HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Couch me doctor - Printable Version

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Couch me doctor - Ampere - 11-11-2016

"Found river."

Ever since learning his ability to communicate with more than feelings and pictures, Kygo had revealed a parrot's natural desire to babble, incessantly. His timid nature kept him at bay often enough, but it still wasn't enough for Ampere, not when every word that echoed in her skull was a reminder of her own moral failure. Still, that pain had worn away under time, as pain is wont to do. The green conure was an inevitable presence, jostled in there alongside her soul, and like anything that is constant it became less and less notable. Ampere still had her moments, like a bear being tranquilized, abruptly aware that it was being tricked and so raging out of its brief dulled state to take a swipe or two before the effect kicked back in, so some days were better than others.

"Strange," Kygo commented further, uncaring of Ampere's reception to his stream of consciousness. That last bit intrigued the Mother of Companions though, like a brief, shiny object in a world that had grown dusty and dull around her. Gently she roused, but feigned nonchalance, lest she excite the creature; "What's strange?"

"Side." The weak communication was evidence of the growing Kygo had left to do. These breaks in understanding often frustrated Ampere, who not wanting to have the conversations in the first place, was further incited when they weren't even cohesive. She was about to prompt him again, unusually patient (an effect of the tranquilizers of grief), but a sudden flurry of vibrant yellow and orange burst along their bond, tinging her thoughts with an edge of joy. Raucous laughter drifted from across the desert; perplexed, Ampere stood from her afternoon nap and started for the bird's discovery.

"Cactus pee!" he finally managed to think amid his cawing, his tone high and light with mirth. Then, a bit more smug (proud of the dirty word he knew), "Desert dick.". Ampere, utterly at a loss now, snorted at his words and pressed in with a quicker pace. She had to jostle her way through some shrubbery, and barely fit under a rocky overhang that blocked a small little alcove of rocks and cactus, but she made it into the desert den where Kygo was still chirping with humor. "Desert dick!" he greeted her verbally, flapping across the way to draw her eye to the large cactus that did indeed seem to be urinating. An off color yellow, like a dirty amber, tricked slowly but steadily from a metal nozzle stuck into its side. It looked like some sort of left over crafting shrapnel, tossed aside carelessly for its uselessness, except it wasn't gleaming in the sun; too covered in dust and shadowed in this hidden area. It looked old, if she had to guess, years before Cera, maybe more.

"Tastes funny," Kygo informed her as Ampere approached, inspecting the oddity. She'd been about to turn an leave, her fascination cured, but that stopped her. You tasted it? Cactus urine? She shook her head, but despite herself was moderately amused by the silly bird. Of course it tastes funny! She glanced back at the fluid, hesitant. She wanted to be dismissive of it, roll her eyes at the ordeal and move on, but part of her, a steadily growing part of her, wanted to know what exactly tastes funny meant.

Wavering back and forth, Kygo's gentle prod of, "Scared? Me brave," was enough to make up her mind. Resolutely she stalked back towards the pissing plant, thrust her open mouth under the stream, and drank. The taste hit her immediately- sour. The burn came right after, scorching the back of her throat and wafting up to sizzle in her nostrils as she made a face. The heat elicited a strong bout of coughing, and by the time she'd recovered the edges of her eyes were watering. That's not urine, she croaked. So what exactly was it? It certainly didn't refresh her like water, and it wasn't sweet the way berries or fruits could be, but admittedly it wasn't altogether unpleasant, even if it was strong. Needing another taste to figure it out she tried again, or three times, or four... Being a smaller mare with an empty stomach, let's just say she was affected.

SUN YOU SON OF A BITCH! came Ampere's bleary trumpet of a curse as she staggered into the church. Her body slouched against the opening frame, noticeably tired as she leaned exaggeratedly against it. She giggled suddenly then, amused by the two types of 'su/on' she had inadvertently used. The amusement stopped as abruoptly as it came on though, interrupted by another holler. SUN!!!! she roared, then coughed, as she stumbled further into the hall of worship. Com'n fix th'ss sssssshit, Ampere slurred, her head flopping with an unusual delay as she glanced around.

Gently she lifted her tail, the sudden need to pee coming upon her.

