HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] baby I can take my time - Printable Version

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baby I can take my time - Miykael - 02-02-2017


He is inexplicably drawn to the frozen north. He has been since he arrived in Helovia nearly five years ago. For nearly five years he never really questioned the pull it had on him. Never really giving it a second thought... until now. After everything he's been through, how far has he really come? He has some magic, a companion in the ever beautiful Eliana, and two children (one hates him and the other has since disappeared) but he has no purpose, no home, and no motivation to change any of it. Outside of his soul-deep bond with Eliana, December is his one and only reason to live. His only reason to try to be anything more than a wandering loner. It isn't because she'll somehow love him less if he doesn't try. He knows, even without truly knowing, that she wouldn't do that. His grey woman doesn't give a shit if he saves the world or not.

December always speaks her mind. How could he not love that about her?

And of course she fills his thoughts. Her stubbornness and impeccable honesty, the luscious curve of her hips and subtle hints of emotion that he catches in those steely eyes of hers. She is awkward, but he finds her even more endearing because of it. With him, she has no secrets. With him, she is unlike anyone he's ever met before and she's consumed him like an addiction.

So it comes as no surprise when the stallion heads north once again, seeking the very spot where he bumped into the grey mare. Perhaps he wanted to relive the memories (no matter how awkward they are) by visiting the cave that was the jumping off point for their intense, burning passion or perhaps he hoped to bump into her there again. She wanders, just as he does. And though they typically spend their evenings together, sometimes their paths part and they reconnect again later: usually with an explosion of passion, as is their norm. Once he arrives in the Steppe, it doesn't take long before his blue eyes find "their" cave. A small smile spreads across his dark lips as the memories come flooding back. Alone as he is (Eliana refused to come along this time), he lets the memories replay in his mind, the images almost as vivid as the day they occurred.

Nothing else matters in this moment. Nothing else exists. It is just Miykael and his memories, daydreaming fondly of the day his entire life would change for the better.

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RE: baby I can take my time - December - 02-02-2017

& this is Carl

Stressed would be the most accurate term to describe lately. A daughter who was gone for a year and a lover who was there but not entirely. The only solace she had found was in Sheba, and that was reluctant on her end for the most part. She was spiraling into isolation and loneliness; and although Miykael came to her in the night; it wasn't enough for her to really see him. What had they become? Their throes of passion and heated conversations were something she had found a thrill in at first; yet now with one child and their time growing distant; was that something she really wanted to deal with forever? She longed for his sweet embrace, to be kissed and doted upon like he used to when they were like young lovers experiencing the touch of another for the first time. It was those memories she often thought of late at night as she would go to sleep; along with the small moments she had with her daughter before she was simply gone.

Perhaps because of her thoughts so deep in the past was why she had found herself back in the Steppe; a place she always felt drawn to. The only place where snow was a constant; and if December were honest she would say that the white frost was the only consistent thing in her lifetime. Always there in her darkest hours. Never once turning her away. Eyes of steel glanced to and fro as she walked, deciding Carl needed to be left behind; to keep watch should Meria decide to finally come home. A mother never really does lose hope when it comes to her children does she? As she grew closer to her secluded spot; she found the smell of him on the breeze, and ears pricked while nares flared in order to get a better location on him.

Of course he was where they had first met. Had he been thinking about the past too? Did it feel just as far away to him as it did to her? She supposed that was something she could always ask him. She found him alone; standing in the center of their sanctuary with such a casualty that she wondered sometimes if he felt anything at all. Anger and irritation bubbled at her core; ate at her heart where she felt the pain from the loss of their daughter and the distance that she felt had grown between them. Were they still something together? Even as she finally reached him and brought her maw to his shoulder; to let her teeth lovingly nibble along it before pressing herself to him as she always did; she couldn't help but feel that anger fester. It began to poke and prod; to rip away at her collected nature and feast upon the building anguish she had felt these past year because why was everything going so wrong? It longed to break free; and she was about ready to let it happen. Her charm of her precious baby and Carl slapped against her chest gently as she finally looked to him.

"Are you happy with how things turned out Miykael? Do you miss Meria as much as I do, or does she not cross your mind every day? How do you managed to be so casual when I'm breaking, she spoke all at once; and though her words were bitter and harsh her tone was as even as ever; and her eyes never once left his even as the tears began to fill them. Even when she was angry at him, she couldn't truly be mad; because he was the one who had managed to find something in her in this desolate wasteland and decided to stay. He had seen her at her worst and he thought she was a goddess, and it made her love him so damn much that it was just all the more heartbreaking to feel like he was losing touch. She didn't want to lose him; not like she had Isara; like Rostislav and Midas and precious Merialeth. There were too many gone and not enough in her life to fill the empty spaces and because of this she was drowning before she could even get the chance to breath again.

