HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] before the dawn - Printable Version

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before the dawn - Arakh - 08-13-2016

The face is flush with determination, the eyes narrowed to slits and the muzzle quivering with concentration; the colt flares his wings and wobbles them for a moment, remembering everything he's learned. He can do this. He can do this. Aerial domination awaits.

The early evening air is warm against his taut flesh, and a gentle breeze ruffles the bottlebrush tufts of his mane and tail. He does a practice beat of his wings, just to ensure they're both in full working order, then breaks into a gangly-legged gallop. He beats his feathery appendages, throws himself into the air....and he flies. The wind billows against his face as he manages to hold himself airborne for a precious few seconds, before the frantic pumping of his wings exhausts him, and he's forced to drift gently back to earth. But it's a start. It's better than his first attempt, which landed him in the sea by the Dragon's Throat and almost condemned his short life to a salty grave. Improvement will come with age and practice, but for now the colt is satisfied.

On stilt-like limbs, he wobbles towards the shade of a tree and flops beneath it. The day has been hot and humid, and Arakh is very sweaty from his exertions. He spreads each wing in turn and begins to painstakingly groom it, ensuring each feather is perfectly placed and neat. His ears spin around just above the nubs of his bull-horns, searching for any potential threat - Mother has warned him that there's creatures who would try to prey upon little boys like him, and he'd hate to die already. So he stays alert, his sense of hearing not daring to fail him even whilst his sight is occupied with the grooming of his wings.


@Ampere Hope it's okay I went ahead and made it! :D

RE: before the dawn - Ampere - 08-29-2016

Why am I so emotional?
No it's not a good look gain some self control

She wasn't running again, but Ampere had decided she'd taken in enough of the sands for a while. There were too many painful faces to encounter there and she was starting to feel the weights of their gazes too heavily, real or otherwise. So with the dawn she'd let her wings and the wind take her.

The relief from leaving the desert was immediate, both in escaping the sweltering summer heat and leaving behind some emotional weight. Kygo didn't say anything as he flew beside the blue pegasus, but his thoughts were tinged with a disapproving violet that Ampere did her best to ignore. Kygo felt the best thing for Ampere was to face everyone she had wronged, own up to it and deal with it until it got better, but maybe he was just scared she was going to leave again too the longer it took. She wasn't though, but she did need to pray for strength.

Maybe that's why the Fields appealed to her, well that and prime grazing ground, of course. The Veins might have been a better choice for seeking the wisdom of the gods, but Ampere wasn't so overtly religious, not to mentions he had half a notion that the Sun God was likely irritated with her too (as if he had the time). So she'd pray to him, but maybe not in the place where he could hear her best.

Her shadow coasted over the ground beneath her as she flew low and slow, selecting a place to land based on what appeared most delicious. That's when she spotted the small foal. She might have thought nothing of it, except for how small he was, she knew he was very young, and yet no horse was anywhere within sight. At that age not only would his mother be with him (she assumed), but very close by. Had something happened?

Worried, Ampere tilted her left wing down and spread her tail feathers, swooping in just near him as she touched down. Her senses were alert, ears pricked for any sign she was wrong and an angry mare was about to plummet from the brush and eat her. Kygo fluttered down to the ground beside the foal, tilting his head back and forth as he inspected the tawny babe, somewhat reminiscent of Grusha. "'Lo" the parrot said, mimicking Ampere's voice rather well.

"Are you alone child?" she asked for herself, head lowering to seem less threatening as she peered down at him.

Deep down I know this never works
But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt


RE: before the dawn - Arakh - 09-02-2016

His head jerks up at the soft sound of feathers, wondering for a moment if it's his father come to find him and continue their lessons. But it isn't - it's a pretty black-blue mare with a very bright companion, who addresses him in an oddly horse-like voice. The colt's eyes grow saucer-wide, and he wriggles around so as to get a better look at the bird. "Woah, companion talks?" He's pretty convinced that his mother's lion cannot talk, although Nyx tells him that they communicate mentally. Still, it would be so much better if Dominus could speak aloud, so Arakh and Esinakh could understand him too. He's sure a lion would have fascinating things to say!

At the mare's question, Arakh's expression turns sheepish and he looks away to the side. "Yes, alone. Arakh went to visit Ave in Throat, even though Mai - um, Mother - said not to go without her. Mother going to be furious with Arakh, so Arakh not want to go home just yet." The calf glances guiltily up at the pegasus mare and shuffles his wings innocently. It is perhaps a misguided notion that Nyx will be less angry if he waits longer to go home, but he supposes he is already in trouble so he might as well stay out longer. Prolonging the inevitable may not be the smartest idea, but he reaaaallly doesn't want to see his mother's scary-rage-face anytime soon

His puppy-eyes intensify as he gazes hopefully up at the blue-black mare. "Please don't make Arakh go home yet. S'boring there." Esinakh is there, which is the one major plus point in the Edge's favour, but he's already explored every single inch of the place. He wants to explore the rest of Helovia, the glorious lands that he's only visited in his dreams. "What your name? Your markings are very pretty." He looks up to her tribal-marked eye, genuinely liking the marking but also hoping to butter her up with compliments so she doesn't make him go home.


