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THE QUEENS LOVER - Printable Version

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THE QUEENS LOVER - Skyfall - 07-25-2016

Okay guys, I know I already have a thread for plotting for Skyfall but this one is the


sO. Sky has been bashing my head open with a need for a Muse. A muse, for him, would be a mate/soulmate/wifey/husband/etc. Skyfall lives and breathes art and aesthetics, so if someone's very existence inspired him to create art or see things in a new, beautiful light, that would be the person he would fall for forever.

From experience in knowing my little junker, he is very committed and actually widely different with his significant other. He's actually a little more reserved, more gentle, softspoken... he sort of has this little piece of himself that he hides away and keeps reserved for the one he loves.

As far as "types" go, Skyfall really doesn't have one.

He could love a grump or a criminal or an angel or a god, as long as they reciprocate that love.

Physical-wise, it's kind of up in the air. He can find beauty in most anything, but creatures that are violently beautiful to him are the ones with either disabilities (blindness, muteness, missing limbs) or just really unique looks (he'd probably thing Ru'in is a DARLING.) Honestly, he just wants someone to accept and love and cherish him so that he can do the same.

So if you have a character that you would like to throw at my pretty boy, your local man meat would be very grateful<333

We can toss em together in a thread, or a couple threads, or however many you want. he loves companionship~~~

RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - ChaoticMelodies - 07-25-2016



RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Seanan - 07-25-2016

Okay sooooo.... I'm going to offer up Seanan in this one too XD He isn't looking for that sort of thing but it could totally happen >.>

RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Skyfall - 07-25-2016



RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Paradox - 07-25-2016

[Image: vdfETWj.png]
Just dropping her here- she needs to meet new people. not sure if the "love" thing would work out. She's been crushed and is anal about it, but atleast they could thread---and she's fancy/artsy looking. ;)

RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Eris - 07-25-2016

@Paradox I'm sure he'd love to meet her~~ do you have any open threads?

RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Paradox - 07-25-2016

No. I can make one tomorrow though. @Eris

RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Sikeax - 07-25-2016

uhhhh..... tries to hold self back on this
@Skeyti is coming sometime soon and is still up for a few tweaks before i throw her out into the world, but skyfall is very welcome to meet her if he'd like? she's very robotic and what not.
i don't know how they'd go together or even if she'd take some sort of interest in him(she's grey aro/ace), but maybe it'd make for something nice? i can surely tag you in her threshold thread when it happens.

RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Luna - 07-26-2016

There is always Athenä xD

RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Eris - 07-26-2016

@Sikeax I definitely think them meeting could be very interesting!! Sky fall isn't interested in sexual intimacy, so if anything buds romantically, it could definitely prove to help them all develop. I'd love to see them in action ❤️


RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Albrecht - 07-31-2016

So this is super sketch, but. Alby has an appreciation for beautiful things and is sometimes found lingering around them. (The stained glass of the ancient rotunda, colored crystals of the heart caves, jewelry, gold markings, ect.) He's an absolute ASS and probably isn't even capable of love anymore, but he's an old, broken thing and I think doing a thread together would be super hilarious. xD I don't plan too much out with him, I mostly just write things as they come and happen, so I couldn't say what he'd do or say (other than probably something insulting), but I'd totally be up for this. I think I still have an open thread in the endless blue if you're interested!

RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Pythia - 07-31-2016

i'd love to offer pythia here! she's not someone who's interested in anything sexual, she just wants romance at it's finest. they could sing together, dance together, she could collect flowers and tie them in his hair, etc.

and even if they weren't like mates or anything then i could definitely see them being really great friends

RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Cielo - 07-31-2016

He and Hearth should get along, she's got some unique markings going on.

RE: THE QUEENS LOVER - Vitani - 07-31-2016

Vitani or Calypso maybe?