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the mystery of winter [open] - Printable Version

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the mystery of winter [open] - Cassiopeia - 10-24-2012

trust your heart if the
seas catch fire

Beyond the putrid stench of death which soured the palate, there was beauty in this place - an odd, corrupt inception of beauty, though it lingered in the air, none the less. Breath after breath poured like steam from the dove's nostrils as she gazed out across the necropolis, eyes of dulcet cyan beholding the arrant melancholia that imbrued each follicle of breathable air. Shards of frigidity threatened to burrow beneath her skin with each hastened whip of the wind, and she held her massive pinions tightly against the fattened contours of her sleek figure.

Ah, frostfall, she whispered, how unsure I feel of thee. As with all things, there existed two polarities to the season of stillness, of travesty, of unparalleled beauty, of nonpareil danger. Beneath a veil of allure and enticement there existed a stratum of fermenting peril: bone-rattling cold, famish. Some years it was considerably more vehement than others; some years it was gently and soothing - this, was not one of those years. With each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; she couldn't help but feel this was some sort of recoil from the intensity of the summer - doubtlessly, that was the case.

There is balance in all things, even in the endlessly orbiting ritual of the seasons. With a harsh winter, there is a frail certitude that spring will come to whisk away the snow and the staleness, and in its wake all living things will be reborn. Without the cruelty of winter, the true majesty of spring could never be veritably cherished.

Pale feathers whispered softly against the gentle tug of the wind as she made her way through the marsh by way of flight. She daren't look down. She needn't see the dead to know they occupied these pools. She was focused on something more specific, something deep within the Spectral Marsh. The quest which had been presented to her by the Goddess of the Moon had not escaped her memory. She still desired to achieve the gift of healing, before she had not been able to. She thrived on the knowledge that her daughters were home in the warmth of their desert, spared from the overt callosity of frostfall.

Where, precisely, she was required to search had not been specified to her - the only knowledge of her intended item of retrieval was a name and dim coordinates. "Deep within the marshes," spoke the Goddess, and so that is where she would look. Hesitantly, the astral dame descended from her aerial position.

From her atmospheric viewpoint she would have trouble finding this 'moon stone,' and so she reigned her wings into a resistant arc and allowed gravity to return her to the earth. She met the murky depths with a stab of icy chill which encompassed her aft legs first, then her forelegs. She pothered her wings for only a moment, ridding the fledged conformations of frost which had caught on the plumes, then swiftly furled them atop her back. Without a glimmer of directive terminus, she furtively commenced her search.

RE: the mystery of winter [open] - Murder - 10-27-2012

The bane the arctic liquid instilled upon Murder’s limbs was almost excruciating as he trekked through the nightmarish bog. Each stride felt worse than the previous and he began to regret ever venturing into this grim quagmire, in all actuality he was rueful of journeying into Helovia completely. Foolishly he had found himself in the Threshold of this mythical domain, and accumulating on his thoughtlessness Murder chanced resting his eyes. Never had he made a worse mistake. When the stallion awoke he lamented to learn his lifelong comrades had been stolen from him by mischievous Gods pursuing nothing but the amusement they received from the woe of their inferior sycophants. He reviled them, sought after scarcely more than for a greater omnipotent deity to arise and strike them down. These desires were contrasting to Murder’s archetypal nature in a number of ways and the recent deviations were quite the encumbrance on the patriarch. He knew of his ravens’ absence constantly, but very seldom he could insist he sensed their gaze affixed on him and it tore at his soul. All was not lost however for Murder had a strategy, though it was paramount to the plot that he first find the divinities.

Unexpectedly the wind produced a fresh gust dissimilar to its former minor breeze. Murder came to a halt, as the atmosphere was infiltrated by a pair of extravagantly plumed appendages, and scanned the firmament with enquiring scarlet optics. The wing span on the mare was colossal and Murder couldn’t help but watch her glide gracefully yet aversely into the wetland. He was unsure whether she’d seen him, yet she had soared right above him so he tremendously disbelieved she had not at least glimpsed him. The azure hued vixen had touched down mere yards away and surreptitiously appeared to be scrutinizing the marsh. Was she waiting for someone? It seemed difficult to believe anybody would come here to graze or even just relax by themselves, so Murder presumed she must be up to something. Curiosity overwhelmed Murder unexpectedly, he did have an undertaking of his own after all, but he couldn’t shake the fact that he desired to pinpoint what her expedition was as well.

