HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
what now? (leads) - Printable Version

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what now? (leads) - Svetlana - 10-23-2012

shadow kissed
moonlight dipped
oh so fine, oh so noble

I have achieved my goal. Wind batters me like a roaring ram, yet I am too at peace to be disturbed by a tiny wind. After all, I am Svetlana. A small smile creases my lips- I am a leader. No, Svetlana, remember, a leader is one who leads her people. You are simply a representative. Not even a real one- chosen because nobody else wished to step up. The smile slithers off my face, and with a low huff, I beat my wings, rising above the cruel winds the rip at my black wings. It's true- I am not nearly one of the Triumvirate. I need to have followers, to earn my people's respect, not hold an empty title. But how? I cannot suddenly change the herd's working without the help of the other two leads. Evers, and Riccochet. Pah. Suddenly, I wish I did not need them. But I did. I was a pegasus of honor.

What did the herd need? A mason, a general. We needed apprentices, we needed life, we needed for our herd to become a cohesive unit, instead of a million rambling life-threads. We needed sneaky, slithery horses who took pleasure in roaming and watching. We- no, this was an 'I'- wanted to meet the other herd leaders and insure good relationships. I needed to talk to the other leads. A fierce wind gusts, snapping at my black wings and sending me swooping down a thousand feet. Pain lashes at my shoulders as I yank myself out of its grip, pulling free of its cruel fingers. I circle, snort, and tilt, sending myself downwards to land among the snowy fields.

It's time to talk.

[OOC: anyways, if riccochet and evers wants to join in here, that's cool. I think it would be good for the three of them to talk. anyone's welcome unless the leads of the herd comes]

"blah blah blah."

RE: what now? (leads?) - Ricochet - 10-25-2012

Teal and amber eyes watch the dark speck plummet into pale dust. The stallion mutters under his breath, head shaking with disapproval as he sets off into direction of the pegasus comet. The amber eyes linger for a moment more before they're off on bouncing paws plowing through the snow.

The dunskin body arrives to the crash site at a jog, the dog's monochrome one just beside it. Ricochet halts a few strides from her, but Guns continues on with his nose pressed to the powder, snuffling about for loose feathers to chew on.

In silence Ricochet watches her, gauging her. He hadn't paid her or the unicorn much heed, too intent on his own competitor in Archibald, but he was intrigued by the fact she'd voted for him. It did not change the fact that she was a filthy pegasus that eventually needed to die, but perhaps he could spare her to live longer than some of the others, when the time came.

"We need to discuss the herd," Ricochet greeted matter of factly, uninterested in her well being and sure she was fine anyway. Pegasus often pummeled themselves in sky and ground alike, it's a wonder they didn't make themselves go extinct with such perilous acrobatics. "There are too many empty ranks and not enough new members coming in. We need more support in the Threshold. I can organize a team to accomplish this, I frequent those woods and I do believe my title carries the weight of diplomacy so I would do well to provide options to the travelers."

The idea of Ricochet being diplomatic was laughable. He wondered pointlessly if he could trade the unicorn for roles, he'd certainly make a much better warlord. However his proposition had truth to it, and if he could control the influx of new members, then he could be sure to increase the equine amount and perhaps replace the pegasus and unicorns without them even knowing.

"We need to strengthen our borders..." Ricochet found himself trailing off with political blather. There was much to speak of considering all Paladin had left lacking. Though what Ricochet really wanted to discuss was kicking the pegasus and unicorn off his throne, but he suspected that wouldn't go over well. He didn't think the rest of the herd would receive the news too kindly either, given so many were still in support of Archibald. Though Ricochet had managed much so far, he had to keep biding his time until the moment was ideal.

RE: what now? (leads?) - Evers - 10-25-2012

Evers shifted the new weight that now bared down on him. He had looked at it in many ways, it was the opportunity to do good but what if Mandrake appeared? Would she be proud of her son's achievement or would it just become another means to an end. He felt nervous but powerful and joyous but sad, all in all he dearly wished his brother Archibald was here to lead beside him. The image of the dun warrior and his collie dog entered his mind; Ricochet. There was something about that boy that gave him, what Evers felt, a commanding presence. Whether it was good or bad he could not yet tell. The first few days of rule were bound to be edgy, he just hoped they all got on reasonably well.

The skinny blue spotted the delicate silver of Svetlana, the high spirited femme he had met during a wild night. Dark feather and ice cold fur a striking contrast, a dream for bards wanting a new song to sing. Next to her was burnt face and his shaggy pet, Evers idly wondered how on earth he managed to earn the scar in such an unfortunate place. The dunskin stood at the same height as himself but harboured a far more muscular structure. Snow gave way and moaned as the newly crowned hooves moved carefully into the gathering of leads.

