HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Just keep on reaching though the limb might break - Printable Version

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Just keep on reaching though the limb might break - Astrid - 01-30-2017

Running down her dreams in a dirty dress

Chilly winds floated dark wings higher towards the sky streaming through low floating clouds. She was flying from the south upwards where the smell of the ocean still clung to her skin beneath her coat of blue roan spotted with white that looked as if speckled from a paintbrush. Her coat is still long from the retreating winter that was slowly releasing its hold onto the land. She loved the ways that the sky had on her coat, caressing the hairs with the beat of her wings. Dark blue feathers twitched and danced like piano keys to some silent symphony. Her legs appeared to have been dipped in pearly hues that turned into a dark blue that faded into a speckled white and blue body. She kept for forelegs tucked up to her belly although her hind legs hung somewhat freely. Enjoying this solitude of the heights without anyone around was a particular trait of hers that she quite coveted but had its draw backs.

At first things were easy to differentiate in the murky fog that she sees the world through. The trees were low and she easily managed to glide above them. She could see what appeared to be rocky outcrops and rolling hills but as she drew more north things became flatter and then they began to rise towards a white background. She thought at first they must just be clouds and she tried to go lower but she could sense the ground was right beneath her and lifted herself upwards the chill of the mountains. Her wings beat heavily as she traveled through a ridge where the dark cliffs rose of either side of her. She tried to figure out a landing spot nearby but failed at every turn.

She had grown tired some time ago as she had entered the frostbreath and was growing weary now as every time she tried to land, she realized it wasn’t flat. Her mind raced as she felt she was seeing death right above the next ridge. Her breath ragged and coming out hot through her nose and lips. She screamed in a strained and high pitched tone in a final attempt to draw attention to herself as the muscles in her wings quivered with fatigue and she aimed for what appeared to be a path running along the side of the mountain. She come down hard on her hooves but the gravel was loose and her weak legs gave way beneath her. She came down hard onto her shoulder where her wing emerged before smashing into the ground and she heard something crunch as she slid into the rocks of the side of the mountain. The pain shot all through her body. Her side was raw from siding on the rocks. Blood bled from capillaries beneath the skin. Running warm at first but quickly growing cold as it ran down her face, neck, side and her wing. She laid there still for a while catching her breath. She refused to move a muscle as to avoid the shock that it would surely produce. Time ticked and her muscles began to recover but she still lay there.


She spoke the words softly and barely audible as they quickly disappeared on the breeze that seemed to comfort the swelling tissue of her side. She finally pulled her legs back beneath her body and tipped herself back onto her belly. Immediately she felt dizzy and he vision almost went black but she fought from losing all consciousness.

Astrid you can do this

She tried to pull her right wing back towards her body but it was too much for her as it caused her to whine in agony. Something must be broken where the socket joined into her shoulder. Her face twisted as she pulled her left wing over her left side to protect from the elements and bring some sort of comfort similar to curling into a fetal position. Her mane was ragged and knotted, some rocks fell from the hairs as she turned her head to look around her. Blood slowly paved a path through the white on her face and down her chin where it then fell to the ground. How miserable she must look right now. The better question would be with no one knowing where she is and no home for her to be missed, what is she going to do now? She told herself just to remain strong and to hold on. She will be fine. She will be ok. She will make it through this. She will persevere.


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@Tiamat @Astarot

RE: Just keep on reaching though the limb might break - Astarot - 01-30-2017

The stallion found himself roaming Helovia, trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. He was sure his brother Tyrath, would become a solider just like their father, but that life didn't call to him. He wanted to help others in a way warriors would never be able too. He looked inwards as he traveled. He feared telling his fearsome father that he didn't want to follow in his hoof prints. Lost in thought he found himself in the far north.

A scream cut through the fridge air as the young stallion was trekking through the Frostbreath Steppe. His steps faltered as he tried to figure out where the sound came from. After a moment his blue and scarlet eyes flew upwards just in time to see a Pegasus careening down to earth. A shooting star of dark colors falling straight towards the mountain. He snapped into action racing up towards a path that looked like it would take him there. Panic filled his chest at what he might find when he reached the body he had watched plummet. His heart hammered in his ears as his voice ripped from his lunges, "HELP!" He would have no idea what to do when he got there, and they both would need help.

