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[O] earth and ice - Printable Version

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earth and ice - Frost Fyre - 12-18-2016

She didn't quite feel the chill. Altair warmed her flanks, the sun shone on her back, and the temperatures in the east, despite being frigid this time of year, were more than tolerable compared to the north's permafrost. The mottled maiden picked her way carefully around wilted flora and trees encased in ice, taking note of how little she truly knew about the Falls. Well, no matter, they had gone on this journey to learn.

The Haruspex tossed her dark, diaphanous mane over her shoulder, emeralds glancing towards her bonded. The cerndyr traveled quietly by her side, ignoring the third member of their party completely. Her gaze slid to the stallion, proffering a small smile. She hadn't said much to Cassius during their expedition, either. She had nothing to say, but she wasn't opposed to chatting if he so wished.

Frost pulled her emeralds from Cassius to look ahead, towards their destination. She heard it before she saw it. Cascading waterfalls, the rapids that symbolized the earth god's realm, sparkled in the distance, though the maiden knew she could no further than this.

She halted in her tracks and swept her leonine tail along the ground behind her. Frost casted her emerald gaze behind her, batting her lashes between her silvery companion and gray partner. "Wait," she stated simply, softly, ebony lips barely moving as she spoke the word. Out of habit, she anxiously wound her tail around her hocks and dug her cloven hooves into the ground as she eagerly anticipated whatever was to come (truthfully, she didn't know for sure what would await her on this journey).

Frost Fyre and Cassius are here to peacefully exchange knowledge about the past with the other wise ones !!

@Cassius first please and then anyone is welcome to hop in !! @Syrena perhaps? I know it's a busy time so there's no rush <3

"Talk talk talk"

drawing by the wonderful aeolle, table by the amazing time

RE: earth and ice - Cassius - 12-18-2016

»› C A S S I U S ‹«

Considering the frigid weather, the sun against their hides provides the stallion with muted encouragement. He has not experienced these sorts of temperatures before. Admits to himself he had no idea what he was getting himself into, making his way farther north than anticipated.

He finds himself at the back of their group that day, trailing behind Frost’s footfalls. It’s too quiet for the stallion; the wind and the brief interludes of wildlife singing do not fill the air well enough. And before long his airy voice hums a tune against the quiet. Something old, something he recalls from his childhood – but is too precious to flesh out in lyrics. Fearing the memories that shadow their verses, or the faces he yearns for – lost, perhaps encased in the ice that surrounds them.

So he picks different words to follow their light tune. Somewhere along the road, he mumbles them – plays with them, before they rear up and dance beside the swaying winds.

“Ah- de- lad, oh how this winter stings,
For he that sings – He sings for the sun to shine
Oh – ohh on me…”

He grins, more so to himself and chuckles into the air more freely than he intended.

“Behind her steps, he shall see –
Oh, kind is the lady fair that sails these seas,
Ahh de-lad… ,”

He pauses; wondering if she’ll throw a more pointed gaze towards him. Now that he has included her into his song. But he shies and tries to avoid any glances by keeping his gaze to the side, and interrupting his humming with a few choice coughs.

“So the Hidden Falls.”

He breaks his antics for the sake of pushing away the opportunity for scrutiny. “What do you know of it? I did not come across anyone from the Falls upon my entry into the Threshold. I… I do not even know who rules the falls, let alone… what I might expect from our arrival.” A quick pause.

“And there have been mentions of this Kisamoa? And of… Gods?”

His gentle, honeyed eyes furrow in contemplation. Hoping that either of his questions might permit an answer, a place from which they could both stand on equal grounds for the sake of extracting information they could gain. It simply wouldn’t do if Cassius went about asking the obvious. It would save them time, it would make them an efficient team.

Which reminds him.

“Oh, I forgot to ask. Who is this creature that has accompanied us? I have come to the conclusion that there are several of them that follow beside… a chosen equine.” He has since increased his pace so that he travels beside them, the cerndyr between them. Cassius casts the quiet, recluse creature a curious glance from where he followed.

But since then the landscape began to change. And the trees and foliage became bare, ensnared by the winter as the raging waters of the falls inhabited the air. From afar he could see its rising mists, steady eyes hungry for who or what lived beyond the borders approaching.

