HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] An Unveiling of Sorts - Printable Version

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An Unveiling of Sorts - Sabia - 07-28-2016

It felt as if the sun had intentions to shrivel Sabia up into a husk, a sorry excuses for a Pegasus. The mare would be no good to the Throat as a shriveled old horse so you could imagine her relief when the sun finally set over the horizon. It was a problem off of her shoulders, now if she could only get the rest off and everything would be peachy.

All seemed quiet aside from the occasional noise of a horse somewhere, Sabia liked it when it was quiet. Then she could hear things more loudly than usual it almost felt like she could hear normally again like [i[she[/i] was normal again.

Sabia strained to listen, ears pricked and heard the gentle lapping of the lake’s water on the sand. The mare then had a splendid idea, one so great she let a quiet whiney of happiness. To beat the heat Sabia would go to the lake to cool off, it seemed even in the night with the rays of the sun gone it was hot. Sabia could practically feel the heat rolling off the dunes ’evil…evil sands’ thought Sabia.

Sabia settled with a trot to the lake so she would not look as if she went crazy from the heat. When she made it to her destination the moon had already risen high into the starry sky and reflected onto the lake, it seemed like a dream place one where her problems were not her own and she could stand worry free in the lake. Pushing that aside Sabia went into the water until it was well past her knees, it was warm but colder than being out of the water so the mare began to relax.

The mare unfurled her wings and allowed them to spread to their full length just above the water the wind that blew through them felt like bliss. Sabia’s honey brown tail trailed out behind her floating on top of the water like a small snake and the moon’s sickly pale light outlined her body like she glowed, almost like a star that had fallen from the graces of the moon.

That’s how Sabia stood, a star who had fallen from the graces of the moon and was stuck on earth with her issues. ’Everyone has issues…’ thought Sabia, ’that is why you want to become a healer at least others will have fixed issues.’

Put me through hell again, I miss the fire.
 Notes:  Set up for disaster...


RE: An Unveiling of Sorts - Sikeax - 07-30-2016

well someday soon when the spring brings the sun
i'll sleep, i'll finally
feel better when the winter's gone
With persistence, things will gradually return to their normal state. They may not be in the perfect condition that they had originally been in, but change must prevail. Time refuses to let the same old thing occur every time.
The deeper that she forces herself down, the cooler the water will be, but tonight she can't seem to bring herself to do that. Above, the sky has turned itself into a sea more endless than all of the ones that she has swam in in her lifetime combined, and within it rests a million bodies of sealife, or more correctly, skylife.
It's beautiful, even when blurred by the water's shield.
Disruption vibrates through the body. Her head draws in the direction of the shore, where Hobgoblin is already effortlessly slithering towards. He fades away so quickly that it’s hard for her to let her eyes go of where the silver in his body had once been. The debate of whether or not to call out to him to return occurs for mere seconds. They are unbelievably distant tonight, close to becoming two separate beings instead of a single, barely functioning bond.
She follows simply out of worry, pushing through with a form of lazy grace. He’s already broken the surface some ways away, head hanging free of closure as moisture expels from his nostrils in a short spray. The small mare from before is there, the one that he'd sprinted past without a second thought of on the bridge and who had witnessed his ordeal with Sikeax.
Up close, he discovers, she is even more small and frail than her original appearance. He is used to the sight of warriors and desert-honed bodies, not this.
Lips curl as his teeth slip into vision again, bouncing his upper body in the same fashion that he had done not too long ago. With a bit of concentration, he pulls together a show for her.
Sikeax is there by the time the first bubble is able to make it free of the water, sloshing water against her legs and making enough noise to reduce his stealthly approach. Her head dips to touch him and he is gone faster than he had arrived. The last sound he gives before leaving them to one another is nothing more than the loose, disorientated splash of his hind flippers ending the break in the water.
He leaves her empty and out of place, without a word.
"Sabia?" A faint feeling tells her that possibly she is wrong, that this mare goes by something else other than what she was sure she heard when she had been attempting to calm herself after a stress day. Hopefully no ill feelings towards her have hung around either.
"Are you enjoying your time in the Dragon's Throat?" God, she founds like she's an assistant for this mare's vacation on a tropical island, one where the sand gets into every place imagineable and then worse, where sometimes at night the coyotes in the dark, deep parts of the desert refuse to stop singing a mournful song that makes her draw her son closer into her body as he sleeps.

OOC: Hobgoblin is in his Leopard Seal form and before Sikeax arrives uses his magic to create small bubbles near Sabia in the water.
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RE: An Unveiling of Sorts - Sabia - 07-30-2016

It was quiet at first, the sound of splashing but when Sabia heard it she looked down to see something moving in the water, the skittish mare backed up quickly throwing her head up. The sudden thoughts of being pulled into the water by something and feeling water fill her lungs caused Sabia to abandon the water and head for the sandy shore where she flapped her wings to rid them of the water. Due to Sabia's overreaction to seeing a bubble she had not noticed the mare suddenly appear from the water.

