HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
The Unbound - Printable Version

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The Unbound - Ashamin - 06-14-2016

The Unbound

"I've been seeking others like you in this wilderness..."


Tenets of The Unbound

Loyalty Independence Knowledge Defense
The Unbound are loyal to each other. The Unbound are untethered. The Unbound share what they know. The Unbound fight when they must.

Disciplines of The Unbound

Members of The Unbound select two Disciplines: one to teach and master (their primary,) the other to apprentice in (their secondary.) Newer members do not have to choose their second discipline until they reach two seasons of membership, and they then learn of their second discipline from those who have chosen it to be their first. Foals (Scouts) must choose their primary discipline by their first year of age and their secondary by the time they are two. Though many choose Crusader as one of their disciplines (in line with the tenet of defense,) it is not required that you be a fighter to be a member of The Unbound. Regardless of rank, all members of The Unbound should actively be recruiting, sharing knowledge, and maintaining their loyalty.

Each rank has three different classes within it. The beginning class is Trainee, the next class is Apprentice, and the highest (and ranked) class is Master. The Unbound currently has no Master ranks and will hold auditions once membership has increased.





Master Apprentice Trainee


News and Events

  • The Unbound has been founded by Ashamin!
  • Rhea has joined the Unbound as an Apprentice Looter and Trainee Crusader.
  • Rein has joined the Unbound as a Scout.
  • Banjo has joined the Unbound as an Apprentice Crusader and Trainee Artificer.
  • Ovidius has joined the Unbound as an Apprentice Looter and Trainee Absolver.
  • Chaska has joined the Unbound as an Apprentice Crusader and Trainee Practitioner.
  • Seanan has joined the Unbound as an Apprentice Crusader and Trainee Practitioner.
  • Gemini has joined the Unbound as a Scout. Members, welcome her here!
  • Hé has joined the Unbound.
  • Paradox has joined the Unbound as an Apprentice Looter and a Trainee Crusader.
  • Bellisma has joined the Unbound as an Apprentice Practitioner.
  • Abaddon has joined the Unbound as an Apprentice Artificer and a Trainee Absolver.
  • Imara has joined the Unbound as an Apprentice Crusader and a Trainee Artificer.




    If you wish to know more about The Unbound or are interested in counting yourself among their ranks, ask below!

    The Unbound in Action

    Want to RP with a member of the Unbound or see us at work? View our threads below. If something is marked private but you still want to join, message the person who made it to ask if you can.

  • [Open] Tarnished Diamonds
         Ovidius & Vitani & Sjal & Athena
  • [Open] Out of Ashes, I burn
         Ashamin & Tsavo & Imara & Aeolus
  • [Private] Phantom Limb
         Ashamin & Phantom
  • [Open] Witch in the West
         Ovidius & Lourdes & Mauja & Syrena
  • [Open] I'll Tell You I've Changed
         Banjo & Pythia
  • [Open] The Un-Luck of the White Stag
         Leif & Elspeth & Banjo & Thranduil
  • [Open] Wrap Your Arms Around Me
         Banjo & Chaska & Adelis
  • [Private] Red Rain Run
         Ashamin & Seanan
  • [Open] Glitz and Glamour
         Ashamin & Eredhes & Voodoo & Lotherarius
  • [Private] Surf's Down
         Ashamin & Ovidius
  • [Open] A Mothers Plead
         Ashamin & Banjo & Chaska
  • [Open] Time to Get Your Head on Straight
         Rhea & Ovidius & Nirvana & Yaotl
  • [Private] Swim.
         Ashamin & Mkali
  • [Open] Beyond the Black Stump
         Ashamin & Banjo & Lyanna
  • [Finished] [Open] What day is it?
         Ashamin & Hasovir
  • [Private] When it Gets Dark Out
         Rein & Ashamin
  • [Private] Never Look Back
         Ashamin & Rhea

  • RE: The Unbound - Ovidius - 06-14-2016

    ovidius wants in.
    As whatever sort of thief she can be

    RE: The Unbound - Ashamin - 06-14-2016

    Hooray @Ovidius! Our thieves are the Looters, so if she chose that as her primary she would start out as an Apprentice Looter (and she could try out for the Master Looter rank later when those open.) If she chose it as her secondary she'd be a trainee. I'll have a thread up for us soon so she can join IC. :)

    RE: The Unbound - Ashamin - 06-16-2016

    Want to see what The Unbound is all about in practice, and see what they're up to now? Check out the new section in the bottom of the first post where you can find their threads to join or read! :)

    RE: The Unbound - Ashamin - 07-06-2016

    The Unbound is growing and will soon have its first meeting! Remember that if you're interested in joining you can just ask one of our members for a thread, and if you have any questions and want to learn more feel free to post here.

