HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
A Time to Fly [Any God] - Printable Version

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A Time to Fly [Any God] - Nefertari - 10-26-2012


walk walk walk
"talk talk talk"

The poor young Pegasus filly had had to walk the whole way to the Veins. She'd heard rumors among her herdmates about the gods. She hoped to have companion to stay by her side; her brother wasn't much of one and her father was always off doing something for his herd. She had no mother. "Hello?" She called in her high soprano tones. "Is anyone there?" She was worried that she wouldn't get to meet one of the Gods, nor get a companion. "I am called Nefertari by my herdmates."She hoped she wouldn't sound offensive to whomever was listening-- if anyone was. The bright blue eyes were bright and untired, though her bodice was showing the tiredness her journey had caused. She hoped and prayed that one of them would show themselves... And grant her wish. A companion to keep her company when she was alone, that was all she wanted! That way when her brother was sleeping and her father was away, she would have someone to talk to and be with. Anything to ease the pain of loneliness from her little heart.

RE: A Time to Fly [Any God] - Random Event - 10-27-2012

You call goes unanswered by the gods. Come again at another time and try again.

Return Date:12/26/12