Finally calming down Sabia faintly heard her name and looked to see another mare in the water, dripping wet although Sabia could not tell why. Sabia felt embarrassed had the mare seen her overreact? She hoped not a first impression like that would be well...embarrassing. Taking a small step closer Sabia realized it is the pretty mare from the bridge, the one that scared her half to death but Sabia did not hold that against Sikeax.

Sabia found Sikeax to be a beautiful and perplexing mare, Sabia had never seen a coat such as hers. Where Sabia came from there were many Grey's and browns but not one quiet like Sikeax who's body glowed and was marked with the beautiful color of blue. Sabia felt that Sikeax was one of many beautiful and different horses she would meet living in Helovia.

"I am thank you" she said in her soft quiet voice. "But..." Sabia couldn't help herself "where did you come from, just now" she said perplexed. Sabia took a few steps closer to Sikeax so that Sabia had an easier time hearing her, Sabia was truly amazed at Sikeax on the bridge and knew that the mare was someone Sabia wanted to know.

Put me through hell again, I miss the fire.


RE: An Unveiling of Sorts - Sikeax - 08-01-2016

well someday soon when the spring brings the sun
i'll sleep, i'll finally
feel better when the winter's gone
Teeth slip into sight at his best attempt at displaying his pleasure, snorting once at the winged mare's reaction to escape. Silt caresses the underside of his body as he swings the portion of himself to propel forward, slowly working away at widening the space growing between his lower and upper jaws. Her reaction is an encouraging feat that heralds him on. Fleeing feet and thrashing wings do not frighten him.
By the time that he could have gotten her, she is too far gone, out of reach and far enough that any chance of a fruitful attack will not fall into his favour. Sikeax is already arriving, splashing loudly and without care and nearing him. A noise short of a hiss slips from him as he turns to flee, diving away from her reach as the lake opens up into a sinking hole somewhere far from the shore.
Water pools at her hocks, leaving her to note the difference between land-bound water compared to free, ocean-filling water. There is a lack of a pull and push on without the waves. It doesn't feel right. The lack of life is deafening and emptying of the soul and the heart, and the low tune of her brother's song is gradually becoming more obvious as he rises to the surface to breathe.
She hopes he'll keep it up and give anyone near enough something to enjoy through the dark hours.
Sabia's eyes have hung up on her. Brows raise and ears bounce forward to signify the attention given to her herd sister, watching as the mare takes a step back into the water. Pegasi don't seem fond of water, as far as she is concerned, having seen Amara flail hopelessly within the body of the lake with broken wings from her crash landing. The memory haunts her. Whatever comes out of this meeting with the new face will have to do in silencing its pitiful wails as it lingers in the back of her head, bringing back the reminder of occuptional hazards.
The depth thins as she throws her hooves against the weight. Sabia is approaching her as well, and while not quite meeting in the middle of their locations, no more than ten feet separate them in the conclusion of their actions.
No words can be exchanged at the answer to her question. It's not that they are not warranted, closer to that they aren't needed. She will not waste her breathe on things that can be expressed more vibrantly in motion.
Curiosity comes as a welcome thing, laughing softly below her words at the mental reminder that not everyone is aware that Sikeax is gifted in breathing underwater. Cursed maybe be a better word, but at times like these, there's a possible chance that it feels like a gift. One can just leave, and no one can hunt her down.
Hobgoblin's song has found a way to fit perfectly in the desert night now. It carries itself on the wind as he rolls his mass onto its back and lets low out the calls.
"The lake." These words come out of her mouth like she is saying that the sky is blue and that the summers in the Dragon's Throat are hot, common knowledge that can never be spoken as hushed secrets with leaning ears. "The water doesn't bother my lungs. I can just, well," The topic is becoming increasing difficult to explain. There can never be a simple way to explain her condition without making her seem crazy. "I can breathe underwater in the same way we're breathing on land." They don't blurt, just glide free before sinking into the silence of the night. Hobgoblin's song hits a low, vibrating hum at this point, as if to mock her.

OOC: For an explanation of Hobgoblin's singing, he's performing a call male leopard seals only do. It sounds exactly like this.

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RE: An Unveiling of Sorts - Sabia - 08-01-2016

Sabia watched and waited in quiet amazement for Sikeax to explain where she appeared from, and that is when the singing started. Sabia had never heard such a beautiful melody no one ever sang to her as a child, the only songs she heard were from birds. The rose grey mare couldn't help but close her eyes and soak in the melody it was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard.

Only did Sabia open her eyes when Sikeax began explaining, with some struggle it seemed. However Sabia understood "its like...second nature" she said and gave a small gentle laugh, "that is so....amazing."

Adjusting her wings on her sides again Sabia dipped her head in embarrassment. "Forgive me I'm sure you get that a lot, I probably sound childish" she chuckled. The mare then looked out to the water as the beautiful song continued.

"Is that your companion? Making the song?" Sabia questioned. In her time in the Throat she had seen nothing but kindness and the great beauty of the outside world. "You are the Sun Physician yes?" Sabia was aware of all her questions but she couldn't help it.
Put me through hell again, I miss the fire.
