HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Plz <3 - Printable Version

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Plz <3 - smitty - 10-23-2016

Hey! So I got an image of Tembo and I'm FAILING at making a table for it ;-;
It's super simple, but I'm SUPER in love with it:

I was thinking the following quote would be good for it:
"They say an elephant’s eyes speak the greatest language.
What else could make you feel so much without a word?"


RE: Plz <3 - Mauja - 10-23-2016


They say an elephant’s eyes speak the greatest language
Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet cillum pork chop quis ball tip, biltong exercitation ground round id aliqua rump tempor. Deserunt incididunt excepteur, pariatur turducken tenderloin voluptate. Ex cupim ham flank, culpa occaecat pastrami irure voluptate ham hock turducken. Cupim spare ribs beef, velit capicola prosciutto officia porchetta rump chicken sunt dolore ball tip. Ipsum laboris beef et, pork brisket cupim minim leberkas sed. Rump sirloin magna prosciutto kevin commodo laboris t-bone venison. "speech"

Filet mignon do exercitation capicola landjaeger voluptate eiusmod id spare ribs. Corned beef reprehenderit sed pork chop lorem esse, sunt pork loin aliqua officia ribeye. Alcatra non shankle bresaola burgdoggen kielbasa ipsum. Est biltong in capicola adipisicing short ribs jerky porchetta boudin pork chop. Pig sausage proident beef frankfurter capicola salami aliqua short ribs kielbasa strip steak swine flank duis. Prosciutto pork loin boudin burgdoggen tail. Meatball elit short loin ground round, exercitation excepteur tenderloin t-bone ut fugiat.
What else could make you feel so much without a word?

<div style="width: 600px; margin: 0px auto; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: justify; font-family: times; font-size: 9pt;"><img src="http://orig02.deviantart.net/4738/f/2016/293/c/b/tembovoucomm_by_manicmondays-dalno0c.png" width="500px" style="margin: 0px 0px -50px -50px;" /><div style="background-color: #1e1309; text-align: center; font-size: 8px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 3px; line-height: 50px; margin: 0px 25px; color: #c5b197;">They say an ele<span style="text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #000;">phant’s ey</span>es speak the greatest language</div><div style="margin: 0px 25px; padding: 25px 50px; font-family: georgia; background-color: #e4d9cf; color: #1e1309;">text <font color="#3a3026">"speech"</font>
</div><div style="background-color: #1e1309; text-align: center; font-size: 8px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 3px; line-height: 50px; margin: 0px 25px; color: #c5b197;">What else could make you feel so much without a word?</div></div>

RE: Plz <3 - Cailyn - 10-23-2016

bc coding at 6am is v. important.

" they say an elephant’s eyes speak the greatest language. "

And finally I saw that the very land itself had risen, that the sunbaked land had taken form as something vast and alive, and was in motion. The land walked as multitudes, their strides so utterly of the earth that they seemed the source of the very dust. The cloud they raised engulfed us, seeped into every pore, coated our teeth, seeped into our minds. Both flesh and metaphor. That big. And you could see their heads, like warriors’ shields. Their great breaths, gushing in and out, resonant in the halls of their lungs. The skin as they moved, wrinkled with time and wear, batiked with the walk of ages, as if they lived within the creased maps of the lives they’ve traveled. Travelers across landscapes, and through timescapes. The skin moving like swishing corduroy, textured and rough but sensitive to the slightest touch. The grind of their cobblestone molars as, sheaf by sheaf and mouthful by mouthful, they acquire the world. All the while uttering the contented purring of mounds of memories. Their rumbles rolling through the air like distant thunder approaching, vibrating through the undulating ground and the roots of trees, rallying families and friends from the hills and rivers, sending among themselves greetings and recognitions and news of where they have been; sending to us a sign of something coming. A mind moves a mountainous mass of muscle and bone, the brown eyes light a landscape, and one elephant rumbles in. See her squared brow, trace the tracks of snake-size blood vessels. Heralded by her own trumpet, applauded by her own clapping ears, she strikes us as timeless and a bit sublime, aware and deliberative, peaceful and nurturing and deadly dangerous as needs arise. Wise only within the confines of her capabilities, like us. Vulnerable. As we all are." the elephant king "



art by manicmondays@DA - table by cai

<center><img src="http://i.imgur.com/sMf5gBD.png" width=""><div style="margin-top: -140px; width:550px; padding:15px; background-color:#fff; border-bottom:25px solid #1c1208; border-top:25px solid #1c1208;">


