HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
caged bird, won't you sing? [open] - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: caged bird, won't you sing? [open] (/showthread.php?tid=24576)

caged bird, won't you sing? [open] - Nadir - 07-16-2016

This land is strange to her, though she first approached the forest’s edge some time ago (days? She isn’t sure, and doesn’t care to be). She has wandered beneath the bough’s mottled shade for all that while, not in any one direction, and not in hope of coming out the other side, simply for the sake of movement. But time wears on, as it’s wont to do, and she has grown weary in all it’s passing, and her pace slowed to an amble, and then a plod.

Now she simply stands among the tree trunks. There is grass at her feet and a stream burbling quite merrily mere feet from her, and though she thinks something to eat or drink would do her good she makes no effort for either. She is tired (has been tired for longer than she cares to think about) and it’s good to rest, now that she has accomplished the goal her guide had given her.

In the shade softened heat of late afternoon, Nadir lets her wings drape and cocks a hind leg to rest. She’s a sad sight to be sure, for though she has been gaining weight her ribs push against her skin, and her face is still a touch too gaunt. Furthermore, her wings are disastrous, and it’s hard to say if the way her feathers rest in utter, uncared for havoc is worse than the empty spot where her primaries ought to be – and evidently will never be again.

But preening isn’t a task she’s prepared for, even though she has come to accept the loss of her primaries and so her flight capability. In her mind her wing’s still ache, and phantoms shift, sending quivers down feathers that will never be again. She knows that in trying to preen she will set herself up for pain when she unerringly, thoughtlessly, goes to preen away the ghostly ache and finds nothing but air and scar tissue. She has accepted the loss, yes (that part was inevitable and undeniable) but every time she is forced to stare her crippled state in the face her chest goes tight with the agony of it, such that the mere thought causes her skin to shiver.

So maybe she’s a mess in more than one way – she has been wandering the Threshold with no care for time and without enough drive to progress further after all – she knows this, but she’ll pick herself up soon enough. She just… she just needs a little bit more time.

And maybe… maybe a friend?

OOC :: Hello! Sorry, not quite sure what's going on in this post, just trying to figure her out. Posts should get better as the thread progresses.

RE: caged bird, won't you sing? [open] - Rhea - 07-17-2016

The heat of this Tallsun was scorching to all those of the land or of the sky as it drained what moisture was left in anything. Walking was easier than flying in this desert heat especially when her black figure just swallowed the heat like a black hole absorbing into her already hot flesh. Sticking to the shade worked for awhile but for the most part it was just plain miserable when she would rather be out doing something more than just wallowing around. Earlier that day she had spent time down by the ocean practicing her diving skills which had helped draw some of the heat from her sleek bodice but with being here in the threshold she had dried up and was back to where she had started.

Meandering along at her own pace the hybrid pauses to take a drink out of one of the few remaining streams. Lowering her maw to the waters surface she draws in a mouthful savoring the slight chill her magic is able to give it. Crystalline droplets fall back to each as her head once again raises to its optimal height to allow her to observe the scenery around her. With nothing in sight the mare reluctantly extracts herself from the water and continues along until the scent of another breaches her nostrils. Finding the mare after that was a pretty easy task for she was not trying to hide herself like some chose to do, she rather was just standing there in the shade just off the beaten path.

Approaching slowly her eyes take in the damage from afar before any attention is drawn to her arrival. The stranger had obviously been in some battle of sorts and had done quite the damage to her wings that perched precariously upon her shoulders. Feathers, or rather what was left of them stuck out at all angles and where the primaries should have been was just dead space. What in the world had this mare gotten herself into she wondered silently trying not to stare at her sorry state. Regardless she was another body that could be added to their group and given time the girl would heal and regain her wings eventually. "Hello, My name is Rhea and who might you be?" She asked sweetly letting her hooves still a couple meters from the fae.

Rhea Speaks

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