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Lost, plz help - Printable Version

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Lost, plz help - Erthë - 10-17-2016

Do you guys have any suggestions on plot ideas and character development that doesn't involve love or baby making? I'm talking concrete ideas here and not 'oh lets thread' because while I love open threads and pitting characters together, I feel like I lack concrete goals for Erthë. I have a ton of ideas and many things underway, I have a quest ongoing but somehow I still feel like I lack direction and meaning and even when she does things there are never any consequences, good or bad.

Things she's interested in;

Learning - anything from the history of the universe to pottery

Things I want to happen to her;

Kill someone
Kiss someone
Almost die
Get a companion
Be scolded
Receive praise
Be hated utterly
Do something incredibly cruel on purpose
Get pregnant, lose the child
Lose her mind for a while
Fight lots of battles
Become a Seer
Have a best friend
Have serious enemies

Sorta plots underway;

- Grievous injuries - crippled legs
- Addicted to opium - bc of legs and pain
- Family issues - daddy issues
- Moony Quest - visit a herd land, help someone find a friend or fall in love, get lost with a friend in Deep forest
- Swp participation - yep

and all of this seems like a lot but very few of them are actually happening. A lot is dependent on items and prizes or ranks becoming available and my own activity so that I -deserve- such a rank, and none feel like real goals that I can reach and say "yup, that's an accomplishment".

Idk... do I make any sense? Basically I don't know what I'm doing, please help. :)

RE: Lost, plz help - Virga - 10-17-2016

Hmm well Virga already doesn't like her very much, there's a possibility they could become enemies if you wanted. He's pretty young still, and I'm not sure how he'd feel about hating on someone who's already crippled, but.... he's also pretty stubborn and I'm sure could find a reason to hate her if you were up for it. Could lead to lots of confrontation and fighting since he'd prob want to bother her all the time.

I think it could be good development for him at least, and you mention wanting fights and someone to hate her. I can't guarantee it would work out according to any plan ofc, my characters are kinda fickle that way.

uh if that's not helpful at all you can just ignore me lmao

RE: Lost, plz help - ali - 10-17-2016

Katua could certainly praise her for being beautiful and smart. She's still a baby so she's pretty honest about what she blabs while running around the Edge.

RE: Lost, plz help - Bathsheba - 10-17-2016

So, I have an idea, if @Kae would be up for it/interested as well?

Erthe are already sort of wrapped up, I was going to propose at some point that maybe they try to take their acquaintance to an actual friendship throughout this little journey - if Erthe sticks around. And after that, maybe further, and although they aren't always together, they can be frank and honest with each other, maybe develop a sisterly/best friend sort of bond? (hopeful dreams) Sheba has always had an odd fascination with Virga to top things off, maybe they could sort of do the same thing? Become really good friends, maybe a really close childhood 'crush' sort of thing even, to spice it up.

Maybe, Sheba could abandon Virga (for some reason) to help Erthe (oh no my bestie needs halp!), without really meaning anything by it, but he gets super upset since I guess he already doesn't like Erthe much? Maybe an incentive to push that into a personal hatred? IDK MAN, just an idea.

But I'm totally game for something between them :D

RE: Lost, plz help - Roux - 10-17-2016

You can help Roux and Glasglow fall in love? If @Skylark is down for that :3

RE: Lost, plz help - Skylark - 10-17-2016

OOH YES. you could def help them fall in love!

RE: Lost, plz help - Laine - 10-17-2016

things Asavvi should help with: Kiss someone

Anywho, I've also got some serious Seer/God Involvement aspirations for Asavvi as well like it seems that Erthe is to Moony as Asavvi is to Earthy (or at least she wants to be) So who knows what the future holds (with rank availability etc etc) but it seems like it could be a pretty parallel track. Now once Asavvi was in that position, I would think relationships with other seers across Helovia would be ~~AMAZING, whether it was cooperative or antagonistic (if on good terms they could all poowwow and talk gods and happenings and such)

We'd have to see how things unfolded, but there might be some potential there, wether they end up really good friends, or enemies, or like, those weird relationships that are super tense but there's a deep history and respect so they can understand each other even if they don't like each other?! Idk, let me know what you think >.>

RE: Lost, plz help - Erthë - 10-17-2016

You guys are wonderful, I'd love to try out these things with you because it really sounds great :)

However I wasn't looking for help on completing these ideas right NOW so much as I was hoping for other, better suggestions, for plots or incidents that would actually lead somewhere and make an impact. :)

I know I'm being vague, it's because I'm not sure what it is I even want. I guess I'm maybe just frustrated because it feels like I'm not getting any depth into Erthë's character... She sees things and does things but everything just runs off her like water from a goose, nothing sticks and idk if it's because of my writing or if its impatience or if it's just in her nature to be shallow and not care.. or maybe I'm just bad at communicating with the rest of you to make something more of the threads that do happen.

RE: Lost, plz help - Laine - 10-17-2016

Hmmm, I see your problem... at least I think I do...

So what's popping into my head is that maybe she's kind of stuck in the same place? Sort of physically and emotionally? Like, she's always been in the Edge, even though she's a bit of a wanderer, and always held a similar kind of social-position to the one she has now and so she's been kind of safe.

If that's the source of the sort of character-funk maybe try doing something that shakes that up, that challenges that secure place in her life, whether the plot id a bit contrived or not and see what that shakes loose in her. Start with some inciting event (maybe one of the things you have on her list (Kill someone, Almost die, Get pregnant, lose the child, Fight lots of battles) or something that would get her banished if stolen. I know those are pretty much all the bad things, but maybe that's whats needed to give her a need to work toward something instead of a desire to work toward something.

RE: Lost, plz help - Erthë - 10-17-2016

YES, you got me :D Better than I did myself haha because that definitely strikes a bell. I think you might be right; she's stuck in a 'hehe I'm a kid I can do what I want' kind of rut, and even though she's thinking about helping out and eagerly awaits a chance to be useful, most who know her in the Edge seems to think of her as a foal still. Which is FINE, I just gotta shake her out of that rut, like you said.

Thanks Laine! <3

RE: Lost, plz help - Cowboy - 10-17-2016

Ilios is going to go to the Veins here super soon and she is welcome to tag along! He wont treat her like a foal and could be her friend for sure! Cowboy would knock up if you would like xD

RE: Lost, plz help - Tembovu - 10-17-2016

Hmmm we could thread Tembo and Erthe (or have their current thread turn into) regarding her opium addiction. I think Papa Bovu would have some choice words on the subject.

That could, like you and Laine said, be the beginning of an impetus for her growing up or getting out of the 'hehe I'm a kid I can do what I want' rut?

RE: Lost, plz help - Erthë - 10-17-2016

@Cowboy Hahaha thanks Pare, that sounds fun ;D She'd be happy to tag along to the Veins, feel free to tag me if you want her there!

@Tembovu That would be an interesting conversation, for sure. :| It should def happen, the thread we have now can easily be turned towards that subject! <3

@Roux and @Skylark Haha she could always try? Idek how to help someone fall in love, but if you want we can set up a thread together and see how it turns out... It'd be nice to get this quest underway properly <3

RE: Lost, plz help - Cowboy - 10-17-2016

Sweet! Also, maybe she could help Astarot out and see that she is an adult <3 He still needs to find out about his magic! I could see him being a bird freaking out and she could try and calm him down <3