<div style="border-bottom:1px dotted #000; border-top:1px dottedd #000; "><div style="width:540px; background-color:#white; padding:8px; font-family:georgia; font-size:8.5px; line-height:140%; color: black; text-align:justify; border-bottom:5px solid #1c1208; border-top:5px solid #1c1208; border-left:1px dotted #1c1208; border-right:1px dotted #1c1208;"><div style="letter-spacing:4px; font-family:times; font-size:11px; text-shadow: #fff .5px 0px, #fff 0px 1px, #fff 0px -1px, #fff -1px 0px; color:#1a0f06; "><br><br><Br><br><br><center>"<i> they say an elephant’s eyes speak the greatest language.</i> "</center></div><br><br>
<justify>And finally I saw that the very land itself had risen, that the sunbaked land had taken form as something vast and alive, and was in motion. The land walked as multitudes, their strides so utterly of the earth that they seemed the source of the very dust. The cloud they raised engulfed us, seeped into every pore, coated our teeth, seeped into our minds. Both flesh and metaphor. That big. And you could see their heads, like warriors’ shields. Their great breaths, gushing in and out, resonant in the halls of their lungs. The skin as they moved, wrinkled with time and wear, batiked with the walk of ages, as if they lived within the creased maps of the lives they’ve traveled. Travelers across landscapes, and through timescapes. The skin moving like swishing corduroy, textured and rough but sensitive to the slightest touch. The grind of their cobblestone molars as, sheaf by sheaf and mouthful by mouthful, they acquire the world. All the while uttering the contented purring of mounds of memories. Their rumbles rolling through the air like distant thunder approaching, vibrating through the undulating ground and the roots of trees, rallying families and friends from the hills and rivers, sending among themselves greetings and recognitions and news of where they have been; sending to us a sign of something coming. A mind moves a mountainous mass of muscle and bone, the brown eyes light a landscape, and one elephant rumbles in. See her squared brow, trace the tracks of snake-size blood vessels. Heralded by her own trumpet, applauded by her own clapping ears, she strikes us as timeless and a bit sublime, aware and deliberative, peaceful and nurturing and deadly dangerous as needs arise. Wise only within the confines of her capabilities, like us. Vulnerable. As we all are.<font size=1><font color="325185"><b><i>" the elephant king "</i></b></font></font></justify>



<div style="letter-spacing:5px; font-family:courier new; font-size:9px; text-shadow: #fff .5px 0px, #fff 0px 1px, #fff 0px -1px, #fff -1px 0px; color:#1a0f06;">
<br><center><i>WITHOUT A WORD?</i></center><br><br>
</div></div><div align="right" style="width:450px; font-family:times; font-size:9px; line-height:12px; word-spacing:1px; letter-spacing:1px; font-style:normal; color:#303030; text-transform:lowercase;">art by manicmondays@DA - table by cai</div>


RE: Plz <3 - Cailyn - 10-23-2016

ok i quit the background on this one is interchangeable w w/e ever image tbh -flies into the sun-

" they say an elephant’s eyes speak the greatest language. "

