HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Printable Version

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spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Cathleen - 10-19-2016

hey guyyys! meet cathleen~ tbh she's never seen uni/peg before, so i'm thinking she'll see uni as maybe demons and peg as angels?? kind of thing. EITHER WAY SHE'LL BE FASCINATED, and prob want to harvest their bones for her collection. lmfao. so yeah, all the things, gogogogo. frans, enemies, skeleton lust, etc. c;c;c;c;c;c;c;c;c;c;c;c;c;

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Brit - 10-19-2016

She sounds awesome! Cera would LOVE to meet her!

Also as a note - autoplay music isn't allowed on profiles, so if you could make it click-to-play that would be great :)

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Odd - 10-19-2016


#1 Tae and Grusha collect bones too! So we should totally meet up!

#2 I have a few chars with both horns AND wings, who could blow her mind???? and she'd be like AHH WHAT DO I EVEN THINK ABOUT YOU ARE YOU GOOD OR NAH?

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Cathleen - 10-19-2016

@Brit i was already creepin on cera so c; yas, they must meet! and i think i fixed the autoplay??? <3

@Odd ALL MY YES and lmfao that sounds hilarious tbh she'd be like BLASPHEMYYYYY
BLASPHEMYYYYY - brain implosion - ??? wa

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Sacre - 10-19-2016

throws sacre at :D he'd be totally intrigued by her haha

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Cowboy - 10-19-2016

Ilios for sure xDD Horn and wings lol

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Kvasir - 10-19-2016

Kvasir would love to meet her! Since he's both it might be interesting!

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Mortuus Nox - 10-20-2016

OMG she has to meet Nox!! He is straight Devil Like with magic that can rot peoples flesh <3 he loves meeting ladies, and he can be like you wanna see that deer melt into bone and liquid mess ?!

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Cathleen - 10-20-2016

guysssss her threshold thread is up if anyone wants to jump in there c; here~

@Sacre she'd be intrigued by his blood spot! lmfao "wow you wear your sin right on you don't you devil" xDD

@Cowboy YASSS plus ilios is hella pretty so she'd be like ??? SUCCUBUS/SEX DEVIL HISSS

@Kvasir yesss <3 little beb demonic angel cherubim. this is a must!!

@Mortuus Nox omg pls?? like she'd be like SATANNN but then b like... o this could be convenient for my bone collecting?? xD

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Mortuus Nox - 10-21-2016

YESS x 1000!!!! hahah do you have a threshold post yet?? because i was going to say we can when she is out of there?? :)

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Erthë - 10-22-2016

Erthë would love to meet Cathleen, they could discuss morals over bones maybe? My baby would be all revolted and fascinated and totally not get the thing but try to understand anyway :D

RE: spleen kisses & cyanide smiles - Albrecht - 11-10-2016

You can lust over Albys skeleton. Hell, you can see half of it from the outside anyway. Also he's pretty stereotypical demon looking (to say nothing of the attitude) if you'd like to perpetuate that belief.