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Hi Ampere is drunk on cactus juice, pls halp her friends.
@Cera @Maren

RE: Couch me doctor - Maren - 11-11-2016

There was very little to disturb her within the shadows of her mind, because, when she was inside her own mind, she was but a fraction; a ghost within walls of dust amidst gravity and elevation. The Diviner stood as a statue; silent and unmoved. The disturbance of the fickle winds that swished and swooshed outside the Temple settled in her ears as a vigil sire, to prove she had not moved out of this world — but the sounds never wrinkled her thoughts. The waters of her mind were clear, still, deep, perhaps dark, as her frame continued to stand inside the shadows of the Temple of the Sun. Praying for grace and glory; forgiveness for their recent sinful doubts. Thinking of what was and what wasn’t within or beyond their control; What was to let go of, and what was there to hold on to in this world of frail mortality...? In these depths question lingered on.


She opened her eyes to reveal silent, burgundy shaded irisis. Dark, gloomy. Thoughtful still, despite the alarming voice. She turned her neck, long ivory mane swishing against her muscles as she moved her body. Her gaze fought against the light when she looked who it was that was standing against the light inside the delicately curved frame of the Temple’s entryway.
By my hooves.


“Ampere…” Maren muttered with a doubtful frown crowning her perhaps slightly cautious expression. She couldn’t say she wasn’t used to the expressiveness of the Mother of Companions, yet, something seemed off this time — and it wasn’t the angles of the walls. No, she checked those carefully. The corners of the entrance floor and doorway were definitely 90 degrees. Her eyes trailed down to look at her crafts, just to make sure, but moved back to the figure of the mare. So why did it still not seem right? Why was it that Ampere’s shadow stood there like that against the light of the incoming sun in such a rickety-looking way? There was a shocked tiger-noise audible, one Maren had never heard before from Mr.Teatime, made the hairs on her coat tingle as if she knew exactly what her companion meant by it (He had voiced a cry of utter despair and concern for his bonded future's well being and her mental state). With that in the back of her mind, she somehow knew at once what the disturbed Ampere was here to do.

“Amp... —AMPERE?” With that the silence was broken, her eyes had shot awake; fear, panic, disbelief, a spontaneous loss of faith in their kind, all of it reflecting against the glaze of the whites of her eyes — The sudden need to stop her. She barely realized how her wings streamlined themselves against her thickened neck. Her full blown striped body now merely resting on her back hooves. Her spine curved from the power erupting from her body before she took off like a rocketship and, for the first time, heard the crashing sounds of her own, heavy hooves against the stone flooring of their Oh Holy Temple. But she didn’t truly hear it. All that was inside her ears were Ampere’s mumblings of blasphemy, echoing against the walls as she slowly moved deeper into their Holy den and her own demanding voice as it throbbed against her throat.


Rage and fury were inside her veins like machines working on a never ending fuel supply when she crossed the room and galloped towards the entrance. Even as she weighed the well being of their new Temple against the well being of Ampere, there was no stopping her — had already decided in that last flash of a second that Ampere’s worth was a mere minority next to the grand scala of Things when it came down to Worshiping and Sacredness. (She had never truly understood faith, anyway) For she had realized with a flash of enlightenment, in that last moment of anger, confusion as her cries had echoed like bad poetry; formed into screams (should’ve remained thoughts) that bounced against the walls; mixed into the drunken moaning sounds of some shameless blue pegasus, the scared groans of a lost tiger that had been sleeping soundlessly against a wall somewhere just moments ago... and the clattering of hoof beats of a Diviner who had a mere few days ago finished building the very temple she had already sworn to protect with her life and all the dignity that she had gathered and saved in those years of living... —  


And hopefully, if all had gone well, she would’ve smashed enough of her hundreds of tiger striped pounds of horse meat against the hundreds of blue hued pounds (winged) to shoot the blue evil right back where she came from — whatever the consequences may be — meanwhile flashes of spit and drool clawing, splashing and erupting around her naked teeth as she screamed somewhat along the lines of: I WILL CRUSH YOU.



