HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
hit on ME?! | Abyss [DONE] - Printable Version

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hit on ME?! | Abyss [DONE] - Tillas - 10-21-2012

"Do you think the sexes should be equal?"
"Not at all, males would become unmanageable."

I, as sexist as I was, loved to flirt. I- correction, liked- to play with stallions, my little boy-toys. Cute, handsome, or horrendous- my blue-of-ice eyes gave even the most humble stallions a long look, so even they would blush inside their pelts. Nothing could divert me from a goal when I wanted it. Nothing. When they did fall into my trap, a steel bear trap woven out of whispered words of love and sweet kisses, woven out of honeyed lies and a soothing balm for a stallion's fear, I would kill them. Not necessarily kill, but drive them out, reveling in their crushed expressions. To some, such a drastic action would be horribly cruel, but to me, it was part of my ethical code, just as racism was. I couldn't help it- I was racist. Not so much anymore, but enough that I had a little more distrust, a little more annoyance, for any stallion or mare who didn't bear a horn. I had been raised in a land where unicorns were worshiped, and humanoids lavished me with jewels, grooming my satin coat when I allowed them into my godly presence, spoke in hushed whispers as they prayed to my power and strength. Pegasi had been a rare commodity, but the humans had never liked them as much as me and my pearly horn. Horses, on the other hand, were brutes for carrying, plowing the fields, a mean to get to one place to another.

Silver-of-the-moonlight hooves-cloven touch the snow kissed ground. It is chilly this morning, with a heavy snow blanketing the world. I love fresh snow, how it blanketed the ground, it drowned out everything. Even the crunch of snow under my hooves was muffled, as was the occasional pile of snow dropping off the green of pines. I wished there was something to catch my attention. Despite my ambition, my haughty strength, I was a leader without followers. Neither was I necessarily cruel- I would not kill the red fox that bounded across my path to please myself. Cool air rushed in and out of my nostrils, spiking my lungs with sharp-cold-crystallized-air. I picked up a trot, floating across the ground, wishing to warm myself. My white-of-the-moon-satin-smooth coat rippled over lean muscle, and I tilted my head, sparkling light gleaming and splitting into a thousand reflections of my pearl horn. Ahh, how I loved my beauty. I would not lie about that.


RE: hit on ME?! | Abyss - Abyss - 10-21-2012

"I must confess that I feel like a monster"

Boredom drove him to his old haunts. The whole of Helovia was open to him, and much of it unexplored, but it was out of habit and boredom that he returned to where he had begun, in the Threshold. The mares there, often disoriented and lost were easier to fool than those that had been settled. Of course, there were the odd mares that came recruiting. To Abyss, the concept of mares recruiting seemed...well...off to him. Stallions were the clearly stronger sex, was it not their duty to expand the tribe? To protect it and help it grow, both through recruitment and breeding? Even his long dead mate had never overstepped her bounds in such away. It was poor etiquette.

The stallion mused on it a little bit, but lost his trail of thought when his eyes were ensnared by a beautiful, unicorn mare. She was a fine specimen, small and lithe with a gorgeous coat and even the oddity connected to her forehead (by that Abyss meant her horn) only added to her beauty. It was with great relief that he noted her tail was not the oddity that some had. He smirked to himself, his thoughts of his mate leaving him as he contemplated the best way to approach this beauty as she trotted past him.

With a smile he trotted after her, his long strides drawing him abreast the mare much quicker than she could leave, though he would grow weary quickly as his bulk took much more to move than hers did.

"Excuse me," he rumbled, "My apologies for disrupting you, but I was wondering..." What lie would suffice? "Do you know your way around these lands well?" That should do it. At the very least she would flounce off...and at the very best, well perhaps she would play a little game with him.

RE: hit on ME?! | Abyss - Tillas - 10-21-2012

"Do you think the sexes should be equal?"
"Not at all, males would become unmanageable."

He wasn't too bad a catch, despite the weariness that tugged on old joints. A deep abyss, his coat as dark as mine is white. Black eyes, black muzzle, black mane, black tail. Only a stripe of white interrupted the uniform obsidian that weighted the bulky horse down. Massive indeed, a heavy draft horse, most unlike my slender form. It was the kind of dark you could almost sense also darkened his soul, a cool black oil sliding over a heart once of gold. Perhaps. But I knew better than to judge solely on appearance- after all, I myself am certainly not how I seem. I slow, watching with a somewhat stand-off-ish expression as he nears me. As he speaks, the stallion's voice is a low rumble, a dark blight on the lovely winter day. A voice of silky lies. One who tells lies can always see lies, and I can feel in my bones that this stallion is something close to me. A twisted version of me as a stallion, perhaps, but then he should be skilled in the games of the mind. So I toss my head, blue-of-ice-water eyes sparkling, and approach.