But her voice calls out with a command, and by instinct he finds it revolting. By habit however, he follows succinctly, nearly in step with her feet as they halt. He hides his distaste for the simple word, but he cannot separate his past experiences from her subtle wishes. It reminds him of those who had complete power over him, and he’s taken aback by its reminder. He sends a wary glance at her as he nods, eyes haunted by the words of the masters and their hordes of slaves put to work. With a calming breath he fixes his eyes upon the Falls. Soothing his soul with brief recollections of his journey to Helovia, the people he’d met, the absence of masters and slaves. As far as Cassius could tell – he was merely an underling. A disciple, an asset, not a tool.

With a few more steadying breathes, he glanced back upon the mare.

“Shall I call upon them?”

@Frost Fyre      - yay, road trip! XP

RE: earth and ice - Frost Fyre - 12-19-2016

At first, she didn't even notice his humming. She took it as another reverberation of the forest, of the sleepy nightingales or dying vermin. She took a moment to listen closer, and found it that it wasn't terrene at all. It was the gray, the stallion who ever carefully followed her gait.

All other sounds were lost to her, she heard only her heartbeat and his humming. She found it pleasant. His soft chords built upon themselves, weaved into words, a merry tune. The maiden smiled to herself, the cheerfulness of his lyrics infecting her lips, that is, until she noticed how they mimicked the moment.

“Behind her steps, he shall see –
Oh, kind is the lady fair that sails these seas,
Ahh de-lad… ,”

Her emerald gaze flitted back to Cassius, brow raised, an amused smile on her lips. Her eyes slid down his body as a few coughs escaped his chest. She looked away, her heart somehow both simultaneously light and heavy. "Where do you hail from, Cassius? Is that a song of your homeland?" Her words sharp, but her voice soft. She prayed her words hadn't betrayed how he had shaken her. It has to be an old melody, she told herself, just a mere sea shanty.

Or, could it be, had he really called her fair?

She welcomed a change of subject, though she didn't look back at the stallion again. She stifled a laugh at his question, musing upon how little he seemed to know. He's like a baby. "I don't know too much of the Falls. I've lived in the Basin my whole life. What I do know is that it's the Earth God's patron land. Its leadership has been a bit tumultuous as of late. The leaders...I believe one is called the Mountain that Knows, and the other, the GoldenShade. And I don't quite know what to expect from their herd, either," she laughed at her own naivety (I'm like a baby, too, silver-boy), "border patrols are common in the herdlands. We might be greeted by a soldier, or perhaps a more docile presence. It's all chance." Her voice trailed off, knowing now she had a daunting task of explaining the Gods. "The Gods of Helovia are the God of the Earth, the God of the Sun, the Goddess of the Moon, and the God of the Spark, that's the one who represents our herd. Each God symbolizes one of our herds, and rules over their respective elements. There's only four Gods, or so we thought," her tone grew a bit darker, "that's where Kisamoa comes in. He is why we are here. I've spent half my life chasing Gods, and I've never gotten any closer to understanding them on my own." She sighed, casting a tired glance at the gray.

The Haruspex gladly embraced another change in subject, her emeralds moving from the gray to the elk at her side. He grunted when his presence was noticed, tilting his antlers in a cordial dip towards the stallion. "I apologize for not introducing you earlier," She laughed, emeralds bright again, "this is Altair. He's my companion. Many seasons ago I was given an egg by this talking whale," she laughed again, aware of how absurd she sounded, "and Altair hatched from it, for me. We're bound by our souls and we can hear each other's thoughts. A companion is a blessing, a gift from the Gods." Her leonine tail affectionately brushed her companion's side, the cerndyr trying to look particularly regal as he was spoken of, his chest out and head held high.

The maiden shook her head slowly at his antics, traveling quietly onward. She took note of Cassius again when they stopped, tilting her tiara towards the stallion, brow raised at the gray. Did he seem a bit darker, a bit more wary than before, or did she not observe him closely enough earlier? Her lips fell apart slightly, emeralds locked onto the gray more sharply than they had ever been prior, and listened carefully to his words. "Call upon who?" She teased, a bright smile on her dark lips, attempting a light composure. "We don't know who we're looking for, so we wait for them to find us. However, you may call for someone if you see fit," Frost stated simply with a rather apathetic shrug. Either, or, it didn't matter to her in the end.