RE: Couch me doctor - Ampere - 11-19-2016

Her name thundered back in response, causing the blue pegasus to hesitate, her tail still raised and head cocked. "Sun?" she asked, gaze looking up towards the heaven's where she expect the disembodied voice was coming from. Except, it was an awfully feminine voice that had uttered her name, something maybe befitting the God of the Spark, but not her God of the Sun. Confusion prickled her features, her comprehension trickling along like honey in winter. After the thunder came the rain, each hoof-beat a loud drop crashing against the church floor and rattling through Ampere's awareness. Thoroughly confused, Ampere turned just in time to see a tiger mare launch herself forward.

Ampere's features all widened in surprise, but the rest of her responses continued to crawl through the thickness the alcohol had left her with, so as limp as a wet noodle, Ampere was struck utterly unprepared by Maren. The two of them were flung back by the force of Maren's momentum, and Ampere's balance was swept away from her faster than she could remember what balance even was. Knocked off her feet Ampere went skidding down the temple's hallway and was spit back into the sand with an "OOMPH" pressed from her lips. She landed, sprawled out, wings askew, on her side in the dirt with Maren atop her. Ampere likely cushioned Maren's fall, and the tequila cushioned Ampere's, for the time being- once she recovered from her drink she'd wonder why the hell she was so stiff and where such a massive bruise came from, but for now she was just noodling in the desert, content- so much so in fact that she continued to giggle.

The sound was stifled quickly enough by Maren's weight, and gasping for breath Ampere instead sputtered, "Whyyyyy Divinerrrr, if you want'd to frisk my holy places, you only had't ask." A broad grin splashed effortlessly upon Ampere's lips following her cactus-mangled words. Her neck craned up as she delivered a sultry stare to the admittedly gorgeous priestess. "You shoulda led with this, not medi-medi-meditattling...(Ampere paused, not sure if that was the right way to pronounce meditating. Good enough...) if you want'd me devout." Ampere proffered a wink, before continuing, though she seemed dazed as her attention groped for her purpose. "Isss the Sssun home?"

Somewhere amidst her seductive chatter, Ampere's bladder reminded her about the need to pee, and unceremoniously she let the golden shower commence.

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@Maren @Cera

RE: Couch me doctor - Maren - 11-20-2016

When they clashed it was as if all around her had turned to a blur: A blur in which all hues of gold and orange had lost their values. In that moment, gravity seemed to have been something of the past, where the sky and the land had merged into one wonderful, chaotic, desperate orb of two mares. There was nothing else. The world was malfunctioning; all she could see was blue.

A cloud of gold dust emerged with a thud of shock and rained down on them as the crashed into the dune. She groaned, tasted sand in her mouth, mixed with the blood of a cut lip. She squeezed her eyes together as she frowned to look at the mess sprawled underneath and around her. But, whatever she was seeing, it had gone as planned. Better even, if she was totally truthful to herself and her own capabilities. She hadn’t per se expected the girl to topple down the Temple’s stairs by herself, was prepared to take damage herself, but she hadn’t expected how some kind of magical and magnetic push and pull had glued her to the blue one, making it possible to launch them both like a rocket. So they hadn’t fallen down the stairs, they had passed by them; flew over them, as if she’d had wings, too. It was amazing, it was... —  This was were Ampere’s moans and groans about her so called holy places came to ears.

Maren’s tiger striped figure still rested very much inappropriately on Ampere’s, though she didn’t quite immediately see it like that. To Maren it was more like restraining potentially dangerous madman. “humpf...,” she ripped herself from the Gladiator’s unforeseen embrace, but only partly, so that she was still able to easily frown down upon the caught mare below her. Even if she would struggle, she would not let go. You know, just in case she would go straight back up the temple stairs and pee all over the place anyway. Meanwhile, more sexually tainted ramblings erupted from that grinning nose. They only made the diviner’s expression quiver in confusion, but she kept Ampere pinned down nonetheless. “What are you talking about? It's Me-di-tat-ing.” she corrected with great annoyance. “...And meditating is a true form of art...” But her sentence broke down as Ampere’s face performed some kind of spasm. Did she just... wink at me? It was the tipping factor that made the silence within Maren’s normally so well kept gaze shatter underneath the pressure of raw perplexity. Reflecting in the exposed and unguarded golds of Maren’s shimmery eyes was now confusion, worry, anger, frustration and… embarrassment? —  crowned by the pure tension of the moment. And she felt it brush the insides of her chest before she shot it down. “Is this a joke to you?” Her voice was harsh, uncontrolled, tough, though colored with bitter uneasiness and many questions. She looked at Ampere with amazement, tried to read the Mother’s mind in her sharp, (suspiciously glassy) electric eyes… But of course she failed.