And finally I saw that the very land itself had risen, that the sunbaked land had taken form as something vast and alive, and was in motion. The land walked as multitudes, their strides so utterly of the earth that they seemed the source of the very dust. The cloud they raised engulfed us, seeped into every pore, coated our teeth, seeped into our minds. Both flesh and metaphor. That big. And you could see their heads, like warriors’ shields. Their great breaths, gushing in and out, resonant in the halls of their lungs. The skin as they moved, wrinkled with time and wear, batiked with the walk of ages, as if they lived within the creased maps of the lives they’ve traveled. Travelers across landscapes, and through timescapes. The skin moving like swishing corduroy, textured and rough but sensitive to the slightest touch. The grind of their cobblestone molars as, sheaf by sheaf and mouthful by mouthful, they acquire the world. All the while uttering the contented purring of mounds of memories. Their rumbles rolling through the air like distant thunder approaching, vibrating through the undulating ground and the roots of trees, rallying families and friends from the hills and rivers, sending among themselves greetings and recognitions and news of where they have been; sending to us a sign of something coming. A mind moves a mountainous mass of muscle and bone, the brown eyes light a landscape, and one elephant rumbles in. See her squared brow, trace the tracks of snake-size blood vessels. Heralded by her own trumpet, applauded by her own clapping ears, she strikes us as timeless and a bit sublime, aware and deliberative, peaceful and nurturing and deadly dangerous as needs arise. Wise only within the confines of her capabilities, like us. Vulnerable. As we all are. " the elephant king "

" What else could make you feel so much without a word? "

<center><img src="http://i.imgur.com/sMf5gBD.png" width=""><div style="margin-top: -145px; background-image:url('http://i.imgur.com/KFxWYw3.jpg'); background-position: bottom; border: 1px solid #fff; background-repeat: repeat; background-color: #EBE4E3; width: 420px; padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px;"><div style="background-color: #EBE4E3; width: 330px; background-repeat: no-repeat; "><div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; padding-right: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-top: 20px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #000;"><br>
<div style="letter-spacing:4px; font-family:times; font-size:11px; text-shadow: #fff .5px 0px, #fff 0px 1px, #fff 0px -1px, #fff -1px 0px; color:#1a0f06; "><br><br><Br><br><br><center>"<i> they say an elephant’s eyes speak the greatest language.</i> "</center></div>

And finally I saw that the very land itself had risen, that the sunbaked land had taken form as something vast and alive, and was in motion. The land walked as multitudes, their strides so utterly of the earth that they seemed the source of the very dust. The cloud they raised engulfed us, seeped into every pore, coated our teeth, seeped into our minds. Both flesh and metaphor. That big. And you could see their heads, like warriors’ shields. Their great breaths, gushing in and out, resonant in the halls of their lungs. The skin as they moved, wrinkled with time and wear, batiked with the walk of ages, as if they lived within the creased maps of the lives they’ve traveled. Travelers across landscapes, and through timescapes. The skin moving like swishing corduroy, textured and rough but sensitive to the slightest touch. The grind of their cobblestone molars as, sheaf by sheaf and mouthful by mouthful, they acquire the world. All the while uttering the contented purring of mounds of memories. Their rumbles rolling through the air like distant thunder approaching, vibrating through the undulating ground and the roots of trees, rallying families and friends from the hills and rivers, sending among themselves greetings and recognitions and news of where they have been; sending to us a sign of something coming. A mind moves a mountainous mass of muscle and bone, the brown eyes light a landscape, and one elephant rumbles in. See her squared brow, trace the tracks of snake-size blood vessels. Heralded by her own trumpet, applauded by her own clapping ears, she strikes us as timeless and a bit sublime, aware and deliberative, peaceful and nurturing and deadly dangerous as needs arise. Wise only within the confines of her capabilities, like us. Vulnerable. As we all are. <font style="text-transform:uppercase; font-style:normal; color:#324c7d; font-size:7px; letter-spacing:2px; font-family:verdana; ">" <b>the elephant king</b> "</font><br>
<br><div style="letter-spacing:4px; font-family:times; font-size:11px; text-shadow: #fff .5px 0px, #fff 0px 1px, #fff 0px -1px, #fff -1px 0px; color:#1a0f06; "><br><center>"<i> What else could make you feel so much without a word?</i> "</center></div>

RE: Plz <3 - smitty - 10-23-2016

OOOHHH thank you so much guys! These were fab to wake up to! :]
They're so simple, but also elegant :D I really like them <3