    RE: The Unbound - Chaska - 07-06-2016

    Dumb question....What are absolvers and artificers?

    RE: The Unbound - Riven - 07-06-2016

    Absolver = Seer rank
    Artificer = Crafting rank


    Do you have skype? We have a group chat you can join if you want?

    RE: The Unbound - Paradox - 07-15-2016

    Interested, but unsure of a spot for my Paradox.

    Is a scout a spy or a recruiter? and what exactly does "seer rank" mean?

    RE: The Unbound - Ashamin - 07-15-2016

    Hey @Paradox! Glad you're interested. :)

    A scout is actually our name for characters under the age of 2, or foals. Kind of like a cub/girlscout. :P If you're a scout you can still pick disciplines to study but you aren't officially ranked, in line with site rules about characters having to be 2 to be considered "adults."

    A Seer rank is a character that is a scholar and/or has an interest in or attempts to communicate with the Gods. They might try to learn about the history of helovia, The Unbound, other herds, the gods, etc. They might also be more religiously inclined but would not have to be. Ovidius chose the absolver rank because she's got a nack for remembering things and loves to learn; Ashamin was a former seer in a herd and is religious, so that fit him.

    Please let me know if you have any more questions! :)

    Edit: Since you asked about recruiters, pretty much everyone in The Unbound equally goes out to help with this effort!

    RE: The Unbound - Paradox - 07-15-2016

    My girl is in the threshold now with Seanan and two others from the Basin. So I was trying to get a feel for where she would fit best. ^_^

    She doesn't have a good memory, so not sure seeker would suit her, though she's never battled before either...hmmm..she has a grudge in her that offers a very dark side though.

    any ideas?

    RE: The Unbound - Seanan - 07-15-2016

    Would she be interested in being sneaky, healing, or crafting things? The big concern would be to eventually choose her primary role. Her secondary could be a passing interest, or just another path you think she might be pushed down over the course of life and such.

    For example, Seanan is a Crusader primarily because historically he has primarily held leadership and defensive positions (pre-Helovia). However I also chose Practicioner at first because I just didn't think anything else fit. Now though I'm loving the choice because it's giving his character a lot of different ways to develop and it dove-tails nicely into his defender-protector mentality (not that he'll tell anyone that's a thing). XD

    I think she might make a good Looter, who are people that put up riddles and try and steal things, basically XD Or maybe an Artificer? Maybe she likes to make physical things that last, even though her memory may not.

    RE: The Unbound - Ashamin - 07-15-2016

    Rien took the words out of my mouth. :) Another great thing about the Unbound is just because your character might not have done something before, doesn't mean they can't now. Since we're all about sharing knowledge here any member of the unbound would be willing to teach Paradox new things about their disciplines, including fighting (and spar teachers like myself can give you out of character tips, too.)

    Along with stealing Looters also gather intelligence about the goings on, so if she likes to spy that could be good for her. And like Rien said, you wouldn't have to pick your secondary discipline right away, and if you chose one and found it wasn't for her at all or would be better suited as her secondary, you could always change.


    RE: The Unbound - Seanan - 07-15-2016

    Quick question Ashamin, and I'm posting it here for peoples' future reference- can we be promoted in both of our disciplines? For example, if someone were to put in a significant amount of time and IC effort could they become a master of two disciplines?

    RE: The Unbound - Ashamin - 07-15-2016

    Great question Rien! It's not something that had really been discussed before.

    You can definitely get promoted to Master in your Primary and then from trainee to apprentice in your secondary, that was set up from the beginning. As far as being master in both I would think maybe not, just to give more people an opportunity to have ranks (and if we ever were to consider becoming more herd-like, you can only have one of those ranks at a time,) and to maintain the idea that you put more effort into your primary while maintaining an interest in your secondary.

    That said, it's definitely an idea. Because of how this group runs I think it's something we should all discuss and decide together, either in character at the next meeting or out of character once we have a secret room. :)

    RE: The Unbound - Paradox - 07-15-2016

    okie dokie...

    thanks guys! I'll keep all that in mind.

    RE: The Unbound - Sali - 08-19-2016

    Sali is joining the Unbound. I was thinking, apprentice Practitioner...trainee Looter? Is there anywhere else I need to post, cause I'm confused. xD

    RE: The Unbound - Odd - 08-19-2016

    Currently anyone can post in the updates and be added to your secret board ... hollar at me if you want it to be herd leader style where only ashamin can request someone be added. I doubt anyone is going to try and infiltrate ya'll, but just in case you want it :)

    RE: The Unbound - Ashamin - 08-23-2016

    Ok, thanks for the option Odd! I'll let you know if things change but the current system works for me.

    @Sali go ahead and check out our secret room to see how you can get started!