Now, of all times, she hated how bad she was at reading people, at knowing what was wrong with them. It frustrated her to bits, made her think that, perhaps, she shouldn’t blame Ampere for her own blindness. “You’re being strange,” she said with a new, softer tone. “Even for you.”

You have never flirted with me before.

Sure, in the time she had known Ampere, she had always been vocal, loud; but not like this — not about this. She knew Mr.Teatime would’ve done a better job at it, but she tried nonetheless. Having faintly noticed the strange smell that had traveled alongside her words, Maren’s eyes traveled from the electric blue gaze, down to her blue hued nose and carefully smelled Ampere's mouth and the stench coming from it. “What did you take?”

Whether the scenes that had played itself out were PG13 or not, was left for debate.


RE: Couch me doctor - Ampere - 11-20-2016

Ampere had always said Gaucho was magnetic, but maybe it was the other way around, her electricity working in more ways than she may have realized whenever her emotions got the better of her. If blue sparks could fizzle from decaying matter around them when she wasn't paying attention, why not her other ability too? The one that controlled the electricity in other things, things like Maren's body.

Then again, maybe it was just dumb luck.

How they ended up together was not half as important to Ampere as they fact that they were together. She hadn't felt anyone on her like this since... well since the last time he had done it. In prior times of trauma Ampere had no reservations about hurtling herself at the nearest decent looking stallion to soothe whatever ailed her heart, but then that was just it, wasn't it? This wasn't an ailment of the heart, this was the utter devastation of it. All those times before were nothing compared to this, because back then she'd still held onto it, but when she finally gave it away he went and set it ablaze- that seemed nice at first, but eventually the fire exhausted itself. So now Ampere was left with a pile of ashes and an empty hole in her chest, a hole that nothing seemed to fit in, but alcohol could be crammed in quite nicely she was finding.

So as Maren continued to pin her down, to dominate her the way Gaucho could, Ampere felt an all too familiar heat flush through her body. She squirmed at the sensation; not because Maren caused it, the tiger mare had always been appreciatively attractive in Ampere's mind, but because she could feel it still. Part of her had been content at feeling dead inside, reveling in the numb sensation that crawled through her like winter across the realm.

Ampere was the type to take up smoking just to remember his fire, health detriments be damned. Loneliness was part of the reason she wanted to drag that memory out of the grave repeatedly, a picture to hold until it got so worn and faded it wasn't even worth looking at any more (but she would any way). The other part of it though, the really fucked up part, was this notion that she ought to mutilate whatever bit of happiness she felt again, shoving it back into the depths of sorrow until it drowned and she felt sad enough to look at that picture again, hit that drag on the death stick. Because if he was dead, and she hadn't been able to save him - because he was better but still gone, and she was a shit storm but still breathing - well that was why she couldn't be happy any more. She had loved and lost, and she didn't deserve anything else. She never had deserved it in the first place...

That's what you get for finding joy in fire. So long as it's burning you're warm and you're good, but once it's out, it's out. Whatever tears were shed during the cold saturate the wood too much that it can't burn again, so all you got is happy memories drifting up and away with the smoke.

So why exactly was she feeling warm underneath Maren? As always, Ampere's own treachery was worse than anything someone else could do to her.
A strangled, ugly sigh that was dangerously close to a sob was the only answer Ampere had for Maren's question. A joke? Not any more.

Averting her gaze for her shame, Ampere let her head flop unceremoniously back down on the sand, her eyes unblinking as she stared off into the desert, wondering when the golden sand and its dunes began to look so much like the gray waves of the sea, and if they prove just as effective in consuming her if she wasn't able to swim.

"Cactus piss," Kygo responded to Maren, his voice oddly similar to Ampere's, His green body fluttered to a landing on an outcrop from the Temple, where he stared at the heap of pegasus with a cocked head. He'd been too buzzed from their experimenting to follow, but his quick metabolism and fewer sips had helped his recovery much faster than Ampere's, lending to his appearance now. He would have said more on the matter, but speaking verbally didn't come easy, so all he managed was to repeat the phrase.