First thing that appeared on the agenda was the lack of members their herd contained, as Evers walked in on the conversation, a nod in greeting for the two. Ricochet already seemed to think himself a diplomat and even though the blue's title did carry the stature of 'War Lord', he was the former diplomat which left a faint tinge of resentment that he wasn't expected to further that duty. Evers stopped himself from muttering and made a mental note to track down Archibald for warrior training. The Incendiary's voice tailed off and Evers decided to step in before Svetlana.

"I agree, our herd does lack in members-" He looked full on at Ricochet then, his face firm but polite. "You seem to have a handle on the travellers. In that case I'll see to the strength of our borders and the military. It is in my title after all." There. They may be co-ordinating leads but one would be foolish to rely solely on them. If the equine wanted to play diplomat then he would just have to play warrior. Evers spared a moment to consider whether he'd gone insane and decided to have that discussion with himself later.

The blue thoughtfully to look over at Svetlana, wondering what she had in mind. "You are this land's first Pegasus lead. What do you have in mind?"

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RE: what now? (leads) - Svetlana - 10-25-2012

shadow kissed
moonlight dipped
oh so fine, oh so noble

There they come. Ricochet. His face, I notice, is a mass of pink flesh and gray scarring, and his coat is shaggy and weighed down with heavy winter fluff. A collie frolicks at his heels. How did such a pairing happen, I wonder. Brutally to the point, Ricochet bites deep into the problem. Evers, may he be in good health, approaches quickly after, listening with an attentive ear, and agrees. "That sounds agreeable to me, Ricochet, Evers. It is a problem indeed- despite the many horses that claim to swell our ranks, I fear not enough are truly any good for the herd." My voice has a light burr to it- my accent is clearly not Helovian, with harsh 'r's and 'k's. I wish to speak my native tongue, which is harsh and proud unlike Horse-Unicorn-Pegasus, but it would be incomprehensible. Despite Ricochet's claim at diplomacy, his tongue does not seem as fine as Evers'. Ah, well. I'm sure the three of us can begin to rebuild and untangle. Evers, in response to Ricochet, takes up his mantle as 'warlord'. I resist the urge to laugh, which I'm sure would not put me off to a good start with my equals. Hear, hear- we all agree in the lack of horses, pegasi or unicorns, that are meant to thrive in this wondrous, lush land. The blue-skinned horned one asks after my thoughts.

Quickly, too quickly for them to notice the pause, I stop to ponder my position. I am a pegasus 'overseer'. What does that mean? The only thing I can clearly distinguish is... well... overseeing. Maybe so... I will 'oversee'. If Ricochet looks to diplomacy, and Evers to war, I will need a specific job of my own. "In response to your question, Evers, my position is labelled 'overseer'. If agreeable to you two, I should help to organize the herd ranks again and do whatever job needs done." I give a pause, to wait for their answers, before continuing. "I've noted of the herd that despite our strong warriors, we lack apprentices, a mason, or a general. I think that we should appoint a general to a herd, and Ricochet, perhaps you could search for an appropriate candidate for the mason position." My voice gives a slight rise in pitch near the end, so it becomes a question. "Evers, I am new to this herd, despite my rank, and I respect that you and Ricochet could come up with a suitable equine for general, one who will command our forces well." I try to make it inquiring, so it does not sound like I am above them. The description of my job is slightly uncomfortable, for it hints towards me overlooking all animals, which I wish to avoid. Perhaps I am reading too deeply into it. I shift my black wings. The hot muscle has quickly cooled to an uncomfortably stiff position.

"blah blah blah."

RE: what now? (leads) - Ricochet - 10-30-2012

Ricochet cannot help but grin at the blunt way the pegasus speaks. Most in the herd are worthless? He could only wholeheartedly agree. Perhaps for a pegasus she wouldn't be so bad.

The unicorn however, Ricochet glances at him with guarded eyes, unsure of what to do with him. It is an odd creature, more ugly than other unicorns the dunskin has met, not that there's much worth in that - they're all hideous monsters regardless. The stallion seems to frail and thin to be of much use guarding anything, and though Ricochet is itching to take control of the soldiers instead, he knew he'd serve himself better as the diplomat. At least for now.

The unicorn poses as question to Svetlana and Ricochet leaves his rebellious thoughts for another time. He turns his teal eyes to the mare as well, equally curious as to exactly what she would be doing. Overseer is a very vague explanation and she seems equally as confused, picking her words with careful choice.

The first bit she says Ricochet nods to, confirming that their ranks need organization. He'd rather she handle it with him out of the herd so often and Evers too busy trying to figure out which way his horn should point when attacking someone. Her next speech however, has the Incendiary instantly enraged.

