HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Interlude for Bygone Days - Printable Version

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Interlude for Bygone Days - Sacre - 11-02-2016

I went as far as I could get,
And I'm not far enough yet.

As Orangemoon began to relinquish its grip and Frostfall strode into its wake, Sacre was stood in the magnificence of the Rotunda staring at the brook with an unfathomable expression. It was sometime during midday, the air was crisp and the odd flake of snow dropped from the grey sky only to disappear once it collided with the earth below. A scattering of paws broke the fox-boy’s reverie and he blinked, remembering where he was with a look cast upwards to see the beautiful stained glass roof. For a moment, he wondered who built it. It was a mixture of materials all used to craft within the herds of Helovia, perhaps it had been a joint venture at some point, a coming together of crafters. Or maybe the Gods had created it. He shifted his feet, thinking about what he should do now apart from go back home, and yet he still hadn’t found Roux. Every time he went home without his red brother made him feel more disappointed and even more worried, despite the fact that the arrow in his tail hadn’t glowed for a long time, but Sacre wondered, if Roux had gone far, would it even glow at all? 

Inari and Ríona were foraging around for stray berries, he could hear them rustling in a nearby bush and arguing over who got it first. It was soothing, oddly. During the times they went hunting Sacre often found it eerily quiet to walk around on his own without the endless chattering and their familiar shadows following his every step. As much as they had once been dependant on him it now appeared to be the other way around. Sometimes he wondered just how lonely he would be without them and thanked fate for letting him meet two friends to accompany him for the rest of his days. 

Chewing on his thoughts, Sacre lazily began to shuffle around the Rotunda, the hardness of a metal key, tied into his mane, sometimes banged against the side of his neck as he moved whilst he considered returning back home, but he was enjoying the downtime. For once, the Nurse wasn’t rounding up poor unsuspecting strangers from the Threshold or being called to attention by weird sea horse mutations. For a moment, everything was peaceful with the soothing sounds of nature filling his ears.


For @Amalrik