"I miss you," she continued calmly as the tears didn't stop, even as she tried wiping them on her ashen shoulder as if just itching a scratch. Now that they were out they were going to fall until she was an empty husk of who she once was. Because you can't be the same person after you lose a child. Moving away from his side; she welcomed the cold that bit at her skin; because it distracted her from the sting in her chest, from the ache that wouldn't go away after all this time. How was one supposed to cope from this all? Turning to face him her eyes continued to look into those beautiful azure ones; the ones she had been so mesmerized by when they had first met. Just what about him made him so fucking charming? Whether December liked it or not she did love him; she just didn't love what they had become. And she didn't know if this would all come as a surprise to him; or maybe he had been thinking about this for some time. Did he wonder where she was when she wandered; just as she did him? Or was he so used to the life of a loner that it made him sometimes forget that he had a family at home.

"Do you think we'll be a family again?" she asked more to herself than to him, but if he had any insight she would gladly take it; for she was soon pacing and trying to find comfort from the constant ache that only seemed to increase the longer she began to think about the situation at hand. Her eyes had moved to focus on the cave floor; to watch the way the ice reflected her massive bodice with every sway of her hips. Was he watching them now as they swung side to side? Or was he listening to her words as the tears that rarely fell continued to trickled down her ivory cheeks. She felt so old even though she was rather young; it was growing hard to grasp onto this reality when she felt herself slowly fading more and more each day. She wanted this to stop before she finally clouded over into nothingness. Because as much as she was beginning to hate this life it was still better than nothing. Shaky breath leaving dark lips; she finally ceased in her pacing; lifting large crown to fully face him as she looked into his eyes so calmly; yet with so much conviction as she softly pleaded into the spring air;Help me Miykael. I want to understand this all. I want to know why it hurts.


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@Miykael - sorry December just decided she was gonna fucking write XD

RE: baby I can take my time - Miykael - 02-02-2017


Truth be told, Miykael is just as lost as December and almost as broken (because none can be as broken as a mother that's lost a child). Nothing in his life has ever turned out the way he felt it should, or at least the way he wanted it to. His own past was so filled with disappointments that somehow he'd grown numb to it all and perhaps he didn't really see just how badly December was breaking or how distant they had grown. He hasn't been there, plain and simple. Did it all stem from Meria's disappearance? Or was he just destined to fuck up every good thing he's ever had?

Honestly, he doesn't even know anymore.
But does it even matter now? All he can do is try and make it right, but how?

In his own desperation to forget the mess of his current situation, he took himself back in time the only way he knew how. And it was there, standing near the frozen cave that marked the beginning of his relationship with December, that everything began to fall apart. He needed to indulge in the memories, he needed that escape when everything else was spiraling into darkness. As lost as he was in his own memories, Miykael felt her presence before she ever spoke, before he ever heard the subtle thudding of her hooves as she moved to approach him. His ears swivel to acknowledge her presence as the memories fade away and he's left standing in the bitter chill of the north. He embraces the sting from the cold as a way to punish himself, but it isn't enough nor would it ever be enough. The feel of her teeth on his shoulder simultaneously sends a jolt of warmth and pain to his heart. She presses her body into his and he automatically stretches out his massive white wing to embrace her. If only that gesture were enough to shield her, to block out the pain and fix this entire mess.

But he can't, can he?
Miykael doesn't fix things, he only screws them up.

He meets her gaze, his own eyes open and baring his soul - a soul raw and ravaged from the sorrow of their current situation. As happy as he'd been when he escaped into his earliest memories of her, all of the pain simply comes flooding back the second he returns to reality. When December speaks, her words are (unsurprisingly) bitter but any and all harshness intended lacks the oomph it might otherwise have had were it not for her trademark even-toned voice. Honestly, he almost wished she would just yell at him - cry, shout, beat him, let it all out. Maybe then they could move forward, maybe then things could improve. But nothing hurts him more than the tears welling up in her eyes. "No." comes his response, his deep voice almost melancholic. He exhales softly but his blue eyes never leave her face. "I'm not happy that everything is a mess. I'm not happy that I can't just... fix it. I miss Meria every day. I wander because I can't let go of the hope that I'll somehow find her. But in my desperation to find our daughter, I've failed you."