Elevating his brawny limbs from the muck he dragged himself onward with mild exertion. Steadily he approached her, crimson lanterns analyzing her as if she were a textbook and he had a vital exam to study for. Murder detected that she wasn’t a predominantly lofty or bulky damsel and practically seemed as if she were mostly wing. Murder stared at her wings with minor reverence, for he had habitually clandestinely craved a duo of his own. To have the capability to ascend with his aerial brethren had been a delusion of Murder’s since he was an infantile envious unicorn. With age however he had acknowledged reality, albeit with slight hesitation, but he couldn’t negate the fact that from time to time when he slumbered he still delved into a world where he could propagate wings. Like that was at all probable.

Coming to a rest limited paces behind the femme, just in the instance he startled her and she decided the lash out, he exhaled and tossed his mantel eradicating himself of his contemplations and bringing himself back to the current. Leonine banner quivered languidly at his hocks and a single lobe fell against his crania as he raised his skull to its full height, leaving the additional ear to retrieve information.

“Not exactly the prime location for a holiday is it? May I inquire as to what motive brought you to this eccentric quagmire?”

Murder’s tones were by far the most buoyant they’d been since his arrival here, but they still held an almost acrimonious and reproachful hint. All would be restored with any luck when he was returned his crows but until then Helovia had a rather irate prick to contend with.

{ ooc: Sorry that took so long and its very mediocre, it shall improve haha }

RE: the mystery of winter [open] - Cassiopeia - 10-30-2012

trust your heart if the
seas catch fire

Lobed ears flicked backwards threateningly, hearken to the ambiance of swashing muck somewhere behind her. Sinew became tense beneath her skin, and she quickly pivoted while rising humbly onto her haunches. Massive wings unfurled partway, wafting a gust of wind in his direction. No sound penetrated her lips. It was a fluent movement, elapsing little more than an brief instant.

She became parallel with the earth once again, delicate strands of empurpled ebony cascading down over her eyes. She shook them away. A single downy feather flitted gently through the stale, chilly air, coming to a soft halt atop the waters' murky depths.

Her cerulean gaze swiftly settled upon his own, his encrimsoned eyes a deep scarlet as if gems from the pits of hell itself. A shudder of cold electricity trickled down her spine, as if his gaze had instantly transmit a signal of disquietude. "Necessity" she averred, a simple reply to his query. "There is something here in which I need, though where exactly this something is, I am uncertain." She found herself unable to tear her eyes from his. Two tucks protruded from his head like brothers, and a leonine tail, much similar to her own, graced his cobalt haunches - admittedly, he looked rather hellish, though rather his persona mirrored his countenance was questionable.

She studied his with caution, his masculine scent nearly stinging her nostrils with each inhalation. Smoke funneled from them in great bursts as she sought to keep the conversation progressing. "I don't suppose you'd know where to find 'moon stone', would you?" It was a somewhat rhetoric allegation, though his answer was one she was confessedly interested in hearing.

RE: the mystery of winter [open] - Murder - 11-01-2012

Murder could tell he had alarmed her, with his lurid strides through the mire, by the cautious measure professed in the tensing of her feminine structure. Yet when she revolved she didn’t hold the guise of apprehension. Her dance was fluid, lithe and effortless yet bizarrely alluring. The plumed pennons adorning her shoulders were indisputably remarkable, and Murder’s vermillion chasms inspected them with envious reverie. He had to concede she was quite the specimen of a mare, but lust was not something Murder permitted to overtake him. He prided himself on being a considerate male which was contrasting to so many he’d met, and even flirtation wasn’t something he dabbled in frequently. Murder watched her as she considered him mutely and recognized that his appearance was slightly unnerving to her; oddly he had become reasonably conversant of this reaction in his time. However in Murder’s circumstance his exterior scarcely complemented the soul it encased. He had been a fairly placid baron throughout his years, frequently being confided in and regarded for guidance because of his wisdom and decorum. Murder’s façade was that of a fiend but his ambiance was more of a saint.

