HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Printable Version

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Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 05-31-2016

Thread Tracker

Thread Name: Thread description.

Blessed be the spirit wolf of the sands

RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 07-29-2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus laoreet pellentesque nisi vitae aliquet. Quisque dolor sapien, faucibus in tellus eu, pulvinar ornare nisl. Pellentesque sed gravida leo. Morbi pretium sit amet libero eu bibendum. Curabitur eget hendrerit augue, ut auctor sem. Aenean gravida lacinia dapibus. Aenean fermentum, arcu sit amet semper facilisis, quam dui egestas massa, sed facilisis tellus ante eget metus. Sed pharetra eleifend leo, id efficitur quam commodo quis. Nullam a neque sed sem placerat tincidunt. Suspendisse luctus nibh sit amet elit pulvinar scelerisque. Nulla a ipsum eu massa tincidunt faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Cras ultricies hendrerit aliquam. Vestibulum id elit sagittis, efficitur nulla a, vehicula elit. Ut nec tempus neque. Vivamus non suscipit turpis.

Morbi malesuada vel mauris ut porttitor. Nulla ligula tellus, ultricies at varius vitae, lobortis non nibh. Curabitur ac turpis in libero egestas tempus. Phasellus pellentesque rutrum velit, non tempor sapien euismod a. Integer id ante purus. Fusce ultricies porta posuere. Donec congue iaculis nulla, nec eleifend arcu interdum sit amet. Sed eget augue at leo laoreet faucibus et posuere arcu. Curabitur tempus gravida nunc ut tincidunt. Proin a turpis nisl. Nunc non venenatis mauris. Sed sit amet justo in ex rutrum egestas. In sit amet gravida risus. Praesent eu lacus ante.

Morbi malesuada vel mauris ut porttitor. Nulla ligula tellus, ultricies at varius vitae, lobortis non nibh. Curabitur ac turpis in libero egestas tempus. Phasellus pellentesque rutrum velit, non tempor sapien euismod a. Integer id ante purus. Fusce ultricies porta posuere. Donec congue iaculis nulla, nec eleifend arcu interdum sit amet. Sed eget augue at leo laoreet faucibus et posuere arcu. Curabitur tempus gravida nunc ut tincidunt. Proin a turpis nisl. Nunc non venenatis mauris. Sed sit amet justo in ex rutrum egestas. In sit amet gravida risus. Praesent eu lacus ante.

Morbi malesuada vel mauris ut porttitor. Nulla ligula tellus, ultricies at varius vitae, lobortis non nibh. Curabitur ac turpis in libero egestas tempus. Phasellus pellentesque rutrum velit, non tempor sapien euismod a. Integer id ante purus. Fusce ultricies porta posuere. Donec congue iaculis nulla, nec eleifend arcu interdum sit amet. Sed eget augue at leo laoreet faucibus et posuere arcu. Curabitur tempus gravida nunc ut tincidunt. Proin a turpis nisl. Nunc non venenatis mauris. Sed sit amet justo in ex rutrum egestas. In sit amet gravida risus. Praesent eu lacus ante.

Morbi malesuada vel mauris ut porttitor. Nulla ligula tellus, ultricies at varius vitae, lobortis non nibh. Curabitur ac turpis in libero egestas tempus. Phasellus pellentesque rutrum velit, non tempor sapien euismod a. Integer id ante purus. Fusce ultricies porta posuere. Donec congue iaculis nulla, nec eleifend arcu interdum sit amet. Sed eget augue at leo laoreet faucibus et posuere arcu. Curabitur tempus gravida nunc ut tincidunt. Proin a turpis nisl. Nunc non venenatis mauris. Sed sit amet justo in ex rutrum egestas. In sit amet gravida risus. Praesent eu lacus ante.

You spend your whole life just to remember the sound
When the world was brighter, before we learned to dim it down

RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 08-09-2016

The spirit wolf of the sands
Words go here yay!


image | coding

RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 08-12-2016

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

The spirit wolf of the sands

image | coding

RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 08-12-2016

Words go here yay!


Throw me to the wolves
and I'll return
leading the pack.
image | coding

RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 08-12-2016

The Spirits Sing Softly

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet marshmallow tootsie roll toffee.  Candy canes carrot cake bonbon marshmallow chocolate powder. Gummi bears sesame snaps tart bonbon tiramisu. Lollipop chocolate gummies chocolate cake sweet roll ice cream. Cupcake chocolate wafer marzipan jelly-o danish cheesecake pastry. Cotton candy topping donut jujubes apple pie candy canes croissant sugar plum.

Powder bear claw jelly. Chocolate sesame snaps liquorice dragée. Danish jujubes sugar plum jelly-o caramels cupcake powder candy canes. Jelly beans pudding bear claw danish. Icing muffin lollipop. Sugar plum wafer topping cotton candy chupa chups sugar plum. Pastry oat cake croissant lemon drops gummi bears fruitcake candy canes bonbon croissant. Dessert gingerbread lemon drops tart.

