HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] hello? - Printable Version

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hello? - Ranjiri - 07-05-2016

I had said my goodbyes in the Dragon's Throat and even though I didn't want to leave Cera, I did. I remembered the days when I had been without him and they had been very dark days for me. After the infection had spread through Helovia and claimed me and made me attack those that I loved, and even a few that I didn't know, I had been in a dark place. Cera had pulled me out of it, had built me back up and made me strong again and I was leaving him. Guilt weighed heavily on my heart and didn't ease, but I didn't expect it to. 

I knew my way to the Hidden Falls, I'd lived there before it had become the Hidden Falls and I'd been there when my dad had been buried. My mother was there, Murtagh and Lakota, and Uncle Archi had invited me ... but I still hesitated when I made it to the border. I stopped and I stared at all the hills and the lush grasses, fresh water, and the trees and I could only think about how different it was from the Throat. It was shocking and it made me wonder if I could live there without constantly thinking about how different it was from everything I was used to... like the heat. I remembered the winters from my childhood and they were no where near as mild as the Throat's winters.

"Hello?" I called out before I talked myself into turning around and going back to the Throat, which honestly would have been so easy. I figured if someone knew I was there and came to talk to me it would be harder for me to leave. My ears tilted back and I shifted my weight as I waited for someone to pop up and say 'hello!'.


you won't forget the heavy steps it took to let it go
close your eyes, count to ten, hold your breath and fly
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RE: hello? - Archibald - 07-05-2016

So we lay in the dark, we've got nothing to say.
Just the beating of hearts, like two drums in the grey.

Her scent is so familiar in his nostrils that it takes him a moment to realize it does not belong here. Not that she did not belong here, with her family, but when he extended his invitation she had made her way back to the Dragon's Throat. She stood on his border, however, lingering with a gentle question on her lips. "I'm here, he thought, turning to head towards the voice of his love's daughter--his chosen child, adopted into the place in his heart the sons of hellion and the daughter of grey stood. She called him Uncle Archi, as she had her entire life, but the Dauntless counted her as his daughter. Massive hooves carried him forward, golden eyes shifting through the trees to find her body tinted with the same color.

Yes, she was his daughter.

As he approached, memories of the hybrid as a child flashed behind his eyes, stimulated by his companion. The canine shared with him images of Ranjiri running across the rolling hills that used to adorn this part of Helovia, before she learned to fly. Her mother's bear chased at her heels, nipping and playing with her. He was much younger then. As was I, Loretta mumbled, a small bout of laughter behind her amber eyes as she looked up to Archibald. He nodded, a small smirk pulling at the corner of his pale lips. It disappeared when he stepped into the clearing of the border, thick vegetation parting for him like the Red Sea parted for Moses.

"You came." He breathed.

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RE: hello? - Ranjiri - 07-05-2016

It wasn't long after I'd caled out for someone that I could hear grass and brush rustling as someone made their way to me. It felt like ages that I stood there just listening and wondering apprehensively who was coming to greet me. it definitely didn't help the anxiety I was already feeling, but there was nothing I could do besides wait. When Uncle Archi appeared out of the bushes I breathed a sigh of relief. His presence was enough to wash away the anxiety that I'd been wallowing in since I'd made the decision to leave the Throat and go to the Falls.

"You came."

Was that relief in his voice? Happiness?

Whatever it was that I detected in his voice it made me not trust my own voice. Rather than answer him with the obvious yes I walked to him and my pressed myself into his chest where I couldn't help but feel safe. I sighed and closed my eyes and just stood there for a while. It took me a bit to gather myself but when I finally did I pulled myself away from the safety that was Uncle Archi.  "I'm sorry it took me so long." I murmured. "I needed to say goodbye to Cera and Gaucho."

My gaze dropped from Uncle Archi to Loretta and I reached my muzzle down toward her. "Hi Loretta." As far as I could think back she'd always been with Archi, kinda like Bear had always been with Momma. She was just as much a source of comfort and safety as Uncle Archi was and I couldn't ignore her. 


you won't forget the heavy steps it took to let it go
close your eyes, count to ten, hold your breath and fly
image credits

RE: hello? - Archibald - 07-23-2016

So we lay in the dark, we've got nothing to say.
Just the beating of hearts, like two drums in the grey.

He was so tall, so imposing, so monstrous in his nature, standing there before the small, beautiful girl. He was rugged and tough; a mountain. She was soft and gentle; a stream. As she advanced toward him, like streams do to mountains, she cut through the layers of rock and nestled herself within his breast, the heart of the mountain exposed. He did not expect a pang to reverberate from his chest, but some electric feeling sparked. It was when she stepped up to embrace him that Archibald remembered it had been so long since he felt the touch of Macaria. Dark ears flicked downward some, chin tucking as his impressive neck arched over the gold-touched girl. He would look for Macaria after this.

She spoke, and he understood the weight of her words. Before he left his post under the Grey, he had met with Ktulu and Lakota. They were his family, aside from his mate Circe, and Ophelia. He needed them to know he was going, but that they were still his. The Dauntless imagined the Constrictor's daughter felt much the same--despite not finding her home in the sands, the Golden Prince and the Wildfire still belonged to her. They were in her heart, forevermore. Archibald took a step back, eyeing the girl up and down and nodding. "I understand." The phrase meant more than she could possible know--even Ktulu did not share such intimate memories with her children.

"The Hidden Falls welcomes you, Ranjiri. Brisa leads this herd at my side, and your mother leads my warriors. Lakota is here, too, a medic. Your brother is growing--I imagine he will be a fine warrior. Wherever your strength is, my ranks accommodate." He spoke softly, but with purpose. He was serious, as ever. As the girl greeted the hound, Loretta's ears lowered some and her tail wagged. A salmon colored tongue rolled from her jaws and laced over golden nostrils.

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RE: hello? - Ranjiri - 07-23-2016

There was a very small part of me that cringed at the idea of saying Gaucho's name in front of Uncle Archi, because I knew what Gaucho had done. I knew that he'd killed Circe just like he'd killed Hototo and so many others in Helovia. I had forgiven him, but I wasn't sure of Uncle Archi had or if he would even though it wasn't Gaucho's fault. But nevertheless, I loved Gaucho dearly, he had been a father to me in every way that my real father had failed. I cried on his shoulder more times than I could count and looked to him for support and never found it lacking. When Uncle Archi nodded and said that he understood if brought a feeling of relief that loosened the knot in my chest.

I nodded my head when he started explaining who lead what. Brisa was someone that I would have to find to speak to and get to know since she was lead. I wasn't surpriised that Momma lead the warriors and that Lakota was a medic. When he mentioned my brother that that he would make a fine warrior I found myself biting my tongue. I didn't want Murtagh to be a warrior beacuse it was dangerous, I knew that from experience. I'd had my share of fights with the Rift Gods and had my wing mangled because of it. it was dangerous and something I didn't want Murtagh to do, but I didn't voice that opinion. Not when Uncle Archi and Momma valued strength so much. "Maybe  so." I said instead.

I had bent my head to greet Loretta, but lifted it again when he spoke of ranks within the herd. I hadn't even thought about it when I'd left the Throat. "Um... I can fight if you need me to." I murmured reluctantly. He'd seen me in the Rift God battles, so he knew that I had potential even if I hated having to hurt anyone. "I was a crafter in the Dragon's Throat ... so I have more experience with that. That's where I would be more useful." I admitted. "But I'll go wherever  you need me most."


you won't forget the heavy steps it took to let it go
close your eyes, count to ten, hold your breath and fly
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