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[O] stay a little longer - Printable Version

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stay a little longer - Cera - 10-29-2016

the Golden Prince

The swell of wingless citizens had not occurred without Cera's notice. He had no qualms with their arrival, rejoicing in the growth of their ranks rather than focusing on the tasks they created for him at the same time. Without Ranjiri he could not supply them all with keys immediately, his resources did not stretch that far. But he had taken it upon himself to begin crafting them, trusting that Sohalia and Maren would cover any work they needed on finishing the church. The temple was not Cera's first priority, after all, no matter how excited he was for its completion. His first priority was making sure that all citizens could walk freely between the land masses, and not feel imprisoned in the desert by their differences. 

Cera had created a cache of metal for such uses, to spare himself the energy required to go around hunting for it, dragging, and compiling it from the earth. The Prince wandered over to it early that morning, Ilaria like a half-dead lump on his hindquarters, bemoaning his choice of hours. Cera ignored her, because she could sleep the entire week away if he let her. Her muttering was easy enough to tune out, with how she slipped into snoring every once in a while, words trailing off into intermittent snatches of sleep. 

Cera rolled his eyes at her as he directed the metal into the fire, watching for the perfect shade of red before pulling them back out and dipping them into the water of the bucket he left by the Diviner's fire. The metal sizzled and cooled and he pulled them once more from the bubbling liquid, laying them down upon the sands and smiling at the exact replica's he'd managed to create. Humble though the Golden Prince was, he took pride in his excellence and mastery over metal. 

Lifting his head he called across the sands, hoping the popular destination of the Diviner's fires would herald denizens in need of the keys.

"If you are in need of keys for the bridge, please come to me! I have them here for you!" That was good enough, right? Ilaria grumbled nonsensically from his rump and flipped her tail irritably over her eyes in response. 


@Torleik @Ophelia @Xolani @Asteria Tamme I believe will be using her item if she decides to post here :)

RE: stay a little longer - Xolani - 11-03-2016

To be honest, Xolani had never expected to be given a key. She was just a lowly citizen, barely even capable of performing the tasks of her rank. As an Apostle, she should be spreading the work of the Sun, offering pieces of history and culture to her family within the Throat. Perhaps she should even be offering wisdom beyond the borders of their herdland. But she was a mute. How was she to sing the songs of their spirituality without a voice? And yet she longed for a way to let herself in and out of their borders. How frustrating it was to have to ask someone else every time she wanted to travel beyond the ocean and onto the mainland! So when she heard the half-familiar voice call for those in need of a key, the silent mare could not help but turn toward the summons and approach hopefully.

The stallion who had called for those in need of keys was a gold-tinged paint, a crafter of the herd, if the mare remembered correctly. Though she had never spoken to him – she didn’t even know his name – she recognized his face. His was a kind eye, a soft-spoken voice. He was the rare type of pegasus around whom the plain, previously unwanted mare felt comfortable. With that in mind, Xolani found a bit more spring in her step, and even managed to offer a shy smile as she halted a short distance away from the young steed.

Her head dipped in a respectful nod of greeting, rising again only to a height that was lower than his; her ears were trained on him attentively, her body language nothing but submissive. A smile appeared on her petite maw. She had made sure to position herself so that he would have a clear view of her body – not for any vain or promiscuous reason, but in order for her to communicate effectively. Upon her sides, a light yellow tinged slightly with green – the color of hope for the silent mare – swirled into being, forming the silhouette of a key. And so it was that she made her request.


@ Cera

I won't give up; no, I won't give in till I reach the end and then I'll start again.

RE: stay a little longer - Cera - 11-19-2016

the Golden Prince

He does not have to wait long for the silhouettes against the evening sky to appear, dark figures dancing against the distant horizon as they wander inland towards his booming voice. Even if he had stood there all evening, Cera wouldn't have been bothered - he was an unnervingly patient soul, and willing to remain in one place if it meant those in need of his keys could find him without difficulty. The Throat was expansive, after all. And Ilaria certainly wouldn't have found room to complain, as her sleep would be interrupted far fewer times if Cera stood still - not that his hindquarters were a bed thank you very much. Ilaria snorted at him through their bond, and the Prince cheerily ignored her. How many times had she awoken him in the dead of the night to journey to the Labyrinth for bamboo for a midnight snack? Payback was a bitch. 

The first maiden to appear is beautifully colorful, and he smiles in welcome as she wanders closer in silence. The pair had never met, but Cera knew with the lack of wings at her watercolor sides that she was undoubtedly in need of one regardless of their relationship to one another. Her kind face and shy approach was endearing, and Cera didn't speak, feeling as if it wasn't necessary with her quiet approach. Maybe she was a bashful sort? He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable with his rather verbose personality. 

Until she turned, and Cera stared blankly at her, completely uncomprehending until he saw the colors on her side begin to move. He stared in awe, the particular display of magic enchanting, and realized that like Rasta, she had an impairment - one that probably kept her from speaking. And the image on her side was clearly an imitation of the keys on the frond lengths in front of him - a rudimentary necklace, but one that would last with the tight knots Ilaria had unwillingly tied in them. 

With a smile he picked one up and gestured for her to move closer so he could slip it around her neck and deposit it against her chest.