When the maiden spoke Murder erected both audits to catch her delicate tones. "Necessity," she paused. "There is something here in which I need, though where this something is, I am uncertain." Voids pirouetted from the vixen as Murder pensively took in the dire settings. What might she conceivably want from this lagoon? He pondered inwardly as he perused the foliage and water’s surface accusingly. Murder had to confess, if he desired to conceal an object this would be an impeccable place. He could sense her eyes penetrating him as he scanned the topography and as he twisted his skull back to observe her his contemplations were confirmed. Her gaze had not left him the entire period and Murder smiled humbly, attempting to pacify her potential uneasiness the best he could. He sincerely intended her no harm and preferred for her to be mindful of that fact.

"I don't suppose you'd know where to find 'moon stone', would you?" Murder twitched indistinguishably as the mare’s voice infiltrated the atmosphere for a second time. He had not anticipated her sudden lyrics and was taken somewhat off guard yet succeeded in disguising the surprise well. As the vapor from her nostrils shrouded her face Murder examined her with the utmost curiosity. A moon stone? He had only perceived of such things in legends and imaginings from his youth so this intrigued him. Something about the manner in which she spoke if it communicated to Murder she was serious and his urge to assist her in procuring what she was hunting matured, even if selfishness was a component.

“I’m sorry ma’am but I’m afraid I have only been told of such things, never have I set eyes upon something that I strongly assumed to be fictitious. Have you any clues perchance? I would gladly contribute to your excursion if I am able.”

Murder’s tones were cool and accommodating, zealously awaiting her response. This could be quite a remarkable expedition.

{ ooc: Sorry that took so freaking long! Forgive me! I'll trying to keep up from now on, and hopefully I'll have that post for Adhara up soon as well. }

RE: the mystery of winter [open] - Cassiopeia - 11-08-2012

[ ooc ; booop. Just making sure this wasn't forgotten. D: ]

RE: the mystery of winter [open] - Cassiopeia - 11-13-2012

trust your heart if the
seas catch fire

The roaned mistress hadn't expected him to be so willing in aiding her. A smile spread across her kissers, and she eyed him curiously. Perhaps her perturbation had been misguided - she should know better than to judge an individual solely by appearance: looks could be deceiving, as they often were. "Unfortunately, the Goddess of the Moon did not specify any precise location." For the first time she allowed her gaze to be severed from the stallion's cerulean hide, and her eyes meandered aimlessly across the marsh in a bout of trust: it was a feeble conception of such, bit that's what it was, regardless.

"'Deep within the marshes,'" Reiterated the peppered dame, a gush of wind hieing from a narrow crevice in her lips. A plume of livid smoke furled from her maw, and she returned her gaze to the peculiar unicorn. "Though I do believe it would look something similar to this." Cassiopeia arced her slender face abruptly and peered down at the jewel strung around the curvature of her neck. It lay still within the shallow, muscular furrow of her bosom, and the dim sunlight glimmered faintly upon its coruscant surface. Cyan pools focalized upon the horned man for yet another time, and she elaborated on her musing. "It is a moon amulet, forged from the very stone I seek."

She wondered what he might decide to interject, if anything. Perhaps she could've used a strike of dust from the amulet itself, but the Goddess had instructed she make a venture to this location to retrieve what she desired. Plus, the amulet held more than just material worth or a means of fulfilling her quest for magic; it also held a sort of sentiment value, a relic of a memory she held near and dear to her heart - literally.

She smiled then. "Shall we begin our search?"

RE: the mystery of winter [open] - Murder - 11-25-2012

What Murder knew of the deities was trifling, but they were so substantial for the beasts in this realm that Murder felt obligated to educate himself further on their customs and antiquity. However from his experiences thus far he was not fond of the Gods in the least. As Murder gazed at the cobalt amulet strung around the striking damsel’s neck and contemplated her words he knew why. The games these demons occupied the mortals with were unmistakably for their own amusement and it sent a tremor of loathing up Murder’s spine. There was no way he could call himself an atheist since the evidence of the idols existence was profound but the longing to cast them from his life once he was returned his crows was intense. That was not to say he would cease to believe in them but merely that he would refuse their help in any way. Perhaps he would even embolden others to do the same. Give them a chance to see reason. These Gods were egocentric, indolent and cruel and Murder intended to see them taken down from their pedestal. Yet he didn’t anticipate it to be easy.