Biscuit liquorice chupa chups tiramisu. Lemon drops bonbon danish sweet cotton candy candy cake. Toffee powder caramels donut tiramisu pie candy canes jelly lollipop. Chocolate bar jelly-o toffee liquorice jelly beans. Bear claw biscuit gummies cake donut fruitcake cupcake halvah. Jelly beans cheesecake tart gummies macaroon. Candy canes cotton candy sweet tiramisu gingerbread lollipop sweet roll liquorice. Candy cotton candy liquorice bear claw. Lemon drops lollipop bear claw cake. Sweet oat cake apple pie gummies marzipan marzipan.

sweet lullabies of lost love

Raggedi @ DA

RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 08-12-2016


Once Upon a Time
I had a love affair with fire

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet marshmallow tootsie roll toffee. Candy canes carrot cake bonbon marshmallow chocolate powder. Gummi bears sesame snaps tart bonbon tiramisu. Lollipop chocolate gummies chocolate cake sweet roll ice cream. Cupcake chocolate wafer marzipan jelly-o danish cheesecake pastry. Cotton candy topping donut jujubes apple pie candy canes croissant sugar plum.

Powder bear claw jelly. Chocolate sesame snaps liquorice dragée. Danish jujubes sugar plum jelly-o caramels cupcake powder candy canes. Jelly beans pudding bear claw danish. Icing muffin lollipop. Sugar plum wafer topping cotton candy chupa chups sugar plum. Pastry oat cake croissant lemon drops gummi bears fruitcake candy canes bonbon croissant. Dessert gingerbread lemon drops tart.

Biscuit liquorice chupa chups tiramisu. Lemon drops bonbon danish sweet cotton candy candy cake. Toffee powder caramels donut tiramisu pie candy canes jelly lollipop. Chocolate bar jelly-o toffee liquorice jelly beans. Bear claw biscuit gummies cake donut fruitcake cupcake halvah. Jelly beans cheesecake tart gummies macaroon. Candy canes cotton candy sweet tiramisu gingerbread lollipop sweet roll liquorice. Candy cotton candy liquorice bear claw. Lemon drops lollipop bear claw cake. Sweet oat cake apple pie gummies marzipan marzipan.


RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 08-12-2016

I'm made up of depths
even the ocean couldn't fathom

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet marshmallow tootsie roll toffee. Candy canes carrot cake bonbon marshmallow chocolate powder. Gummi bears sesame snaps tart bonbon tiramisu. Lollipop chocolate gummies chocolate cake sweet roll ice cream. Cupcake chocolate wafer marzipan jelly-o danish cheesecake pastry. Cotton candy topping donut jujubes apple pie candy canes croissant sugar plum.

Powder bear claw jelly. Chocolate sesame snaps liquorice dragée. Danish jujubes sugar plum jelly-o caramels cupcake powder candy canes. Jelly beans pudding bear claw danish. Icing muffin lollipop. Sugar plum wafer topping cotton candy chupa chups sugar plum. Pastry oat cake croissant lemon drops gummi bears fruitcake candy canes bonbon croissant. Dessert gingerbread lemon drops tart.

Biscuit liquorice chupa chups tiramisu. Lemon drops bonbon danish sweet cotton candy candy cake. Toffee powder caramels donut tiramisu pie candy canes jelly lollipop. Chocolate bar jelly-o toffee liquorice jelly beans. Bear claw biscuit gummies cake donut fruitcake cupcake halvah. Jelly beans cheesecake tart gummies macaroon. Candy canes cotton candy sweet tiramisu gingerbread lollipop sweet roll liquorice. Candy cotton candy liquorice bear claw. Lemon drops lollipop bear claw cake. Sweet oat cake apple pie gummies marzipan marzipan.

All your secrets I will keep, tucked safe inside of me
Art Credit

RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 08-12-2016


The sea is Desert of Waves
A wilderness of Water

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet marshmallow tootsie roll toffee. Candy canes carrot cake bonbon marshmallow chocolate powder. Gummi bears sesame snaps tart bonbon tiramisu. Lollipop chocolate gummies chocolate cake sweet roll ice cream. Cupcake chocolate wafer marzipan jelly-o danish cheesecake pastry. Cotton candy topping donut jujubes apple pie candy canes croissant sugar plum.

Powder bear claw jelly. Chocolate sesame snaps liquorice dragée. Danish jujubes sugar plum jelly-o caramels cupcake powder candy canes. Jelly beans pudding bear claw danish. Icing muffin lollipop. Sugar plum wafer topping cotton candy chupa chups sugar plum. Pastry oat cake croissant lemon drops gummi bears fruitcake candy canes bonbon croissant. Dessert gingerbread lemon drops tart.