"It needsssss a bettur naame," Ampere muttered into the sand. "Fire piss? Fire water?" She huffed dramatically, the effort of naming something too great in the moment. "Don't mattur, not's rong enough," she declared, apparently hoping for death.

She'd seemingly forgotten she'd asked Maren about the sun and never received an answer, but with the recent betrayal, Ampere's thoughts had drifted from the deity and to his ascended Sultan. "Why'd 'e die?" Ampere asked softly, tightly, her throat thick with the emotion- punctuated by her drink. "Whyyyyy did the Sun take the fire?"

Ampere tried to crane her head back around, pleading gaze searching for answers among the mare and her house of wisdom.

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RE: Couch me doctor - Maren - 01-07-2017

To her surprise it was her green parrot companion that revealed the mystery to her. Cactus piss, which triggered Ampere into proposing new names for the vague and suspicious-sounding substance. “If that’s what it tastes like, I don’t think it needs a better name.” Maren scraped her throat, although Fire water does have more of a poetic ring to it. She didn’t understand why it wasn’t strong enough, since it certainly looked like it was. However, the silly babblings of a drunk pegasus and her parrot-companion were quickly followed by something else.

There was a questioning sound on the tip of Ampere’s drunk tongue; a sound of which its absence had been an endless, cruel taunt to her existence: Why. Around Maren’s enlarged eyes rippled a frown one would say was too deep and dark for the young mare that she in reality was. Finally!, something in her wanted to say, perhaps shout, just for good measure. Why did they die? Where did they go? She wanted to discuss it, seek proof or deny worthless ideas about it. She wanted to cry and laugh because of all the stupid and brilliant ideas that a discussion on this matter would bear…  —  A lump seemed to have gotten stuck in her throat and she felt the need to swallow it, felt the echoing finally! being dragged down along with it when she realized what and who her thick and forsaken whispers were about.

She was the herds Water Patrol, the Temple Janitor, the Diviner of the Throat, the strange tigerlady with the wings behind her ears... that had been wanting and waiting to give counsel to those that would ask her ever since she had come here. The truth was, only Ampere had ever really invested faith into her wisdom, or had attempted to, at least. That time the Diviner she had called herself to be, had not been able to help Ampere find the answers to the questions she had sought. So what good would Maren be able to do now? What answers could she give to questions filled with grief and mourning? There was no enlightenment there, nothing she could do and so she would fail again. There were no answers now and perhaps, that time, although Maren hadn’t known what the blue girl had been thinking about, there had been none then, either. Did Ampere think that, with the time that had passed, Maren should have become a better Diviner? Maybe. She had often questioned how those three years had moved at all. Sometimes she had imagined herself grown with the dunes, the sands, the winds and the sun that warmed it all, ready to turn into a prehistoric rock; a fossil of a mare once wise and then forgotten. But at least in the form of a fossil she would be able to give wisdom of times long gone away to those that would find her. She had imagined every one of her brain cells becoming a stamp of information. Imagined how, in the end, even without filling the words with her soul, the careful caress of her lips as she could’ve spoken the words herself, her wisdom would finally fulfill a purpose that could not go wrong.

Time was a cruel thing. Knowledge and the search for wisdom could be even more cruel. She hadn't turned to stone, instead she still wore her flesh and blood, wrapped tightly around a foundation of bones and a fragile, pumping heart. Beating, feeling — Cruel, was not the overrated feelings of love or adoration, but were the quivering questioning words, from one beating heart to the next, about its death.

As much as Maren held down the blue masculine body of the pegasus, it was Ampere’s electric gaze, filled with the hopeful search for logic and explanations, that was truly captivating. “Why,” she heard herself tell the drunken girl, for once hating how absurdly rational she sounded. “You should ask the God of Time that, since it was Time that took his flame away. The God of the Sun would have merely guided him.” Maren looked at the girl, a puddle of blue sadness and who knew what else. Of course Maren had never known of the special bond between the two. “He was sick. I am no doctor, but I trust Sikeax medical knowledge. He could not have gone on any longer — He couldn't fight anymore; not for us and not for himself. I don’t know what Gaucho would’ve wanted from you, but I know he would not have wanted you to defile the Temple's entrance over him... — Or at least not when you could’ve been doing other more important things for the herd, anyway, like… Sparring… or or,” she huffed in frustration, what else did guardians do, beside measuring their dicks, insulting religion and ignoring wisdom? “Patrol the borders, you know, warrior stuff.” Who was she kidding, she knew very little about her duties. They were so different, of all the things she knew, she didn’t know what could possibly make a grieving mare, as strong as Ampere, find the power to stand up and live her life.

