharp tiny growl escaping his throat as his bonded half listened to what the mare had to say to her. But of course, the thing the mare had told her was the last thing she wanted to hear. If she thought that this event was about victories, she would be sadly mistaken. But Rexanna’s lips formed a tight line, her gaze never faltering for the protection of the life within her. “Do you know I guard his son at night? The child he sired with Queen Elsa to cement their rule?” Part of her wanted to know if it were true, but most of her refusing to believe it in that instance. She didn’t let her surprise cross her face, instead she stood like a statue. Listening, knowing the mare would be continuing on.

Yet, when she had insulted her children, that was enough. “What gives you the right to insult my children?” She scoffed, knowing nothing of the winged creature that seemed to know everything about her. And still, the mare continued, speaking of this unheard of Tembovu child as venom dripped from her lips at what was supposed to be Rexanna’s mistake. “You say there’s nothing here for me, but your King hadn’t told you that he told me to visit? What kind of protector are you if you don’t even know who your King has asked to come or go?” She questioned, malice dripping from her pale face. And so, the blushed pegasus began to approach her, setting Marembo on edge. He shrunk up further, attempting to make himself look bigger as his species often did.

As she reached for the Thief, Rexanna pulled away from the embrace as if she were poison.

You have no right to touch me.” She hissed, through clenched teeth. The storm of emotion rippling beneath her exotic striped face. “Next time I pay a visit, I’ll have him accompany me.” Growling, she offered a smirk to the mare. “Then you’ll have no choice but to let me through.” Her head pulled into her chest, ears still flush to her skull. Her swollen barrel and emotions swirling within her, enough to last her until she could find the King. Until then, she refused to let it escalate any further than it had been. So she backed further away from the mare, turning to leave with sharp delicately placed footfalls. This wouldn’t be the last the mare would see of her, Rexanna was sure of that. But there was a hint of worry and anger that loomed a deep presence within her breast of whether or not the pegasus was right about Tembovu’s child after all.

And like the sea—
I’m constantly changing from calm to ill.
image | coding

@Orithia I imagine we can end it here :D Rex doesnt want anymore bashing from Ori ;-;