@Cassius i just had to go ahead and reply bc cass is suCH a cutie omg
drawing by the wonderful aeolle, table by the amazing time

RE: earth and ice - Syrena - 12-20-2016

let the water take me
She felt the chill. She always felt the chill. Traveling to the Aurora Basin was hell for her, though she found the place beautiful and the residents at least tolerable (it’s a compliment, take it). It might have something to do with her strange, wet-looking skin that didn’t quite grow the normal amount of hair that others did in the winter. Might have something to do with the scales that adorned various parts of her body too. She did not handle extreme temperature with any grace. Hot or cold, doesn’t matter. She hates them both. Otherwise she’d just move to the Throat to escape winter.

It’s too cold for the pools of the Falls lately. Most of them are iced over anyway, so she wanders the herdland instead. It’s the only time of year where she spends less time in the water than on land, and she rather hates it. The rivers still flow though, and the force of the waterfalls keeps some of the pools alive and well. She’ll slip into them now and again, the only time she doesn’t care that she’s cold. At least in the water she’s herself.

Today though, she’s wandering through the snow and ice covered land. It’s a sunny day, and not hideously miserable, though still cold and her feet and legs swirl with cool colors to match the temperature of the snow they move though. Voices watch her attention somewhere near the border, and she turns her course to make sure someone has found them before she goes on her merry way – alone. But no, luck is not with her today. At least, she doesn’t recognize either of the unicorns that come into her view through the icicle laden trees. And though she doesn’t know all the members of the Falls well, she has seen most of them enough to recognize them.

Stifling a sigh, she makes her way over to the pair of unicorns, one light and gray, the other dark and brown. One of those deer things stands by the mare as well. “Hello. I’m Syrena,” she says, voice emotionless though at least, not unkind. Her tones are sing song, and the sound of it always clashes against the lack of emotion in that song. Once, she’d cared. Once, she’d has a reason to fill her voice with joy and hope and kindness. Now, she was nothing really, and her voice betrayed the way she felt. Though on the outside, she simply seemed rather deadpan. “Can I help you?”


darya87 | larfsalot
on deviantart

@Frost Fyre @Cassius

RE: earth and ice - Cassius - 12-22-2016

»› C A S S I U S ‹«

He offers a half grin when she inquires about his song. As for homelands –

“Somewhere far, far away from the magical land that is, Helovia.” He played with its name, he thought it sounded wonderful threaded along his tongue. Alas, he was stalling. And to avoid any further suspicion he sighed quietly.

“It needs not a name. For it is a wretched place… trust me,” he grunts half-heartedly. And contemplates how appropriate it would be to be honest with her. And for a moment he wonders, why not? Why can’t he sing about his companions.

“The melody is from my birth place. But the lyrics, well – I like to improvise sometimes.”

He falls into silence however, eager to listen for those answers. Cassius’ smile fades into a soft line. Eyes fill with the need to absorb and retain what she offers. The talk of Gods is, once again, an enigma he finds hard believing. For he has not seen, not witnessed any great or miraculous things since his arrival. Besides the creatures that follow the equine, the magic that appears to saturate these lands from one individual to the next; all fragments, pieces to a whole, a source.

He offers a smile as she laughs; neither of them knows what might transpire today. “The Mountain that Knows… sounds… ominous.” His brows furrow for a moment. “I’m sure we’ll be fine miss Frost. We’re in alliance with the Falls after all. It will all work out,” he offers reassurance, an injection of positivity. It’s in his nature, feeling that they must be confident in their mission.

Frost Fyre delves back into the subject of Gods. It’s a mouthful, and he smiles sadly when he catches the fatigue in her gaze. It’s an apologetic look that crosses the distance. “I see… But it appears you have faith in their existence? I’m finding it hard, even now, to contemplate that such beings exist… I have not been here long though.” Cassius says the last bit in a forlorn tone. A product of his naivety, his lack of knowledge that has Frost loosing her breath over.

When the subject of her companion arises, he watches the elk curiously from where he walked. Smiling pleasantly, amused mostly by its responses. He chuckles with her, and dips his head to the stag. “It’s a pleasure Altair.” He voices briefly, before she continues on. He stifles a laugh when mentions of a talking whale are brought to light, grinning. “Oh, I’ve seen floating whales though. So it can’t be that far fetched.” It’s a light tease. Behind his eyes however, Cassius is reeling from the odd and strange elements composed in this world.

