HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] [joining] frailty & fragility - Printable Version

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[joining] frailty & fragility - Evaneska - 06-27-2016

Refuge. Asylum. Sanctum. Only a fool wouldn't accept such an offer. But wasn't this something offered before? Back in a parallel world, before the earth was ripped apart by an unforeseen force, a husky voice had whispered, "You'll never have to worry about being betrayed again." Protection had been accepted back then under the false pretense that the help presented was true. Instead it was an excuse to be locked in a grand bird cage. "In here you'll be safe." And lonely. Oh, so lonely; a fact that had been conveniently left out.

Gods proved to be extremely possessive - obsessive - with what they claimed as there's. Questions and musings were not taken too kindly. So when the topic of seeing more of the world was brought up.. God forbid it had been brought up. All it brought was uncontrolled fury and envy. "This is how you repay my kindness? Your savior? You ungrateful brat!"

In this new land the Gods were less.. tainted. There auras were not dark nor chilling yet their power was undeniable. When brought to this land - when the Rift gave my pitiful life another chance I tried to show my appreciations. To these very lands I had followed him; a dapple grey stallion whom had offered me safe haven. Like lightning the memories had struck. Like a small, injured deer being tracked by a pack of wolves instincts yelled to fight or flight. The latter was chosen and the male was left there alone.

Indeed, I was selfish.

The images and memories plagued hazy sight. In every direction demons lurked with their glowing eyes. In fear of what Helovia's Gods may do if I left this new cage, I never once truly left the new lands. Instead hooves wandered over foreign terrain as essential needs were ignored. Where had I gone? I don't remember now: only the stench of fear and flashes of pictures. Mental had separated from the physical plane, retreating to an unknown place as the body was left as a mere husk. I do not know how I had survived, how I hadn't walked off of a high clifftop.

Awareness had struck me like a stampeding herd. Frail, weak, and disoriented I stumbled to the only place I could remember. The only place that had felt real during all of this. However, standing along the border's edge, no attempt was made to unveil my presence. Instead blue eyed ice over as they stared straight forward into the trees.

The proposal had probably long since been marked null and void. No one would welcome a mare whom had run away when mere inches away from being apart of the herd. Untrustworthy. Unkempt, sides exposing ribs, and knees buckling. Cuts and scars, some more recent than others, littered my body. Especially my legs. Useless. No pack needed a mare that was out of commission, one that could not pull their own weight.

However, my feet were ensnared to the ground and my body no longer incapable of moving. So I did all I could do and that was simply watch and silently await for the ruler of my fate to find me.

ooc;// trying to get back into her character <3 anyone is welcome to reply!

RE: [joining] frailty & fragility - Syrena - 06-28-2016

let the water take me
What allegiance do men or gods deserve? They are fickle creatures, both of them, worth only what they can give. Men had no value for her now. Once, they could sustain her, give her immortality. She lured them away with a pretty song and a bat of her eyelashes, and consumed their souls to feed her own. Now? Now they simply existed, in the way anything and everything existed. She had no need for them, still preferred women to men (in a general sense, given that she is rather asexual and certainly not capable of love).

The Gods perhaps are worth more, but still, did they deserve her undying respect? No, she did not think so. What had the God of the Earth ever done for her? Or any of the Gods, for that matter? Stripped her power when she came here, and gave her so little in return. She would earn back everything she could, certainly, but to be stripped of everything she’d been born with was a cruel, cruel trick.
Best not to rely on anyone but yourself. And never trust the stranger with candy.
Syrena, having no real purpose in this herd and still unwilling to commit herself completely to a caste, has been mostly staying in the pools. But today, she decides she might as well do something of use, and so she wanders the border, wondering who else actually still lived here. Not that she took the time to learn who lived here in the brief moments she called this place home, but she could pretend that she had some clue.
A mare with wings behind her head catches the gray mare’s eye, and she turns her course. Not that she can do a damn thing here, really, but she goes anyway. Boredem drives her more than anything (certainly more than concern for the scrawny, beat looking mare on the border). “Can I help you?” she asks, little concern in her voice but a slight tinge of it in there. She’s trying. Granted, again, there’s nothing Syrena can do. She doesn’t even know who the healers are around this place. But you know, she’ll just keep on pretending. 


darya87 | larfsalot
on deviantart

@Evaneska - do you want to be tagged?

RE: [joining] frailty & fragility - Evaneska - 07-29-2016

The leaves tried their best to filter the rays of the hot, blistering sun but the summer heat still pulsed and burned. It was uncomfortable and the humidity weighing down did naught to help the already heavy anxiety that dug into me. The shadows beckoned me to come closer, cooing and whispering wonderful temptations. They promised me a place to hide, a place where I could become invisible once more. Not only would I be protected from the sun's harsh and judging rays but from the harsh and judging world around me.

