HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Creeping Curses [Moon; Quest Turn-in!] - Printable Version

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Creeping Curses [Moon; Quest Turn-in!] - Crowley - 11-28-2016

We build cathedrals to our pain
Establish monuments to attain

It was her fault.

The infection, the forbidden lust, the pain and suffering, the senseless murder of a child so innocent, the everlasting paranoia that still clung to his tired bones, the shadows that had lurked just out of sight at all times.

He remembered it all, and it was her fault.

The memories had come rushing back just a few days prior, first in what he’d believed to be a hellish dream, but upon waking, he’d found it was all too real to have been a mere dream. It was he who had carried out the vicious acts that caused a life to end, the life of his own daughter; the very thought still caused a sharp, physical pain in his chest, as though the spirit of his dearest daughter was piercing him with a steel pike.

Talbot had seemed relieved upon his awakening, so to speak, his master no longer the trembling, murmuring man haunted by shadows and things that were not there, but with one monster gone, it seemed the striped stallion had become another. One plagued with thoughts of betrayal, doubts and fears; what if he did not remember all that had happened? Had others fallen before him? Had he destroyed bonds made years ago, ones that he wouldn’t be able to mend? He was unable to even place just how long ago it had been since the Moon had placed the curse on him in the first place, but with Talbot’s assistance, he was alarmed to find that it had been nearly a startling four years.

Four years since he had sought the sultry Goddess of the Moon, asking for a gift that would grant the power to curse others with whatever ailment he fancied, any disease that they deserved, for the small price of a scar across his own body. She had granted him this hellish quest that would grant him just that, but had he perhaps bitten off more than he'd been ready to chew?

Perhaps, after all was said and done, it was his fault and his alone.

Coming to a halt before the Moon's shrine, Crowley examined its jagged, broken edges, cold and sharp just like the deity in which it stood for. Lifting his yellow eyes to the midnight sky, his breath is clear to see against the moonlight, and with solemn voice he calls for her.

"I have returned."

(Crowley is here to finally turn in his quest! :D Here are the threads!

Initial Quest - http://helovia.net/showthread.php?tid=7845

Extreme Fright and Paranoia

Blindness and puss-filled boils

Insatiable hunger and thirst

Distorted reality

Lust for one who is forbidden

Freezing sleet

@Mythical Request

Freedom from all of the scars and the sins
Lest we drown in the darkness within

RE: Creeping Curses [Moon; Quest Turn-in!] - God of the Moon - 12-29-2016

"So you've finally returned, Crowley."

It's like a taunting whisper over his shoulder, everywhere and nowhere at once. The long shadow of her shrine darkened, until the waters behind it disappeared into blackness. From it came a twinkle of starlight, the brightness reflecting into two orbs as she steps forth across the decrepit remains of her shrine. She spares it a glance, casual and at ease, before she turns to gaze upon the battered soldier at her hooves. 

He had asked her for a power that could curse and cripple, and so she had crippled him in return. The equality of the land and her own mischievous desires - whims and thoughts that held more sway over her decisions than any notion of fairness - dictated that he suffer in the way that hundreds could once he acquired a piece of her powers. Though she had not anticipated his quest to tangle and rupture like blood vessels, it had ultimately been his decision and his actions. 

"Seasons. And here you are before my shrine once more. Could you not handle the power of the curses you wish to bestow on others?" Her sharp words were simultaneously mocking and meaningful. Did he come to wave his white flag? Or did he still seek the destructive power of curses and oaths, even after seeing firsthand the ways a life could be ruined by it? "Or do you desire it all the stronger now that you've felt its impact?" Her glittering vixen eyes stared down at Crowley and the hound that had been spared her wrath by choice of its devoted bonded. 

Whatever he chose had no impact on the Goddess. She was not here to be his moral compass, merely to exact her pound owed from his flesh and spirit before she imparted him with the power he sought.