When he falls to silence then, stopping upon the borders, he is brought back from his thoughts to her inquiring words. The stallion blinks when he looks to her, briefly dumbfounded by her question – and manages a half laugh. An attempt to shake off the feeling that curls vehemently within.

“Well… I meant to call out. Like a cry? They might find us sooner if-,” Oh but they are in no need to signal their arrival. His eyes catch a form approaching them. As she nears, he can make out her appearance – scales, a swarm of colours that climb her limbs. He can’t look for too long, but it’s exotic and quaint amidst the grayness of winter.

She approaches them with words that are at discord with her features. As if, unimpressed with their arrival, tolerating their presence. Cassius offers all but a simple and soft smile – he has dealt with far worse circumstances (is what he’s told himself). And shirks off the feeling that they have arrived at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

As per usual he dips his head in greetings. “Good day Syrena. I am Cassius, a disciple from the Aurora Basin. I have accompanied our Haruspex,” nods to Frost Fyre, “ – to fulfill an inquiry of sorts.” He stops there, uncertain if he should press on with it. He shifts his gaze upon Frost, and settles on her instead to lead the conversation. Perhaps it is not his place to interject just yet. She is, after all, the Haruspex – and he, merely a disciple promoted just a day ago.

@Frost Fyre - hehe :3

RE: earth and ice - Frost Fyre - 12-22-2016

Wretched? Frost's gaze flicked backwards, her startled and curious glance roaming over the gray. Had the mottled maiden accidentally tried to uncover something that he wanted to stay buried? She stayed smiling, however, for she found it easier to play that facade than to decipher how she was feeling about him.

She was happy to share her knowledge with him, though. She withheld certain details about the Falls, ones that would make her explanation too lengthy, events that many had long since forgotten (she hadn't forgotten; she remembered still the dark figure of her Empress and the way she purred the word Foothills). Frost didn't expect him to sound so positive after he received her words. She glanced back again, though this time a bit more jovially, smiling and nodding in agreement.

His next words caused the maiden to laugh, for he seemed to doubt the existence of the Gods she pledged her life to. "I don't need faith, I've met the Gods," she stated casually, "it's alright, Cassius. When we return to the Basin, come to cave at nightfall, I'll introduce you," she added, looking back at him with a wink. She couldn't be the Haruspex forever, and she planned to prepare her Disciple for the role to the best of her abilities.

Frost welcomed lighter tones and the laughs that ensued over her companion and his origins. She tried to keep up the lighthearted mood, laughs shaking her ribcage at his response to her tease. She didn't need to worry about his response, though, for it was cut short by the approach of a stranger.

Her bodice was dark, though colors shifted up her legs, catching in the light in a way she found peculiar until she realized the mare was covered in scales. Frost smiled at the equine, listening quietly to her emotionless chimes. Her emeralds flicked to her gray companion, impressed by the respectful dip of his diadem and his lyrics that followed. He soon fell silent, his gaze settling on her expectantly.

Frost nodded her approval to Cassius before she switched her attention to Syrena. "My name Frost Fyre; you may call me Frost. We seek the sagacity of your Wise One," The Haruspex stated neutrally with a swish of her leonine tail.

@Syrena <3

"Talk talk talk"

drawing by the wonderful aeolle, table by the amazing time

RE: earth and ice - Syrena - 12-28-2016

let the water take me
She would always be the wrong place, or the wrong time, or both. She didn’t know how to be any other way. She doesn’t know how to be herself anymore. Not in this hellhole. Her voice is beautiful, yes, but her serves her no real purpose now. Words are words. They are necessary, yes, but that doesn’t mean she needs to waste time and effort and breath on them. Once, they were a weapon. Now they are just words.

Once, she was so much more. Now, she is nothing. A mortal whose name is hardly even known. If you had been power and beauty and death all rolled into one, if you had all that stripped away in the blink of an eye, you too might sound as she does. Impassive, careless, bitter. Though she is slowly losing the bitter edge in her voice, replaced with something almost pleasant. Almost.