She only felt something beside silence press on her as she looked at the girl that she was still keeping underneath her, perhaps scared of letting her go now that she did not know what Ampere would do once she did. Perhaps something to hurt herself, perhaps she would find more ways to drown her heart in its sorrow. The safest, most secure thing would be to just not let her go. Maren swallowed a new lump in her throat. But she couldn’t do that, right? That would be idiotic, that would be extremeeven though it doesn’t per se feel that way. Surprised by her own train of thoughts, she finally moved away from Ampere’s warmth, off of her body, erasing her hold that she had held what felt like so long, that she could feel her muscles protest against her moving away, like extinguishing a flame. “Listen,” she started, mostly to distract herself, “I’ll let you rest in the Temple tonight. It’s warmer there and you’ll be protected from the wind and, who knows, maybe the Sun God will know your discomfort and will enlighten you of some of your grief tonight,” :| Maren took a few steps backwards, as if partly wanting to compensate for their earlier closeness. However, she couldn't feign ignorance for the fact that she hadn't minded the control, now that it was gone. “You’ll feel better tomorrow.”

RE: Couch me doctor - Ampere - 02-06-2017

She searched, her gaze lingering, probing Maren for questions as it held the tiger mare steadfast. Tell me her face pleaded, desperate for an answer, any kind of answer. Gaucho's death had not been Ampere's first experience with it - as a warrior you face the risk of death every day, and are more likely to watch your comrades fall alongside you. Yet this is the first one that really shook Ampere to her core. This wasn't just a horse that died, wasn't just a life that ended, this was Gaucho for fucks sake. Gaucho the goddamn Wildfire, the undefeated, the long-lived Sultan, the servant of the Sun, the holder of her heart and father to her children. If he wasn't strong enough, how could any of them ever be?

Maren, to her credit, always did her job. Whenever Ampere sought wisdom, she knew she could count on the striped priestess to offer a substantial opinion. So you can imagine the crestfallen look that overtook Ampere when she finally got an answer from this holy mare in whom she placed so much faith. We aren't often happy with the answers we find, not when we know we ask hard questions.

Time took his flame away.
The God of the Spark certainly had a literal moniker, enough to make Ampere wonder if it was the God himself or just his enchantments that snuffed out her fire. Either way, it wasn't the Sun, and that helped steal away some of Ampere's anger.

With that wall of anger gone, the one Ampere was bracing herself behind, Ampere slouched into the hurt instead. Each syllable of Maren's words detailing the literal why of Gaucho's mortal end was like the tide pulling Ampere deeper and deeper into the sea, soaking her until she was waterlogged with misery.
He couldn't fight any more
He wouldn't want this of you...

Ampere sobbed silently beneath the Diviner.
What about the sickness she felt? What about her lack of fight? Why was she still here then, forced to do this day in and day out without him, not wanting any of it either, not wanting this shame, this guilt, this torment of letting everything go only to find she was dropping into nothing.

"Damnit Gaucho," she moaned somewhere amidst gathering her breath, and that final damnation, seemed to quiet her, exhausted by the release of everything else already tonight. Her head swam among the alcohol still tinging her body, and she felt like she was drifting as she lay still on the sandy waves underneath the night and the tiger mare.

Maren stepped off and Ampere tensed up against the withdrawal of the warmth; it left her feeling bitterly cold, making the loneliness more poignant. Maren's tone was kind, her offerings more so, and Ampere pinched her eyes shut against the perceived pity, hating herself.

Ampere had come to ask for more, to demand answers for her son's betrayal of a departure, to wonder if she should fulfill her quest, to inquire about all the bullshit the Earth once told her. She was quiet though, too busy suckling on what Maren had given her - besides, she knew the answers to the rest if she thought hard enough. So instead, Ampere merely said "Thaaaank yu."

Eventually she'd pull herself to her feet and stumble into the temple to ride out the night, sleep soon to take her as the liquor tucked her in.

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