Stones bit at the tender parts of his hooves as he slipped and slid up the path. Before long he found the mare sitting up blood seeping around her beautiful form. He slid to a stop a few feet from her. Her eyes on her watching as the blood dripped from her chin. He lowered his head a small worried smile on his face and stepped forward. "Miss?" He stopped in front of her and took in the odd angle of her wing. He assumed it was broken, since he had never seen a Pegasus hold a wing out like that. "I'm Astarot,I saw you fall. I know this sounds stupid, but are you alright?"

He felt ridiculous, but he had to ask. Carefully he walked to her good side, "Is it okay if I lay beside you? It's pretty cold, and I could at least be a good wind block." He smiled softly at her before carefully lowering his light colored body beside her darker one. He wanted to lay against her, share his body heat, but he didn't want to over step any boundaries with the hurt lady. "I'm sure someone will be along soon. There is a herd not to far from here, and they have healers that should be able to fix whatever is hurt." He had no idea what to do, besides try to keep her engaged with him. He feared if she fell asleep the cold and bloodloss would reek havoc on her battered body.
Words;; 467
OOC/Tags;; @Astrid I'm sorry it isn't as long as yours!
You can DIE laughing, or laugh until you die... Wanna play?

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RE: Just keep on reaching though the limb might break - Tiamat - 01-31-2017


The cry echoes over the tundra’s flat, snowy plains, guiding the blue mare’s attention towards the rise of mountains that mirror those of her homeland. She lifts her head from where she had been ruffling through the snow for good grass to graze, her tongue pulling a few stray blades into her lips as her ears press forward, cupping the voice with keen interest. Whether or not she is going to pursue the source of the desperate call is not something that Tiamat even considers. The healer’s tender heart is already beckoning her forward, leaping anxiously against her ribs and bidding her legs to move, to follow her soul’s purpose in this wild, unpredictable world—to mend.

Turning her head towards her companion, Tiamat whickers to the little whale. Nimue, who had settled quite comfortably among the cold, soft snow, pokes her head up at the sound of her bondmate’s invitation. Already the ocean maiden has begun to follow the stranger’s cry. Huffing a few stray flakes from her blowhole, the young Leviathan suddenly surges forward, dipping in and out of the snow like she would the waves of the sea, until she is suddenly bounding past the blue mare. A small grin briefly shadows Tiamat’s lips at her companion’s antics, though the looming sense of duty is not forgotten. Picking up her stride into a brisk canter, the ocean pair moves quickly towards the nearby mountains.

Every step jars her muscles, which usually wouldn’t be an issue, but recent events leave the Mender wincing. The four parallel gouges along her right cheek and neck are agitated with every movement, her satin skin tearing fragile scabs apart, and it isn’t long before pinpricks of red ooze from underneath the salve she had applied earlier that day. (Why, you ask, would a healer—with healing magic—suffer such pain willingly?) In a world that has been so horribly torn apart, and with the monster’s betrayal looming ominously over their heads, these are wounds that Tiamat wears dutifully. Whether it be as a self-inflicted punishment for reveling in such hateful emotions, or as a reminder of what that barbarian had done, she knows she must weather these injuries on her own.

Not for the first time, she feels Nimue’s mournful disagreement through their bond, and again, it does little to change Tiamat’s mind. Still, she  reaches over to brush the whale’s side briefly, hoping to offer comfort to the young Leviathan, who is as equally shaken as she is by these harrowing misfortunes.

(Who can they trust?)

Rather than put herself on that train of thought again, the sea maiden forces her focus on the mountain path. Having lived for several years now among the steep slopes of the Aurora Basin, she manages to climb the stony passage with relative ease. Cloven toes pick daintily over the frozen rocks, her slender body leaning instinctively forward, while the length of her lion tail sways to help her balance. Fortunately, it isn’t long before two figures come into sight. “Hello?” Tiamat calls out to them, picking up her pace as best as she can. Oh—! You poor dear,” she croons when she notices the winged mare, and the blood that streaks across one side of her pretty face.