I circle him, once, twice, before slowing to a halt before his imperious figure. "Maybe I know the lands, maybe not," A smile-that-melts appears on my young face, and my cloven hooves whisper, shifting position. I stand a little taller, elegant neck arched slightly, beautiful head poised delicately. "Do you know the lands, handsome one? One such as becoming as yourself must not travel without the company of a lovely young mare, am I not right?" I flash him another beguiling smile. Pity he seems like one set in his ways.


RE: hit on ME?! | Abyss - Abyss - 10-21-2012

"I must confess that I feel like a monster"

She stopped. That was a relief to the dark stallion, though he tried not to show it. He was not as young as he once was, though his pelt was still inky black and not showing aging yet. He was past the age that chasing after a beguiling mare was an option. It was why he had stopped his more deviant ways of forcing and resorted to charm and lies to get a mare. Thinking of the days long gone reminded him that he had not seen a decent mare in days...ages for a stallion such as himself. His personality was deplorable, but often mares looked for looks and then worried about divulging the reasoning behind honeyed words and flirting, and he was an attractive stud.

She circled him and he watched her dance before him and then disappear and then appear again. He did not follow her loops. She stood perhaps a foot shorter than he and she posed little threat. Chasing after her would never be an option, but she was not poised to run and that was promising. Instead she poised to be attractive, ah that was promising indeed. Her head held just so, her figure drawn up, she was a tempting figure. Self control in the stallion was not so well honed, but he did not intend on marring the beauty by taking her too soon. She would submit to him if he only played long enough.

The smiles held little charm for him, dazzling though they were. They gave him only the satisfaction of knowing she was open to flirting, or at the very least...playing a game. She seemed intelligent, not the type of mare to falls so easily for his words, a challenge perhaps?

"Ah miss," he chortles, "is it a game you seek? You speak like one much practiced in the art of...deception." Indeed, her half answer had alerted him to that, "Alas, I have traveled these many days without company from the fairer, lovely sex. You are certainly a sight for sore eyes, a beauty such as yourself. I have not seen one comparable to yourself these past few days, nay I'd say that I have not seen one so captivating in years." The flattery is thick, and no doubt she will take note of this, but she will stay, she wishes for this encounter as much as he.

RE: hit on ME?! | Abyss - Tillas - 10-21-2012

"Do you think the sexes should be equal?"
"Not at all, males would become unmanageable."

A low chuckle greets my words, and slightly affronted, I half-closed my eyes in trepidation. The black shire speaks in deep tones, richly flavored and hued. So he does boast voice of velvet as well, and words that were as smooth and oily as the petals of the Lechirn flower, a flower that did not blossom in this land.

"Is it a game you seek? You speak like one much practiced in the art of... deception. Alas, I have traveled these many days without company from the fairer, lovely sex. You are certainly a sight for sore eyes, a beauty such as yourself. I have not seen one comparable to yourself these past few days, nay I'd say that I have not seen one so captivating in years." It is a game I play, and play it with a good hand too, but to tell him that would to break the fun that had only just begun. He lays on the flattery too thick, too buttery, and even a fool would know he wishes to play the game I seek. But I also savor the compliment, for why not? It appeals to my vanity, I will not lie. It is a game of words, of bantering, of back-and-forths with hushed whispers and sweet kisses, shaded glances and brief touches. But I do give him some credit. He had not blinked nor turned his head as I had looped around him easily, and for one as pretty as myself, that is hard indeed.

My thoughts run quicker and fleeter than the bounding deer-of-white-tail, but I remain silent for a moment or two, allowing himself a good pause to wonder. I am curious of his name, but it matters little to me. Names are merely another thing to call another. To me, I call horses what I will. I study him for another long moment, thinking. "Your flattery plays a heavy hand, but still, I cannot disregard compliments, even if they are emptier than the trees are devoid of leaves. So, black-horse-of-winter..." I take a slow, crushingly slow step forward, until I am level with his ears and my body feels like it is on fire. I run gray lips along his tall back, reach up my head to preen his mane. Triumphant, glowing, happiness trills a path through me. I will win this round, I am sure. Still, I tilt my head up until my slender neck reaches out, so my delicate muzzle is breathing right beside his ear, and I murmur in a husky voice.

"Mysterious thing you be, you flirt. But it is okay. I do not mind the presence of one as a fine as the night is cold."


RE: hit on ME?! | Abyss - Abyss - 10-21-2012

"I must confess that I feel like a monster"

Her blue orbs shuttered close for a moment, but he sees nothing on her visage to alert him to the fact that she wished to leave his presence. Quiet the opposite, indeed as she took the compliments as one took water. A vain creature with an ego to stroke was a gift horse indeed, and who was he to look one in the mouth, as the saying went. It was banter she looked for, whereas he hoped for the satisfaction of a conquest well done. Unbidden, the thought sprung to his mind that should he succeed the mare could bear his progeny. He vanquished it...children were not a topic he dwelt on often.

