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[O] Beginning of a Change - Printable Version

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Beginning of a Change - Brisa - 07-21-2016

Brisa & Hikari

There had been many thoughts that had gone through her head the moment she had agreed to take over from Kaj many of which were questions that still laid unanswered. With Archibald being gone for much of the time there was nobody around she could ask and no one she could rely on now that Kaj was sadly no longer in her life. He had thrown the nomination out to her and then turned and left to go do gods only knows what. No instructions, no help, no nothing! All she knew was that the herd was counting on her to up hold her duties and said duties were still majorly unknown to the poor mare. She was literally flying by the seat of her pants so to say and just praying that she wouldn't screw things up too badly along the way.

It had taken a lot of time for her to come to this decision but it was something that they certainly needed in such shaky times. Setting out towards the Worlds Edge with Hikari was a gamble but she felt deep down that she needed to do something to give her herd a sense of security. The Basin had already become allied with them in previous seasons so she hoped that it would stick for many more to come. Although with that being said she would need to figure out who she could send up there just to confirm the solidarity of such an alliance. Being who she was it was doubtful that they would take to kindly if she showed up on their doorstep with their given preferences so therefore it would have to be someone bearing a horn to accompany her or someone she could trust to get the job done. Starting with the Edge had been an easy choice for her for it was an easy trek back to what used to be her home as well. Normally a warrior would have accompanied her on her journey but things were so messed up at the moment that she didn't know who was who anymore.

Straightening her posture as she approached she tried to get her nerves under control so that she could say what needed to be said. She had no idea who was the residing leaders here anymore so it would be a surprise to who would answer her call. Whinnying loudly she planted her feet at the borders of where the glass wall used to be to wait and see who would show themselves from within the misty forest.

"Brisa Speaks"

@Tembovu , @Alysanne
Please only head rankings for the sake of time.

RE: Beginning of a Change - Ranjiri - 07-23-2016

"Grief never ends, but it changes. Its a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love."
I only remember going to the World's Edge once before. i'd had Roskuld with me and it was the first time that I'd met Dragomir. I remembered the glass wall that had stood at the very border, so that's what I was looking for. Well, that and Brisa. Uncle Archi had given me a quick description of what she looked like so I'd know her when I finally found her, but I was pretty sure I'd know her just because she'd be waiting at the border. Or I hoped she'd be waiting at the border and hadn't already been invited into the Edge.

I quickened my pace as I thought about her being invited in before I finally reached her, but I guess I really didn't need to. it was only a few minutes later that I found her waiting near what was left of the glass wall. I slowed down then stopped a few paces back, looking from her to the broken wall. It had been magnificent the first time i'd seen it and now ... it was just ... what had happened to it?

"Hello." I said as I tore my gaze away from the wall. "I'm Ranjiri. Are you Brisa?" Of course I knew from the description that Uncle Archi had given that it was her. "I'm one of the new masons. Uncle Archi said that I'd probably find you here." I babbled on. "He said that you used to be a crafter and I thought that maybe it would be a good idea that I tag along. Maybe see if I could offer some stonework in return for glass-work." I just hoped that I wasn't stepping on her toes for trying to be helpful. "But ... I can go back if you want me to." I added in just in case I was stepping on her toes.



RE: Beginning of a Change - Alysanne - 07-24-2016

She had only just arrived back in the Edge with Hemlock, both of them still in awe of the gifts they had received in the isles, when they heard the whinny from the border. Alysanne hadn’t quite gotten used to the feeling of the glass halter, but it was light and unobstructive and Hemlock assured her that it didn’t look as silly as it felt. Inlaid with soft purple gems, it was a fitting gift for a member of the Edge from the Goddess. Her heart was still light from the experience - and it was strengthening her resolve not to give up on her quest quite yet.

It was a whinny that was for the leads, a call to a meeting. For a moment, Alysanne ignored it - quick to believe Tembovu and Elsa would be on it. A minute later, she quickly stopped in her tracks. Oh. She was queen now.

Like the halter and necklace she wore, Alysanne was still getting used to the idea that she had a new rank. New rank and new responsibilities. Of course, she quickly turned and trotted towards the direction the call had come from. There were new responsibilities, yes, but she wanted to show everyone she was up to the task.

Hopefully, this would go better than the herd meeting had.

All apprehension faded away when Alysanne discovered who it had been who made the call. How silly of her not to have recognized the voice sooner! “Brisa!” The voice served as a greeting as she approached, a smile quick to rush onto her face as she approached and stopped near the two mares. Hemlock swooped overhead, seeking out Hikari to say hello to the kitsune.

Queen or not, Alysanne wasn’t about to just stand stiffly around and greet Brisa like she was a stranger so she reached out with her muzzle to greet her friend with a soft bump before stepping back into a more polite distance. “How wonderful to see you again.” And to see her back here! She wondered how strange it must feel for her but put aside those thoughts for another time - perhaps after.