He has failed her - just as he failed his father, his birth herd, God, Alysanne, Naerys, and Meria. Frankly, the list is likely even longer than that but those are the ones that stand out. Those are the failures that rip his heart to shreds; like hungry wolves tearing into the freshly fallen corpse of their latest catch. An entire year has passed and they've never even attempted to talk to each other about Meria and it doesn't even matter who is at fault for that because he should have said something, anything. She moves away but he is too ashamed to follow, instead he's glued to his spot. "I miss you, too." he adds, his voice deep and tinged with melancholy. He does miss her, he misses they way they used to be before everything went to hell. The longer she leaves the gap between him, the more intensely he feels the loss of her body beside his, and the more he longs to close that very distance. The more the tears fall from her steel colored eyes, the harder it gets for him to give her space. Miykael moves closer, but just as he's about to embrace her she speaks then begins to pace.

"I'm not giving up, December. We can fix this... it just...might take a little time." Miykael speaks with confidence, tenderness, and conviction. He wouldn't give up. He wouldn't leave her now (or ever, for that matter), not when she needed him most. But how could he prove it to her when all he is good at is making mistakes and hurting the one's he loves? When she finally turns to face him, he doesn't hesitate to close the distance and press his chest roughly against hers. Miykael lays his throat across her withers and clutches her to him. "I'm here, December." he murmurs into her flesh. "But I don't have any answers. This isn't something that anyone can make any sense out of but we can take comfort in each other." Miykael attempts to explain, pressing his breaking chest against hers in an attempt to hold himself together. "Together we can heal," but apart they would surely fail.

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@December - does any of this even make any sense? idek but here it is.

RE: baby I can take my time - December - 02-02-2017


& this is Carl

She didn't know if she was relieved or irritated by his initial answer. He had been hurting like she; filled with the pain and loss of their child; and he hadn't even tried to talk to her about it. Then again she hadn't mentioned either; but was it because he hadn't been around to talk to? She had been so busy searching for her that it almost slipped her mind. They hadn't even tried to find her together. What did that say about them? Were they no longer as in love as they had once been? Yet even that thought caused her to ache; because she loved Miykael so much; more than anything aside from her baby; and so to know that they hadn't taken the time to just be together hurt her all the worse.

She didn't acknowledge much of his speaking afterwards because she was so focused on her own failures; of the shortcomings that she possessed and how she didn't even try to fix them. She had been much more self-absorbed than previously thought. This was something she would store in her mind for later. Suddenly he was approaching and crashing himself into her wide chest; and as her face fell in place in the crook of his neck she couldn't help but melt into him; because this was the man she had fallen for in this exact place all those years ago; and she knew deep down she could never let go of him. Lips found satin skin; and her teeth trailed tenderly along the deep between his neck and shoulder; knowing that was where he always preferred attention.

Eyes fluttered close to savor him and his musky scent; to enjoy the way his lips felt against her shoulders as he spoke sweet promises into her massive form. She believed him with all of her heart, knowing that he could never lie to her or perhaps anyone. That wasn't how the angel worked. So she pressed herself closer to him and let the tears begin to dry; and as she let his breathing lull her into a sense of calm; she finally opened her eyes and looked at the fine hairs on his chest as she once again spoke, I love you Miykael. I always will. I can't continue to worry about where you go when you leave. I don't want to continue not speaking to each other and disappearing suddenly upon each other. I'm just as guilty; and I want to correct the issue. Promise me you'll try to be more present in my life. In the life of... any future children we might have.

She was tentative in her verbiage as she stood back from him, to look into his eyes because what would he say to that? She had always wanted more children; even before Merialeth had suddenly vanished. She had imagined her and Miykael standing side by side; watching fondly over their children as they frolicked and played; some obviously too grown for such things but happy to be with them nonetheless. It was a comfort she had found in her dreams at night as she went to sleep, an escape from the world that was filled with sorrow and bitterness and lost babies. It had been her solace this entire year of torture where she didn't have her painted princess pressed against her at night; where she wasn't able to watch her grow and learn about life and the world they lived in. She had missed so much of Meria's life because she had failed as a mother to watch over her and make sure she didn't vanish from her sight. She hadn't been able to love Isara; what on Earth made her think she could care for any other foals?

Now she was crying again and she couldn't stop; her composure finally breaking into the broken mess of anguish she had been hiding away all this time, not wanting to burdening anyone with her sorrow. Her head buried itself into his chest and she sobbed, not caring if she was loud or obnoxious because she missed her baby dammit and now she was fucking gone and there was nothing she could do to bring her back. All she had of a reminder was the small charm that pressed against her chest; that continued to prove to her each day of her failure. Her sobs broke into wails, and she pressed harder into him because he was the only thing keeping her grounded in this hell. She couldn't lose him after she had lost so much else, and it left her feeling so empty... who was she anymore?