"Do not mistake your title to stand above mine," Ricochet snarls, tail slapping eagerly at his flanks. He tenses, resisting the urge to deface her and settles instead of shifting his weight uneasily back and forth. "You do not command me overseer. If you wish charge of the ranks then you do the work of filling them." Lips twisted up in a gruesome face as Ricochet spit at the ground.

At his hooves Guns growled softly in his throat, body crouched and amber eyes trained on the unicorn and pegasus. The dog had since learned these were automatic enemies and only took calm with Ricochet. Now however as the air intensified the dog wondered how they would act. To be safe, he let his paws stay light and his lips raised.

RE: what now? (leads) - Evers - 11-01-2012

Evers watched the pair before him. Eyes first roving to the Chieftess as she spoke in agreement, their lacking numbers clearly a subject that concerned them all. New to the herd maybe, but the skinny blue thought Svetlana was adjusting rather well given the circumstances. Evers found himself envying her for a moment, 'overseer' sounded more sensible than 'war lord' did.

The next time she spoke it was in answer to his question, her quick mind apparently settling on filling rank positions and distributing responsibility amongst the members of their slowly growing herd. He could almost see the cogs turning in her mind as she developed the idea into suggestions for the two of them. To which Ricochet apparently did not appreciate.

So this is the new head of diplomats he thought dryly whilst giving the dunskin Incendiary a look of mild amusement. "I believe that was a suggestion not a command, Ricochet" his vocals were still scholarly and quiet, he spoke as if he was pointing out the obvious. Evers looked between his younger co-rulers and stifled a sigh. This wasn't going to be a walk in the park.

"Well, since I'm in charge of the warriors, I will place Archibald as General... That is if you two have some obscure objection against it?" He was trying to be forward and careful at the same time. The blue hoped Svetlana could let most of Ricochet's outburst pass so the meeting could press on without digressing into a shouting match. He knew that really he needn't ask whether they agreed or not to his choice, this was his own area, yet it was easier to ask than squabble over it later.

The blue did find it rather interesting though, that they each found it necessary to define their roles. It seemed the simplest way or was this the sign of a shaky rule and the only way to imply your own power was to state it now or be walked all over. Evers was just glad he would have Archibald beside him, helping him through the first few baby steps of chiefdom.

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RE: what now? (leads) - Svetlana - 11-01-2012

shadow kissed
moonlight dipped
oh so fine, oh so noble

For one brief moment after Ricochet's snarl, each and every midnight feather upon my wings stand erect, my black ears pin to my steel head, and I draw myself up tall. Then, just as swiftly, I deflate and each tight muscle gives way, loosening gently. I had thought to have chosen my words well. Maybe being more careful will be necessary, although Evers' calm, slightly amused voice speaks on my behalf. For that, I am very grateful. "I'm deeply sorry for not wording my sentences better. I did not, in any way, mean to act above you Ricochet." Evers speaks again of general. Archibald. Go ahead! "Archibald sounds good, unless...?" I let Ricochet speak, should he wish.

Then I address my next concern, and my last one. "I think we have covered almost everything. I do have one suggestion, if I may pose it for us. I think we should introduce a council to our ranks, a small, maybe three horse council that can help carry messages, whichever. They would be of high esteem, and the membership of such council would be gifted to our very best members." I hope they agree. It is a similar system to my old home. A council helps in times of war, carry unimportant messages not worthy for diplomats, advices us- a system above and in between everything else, a system that does the odd job and advising. But ultimately, if they were to refuse I wouldn't mind terribly.

"blah blah blah."

RE: what now? (leads) - Blu - 11-07-2012

I have no time, am placing Ricochet in absent abyss and playing as if the Gray chased him off. At this time I cannot continue this thread, we can assume that Ricochet grumbled some more and said that if she wanted to fill ranks she should fill them, that making new ranks when current ones are unfilled is probably unwise, and that he had to go off and recruit - which leads to his thread where he attacks Osiris/Ophelia on Foothills borders, angering The Grey.

So Ricochet never returns to the herd after this meeting.

I think Archibald would make a great lead if we just wanted to replace Ricochet with him?

RE: what now? (leads) - Tillas - 11-07-2012

I was thinking we should replace him immediately with Archibald. Svetlana and Evers probably don't need to host another election, as he came in second place, so I think it's safe to assume Archibald is not the lead.

RE: what now? (leads) - Descaro - 11-08-2012

(did you mean 'now' elope? ;D)

-sad face- I'll miss Rico. <3

& I agree Archi would be great and a simple substitution. All we need to do is instate him ICly. Elope?

RE: what now? (leads) - Svetlana - 11-08-2012

Will create a thread now :)