Her warm gaze did not falter when it turned to the black and gold mare standing with Brisa and she dipped her head slightly as she spoke. “Hello, welcome to the Edge. My name’s Alysanne, but most call me Aly.” Her mind was stumbling over whether she should introduce herself as “the queen” or whether that was important to bring up right away? She actually found herself hoping that Tembovu would do his usual trick and appear in a moment - like it or not, he did have more experience with… well, whatever this was. Official greetings and visits perhaps?

The presence of Brisa had done wonders to sooth the current of nerves racing under her skin at that moment but they were still present as a looming fear she might say or do the wrong thing.

Come on Tembovu, where was that punctuality she so loathed every other time?

Her manner was relaxed and friendly externally, slipping back into that easy manner she had when talking to others once upon a time. “How can I help you two?”

image from flickr

RE: Beginning of a Change - Tembovu - 07-27-2016

Black-rimmed ears swung forward, head slowly rising from grazing the sun-dried, crunchy grasses. Some mosses were still present in the low-lying, mist-shrouded dells; but, on occasion, those left the stallion with too many… stallion-ish urges. So, today, he avoided such things which put him further from the woman’s faint call. His head clocked slightly, nostrils flaring as he listened—was that voice familiar? He couldn't tell, it was so faint.

So a brisk, earth-shaking trot carried his massive body towards the borders and source of the sound. Navy eyes scan the misted horizon as trees slowly rose on it, nostrils still scenting, but the wind was to his back and his sense of smell told him nothing of who called at the Edge’s boundary. So it was with surprise that his eyes alighted on Alysanne, his new queen, Brisa, his old friend, and another dark pegasus he did not know. His eyes lingered on her bright gold wings, before turning to dip his thickly spiraled horn at Alysanne, “My queen,” his greeting was sincere, though any mischievous amusement that may have been in it had been eaten away by a sadness that had plagued the stallion since returning from the Basin.

His navy eyes turned to Brisa, “Brisa, my old friend, what brings you to the Edge?” Though his greeting was sincere, warmth lacked from the deep timbre of these words as well. He then swung his head towards the gold-dipped, ebony woman, “Hello, I am Tembovu, King of the Edge,” his eyes lingered on her bright red, pupilness ones for a few moments, before swinging once more towards the other two mares.

@Brisa sorry for the wait <3

RE: Beginning of a Change - Brisa - 07-28-2016

Brisa & Hikari

It was a strange feeling to be back on this familiar ground yet truly not belong here at all. She had once felt peace in the forests of the Edge but ever since the Moon Goddess had gone on her murder spree she had not been able to restore her faith in the white woman of the moon. Now that time had passed and many seasons she had thought that she would feel different but there was still the same distrust that had been there when she and her son had left. The Falls was her home now and from her current standpoint that would not be changing anytime soon.

When she had left the borders of the Falls she had ensured that she was alone so as not to rouse suspicion amongst the others so when hoof beats draw up behind her she is surprised to find another member of the Falls. Well that was what her scent told her anyway and based on her words she would be correct in assuming such. "Hello Ranjiri, its nice to meet you." She replies offering a kind smile and a bob of her head. "Please stay trading skills amongst our herds is a wonderful idea."

Before she can say anymore more footsteps approach drawing her blue orbs back to see who was emerging from the brush in front of her. Much to her surprise the black and white figure of her friend appeared completely erasing most of the unease that she had felt standing upon these borders. Accepting her touch with pleasure she eagerly returns the gesture wishing that all herd meetings could be like this, simple and amongst dear friends. "Aly!" Watching as Hemlock came swooping down she could only watch in pleasure to see Hikari bound over to greet him. It was amazing to see the two getting along so well considering the way Hemlock could be rather picky at times on who he actually likes. She could remember the first time she had met the little hatchling and how he had stayed glued to Aly the entire time rather than come and see her. As Aly spoke excitement couldn't help but bubble up inside her at the thought of both of them being queen together. There was so much they had to discuss but most of it would have to wait for a later date when it was only the two of them.

As if on cue another towering figure slowly appears from the woodwork and she is ecstatic to see yet another friend. How lucky could she get that in her first meeting with another herd that the leaders be good friends of hers. Turning to greet Tembovu with the same courtesy she had shown the others she dipped her head to the king of the Edge. With all the greetings taken care of now she guessed that it was down to the real reason she had come here in the first place. "It's so great to see you both again. The reason we came here today is in the hopes of forming an alliance between our herds. In times like this there is too much danger out there to stand alone but if we where to come together and stand by each others sides there is no telling what we could accomplish. Of course that is only if you both permit it." She finishes hopefully casting her eyes between her two friends. She decided to leave the crafting talk up to their new mason instead of putting it all together into one giant rambling. Once upon a time she had stood exactly in the position of Ranjiri and if it were her she would have wanted her own say in how things worked so she extended the same courtesy

"Brisa Speaks"

@Ranjiri , @Alysanne

RE: Beginning of a Change - Ranjiri - 07-31-2016

"Grief never ends, but it changes. Its a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love."