RE: before the dawn - Ampere - 09-10-2016

Why am I so emotional?
No it's not a good look gain some self control

As the foal begins to move Kygo, ever the great chicken, bounces back and finally alights to his wings to get a higher and therefore safer, perch. At the child's awe and praise of him however, he can't help but ruffle his feathers to appear impressive and unleash his prized mimicry once more. "Fight me bitch!" he cries out his longest phrase he's learned to date, once again tinged with Ampere's tenor.

Ampere for the most part ignores the silly bird's antics, much more concerned about this foal as he confirms that he is alone, flightless, and more concerned with adventures. She snorts, reminded of her daughters and their rebellious knack for finding mischief since the day they hatched. She couldn't for the life of her remember her youngest days, but she was sure that was never so carefree.

Something else has caught her attention too. "You speak two languages?" she asked, impressed and curious in equal parts. She felt like the word ave she had heard before. Hadn't Tae or Grusha, or both, said something along those lines? She knew they had picked up on their father's tongue in a way that neither her nor Zero had, but surely this boy didn't know that language?

"You know," she began, a grin finding a place on her maw, "you shouldn't tell a stranger your alone. Tell them you have a terrible mother nearby, or a ferocious companion... that way if they mean you harm, they may be less likely to pick on you for their fear." Although she had no business teaching this colt anything, the motherly side of her couldn't help but impart this small modicum of safety, particularly if this foal seemed as determined as she thought he was to travel alone. "But don't worry, I'm not dangerous, to you." Ampere winked as him and Kygo mimicked her laugh.

"I'm Ampere, or as some know me, the Mother of Companions. I'm of the Dragon's Throat, so if you like I can travel with you there and we can find your father, I'm sure I know him." That wouldn't count as kidnapping, right? If anything she was making sure he didn't get mauled by some local wildlife, and she was helping him back to a parent.

Deep down I know this never works
But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt


RE: before the dawn - Arakh - 09-17-2016

Fight me bitch, says the bird, and the colt giggles in glee. "Fight me bitch!" he repeats, having no idea what a bitch is but sure it's a word his mother will be thrilled that he's learned.

The mare questions his ability to speak two languages, and despite himself Arakh puffs up a little bit with barely-contained pride. "Mai teach Arakh to speak normal tongue, Ave teach to speak other tongue. S'hard, though. Arakh often mix words up." He deflates slightly - his grasp of grammar is not the best, and he's still so young that his brain cannot hold a great deal of information. With time he hopes he will become fluent, but at the moment his speech is still quite stunted and slow.

The pretty blue-black woman offers some sage advice, and the calf's ears pivot forwards to drink it in. "Oh, sorry! Ahem..." He clears his throat, ruffles his wing-feathers, and chews his lower lip as he tries to think of what to say. "Arakh not alone Arakh have BIG Mai who have BIG companion with BIG teeth and Arakh also have BIG Ave who make fire on bad people, and both over there behind tree." It's possibly the most unconvincing lie ever to be told, but the colt looks hopefully up at the pretty mare anyway, hoping for praise.

She introduces herself as Ampere, the Mother of Companions, and the colt frowns. "Ave have special name too! He Wildfire." Doe-eyed admiration flashes across Arakh's tender young features as he thinks of his father in all his massive, flame-wielding glory. What the colt would give to grow up and become one tenth as great as his illustrious sire! Ampere offers to go back to the Throat with him and the boy nods joyously, quite delighted at the prospect of putting off being reunited with his mother for a little bit longer. "Yes please, Miss Ampere! Ave is Sultan of Throat, so Arakh sure you know him."


RE: before the dawn - Ampere - 09-17-2016

Why am I so emotional?
No it's not a good look gain some self control

Ampere can't help but give a small, short laugh at the colt's renewed attempt to answer her question. She nods approvingly as the laughter dims into a grin. "Much better! Keep trying and one day I might actually believe you too."

That the colt kept using that familiar word certainly rattled Ampere's memory, but his hint of his ave, which Ampere was pretty sure meant father but why would she know that, uses fire didn't spark anything in her. Fire was after all a common type of magic. Wildfire however was much more unique, and Ampere did a double take at the mention of it. Her heart gradually began to crawl up and into her throat, and without realizing it her feathers began to lift and stand on end.

Was it just the foal's young tongue that made him drop the, or was it not the Wildfire that he meant?
Before she could ask he consented to her invitation, and answered in his own way.


Ampre's nostrils flared as she struggled for breath around the lump of her heart now choked in her throat. Her skin seemed to crawl as a flood of emotions washed over her, her hackles up and her feathers with them. Kygo eyed the scene warily and flew higher, escaping the range at which blue sparks began to pop into light around them. Her head lifted away from the colt, her posture stiffening from its relaxed stance she'd been holding it at.