Sanguine orbs traveled from the azure brooch to the mistress’s matching eyes and Murder nodded, comprehending her assignment. It was yet another indication of the divinity’s ridiculous jest at their underlings and though Murder hid it well he felt mild pity for the dame. Gods established their supremacy from the conviction of their followers and yet they were not grateful. Instead they required their devotees to praise them, and to Murder that was erroneous. ”Shall we begin our search?” was the verse that jolted Murder out of his ponderings. The icy temperature of the air was once again recognized by the baron causing the layer of muscle below his hide to quake.

“Yes, certainly, let us commence our quest. Excuse me for not introducing myself formerly, I am Murder.”

His tones were relaxed and hospitable. Today he would help this femme look for this moon stone, in an attempt for Murder to acquire a better understanding as to why these creatures let the spirits treat them in such a way. But tomorrow Murder would embark on a little expedition of his own in optimism of fixing this flawed structure.

Sauntering forward Murder walked around the vixen as he desired to find this gem quickly. This place was teeming with the impression of desolation and horror, neither of which Murder was too keen on, and he wanted to leave as soon as possible. Murder stared into the polished surface of the waters that bordered them, detecting the silhouettes of figures in its grasps, and made an annotation to himself to stay strictly to the center of the conduit. Raising his chiseled dome to assess the firmament he realized it was gradually growing dim, a fact that made Murder uneasy. He did not know his way through these everglades and, unlike his plumed acquaintance, was not blessed with fantastic wings to aid him in a fluent getaway should a dilemma arise.

“So what, if I may enquire, is the significance of this stone you seek?”

He desired to know since the more he gauged the situation the more perilous it became. Murder wanted to help her, sincerely, however he was unsure how much he was willing to risk for her cause. The further he ventured the worse the outcome was beginning to appear.

{ ooc: Sorry again for the terribleness of this post and how long it is taking me. I'm really trying to keep up with this but my muse is dead :( }

RE: the mystery of winter [open] - Cassiopeia - 11-25-2012

trust your heart if the
seas catch fire

He didn't say much, merely listening as she spoke but then again there wasn't much to interject, she supposed. His expression was cryptic, leaving Cassiopeia without much of an indicator as to what thoughts stirred just beneath the surface. His voice was cordial enough as the virile professed his calling. Murder. Cassiopeia's ears twitched almost imperceptibly. It was an odd name, one she never would have predicted. What mother would impart upon their child such an unfortunate calling?

She soon dismissed the thought however, and she too introduced herself. "My name is Cassiopeia," she averred. "A pleasure, Murder." A dip of her head companioned her words before she turned to peer out across the murky expanse once again. The sky had darkened substantially and the matron was uneasy about being here when night fell upon the land. This was a necropolis, afterall. The roaned mistress dared to glance down into the pools at her feet, reluctantly exploring the depths of the nearly-opaque waters. To her surprise she could make out the forms of what appeared to be fish weaving in between her forelegs and beyond that, thankfully, nothing but sodden earth.

Vagrant foliage drifted across the surface. She sighed. How on earth would she find what she desired when her vision was so obscured and the artifact of her excavation was hidden somewhere beneath the surface? "I'll look over here," She informed him, her eyes anchored on his cerulean coat as she gestured to her left then traveled in that general direction. With each step there came a watery clap, and she moved with deliberation, careful of what might lurk beneath the surface. Her ears percolated as his tenor rang forth and she raised her head back into the air. The manner in which he spoke was rather grandiose. "I wish to gain the powers of healing," she answered. "I possess a magic which allows me to animate the stars, but as of now they are capable of inflicting only pain."

She soon reverted her attention back to searching for the stone. As she moved forward it would appear as though she had dislodged a previously concealed corpse and it swiftly bobbed to the surface. A half decomposed head poked at the surface of the water and vacant white eyes stared back at her, provoking fear to stir within her. A white film hovered around it and, horrified, she jerked her head upward and shied away as if its gaze had transmit a signal of palpable fear. She snorted loudly, peering toward Murder as she caught her breath, wondering if he had witnessed her revulsion.

Her stomach sank. These horses had once lived and breathed as she; walked the very same terrain. She was suddenly very eager to return to the desert.