They are pleasant visitors, at least. The gray one introduces himself, and then leaves off for the Basin’s Haruspex to continue. The brown mare also has a pretty introduction, using words like sagacity and Syrena almost snorts in laughter. Almost. Thankfully, there are benefits to having a rather emotionless exterior – it doesn’t show. “That would be me,” she says simply, because she is still no good with pleasantries and never will be. “Would you like to come in?” she offers though, stepping aside to allow them access to the Falls.

She may not be the wittiest companion, or the brightest, or the polietest, but she is not entirely rude. She simply doesn’t have much in the way of social graces, and really, she will never see the point to them anyway. Say what you mean. If nothing else, you will hear no lies from Syrena’s lips. Lies, too, are a waste of time.


darya87 | larfsalot
on deviantart

@Frost Fyre @Cassius

RE: earth and ice - Cassius - 12-30-2016

»› C A S S I U S ‹«

When Frost mentions her encounters with the Gods, Cassius’ eyes fill with a brief glaze of skepticism. His soul remains partially elevated however, at the prospect of meeting these individuals. Isn’t sure if he should believe too much or none at all. Doesn’t want to place his hope in something he can’t fathom to hold too tightly on. Reminding him that the Gods could be impartial to the rights and wrongs of this world. Perhaps, merely gatekeepers to the elements – throwing their cares to the wind for who knows what.

If that is the case, Cassius found uncertainty with their existence. He wanted to find purpose in everything, in himself. And if the world was merely built on the curiosities of four powerful beings, was purpose merely a construct of the mind?

Releasing his thoughts, Cassius redirects focus to their group. Awarded a nod from Frost, he settles in the quiet that doesn’t necessarily exclude him.

Syrena speaks up, confirming her role. The stallion’s smile is reaffirmed.

“Perfect timing.”

Furthermore, she is inviting them into her home. It is not a common practice that Cassius is familiar with. So the act itself is rather significant to him, despite what winter has befallen the Falls.

“That is a very generous offer, Syrena. I would love to.” He cannot stop craving for the information that is within Helovia, what treasures reside behind the Falls. It is the one thing removed from him, unscathed from the past – unbiased and thriving in every turn and corner. He imagines there are stories of atrocities somewhere within its historical folds, though what civilization wasn’t?

He looks to Frost with a knowing smile. At the back of his mind, he wonders if it’s truly safe to embark beyond the borders. But their kinsmen know of their departure, someone will look for them if they do not return. At least, the gray stallion hopes so - they will come for Frost either way.

Eager, he takes the dark mare’s offer and crosses the threshold. Eyes glancing to the misty falls beyond their position.

“Have your people been well Syrena?” Is his innocent, casual question.

@Syrena     @Frost Fyre

RE: earth and ice - Frost Fyre - 01-01-2017

Her words are sandpaper on the spine of the snow dusted maiden. Syrena the Storyteller, the one they were looking for had found them first, but with a dry tongue and exterior to match. Frost's dark ears lilted, emerald gaze flicking between the gray and the scaled, though the amicable upturn of her lips never wavered. Her brow raised at the Storyteller's invitation, opening her lips to insist, no, we can't stay long, soon the snow will start to melt and we must be off before then, but her Disciple spoke sooner.

And so the words she would have said were morphed into a breath, a simple exhale lost to the breeze. She moved her dark pillars after her dappled cohort, her eyes moving to look for his and catching his smile. She smiled back despite the questioning glance she gave in return (as if to say, 'are you sure this a good idea?').

She offered a grateful dip of her tiara to Syrena as the maiden's cloven hooves stepped delicately over the border, flicking her leonine tail at her companion as he tried to follow. 'Stay,' she ordered silently, Altair's thoughts spiteful and questioning through the bond. He didn't ask her intentions, though, and quietly the rune encrusted creature retreated away, into the deep forest.

She follows the dappled stallion closely, her thoughts wandering, surely in a land somewhere other than this one. Her eyes take in the unfamiliar scape around her, her body mindlessly following his, and if he would so allow, she would absentmindedly brush her shoulder against his.

She doesn't add to his question, but she considered it. Introductory chit chat wasn't the Haruspex's specialty, so she stays quiet, her presence no more significant than a ghosts.

tl;dr frost doesn't do anything lmao

@Syrena @Cassius

"Talk talk talk"

drawing by the wonderful aeolle, table by the amazing time

RE: earth and ice - Syrena - 01-08-2017

let the water take me
Did any of them have purpose, really? It was a good question, and in truth, she wasn’t sure they did. Not in this form. Not as weak, mortal creatures who relied so heavily on the whims and wills of Gods. In her old life, she imagined perhaps she did serve a purpose. Perhaps in life, culling the weak willed from the world with nothing more than a beautiful song. Certainly in death, when she became part of the waves, the white froth that churned again and again on the sands. Would she still become part of the sea when she died, now that her powers were gone? Now that she was nothing?