Soon she was gasping, trying to find air as she lifted her skull away from him briefly to fill her lungs, before turning to press all of herself into his side and nuzzling his shoulder. This was where she felt safe, this was her sanctuary in the darkest of hours. She knew all along that Miykael would be there for her through it all, and it was so hard to imagine her life without him. Managing to calm herself down despite all of the emotion welling in her, face finally smoothing out to a less panicked expression; she looked back up at him; sniffling before murmuring softly to him, I failed them both as a mother and protector. How can I in good conscience bring more life into this world when I wasn't able to keep safe the ones prior?"


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RE: baby I can take my time - Miykael - 02-08-2017


Of course he's been hurting but he never blamed December for Meria's disappearance. In an almost predictable fashion, he blames himself - his own lack of vigilance, his own shortcomings resurfacing once more. It has happened to him before - Nathanael, Barakiel, Naerys. He's failed every single one of them and Merialeth is just the fourth casualty. Maybe he should have stopped. Maybe he should stop pretending he can do it better the next time. But Miykael is more optimistic than he'd ever be likely to admit. He genuinely believes that he can change, that he can do better. Perhaps this time, his sheer determination would be enough.

His embrace rather easily calms the grey lady, though that's hardly surprising. She automatically presses her face into the crook of his neck, her warm tears moistening his golden fur in two small splotches. His hold on her doesn't loosen until her breathing calms and the flow of tears slows. Miykael doesn't take notice of the slight shift in her position until her feels her lips and teeth caressing the tender dip between the base of his neck and the curve of his shoulder. December's warm, soft lips so easily ignite a warmth in him, even now and in these circumstances, that he hardly even notices the cold anymore. Instinctively his lips lazily stroke and caress her shoulders, his breath warm against her flesh. Yet he remains calm and contained. He isn't a boy anymore, it takes more than a few touches to get him aroused and seeking release. When she speaks once more, he swivels his ears to focus on her voice. What December says makes him smile, with but one exception. It is that one exception that sticks out in his mind first - a wrong to be made right. "It was never my intention to worry you, my love. I'm sorry I haven't been here for you and I'm sorry for hurting you. That's the last thing I'd ever want to do." Miykael pauses for a mere moment, lowering his lips once more to place a tender kiss on her upper back. "I promise." he finally declares, his deep voice is gentle and warm.

As the grey lady pulls back to gaze at him, the rest of her speech returns to the forefront of his thoughts. Did he want more children? He'd already failed four and yet there's an ever-present pull or desire for more. Miykael has always loved being a father and he has yet to turn down the opportunity to be a better one. A small smile curves his lips at the thought of having more babies with December. But just as he was about to speak, December bursts out crying again. Her cries are harder and more intense this time, more whole-bodied - fully encompassing her large form. Miykael stands firm as she presses into him, clinging to him in desperation of her complete and utter despair. Unfurling his rather impressively large white wings, he shifts them forward in an attempt to more fully embrace her sorrow riddled form. The golden angel simply holds her close, watching silently as the pent up emotions of a year come pouring from her body. His wings pull back when she suddenly lifts her head and gasps for air.

Blue eyes watch her intently, carefully determining her next move. As the air once more fills her lungs, she shifts her position to press herself into his side. The wing on her chosen side instinctively raises to allow her to move as close to him as she can then the large feathered appendage drapes over her back. Miykael's feathers are soft yet sturdy, sheltering the grey lady. Soon, she calms down once more but what she says next only serves to leave him confused. "Both of them?" he asks gently, turning his head to play lightly with her forelock. "You did not fail Meria." he states in a rather matter-of-fact type of tone. "You deserve another chance, my love, a chance to prove to yourself that you are a great mother. Sitting around waiting for Meria to somehow come back isn't doing any good at all. We're... stuck." He concludes, cuddling her sweetly beneath his wing. Perhaps what they need is another child to dote on. Perhaps that is what it would take for them to move forward once again. He isn't trying to replace Meria because, honestly, none could ever replace her and he certainly isn't trying to forget her or stop looking for her but he's at a loss here. How else can they escape this well they've fallen into?

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RE: baby I can take my time - December - 02-13-2017


& this is Carl

She hadn't realized the slip of her tongue until too late, causing her form to slip back and stare at him with surprised eyes. His question was genuine, and he had every right to know the answer, but right now she suddenly didn't have it in her to tell him. Instead she pressed against him once again, finding comfort in the warmth of his wing over her body. It was amazing how it managed to even cover her massive girth. The tears had begun to dry, and she looked into his blue eyes gently, honesty lacing every word on her lips,"I want to tell you, but I can't explain right now. For now all I will say is that there was someone very close to me I had tried to help and it didn't end well." The rest of his words caused her to look outside the cavern and into the snow, her eyes flitting to and fro as she realized that her snow would soon be leaving her again. You would think after six years of life that she would be more accepting of this.