There was an air of relief when Brisa asked me to stay because trading skills with the Edge was a good idea. I smiled and nodded my head at her, happy that she didn't think that I was overstepping my boundries by following her and offering to trade with the Edge. "I'm glad you agree." I admitted. "I was scared that I might offend you..." I wanted to say more, but I heard the hoof-falls of another approaching, so I turned back toward the Edge's border. It wasn't long after that a mare appeared and introduced herself as Alysanne-- Aly. Brisa seemed to know her and the familiarity was reassuring.

Then he appeared and I was pretty sure that I looked stunned. I'd never seen another horse as big, if not a little bit bigger, than Uncle Archi in Helovia. He seemed friendly enough, though, and he called Brisa his friend. He introduced himself to me as Tembovu the King of the Edge. I nodded my head him and to Aly. "I'm Ranjiri, a mason in the Hidden Falls. Its nice to meet you both." I said, though I was still shocked at the sheer size and stature of Tembovu.

Brisa started to speak, telling the King and Queen her reason for going to their herd and calling out for them and I listened quietly. I'd never taken part in talk of alliances or trades before, I'd never been anything more than Cera's helper, but I was eager to learn. When she finished I looked to Tembovu and Aly and decided that it was as good a time as any to say why I was there, as well.

"I came along to offer my skills as a mason, should you need them." I said. "I thuoght that, perhaps, our crafters could trade and learn from one another."  I didn't know what else to say, so I decided that right then would be a good idea to let the King and Queen talk and decide what they wanted to do.



RE: Beginning of a Change - Alysanne - 08-29-2016

Alysanne couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed by the greeting from Tembovu - but more so because she hadn’t yet had the chance to tell Brisa ‘the news’ herself. It was certainly out there right now - but, of course, Brisa was only smiles and warmth when she spoke - getting right down to the purpose of her visit. She felt a rush of her own joy at hearing that Brisa had the authority to discuss this - did that mean she was Czarina now?

An alliance. The painted mare took extra care to keep a smile on her face even though she had a flash of panic.

This would be Alysanne’s first official business and she had no idea what to say. How great was that? Her gaze shifted to Tembovu and it was filled with questions. What did he think? She didn’t believe it would be good for her to speak up and decide for the herd right now. Should they discuss this? Or would he already have an idea of what they should do? Alysanne had her hesitations, of course - there were members of the Falls she didn’t trust. As far as she knew, at least one of them would be on the throne with Brisa now. But was it Archibald or Kaj?

Old wounds, for this pegasus, did not heal quickly and she couldn’t shake the grudge she held against those two. Although she would defer to Tembovu’s experience in this political matter, Alysanne nonetheless had a question. “Has the Falls been peaceful since the invasion?” It wouldn’t do, after all, to willingly ally themselves with a herd that had a history of invading others.

Giving Tembovu time to react, to the idea of an alliance, Alysanne then turned her attention back to Ranjiri with a warm smile. “I think that’s an excellent idea Ranjiri, I’m sure our glaziers would be willing to do an exchange. Perhaps we could set up a meeting with our crafters and yours?”

image from flickr

@Tembovu <3 sorry it took me so long guys! All back now

RE: Beginning of a Change - Tembovu - 09-01-2016

He could not help the small, lopsided grin at the dark, gold-feathered mare’s shocked, round eyes. Ranjiri. That nearly sounded Dorobian. Or perhaps Korofi? A mixture of the two—though the woman carried no accent, nor any recognition of himself or his plainly Dorobian name. So he let his curiosity pass, instead dipping his massive, thick horn in greeting, “The pleasure is mine, Ranjiri.”

His attention left the uniquely crimson and pupil-less eyes, returning to Brisa as she spoke of alliances. This was familiar; he had been here just a few seasons (had it been a full season cycle? time was beginning to blend) discussing the same things with Lord Deimos. Only Elsa had been beside him, then. She, too, had been newly crowned, just as Alysanne. And both were equally hesitant with the thought of alliance, as told by Alysanne’s quick, questioning glance to himself.

But this time would be different. He would not make decisions alone, just as he would not bed his Queen. He appointed her because of her history and devotion to the Edge. Was she not the Devoted? He trusted her choice. So his eyes closely watched her as she responded to Brisa’s offering of an Alliance with a question: “Has the Falls been peaceful since the invasion?”

And his eyes turn back to Ranjiri as she spoke of crafting skills— masons made… stone? Yes, he remembered that from Mauja so many suns ago. A slow smile replaced the pensive solemnity, “Brisa, I trust you as a friend, but the scope of this agreement goes beyond our friendship. If, as Alysanne asked, the Falls has been peaceful, then we would gladly accept discussion with the leaders of the Falls about an alliance,” his head dipped, unknowingly to the new lead of the Falls, and to the Mason. “Regardless of complete alliance, we welcome trading between our Glaziers and your Masons. I know that our scholars were seeking stone for a building,” his low voice rumbled, “Is there any glass item we might make for you in return?”

@Brisa Haha, he doesn't know she's Czarina yet ;P