Not fault Kygo tried to reason with her, trying to make sure she didn't lash out at this foal who had no control over whom his father was.
I know! she snapped back with a burst of angry red along their link. She wouldn't, couldn't hurt a foal, but if it was Gaucho standing there instead of them she certainly could have used a punching bag right about now. Instead she let the anger radiate off her, her magic doing the trick as it snarled out at nearby flowers and leaves.
Except, she wasn't just angry. She was wounded, jealous, confused... Of course, rationally, she knew she had no right to any of these feelings, not truly. When had they ever discussed anything about ~rules~, it had just been sex, a mutual attraction that somehow, terrifyingly, had become love. Love wasn't just an automatic label though. Ampere loved plenty of things, including Mesec, so what right had she to condemn Gaucho when she was the same?

Doing her best to talk herself down, Ampere tucked her chin to her chest and made to turn to start walking the colt back to the Throat. "Your father's Gaucho the Wildfire, is that right?" she asked, though the sound was tight, forced through clenched teeth.

Deep down I know this never works
But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt


RE: before the dawn - Arakh - 09-24-2016

Suddenly, the air changes; it becomes thick with tension, and Arakh can taste electricity on his tongue as the mare seems to sizzle with untold power. Concern flashes across his face and he tilts his bull-horned head to the side, wondering if perhaps he should make a bid for freedom before the mare attacks him. For the first time, his heart begins to pound; she'd seemed nice enough, but hadn't his mother drummed into him from a young age that nobody could be trusted? That he shouldn't talk to strangers, no matter how pleasant they seem? That he should have stayed firmly in the Edge until the months and years blessed him with enough size to defend himself?

He finds himself backing up with a snort, but his backside only presses up against the tree he'd been leaning against. Deciding that fleeing clearly isn't an option, the colt instead opts for defiance; he draws himself up to his full (and unremarkable) height, flaring his wings to try and make himself look imposing. If he is going to be brutally murdered by this angry-looking blue mare, then he will go down fighting.

But she makes no move to attack him, and the calf allows himself to relax a fraction. She begins to walk in the direction of the Throat, and he decides that if she was going to kill him, she would do it here and not near to his very scary father. So he trots after her, keeping a few strides away just in case she changes her mind and aims a kick for him. At her words, he nods before realising she won't be able to see it. "Yes, Gaucho is Ave. You know him?" He fixes her with his curious gaze.


RE: before the dawn - Ampere - 09-24-2016

Why am I so emotional?
No it's not a good look gain some self control

She recognizes the colt's hesitation now, like the adventure in him had all drained out of him, replaced with a caution that she didn't like being the cause of. He was too similar to her son for her to be the one to cow him, and this notion deflates her swiftly. It's as Kygo said, this was no fault of the colt's, and nothing that could be changed now. If Ampere was going to be angry at anyone, it should be herself. If Gaucho mattered that much to her, if she wanted him so explicitly, then why hadn't she told him?

I didn't really decide it until...
That was some stray thought of her's, something complaintive and small. She clicked her teeth at it, chasing it away with a toss of her head. She'd wasted all this energy uselessly protecting herself from the wildfire, convincing herself she didn't love him, and it had all been pointless.

"He's a good father," she says, her voice still changed, still strained somewhat, but her posture had softened more as she walked. She paused, glancing back at the colt. "He's strong, I bet you will be too when you've grown up." She smiles kindly. "He's caring too, always working hard for others and not himself. Gotta keep that in mind, because what's strength if you don't use it for something worthwhile?"

She wasn't sure she wouldn't give him a hard nip the next time she saw him, but she might also corner him and entice him just to remind him why she was the best out there, and then maybe, if she was brave enough, she'd tell him she wanted him and only him, and hope he wanted the same thing back.

Deep down I know this never works
But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt


RE: before the dawn - Arakh - 10-20-2016

Things seem to be relaxing slightly, but the colt remains wary. An awesome adventure isn't worth death, so he is sure to keep a none-kickable distance away from the mare as they walk along. Best to be safe than sorry!

He's put far more at ease, however, when Ampere begins to talk about Gaucho. Anybody who can say good things about Arakh's beloved sire is alright by him, and a boyish beaming grin spreads across his jaws at what she's saying. The compliment doesn't go unnoticed eager, and the calf's ego gives a delighted shudder. "He best Ave in Helovia! He save Arakh from drowning when Arakh try to fly to Throat but couldn't, and taught Arakh how to fly properly so not have swimming lessons again." He wiggles happily at the memory, however recent it is.

The boy can't help but wonder how long Ampere has known Gaucho, and how well. It sounds like quite a while, for her to know so much about him. They must have been close - it fills the lad with glee to know that there's someone else out there who admires the Wildfire as much as he does. "How long has Ampere known Ave? Has Ampere got any more stories about Ave?"

His self-preservation forgotten, he slips closer to the mare and looks beseechingly up to her. "Arakh want to ask Ave himself, but...not want to be a pest. Ave very busy." Any stolen moments in the Wildfire's company are cherished and adored - there simply isn't time for the colt to find out as much about his esteemed sire as he would like.


Sorry for the wait <33