Her body pressed closer to him, closing her eyes to try and gather herself emotionally and physically, processing everything he had said. She didn't know if she could ever stop blaming herself for Meria. It was more than just her personal insecurities, it was also the fact that her mothering instincts were screaming at her that she could have done better, that she should have worked harder to keep the babe in her sights. There was so much more to it that she thought Miykael would never be able to understand. She would save that conversation for another day. What she needed to focus on was his last suggestion, at least she assumed it was a suggestion, and thus she turned her head back in his direction with gleaming steel eyes,"Are you suggesting we have another child?"

Was she honestly ready to do that? Could she overcome these feelings of guilt and self-loathing enough to focus on another baby? Would she be able to look into that little foal's eyes and not see Meria in them? Would she be able to love them without fearing she would somehow ruin them or get them killed? She didn't know, but hell if Miykael was willing to try again, then maybe so was she. Looking down at her little charm on her chest, fondly studying the intricate patter of her little girl's figurine she smiled softly, before looking back up at her beloved and nodding with that neutral expression,"Okay."  And with that she began to move, her lips finding his chest and nibbling it softly, before moving to that tender spot he loved the most and biting hard, eyes filled with a sudden hardness that meant she expected him to not be gentle.


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RE: baby I can take my time - Miykael - 02-14-2017


Miykael's question causes her to fumble back a few steps, surprise evident on her face. It didn't take a genius to understand that she'd said something she hadn't meant to and after her brief moment of surprise she was once more pressed against him, tucked carefully beneath his wing. She didn't need to speak of the slip at all because he trusted her to come to him when she was ready. But just as he prepares himself for the comfortable silence they so frequently find themselves in, the grey lady beside him speaks up. Her words confirm his thoughts and he simply turns his head to touch his nose gently to hers. He lingers long enough to inhale her scent, blue eyes fluttering closed as he so easily finds comfort in her presence. Comfort despite the sorrow lacing both of their hearts. Miykael doesn't comment, he finds no need for words when all he wants is to take comfort in his beloved December while she stands beside him. He, too, turns his gaze to the snow outside their little cave and in that instant he is grateful for the peacefulness of the setting. With Meria gone, they'd lost so much of their own peace. Everything has seemed more dim, more worthy of tears than sunshine or smiles. So he embraces this moment with December with a fullness that he hasn't experienced since before Meria's disappearance.

"Every decent parent doubts and blames themselves, whether they've lost their child or not. I may never understand your loss as a mother, but I feel it acutely as a father. The smallest things will trigger a memory of her and the pain burns anew." here he pauses, sighing softly as his pained gaze falls to a small patch where the snow has melted away. "We won't ever forget her, that simply isn't possible, and there is no replacing that sweet angel of ours." Miykael ends his words with the softest of smiles, a smile that may have graced his face while watching Meria romp around, exploring the Falls. The unabashed joy of a child is brighter than sunshine and warmer than the spring. Every memory left him longing for more, so when December's question broke the momentary, comfortable silence all he could think was: yes. But he couldn't force that on her, no matter how much he wanted to try again or how badly he wanted to prove himself as a decent father.

Suddenly, he wasn't sure how to respond so he simply didn't. Instead he shifted so that he could gaze into her steely grey eyes. Miykael's gaze searched her eyes and face for any signs of what she might be feeling about his suggestion of trying again. As usual, December is stoic; very easily tucking her inner workings and thoughts deep within and away from prying eyes. She betrays nothing, but the prolonged silence would suggest that December is thinking. Several moments pass, though it nearly feels like ages, before a single word slips past her lips. Okay. He hesitates a moment, uncertain if he'd heard her correctly, but as her lips and teeth find his chest there is little room left for doubt. Her teeth rather quickly find his favorite spot but this time it wasn't a gentle nibble; instead her teeth clamp down rather forcefully, very clearly setting the mood for this particular tryst. Blue eyes meet hard steel and he simply nods his understanding. He tucks his wings against his sides once more, turns himself around. He lightly slides his muzzle down her spine, starting at her shoulders and ending just shy of her tail. He lingers for only a moment before his teeth bite down firmly on her rump. Miykael moves to stand directly behind her, looking to meet her gaze one more time before lifting himself up and grasping her hips roughly with his legs. His teeth grab onto a clump of her mane and thus, with roughness, he proceeds. Just as she requested, he is not gentle.

-fade to black-

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