She had offered him no name and he had offered her none as well, names...ah names..his own had changed in the past and certainly would in the future. It was a title, temporarily used and discarded when needed not. His true name, his birth name he had not used in years.

"Never have I met a mare who did not like a compliment tossed her way," the stallion replied smirking. Her steps brought her closer and his nerves were on high alert as she closed the gap between them. Her light touches sent electric shocks through the stallion, not immune to her beauty or her flirting, nor the offer she was holding before him. He was not devoid of emotions, his were just more commonly lustful ones than any other. He lusted after a mare as he lusted after a good fight, pleasures that brought temporary satisfaction. This mare embodied all that he desired, and her closeness only served to bring a reminder to him that he had not had a mare in ages.

"Is it subtle compliments you would prefer, mare? Such as the ones you bestow upon me? Ah, love, you tempt me so, I admit, but that's your goal, no? Hmmm," Her body was pressed against his and he inhaled her scent, soft and feminine. The horn near his face was startling, but he was no racist, and she was beautiful.

RE: hit on ME?! | Abyss - Tillas - 10-21-2012

"Do you think the sexes should be equal?"
"Not at all, males would become unmanageable."

It is not so much love bonding us as mutual need. I have the need to play, to flirt with one. He needs a mare, from the slightest of burrs in his words. I thought, at first, I was sexist... but I have been thrown into turmoil. I want to follow him, to bow my head... I needed him, I lusted after him. Why did we coax each other so? I was fierce, I was a warrior, with a hundred battles under my belt, yet I was tempted by an old stallion who wanted a filly beside him. Should I follow one like a loyal dog, or leave before I hurt myself? I play deadly games...

I cannot justify my reasoning, for it is mad. I go around in circles. I fight, I want a stallion's company, and then I want them dead. Why? I run and run ceaselessly, endlessly, in these bewitching cycles. But his words have coaxed me out of my pride, his compliments stoking the fires of my vanity. Why? I shiver inside my satin coat, leaning against the massive stallion. He is so warm...

I cannot pull away.

[OOC: I can see this becoming some kind of bad romance where Tillas becomes pregnant and wants to kill him forever lol.]


RE: hit on ME?! | Abyss - Abyss - 10-21-2012

"I must confess that I feel like a monster"

She speaks nothing, and he is content to let her be so. She is warm against him and the wind hardly ruffles the two as they stand. Her scent is strong in his nostrils, and his desire is surging to his loin. Ah, the mare is pressing deeper into territory not so easily left. Time flows past him in a senseless pattern, every sense piqued and pinpointed on the mare. She is his world at the moment. Love? Never, but lust is strong, often stronger. He is drunk on her scent, intoxicated by her presence. He wants, and he shall have. It is the way of Abyss.

"Mare," he murmurs after a moment, her name is not on his lips, for she has not divulged it. He will not press the point, he doesn't desire it, she'll forever be 'mare' to him no doubt, though there are many mares in Helovia, "Temptress," he begins again, "Let me..." words fail him and he noses her mane and runs his muzzle along her spine, shifting ever so slightly as to not unbalance her., "I must have you." He looks into her eyes keenly, asking permission that he often did not ask.

Whether his unexpected tenderness will continue as soon as his desire is quenched, it is uncertain...and unlikely, but now...now he cares for nothing but feeding the beast that rages in his breast, begging for this mare.

[OCC: Oh, that would be entertaining! I can just imagine her confronting him, all bulgy and pregnant and being like "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?!"]

RE: hit on ME?! | Abyss - Tillas - 10-21-2012

"Do you think the sexes should be equal?"
"Not at all, males would become unmanageable."

I have fallen prey to an old man's wily charms, and now I cannot escape, nor matter how hard my conscience pulls at my legs to force me away. His voice is honeyed sweet, and I cannot resist the urge. Is this love? Or is it need? Perhaps it is just lust, the heat of the moment, which will make me do something I do regret... but I succumb to my needs, and all I breathe is this dark stallion's scent, hungry for it, wanting it. When he speaks, his eyes are begging me, pleading for me, and I will allow it. It is Frostfall, and chances are against my foal being born healthy but I cannot turn it away.

I will regret it, except at the moment I'm not capable for any more thought.


RE: hit on ME?! | Abyss - Abyss - 10-21-2012

"I must confess that I feel like a monster"

Again her silence is answer enough. The mare submits to him, and the beast is sated. Who has won the game? Has the mare, whose name he is still unsure of, or is it him who has slacked his thirst for base desires and simple pleasures?

The deed completed, the stallion stays near her, pressed against her to share his warmth. For now, he will remain, but he will leave. It is how it must be conducted, how the act must be finished. The play is over, the curtain falls.

They stand, the snow falls, the wind howls. It is silence, there is no need for words

((Just wanted to throw something down so it was completely finished. Thanks for the excellent roleplay!))