“My name is Tiamat, I’m a Time Mender for the Aurora Basin, a healer—would you let me help you?” There is an honest and friendly smile on her lips, and an earnest shine in her eyes. Knowing that shock is not uncommon among those who are injured (she remembers this well as the gouges sting along her neck), Tiamat continues with easy conversation. “You have a fine young man here; it can get cold so quick!” She laughs as she shakes her head, smiling encouragingly at the young stallion. “Where are you two travelling to?”

notes; Sorry it's kinda rambly :3
we run like a river runs to the sea
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@Astrid @Astarot

RE: Just keep on reaching though the limb might break - Astrid - 01-31-2017

Running down her dreams in a dirty dress

It felt like insects were chewing into her skin. Each fresh tear pulsing with every beat of her heart. Her eyes fluttered open and closed as she tried to center her mind to rise above the agony she felt. Her dark eyes stared at the first thing she could focus on. A small tuff of grass that was somehow holding onto life in this cold and barren cliff of rock. This simple tiny green source of sustenance and life, clinging on without soil or nutrients but still it was there. Being of a humble heart she connected with this. All she could focus on was this green grass waving in the bursts of the cold bone chilling wind. It gave her hope.

She could barely notice the stallion as he approached until he was standing above her. She realized how out of it that her senses and her hearing were when she didn’t pick up on his hooves clicking on the stone. She looked up at him slowly. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Everything sounded like she was beneath an ocean, sounded like a bomb had just gone off and all she could hear was the ringing. Just the fact of him being here created a second surge of hormones coursing through her body. She couldn’t even hear his first words but she caught his second sentence of tunes that he prescribed her way. She can’t see very well but she looked right at him, right where she could see in the faint lines of his face, right into his eyes. She stared at him for what seemed forever in her mind. Is this an illusion? Are you real? All she wanted to do was nod yes and tell him that she is fine but as the words sunk in she closed her eyes hard, her face wrinkling as to hold back the tears, and she swung her head right and left to silently and tell him no.

She then began to repeat his name in her head, Astarot, Astarot, Astarot. She would never forget this if this was real at all. Her eyes opened again as he began to speak and move all at once. He moved to her good side and laid down beside her. She didn’t know what to think and at this moment she wasn’t thinking very much. Touch is also something very important and cherished to those who cannot see very well. The instant he drew close to her all she wanted was to curl up next to him. She even tried to use her legs to scoot closer to him. This task was quickly given up. The shock of what had just happened was still setting in.

Astrid was about to accept the offer of the stallion when one of the most interesting and stunning horses she had ever seen came up the trail towards her. She was distinctly blue. Astrid could only think she really must be dreaming. She even smelled like the ocean.

Hello both of you. I…I…I’v seen to have gotten myself in a predicament.

She gave the best effort of a smile as she could to the female before she looked over to the male. His offer was still fresh in her mind and as mesmerizing as the blue mare is all she wanted to do was barrow some of the warmth from Astarot. She opened her good wing wide and over the male’s body trying to signal to him that she would not mind his presence at all. She remembered the words both of them had spoken and instead of responding to each of them individually she decided to save time and combine her answer. She looked first to the azure mare before returning her gaze to the crème stallion and back to the mare as she spoke the words.

I don’t know, I don’t have a home…but Astarot said there is a herd nearby…with healers! Maybe we can go there and someone will know what to do! I mean if you don’t mind helping me…Do you know where this herd is?

Her words were slow and unsteady at first but by the end her tone of voice rose and peaked as she spoke. She finally began to feel the cold. The presence of them was enough for the adrenaline to drop in her body and she experienced her first shiver from cold. She turned back to Astarot and reached out her muzzle towards him. She was trying to stay strong but deep down all she wanted was to be comforted.


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@Tiamat Your post is beautiful! @Astarot No worries. I am kinda a word whore anyways.

My latest post is like 750 words but don't worry about trying to reach that many words. I'm not worried about it. I'm just enjoying this thread. :)

RE: Just keep on reaching though the limb might break - Astarot - 02-07-2017

She looked up at him, and he could see something was wrong. She seemed dazed, like her eyes couldn't settle on him correctly. Fear prickled at his heart as he spoke to her. Her eyes finally met his and he smiled softly holding her gaze until she closed them tight. She shook her pretty head her eyes shut, but he was sure she needed his warmth. Gritting his teeth at the thought of doing exactly what she didn't want he did it anyway. He lowered himself carefully to the ground his voice was gentle but firm, "I don't care if you want me here or not, I refuse to let you freeze to death before help gets here." He looked over her blue and white body trying to gauge her age from her build. She looked like she might be a bit older than him, if not his age.

How had he never thought to learn about herbs, at least a little? He might have at least been able to find something to ease her pain. His heart clenched as he realized how helpless they truly were. The young stallion would never leave her side; she would either be healed or die from her injuries before he left her. Even then he knew it would be hard to pull himself away. He vowed then if she did pass away he would go to every herd and try to track down her family. "I wont leave you Miss." His voice was a whisper of a warm summer breeze.