They are questions she does not dwell on. Instead, she serves the Gods that took everything from her, hoping for scraps in return. Slowly finding that she does not dislike the work as much as she might have expected. Slowly finding that she can almost survive the company of others, though she does not yet make for good company herself. She’s gotten better, if you can believe, but this might be as good as it gets.

They accept her offer to come in, and she nods her head toward the Falls in the distance, and invitation to the see one of the larger falls that give this place it’s name. It is one of the easier ones to get too, not terrible far from the border, not situated down rocky, difficult paths. It is easy and safe, and where she takes most visitors.

“They have,” she says, trying her best to sound like she cares about such things as small talk. She turns and begins walking, checking to see if they actually intend to follow, and planning to stop if they don’t want to go further. “It is a often quiet here in Frostfall, the snow muffling all the sounds of life. But I don’t think I can complain to you of snow,” there’s a hint of humor in her voice, though like normal, it is mostly emotionless. But there’s something, and that’s a start.

“And the Basin?” she adds after a pause, realizing a hair too late that this is the appropriate follow up question. At least it wasn’t one of her typical long silences. She waits until they are done answering before adding, “Why have you come to seek me?”


darya87 | larfsalot
on deviantart

@Frost Fyre @Cassius

RE: earth and ice - Cassius - 01-09-2017

»› C A S S I U S ‹«

The excitement of entering a new land nearly blinds Cassius. He hardly thinks to stop and ask what Frost thinks. The novelty of being led into an ally’s lands is far more alluring, than idling at the borders and making their way off. The thought barely scratches the surface. Truly, Frost’s breath is hidden in the coolness of the air.

He catches her gaze however, as she’s pointedly smiled at him. And for a moment he wavers, hesitates - whoops, I did something wrong – didn’t I? Ultimately it was his call, the newest disciple in the Basin has deemed their entry suitable – was it that laughable? Perhaps, but as his grin wavers he reaffirms it with a steady hum. He can’t have Frost thinking he’s done this all wrong. Surely there is some benefit accepting Syrena’s offer? Cassius, feeling as though one day is not enough to share all there is to this land – intends to revisit at some point to exchange stories. Hopefully, gleaming insight into this beautiful, strange and dark land.

It settles his soul that Altair is sent behind them. He is their insurance, if things do not end well – but the stallion remains optimistic. Despite the Storyteller’s lack of emotion, there must be a good reason for her role. And thus he follows at a more relaxed pace, attuned to Syrena’s voice. Just as grateful to have Frost's shoulder brush against his; it is a pleasant reminder that they are not alone.

Syrena offers a jest – or nearly one. And Cassius can’t help but smile with her interjection – staving a small laugh from his lips. He does not want to seem too giddy at the moment; otherwise he might as well have aged back into a colt again. Innocent, wide-eyed and predictable – a need to please wafting from his personhood, “One would assume so.” Because such is not the case for Cassius. It’s a rather flat reply, but he would not give away his newly acquired title so easily. He wanted to be taken seriously after all, but not too seriously. Otherwise, what was the adventure in all of it?

With a steadying breath, one crisp and hinting of the moisture they approached, he looks to Frost to answer her first question. He does not understand how the Basin wishes to present themselves; as formidable foes, untouched by inactivity? It would lend to a front, an image that they then must uphold. But if they were honest with one another – would that present an unacceptable weakness?

He trusts Frost would know better than him. And lends Syrena’s ears to her otherwise silent voice. Cassius has not the heart for politics, but perhaps he could learn its subtleties in time.

At least he can offer something for her second question. Careful not to tread too close to Frost’s expertise.

“The one who calls himself Kisamoa.” He speaks up, “The Basin thought it prudent to seek as much knowledge as we could about him… If you would not mind to offer what you’ve encountered thus far?” It is a small anecdote, one that trails off, allowing space for Frost’s voice to commandeer their purpose.

@Frost Fyre          