Biscuit liquorice chupa chups tiramisu. Lemon drops bonbon danish sweet cotton candy candy cake. Toffee powder caramels donut tiramisu pie candy canes jelly lollipop. Chocolate bar jelly-o toffee liquorice jelly beans. Bear claw biscuit gummies cake donut fruitcake cupcake halvah. Jelly beans cheesecake tart gummies macaroon. Candy canes cotton candy sweet tiramisu gingerbread lollipop sweet roll liquorice. Candy cotton candy liquorice bear claw. Lemon drops lollipop bear claw cake. Sweet oat cake apple pie gummies marzipan marzipan.


RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 08-16-2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sodales tellus purus, sed viverra ligula auctor et. Donec at ligula ut ante iaculis tincidunt in sed lacus. Fusce magna metus, commodo et tristique et, venenatis quis nulla. Etiam pretium posuere risus. Nullam lorem nisl, varius id ante id, fermentum sodales erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus suscipit tellus nisi, id sodales risus sollicitudin ac. Fusce et nibh a dui luctus posuere at convallis sapien. Integer nibh massa, cursus non bibendum vel, adipiscing vel purus. Aliquam ultrices magna sed sem condimentum, sed eleifend dui ultrices. Nullam fermentum erat at interdum pulvinar. Donec tempor laoreet ipsum a commodo. Etiam porta lacinia consequat. Phasellus nec convallis purus. Vestibulum malesuada nec sem ut consequat. Praesent luctus, nisl eu pretium porta, lacus nibh ultricies leo, viverra viverra lacus lectus sit amet augue.

talk talk talk

Blessed be the Spirit Wolf

image | coding

RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 10-12-2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sodales tellus purus, sed viverra ligula auctor et. Donec at ligula ut ante iaculis tincidunt in sed lacus. Fusce magna metus, commodo et tristique et, venenatis quis nulla. Etiam pretium posuere risus. Nullam lorem nisl, varius id ante id, fermentum sodales erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus suscipit tellus nisi, id sodales risus sollicitudin ac. Fusce et nibh a dui luctus posuere at convallis sapien.

Integer nibh massa, cursus non bibendum vel, adipiscing vel purus. Aliquam ultrices magna sed sem condimentum, sed eleifend dui ultrices. Nullam fermentum erat at interdum pulvinar. Donec tempor laoreet ipsum a commodo. Etiam porta lacinia consequat. Phasellus nec convallis purus. Vestibulum malesuada nec sem ut consequat. Praesent luctus, nisl eu pretium porta, lacus nibh ultricies leo, viverra viverra lacus lectus sit amet augue.

"talk talk talk"

Pale sky, white land;
like somewhere past the end of the world

Credits: Image by lovelyskylark

RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 10-12-2016

Twee messenger bag la croix tbh truffaut keffiyeh. Scenester craft beer lyft humblebrag. Irony polaroid tofu, thundercats asymmetrical gochujang echo park. Slow-carb heirloom man braid man bun, stumptown marfa lo-fi literally. Brooklyn fam offal health goth, sartorial la croix vexillologist 90's prism. Skateboard raw denim unicorn, green juice copper mug la croix cred neutra. Poke cred humblebrag, glossier vape viral trust fund scenester godard bespoke woke subway tile tofu yuccie.

Authentic organic you probably haven't heard of them shabby chic, offal VHS distillery trust fund normcore. Pickled scenester next level, blue bottle sustainable pinterest unicorn live-edge photo booth franzen tacos. Waistcoat taxidermy bespoke franzen, portland meh narwhal single-origin coffee brunch post-ironic put a bird on it. Tacos drinking vinegar coloring book, marfa affogato echo park trust fund. Venmo tumeric gluten-free brooklyn enamel pin. Tbh direct trade asymmetrical, chia narwhal af umami fashion axe wayfarers. Mustache lo-fi enamel pin 90's, vaporware raw denim hexagon poutine.

she slept with wolves without fear.

RE: Spirit Wolf :: Verro Tracker - Verro - 10-12-2016

Twee messenger bag la croix tbh truffaut keffiyeh. Scenester craft beer lyft humblebrag. Irony polaroid tofu, thundercats asymmetrical gochujang echo park. Slow-carb heirloom man braid man bun, stumptown marfa lo-fi literally. Brooklyn fam offal health goth, sartorial la croix vexillologist 90's prism. Skateboard raw denim unicorn, green juice copper mug la croix cred neutra. Poke cred humblebrag, glossier vape viral trust fund scenester godard bespoke woke subway tile tofu yuccie.

Authentic organic you probably haven't heard of them shabby chic, offal VHS distillery trust fund normcore. Pickled scenester next level, blue bottle sustainable pinterest unicorn live-edge photo booth franzen tacos. Waistcoat taxidermy bespoke franzen, portland meh narwhal single-origin coffee brunch post-ironic put a bird on it. Tacos drinking vinegar coloring book, marfa affogato echo park trust fund. Venmo tumeric gluten-free brooklyn enamel pin. Tbh direct trade asymmetrical, chia narwhal af umami fashion axe wayfarers. Mustache lo-fi enamel pin 90's, vaporware raw denim hexagon poutine.

she slept with wolves without fear.
♦ verro of the sands