As he settled completely the mare tried to move and he made quiet hushing sounds. Carefully he pulled himself closer, his side touching her's if she would allow it. He smiled kindly at her and hummed gently trying to sooth her. His deep voice rumbled softly just a random tune he thought up. To his relieve a blue, ocean like mare, and a flying creature, that had no wings, showed up. He tensed in case she was here for to pick on the broken mare at his side.

He let his body relax once more as the mare spoke softly with warm tones. Before he could say a word the mare beside him spoke and he looked at her. He smiled as she lifted her good wing, and he hoped he read the signal correctly. Carefully he slide so his body was under her wing and his body as close as he could get, if she fully allowed it. He turned his attention to the blue mare and nodded his head giving her a grateful smile. If he could have blushed the man would have been as scarlet as his eye. His ears flicked nervously at the thought of him being a 'fine young man'.

His ears pricked as the lady beside him spoke again. "As she stated I'm Astarot, I know the story teller in your herd, Frost Fyre. I hail from the Dragon's Throat, and it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Tiamat." His attention was pulled away from the Basin lady by the girl next to him reaching out. Her embraced her touch and cooed softly, "It'll be okay.I'm sure you're in a lot of pain, and Tiamat is a healer. I'm sure she has seen several cry from far less painful injuries." He tried to nuzzle her slender neck. "It's okay to let go sometimes. You have to let it out, or it'll only get worse." His deep voice was slow and steady as he willed his body heat to fill her smaller frame.

He turned his eyes to the ocean colored mare, "Please help her, if you can. If you need me to go get something I will, just tell me what it is." His blue and red eyes pleading with the healer to do something, anything for the lady at his side. He felt utterly helpless as he turned his attention back to the blue and white lady beside him. How could he be a knight in shinning armor if he couldn't even do anything to help anyone?
Words;; 681
OOC/Tags;; @Astrid @Tiamat So sorry it took so long!
You can DIE laughing, or laugh until you die... Wanna play?

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RE: Just keep on reaching though the limb might break - Tiamat - 02-08-2017

The fallen mare is noticeably dazed—her eyes are glassy and she seems to have trouble getting into the rhythm of speaking. Tiamat’s brow knits together in concern, though her expression is soft. “It seems you have,” she says to the winged stranger with a smile, laughing gently between them. She listens patiently, her heart going out to the other mare, especially when the stranger seems to be so alone and so lost. It was many years ago now, but Tiamat remembers what it was like before she had been found in the Threshold—without the Basin to call home, without her friends to support her, she had very little to anchor her in her life’s paths.

“That would be my own herd, so I’m pleased to say that you will find the shelter there that you need,” the sea maiden’s smile broadens for a moment, her healer’s heart eagerly accepting this mare as one of her own. Her grin lingers while the man shifts closer to the injured woman. After all the tragic things that have befallen them recently, it is so refreshing to witness the goodness of this world—if it were more socially acceptable, she would already have the stallion in an embrace. “A pleasure for me as well,” Tiamat says to him, reaching forward to brush his nose if he will accept the gesture.

He continues, explaining that he is from the Dragon’s Throat, and knows their Haruspex, Frost Fyre (a mare the Mender has only met once, briefly, but she smiles all the same). As she watches the strangely-marked equine comfort his wounded companion, her heart swells delightfully. “You’ve already done a wonderful job, Astarot. In a place like this, the cold can harm more than your muscles. She is lucky to have you with her,” Tiamat reassures him with earnest, truly admiring his actions to help an apparent stranger.

Reaching to pluck a dried purple flower from the braided seaweed in her hair, the blue maiden offers it to Astarot, enlisting his help. “Will you make a salve for me?” She looks to him with a grin shadowing her lips, placing the All-heal on the ground between them. “Crush this into a powder and mix it with a little bit of snow, and then rub it on the worst of her wounds. It will help fight infection,” she explains to both of them, sure that the pegasus will want to know what’s happening as well. Closing her eyes then, Tiamat lowers her head, and places her muzzle lightly on the other mare’s forehead. Summoning the magic given to her from the Time God, she heals the stranger, hazy wisps of white occasionally wafting over the injuries.

It’s not an exceptionally quick process, but before too long, the ocean mare is finished. “That is the most I can do for now,” she pulls back, panting once or twice to regain the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. The pegasus’ wounds don’t look much different from the outside, since she is still smeared with blood and the skin is still broken, but there is no fresh blood leaking, and the muscles that had been lacerated are now stitched back together. Inwardly, she should still be sore, but better.