How tempting their offer was. It would be so easy to turn around and run away once again. Before anyone found me again I could be gone, the only sign that I was here being a scent that no one would surely recognize. I could disappear and return to my secluded outskirts where no one ever stumbled upon me, where no one could harm me but myself.

Wings twitched at the sound of approaching hooves. If I wanted to leave I must depart this instance: it was now or never. My brain was telling me to flee: run, run, run and don't look back. But, at the same time, I was just so tired.. So tired of all this wandering. So tired of being alone. Company terrified me yet loneliness did too. This contradiction brought hesitation with it and with hesitation came missed opportunities. My window to leave was now gone.

Hesitantly, I took a step back as a beautiful mare stepped approached. I looked away, eyes darting and focusing on anything but her. Here I was, a speck of dirt, being inspected by a woman with the looks of royalty. I feared she would demand me, a peasant, to leave. However, that was not the case. Instead a simple inquiry was made.

"Can I help you?"

That.. was certainly not what I was expecting. I dared to take a single peek at the beauty before fixating my gaze on my trembling hooves. Could she help me? I was not sure as I could not predict the future. There was also the fact that I couldn't even help myself. I was a living, breathing wreck - an accident that you couldn't turn your eyes away from.

All I could do was answer truthfully. “I do not know.” my voice cracked, rusty from lack of use. This was probably not what the mare wished to truly hear, though. “When the Rifts tore the worlds open and joined them together, even if only temporarily, a stallion by the name of Ciceron offered me asylum here.” Many details were left void but my throat felt numb as my brain churned for words that refused to come. All I could do was hope, with my head bowed, that this would be an adequate answer for now.

While my words remained even, soft and restrained, my heart throbbed with racing panic against my chest. I was on trial and, in the face of my judge, I appeared more like a foal than a full grown mare. Those taunting thoughts - what had recently been my only companions - returned and jeered at my depressed, yet destined, failure.

ooc;// yes please! would you also like to be tagged? also, sorry i've been so busy this reply is so late! things are starting to slow down ;-;
tag;// @Syrena

RE: [joining] frailty & fragility - Syrena - 08-02-2016

let the water take me
It’s probably a miracle that Syrena is even out of the pools on a day like today. It’s miserable hot, and she’s only been standing here for a few moments, but she’s already regretting bothering with the stranger on their border. Hot is not her favorite thing. Nothing is, except the sea (and when she can’t have the sea, any other body of water). Despite the water in this land though, there was also quite a lot of foliage and kindling, and fires kept breaking out periodically. It was really great fun, dodging the flames as she tried to get the hell out of the way.

Why did she live here? Seriously. Someone answer that. Because she’s really starting to wonder herself.

Ah, but here she is. And she’s already greeted the stranger, which means she probably just can’t walk away. So instead, she tries to keep the scowl off her face at her own stupid ideas, and stays put. Waiting for the mare to say something. Syrena would laugh if she could read thoughts. She did not think herself beautiful, particularly out of the water. On land, she was plain and gray, more a seal than siren. Yes, she had fins instead of feathers, some patches of scaling. She was different, but she was not beautiful.

There were so many beautiful creatures around here. Adorned with all variety of items and markings, painted with every color of the rainbow. And then there was Syrena. Large and imposing, perhaps, but far from beautiful. She was a monster, no matter how much she tried to pretend otherwise. It would, in truth, surprise her to learn just how many consider her to be beautiful. Because she does not agree. But of course, she can’t read minds, so it doesn’t matter anyway.

The mare’s answer is something of a half answer. Syrena stifles a sigh, because she hates wasting time and beating around the bush. But apparently that’s what horses do in the world of kingdoms. Alright, fine. “No idea if he’s still here, but I don’t get out much,” she offers, trying to sound friendly, though the joke falls flat in her emotionless voice. She steps aside though, nodding her way into the kingdom. “I can’t tell you you can stay, but we can try to find Brisa or someone else who has that power. Probably it’s fine.”

After all, the Falls was pretty damn quiet. They needed members. Even strange, timid ones from a world Syrena hardly knows anything about. “I’m Syrena. We’ll go find some shade and water at least. It’s hot as hell out here.” And, not waiting to make sure the mare is following, she plunges back into the Falls in search of a cooler place, and someone to help the mare out.


darya87 | larfsalot
on deviantart

@Evaneska - no worries! and please tag Syrena as well. Also @Brisa or someone else who can accept Evaneska.:)