[ ooc ; I'm not particularly fond of this >.< No worries, tarot. I'll be more patient with this from now on. I can certainly relate to having no muse. And honestly, I thought your post was lovely. ;) Also, if you'd like, Murder can say he saw something glowing beneath the surface in your next post. I sort of want him to find it. xD ]

RE: the mystery of winter [open] - Murder - 12-02-2012

Something was not right. The further the sun retreated behind the earth the more perturbed Murder became. It was almost like the odor of this territory had transformed abruptly, changing into a most nauseating stench. The reek of putrefaction. As Murder ventured forward he kept his gaze on the murky waters, distrusting the enigmas they obscured. One audit was always stationary on the roan femme, knowing that if he lost track of her something much more sinister could find her. Murder didn’t think she was incapable of fending for herself, actually quite the contrary, and in all actuality he was trusting that she was watching out for him as well. Cassiopeia…what a divine name, Murder pondered mutely, yet he could see that it fit her; she did have a certain celestial quality about her.

“I am quite fond of your constellation.”

Ack, was that flirting? Murder inclined an eyebrow and, keeping his dome in the direction he was drifting, let his voids glance her way after the words escaped his maw. Well that was stupid, he deliberated as a swell of discomfiture inundated over him. Muscles shuddered beneath his cobalt hide as he tried to shrug off his inanity and move forward. Perhaps she hadn’t even heard him? Definitely not. Allowing his eyes to shift back on course Murder persisted in his search for something that resembled a moon stone akin to the one Cassiopeia bore around her neck. He listened to her illuminate him on her goal for this quest, which he found very remarkable. Pain…? Murder mused on this rather scrupulously. Cassiopeia desired healing magic because all she could do as of now was administering pain? This was curious to him. How does one animate the stars? Questions engulfed Murder and he terminated his scrutiny of the acreage for a minute. Erecting his cranium he halted and spoke.

“How do you…?”

Murder’s query was cut short with the introduction of a feeble glowing originating from a pool to his right.

“I think I found something!”

His tones were excited as he darted off in the direction of the iridescent sapphire light. It seemed that the repose of the sun bequeathed life to the gem and now it was rousing from its own slumber. Reaching it rather hastily Murder’s enthusiasm was stifled as soon as he discovered exactly were the stone laid. Glaring up at him with unseeing lanterns was the skull of a deceased and decaying unicorn. In its mouth, nestled between its alabaster fangs, was the cerulean gem which bathed its fetid features in an unnatural indigo ruddiness. Transfixed by the unexpected twist to the expedition Murder was flustered when he perceived the mare exhale rather vociferously and revolved his crania to see her cringing away from a decomposing head of her own. It was almost like a presage for what Murder had to do to retrieve the stone, and as he rotated back to look into the milky orbs of the departed beast he let out a sigh of trepidation. Knowing what had to be done; Murder lifted his anterior limbs from the sodden ground and pivoted to the side of the cadaver. With all his might Murder thrust his cloven talons down into the hazy liquid targeting the stem of the dead unicorn. Putting his faith in the level of corrosion the body had experienced Murder craved it would only take one go to decapitate the creature. As he sunk into the water up to his shoulders Murder’s hopes were granted when he felt his cannons pierce through flesh and bone then hit what he assumed was soil.

Immediately after the separation the pate bobbed to the surface and, still resolutely clenching the stone, stared at Murder with tranquil ruin. Struggling for a second to free himself from the mire Murder finally positioned his forelegs on solid ground again, with much reprieve. However the task was not yet complete. Ears fell back securely against his crown as Murder grunted and stared over at Cassiopeia, hoping that this truly would help her achieve her ambition. Sighing yet again he turned back to the rancid skull and dropped his head to its eye level. Tilting his dome to attain a better position for extracting the jewel Murder opened his jaws slightly and, edging onward, clasped the stone between his own teeth. It had to be a rather vile scene, this death kiss, but he could think of no other way to salvage the moon rock. Gently he retracted himself from the intimate gesture and, to his astonishment, felt the stone slip effortlessly from its perch. Raising his head to look in Cassiopeia’s direction he grinned the best he could, the gem shining lustrously from between his incisors. The deed was done.

{ ooc: Okay jeebus that was long, so sorry. Not to mention gross haha }