“The bleeding has stopped and your muscles are healed together, but they are weak. It will still be a few days until you can use that wing again. You should rest,” Tiamat nods to herself, sure now that the worst is over—but before they can celebrate, they need to move the winged stranger to safer ground. Stepping closer to the other mare, Tiamat sidles to her side (if she’ll allow it), and looks across towards Astarot. “I’ll support this side, and you take the other?” The sea mare presses gently against the wounded shoulder, bracing herself to share the stranger’s weight. “We’ll help you,” Tiamat encourages her, offering a reassuring grin.

we run like a river runs to the sea
image credits

RE: Just keep on reaching though the limb might break - Astrid - 02-10-2017

Running down her dreams in a dirty dress

Astrid watched as best as her murky vision could at Astarot. Her ears pinned to his every word. Treatment like this was not something she was used to or at least nothing that she could remember. Her memories from before Helovia are fuzzy at best. They are more feelings. He was so kind and she knew in her heart that this should give her great comfort and as much as it did, it also felt foreign. She felt undeserving of his kind words and his kindness. A small and gentle smile wove across her lips and she let gave herself to his to his touch as much as she could. I won’t leave you miss.

The words struck somewhere deep inside her and she felt like she could fall apart right there. Trying to hide the sudden surge of emotions she turned her eyes away from him allowing her hair to obscure her face somewhat. She felt his body press against her and like a reflex she leaned her neck and some of her weight against him. He started humming a tune. She listened to it for a moment trying to think if she recognized it. She wondered in that moment about him, she wanted to know more about him, she wanted to know him better but she will have to wait until this is all over. She took a slow breath in and out, taking in every little smell. Every note that he hummed was all that she could hear in her mind. Her body did not shiver a second time and she tucked her good wing over his body trying to block the wind from him as well. It's okay to let go sometimes. You have to let it out, or it'll only get worse. She looked up and towards his face as best as she could though she may not have looked like she was looking exactly at him. She smiled compassionately at him before she reached her muzzle up to touch his neck back as he had touched hers.

Tiamat began to speak again which drew Astrids ears and eyes away from Astarot but not without another glance towards the direction of his face. These are one of the moments she wishes she could see him clearly. She thought in that moment she already felt better, safer, and she was more relaxed. It was a relief to hear that Tiamat lived in this place of healers. She listened intently to what Tia had to say to Astarot, then as she plucked something from what she said about a purple flower. Astrid did not watch every motion that was happening but instead she listened to Tia’s hair as it brushed against her coat as she had plucked the flower with a small snap of the stem ripping. She could hear both of their breathing through the wind as she felt the motion of Astarot’s sides as he breathed in and out. She took note of the smell of the flower as it was close to her face so that she would remember it later in case she needed to look for it. In this moment something about Astrid began to be molded into something like a key into a lock. There was this feeling of necessity for the information of healing that she realized that she wanted to learn.

Suddenly she felts the hairs of Tiamat against her forehead but before she could pull away she felt a warmth that moved down her face and neck to her shoulders and into her wings. It felt like pins and needles under her skin for a moment as it stitched her fibers back together. Astrid held her breath just as Tia did. She breathed in suddenly as Tia pulled away and the difference was extraordinary. Astrid wondered how this was possible, this world that she has found herself in holds many wonders Astrid has yet to even realize. Astrid tested her should gingerly and noticed that it felt much better, better enough to walk on. Astrid tested her wing a little but cringed as it was not fully recovered. This was at least enough that Astrid could pull her bad wing back to her side.

Seizing the moment Astrid turned again to Astarot and smiled briefly before leaning away from his shoulder so that when she got up she would not accidently knock into him. She hoped that as she rose her body up and with her wings extended that they would there to help her if her legs were still unsteady. One leg at a time she lifted her body up. Rocks, dirt, and blood still clung to her ashen and dark demure coat. Once on her feet she shifted her weight onto her three good legs to take the weight off of weakest leg. It was better but like Tia said, it was only better. Not perfect. She looked over and spoke to Tia.

Let’s go to your home then Tia. Thank you and thank you too Astarot. You have no idea how much all of this means to me.

Her face was pure compassion.


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@Tiamat @Astarot

How about we just switch over to the basin from here. Do either of you want to begin the thread or should I?