HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Table Please? - Printable Version

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Table Please? - Eahaela - 07-28-2016

I got this wonderful art of Eahaela and would love to have it made into a table. I have tried but I might as well just be banging on the keyboard randomly. I have art owed out but I could add anyone who does a table to my list for a headshot! DA Link

[Image: tierren_by_inspiratori-dab7ox8.png]

RE: Table Please? - Essetia - 07-28-2016

I can probably make you something?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus laoreet pellentesque nisi vitae aliquet. Quisque dolor sapien, faucibus in tellus eu, pulvinar ornare nisl. Pellentesque sed gravida leo. Morbi pretium sit amet libero eu bibendum. Curabitur eget hendrerit augue, ut auctor sem. Aenean gravida lacinia dapibus. Aenean fermentum, arcu sit amet semper facilisis, quam dui egestas massa, sed facilisis tellus ante eget metus. Sed pharetra eleifend leo, id efficitur quam commodo quis. Nullam a neque sed sem placerat tincidunt. Suspendisse luctus nibh sit amet elit pulvinar scelerisque. Nulla a ipsum eu massa tincidunt faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Cras ultricies hendrerit aliquam. Vestibulum id elit sagittis, efficitur nulla a, vehicula elit. Ut nec tempus neque. Vivamus non suscipit turpis.

Morbi malesuada vel mauris ut porttitor. Nulla ligula tellus, ultricies at varius vitae, lobortis non nibh. Curabitur ac turpis in libero egestas tempus. Phasellus pellentesque rutrum velit, non tempor sapien euismod a. Integer id ante purus. Fusce ultricies porta posuere. Donec congue iaculis nulla, nec eleifend arcu interdum sit amet. Sed eget augue at leo laoreet faucibus et posuere arcu. Curabitur tempus gravida nunc ut tincidunt. Proin a turpis nisl. Nunc non venenatis mauris. Sed sit amet justo in ex rutrum egestas. In sit amet gravida risus. Praesent eu lacus ante.

Curabitur vitae nisi eget massa molestie commodo sit amet quis nunc. Phasellus in eros ut nisl bibendum venenatis. Proin vel egestas dui, in rhoncus tortor. Pellentesque consectetur auctor erat, in pharetra nisi ornare vitae. Nulla luctus metus et libero volutpat pharetra. Donec nec ullamcorper elit. Vivamus non neque non diam cursus tristique.


<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=EB+Garamond' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><table width="600px" style="background: url('http://orig15.deviantart.net/106b/f/2016/210/5/a/tierren_by_inspiratori_dab7ox8_by_innosynce-dabud9d.png') top left no-repeat;"><tr><td><center><br><font style="color: #000000; font-family: garamond; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 1.5px; line-height: 13px; text-indent: 5%;"><div style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 570px; margin-right: 60px; margin-left: 60px; background-color: #847d7a; padding: 10px; border-left: 2px solid #1b1817; border-right: 2px solid #1b1817; border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px;" align="justify";">[color=#000000]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus laoreet pellentesque nisi vitae aliquet. Quisque dolor sapien, faucibus in tellus eu, pulvinar ornare nisl. Pellentesque sed gravida leo. Morbi pretium sit amet libero eu bibendum. Curabitur eget hendrerit augue, ut auctor sem. Aenean gravida lacinia dapibus. Aenean fermentum, arcu sit amet semper facilisis, quam dui egestas massa, sed facilisis tellus ante eget metus. Sed pharetra eleifend leo, id efficitur quam commodo quis. Nullam a neque sed sem placerat tincidunt. Suspendisse luctus nibh sit amet elit pulvinar scelerisque. Nulla a ipsum eu massa tincidunt faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Cras ultricies hendrerit aliquam. Vestibulum id elit sagittis, efficitur nulla a, vehicula elit. Ut nec tempus neque. Vivamus non suscipit turpis.[/color]

[color=#000000]Morbi malesuada vel mauris ut porttitor. Nulla ligula tellus, ultricies at varius vitae, lobortis non nibh. Curabitur ac turpis in libero egestas tempus. Phasellus pellentesque rutrum velit, non tempor sapien euismod a. Integer id ante purus. Fusce ultricies porta posuere. Donec congue iaculis nulla, nec eleifend arcu interdum sit amet. Sed eget augue at leo laoreet faucibus et posuere arcu. Curabitur tempus gravida nunc ut tincidunt. Proin a turpis nisl. Nunc non venenatis mauris. Sed sit amet justo in ex rutrum egestas. In sit amet gravida risus. Praesent eu lacus ante.[/color]

[color=#000000]Curabitur vitae nisi eget massa molestie commodo sit amet quis nunc. Phasellus in eros ut nisl bibendum venenatis. Proin vel egestas dui, in rhoncus tortor. Pellentesque consectetur auctor erat, in pharetra nisi ornare vitae. Nulla luctus metus et libero volutpat pharetra. Donec nec ullamcorper elit. Vivamus non neque non diam cursus tristique.[/color]

<center><font style="font-family: 'EB Garamond', serif; color: #000000; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #000000; text-transform: uppercase;">Eahaela</font></center></tr></td></center></table>

I also don't think that there are tags closed in @Fiore 's post.

RE: Table Please? - Eahaela - 07-28-2016

Sounds good to me!

RE: Table Please? - Fiore - 07-28-2016

words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words. you shall write words here. here words be. words.
table by boleyn

RE: Table Please? - Eahaela - 07-29-2016

Oh my goodness! Thanks you guys. I love both of these tables so much.

RE: Table Please? - Essetia - 07-29-2016

You're welcome dear! :3