HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Where the heart is(joining) - Printable Version

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Where the heart is(joining) - Parelia - 02-03-2017

Honest hearts are undercover. We are shadows on our own
The teal tinged mare made her way to the World's Edge. She was ready to finally be back in a herd, where she wouldn't be alone. 'You're never alone.' She smiled up at the sky as Penna sent her the thoughts. 'I know sweetheart, but it would be nice to have some other horses around sometimes.' He understood and it didn't bother him at all. Of course she enjoyed being around her own kind. They carried on racing towards the familiar ground.

She smiled her ears quivering excitedly as the trees changed to evergreens, and the air became thick with fog. White eyebrows rose as she took in the new wall. She could remember when it was nothing but completely shattered glass; now it was spikes and a black gate. Her head tilted slightly as she looked at the improvements. It made her heart sore as she thought of how safe the herd was now. At least from the Basin, not winged horses of course. She closed her honey eyes and took a few deep breaths letting her memories take hold.

A warm pleasant smile spread over her dainty features as she relaxed her body. With one more deep breath she cried out hoping one of her friends would appear and let her in. As she waited she wondered what else had changed. She figured the leads or at least one leader had changed. That happened a lot in herds, so it seemed valid. 'I wonder how many new foals are in there.' She pondered to Penna as he landed upon her shoulder to wait as well.
Words;; 267
Tags/OOC;;  @Elsa @Alysanne anyone else is welcome too! She wants to join

RE: Were the heart is(joining) - Alysanne - 02-04-2017

The voice that called out from the gate in the ice spikes was familiar but Alysanne didn’t recognize it right away, and that bothered her greatly. She was normally excellent at recalling faces and those that she met. She had a feeling that it had been a long time since she had heard this particular voice… but she felt confident that she would recognize the face it belonged to as soon as she spotted them.

And sure enough, her heart absolutely leapt when she realized who it was. “Parelia! Penna!” Alysanne shouted both of their names as soon as she spotted the teal-accented mare and the falcon that was perched on her shoulder. Hemlock hooted from his perch on Alysanne’s head, effectively diminishing any regal appearance she might possess, curious about the pair they were approaching. He vaguely remembered them, but would have been quite young the last time they had met and likely spent the conversation snoozing nestled among his bonded’s soft wing feathers.

Now, though, he was both fully awake and fully grown and he wondered if this fellow bird companion wouldn’t be a disappointment like so many of the others.

So the pair approached with a hurried pace - Alysanne practically bursting through the gate with a bright smile illuminating her green eyes as she came to stop before Parelia. “My dear friends, it is so good to see you! How have you been?”  

image from flickr

@Parelia <333

RE: Where the heart is(joining) - Parelia - 02-07-2017

Honest hearts are undercover. We are shadows on our own
It didn't take long for someone to show up and greet them. Her heart swelled with joy as a familiar black and white Pegasus burst through the massive gate. Her voice was as warm as her smile, "Alysanne! Hemlock!" She pranced forward excited as a filly to see her old friend again. It had much to long since she had been around anyone she could honestly call a friend. Penna screeched a greeting to the owl perched on the mare's head. His wings opened the same time his bonded's did.

She grinned brightly as her friend stopped before her. Her voice was warm and bright, "It's great to see you both! You look very well!" She grinned and dipped her head before speaking answering her question. "We all have our ups and downs, but as of lately, I've been very well. How about yourself?" She smiled and looked over the mare taking in her healthy coat.

Her honey eyes flicked to the new security measures before she turned back to Aly. "I like the upgrades!" She chuckled warmly and folded her wings back to her side, Penna doing the same. "I'll cut to the chase my friend, I've come back home." She remembered the way some spoke like it was dirty to call a place they had abandoned home, but the Edge truly was her home. She had raised Ilios here, and given birth to Areli in the mists and evergreens.

Hopefully eyes watched the taller before she spoke again, "I'd love to come back as a Glazier or a Healer, if you have any open positions?" She smiled and stepped forward trying to gently bump noses with the mare. "Either way Aly, it's great to see you again!" She smiled warmly her heart fuller than it had been in a very long time.


Words;; 304
Tags/OOC;;  @Alysanne

RE: Where the heart is(joining) - Alysanne - 02-11-2017

In an instant, seeing Parelia dance with an excitement that Alysanne felt coursing through her own body, she felt whole again. As though the last few years simply had not happened - Kahlua and Kaj were still ruling, she was still a Moon Doctor, and things were simple. Everything about Parelia’s greeting was perfect - so vibrant and filled with joy that Alysanne’s heart felt light and free. She laughed a quick, bright laugh at the grinning statement that Alysanne looked well, and was thrilled to hear that Parelia was, at least lately, been doing well. When the question was returned, there was just the smallest moments of hesitation before the ease of conversation took over and answered for her.  “I’ve been well, thank you.” She didn’t think it was fair to answer with complete honesty - not right at their reunion. Once Parelia had settled, once they had become reacquainted, perhaps Alysanne would explain that being well was a very new development and even then, it was mostly just ‘better’ than she had been for the last few years.

Her green gaze followed Parelia’s eyes to the glass spikes and she had to shake her head with a small laugh at the comment about the upgrades. They weren’t better than the wall but they had their own advantages… like Alysanne’s ability to lower them with a thought.

For now they remained, though, because Parelia’s next words captured her entire attention - Hemlock hooting with delight as Alysanne managed a whisper. “Oh I’m so glad. Welcome home, my dear friend.”

The teal accented mare went on to express her interest in joining the ranks and Alysanne thought just for a moment about which needed the experience of the mare before her. It seemed like everyone lately had wanted to join as a nurse, so perhaps crafting would be the best choice. “You are most welcome to join either the crafting or healing positions! Whichever you prefer. We have very few crafters at the moment, just the two new Glaziers have been around lately I believe, and I know they’d appreciate some help.”

When Parelia stepped forward, Aly stuck out her dark muzzle so it could bump gently with her friends - breathing in that familiar scent and feeling it sooth tension out of her body as she inhaled. “It’s so good to see you too.” When she pulled back, Alysanne’s green eyes started to shine with the promise of tears but she fought them back with another bright smile. With a gesture of her dark head she beckoned Parelia to follow her through the gate and into the Edge properly. “It’s been far too long. Please, come inside - let’s get you settled and up to date.”

image from flickr

@Parelia <3

RE: Where the heart is(joining) - Aaron - 02-12-2017


We had not headed straight to the Edge from the Threshold. Honestly, I had to know if my son was alright. It was only when we arrived at the Falls, and found the land... Well it was clear that the Falls was no longer home to anyone, let alone a herd. What had happened that the Falls, the former Foothills... I can't even finish the thoughts that race in my mind. "I am sure Brendan is fine. After all, he's a grown boy. Well, probably closer to a man by now..." I shoved that thought away. I would make up for that somehow. But first, I think it's time we returned home.

It's with all of that in mind, we reach the glass spikes. "An upgrade" Alanna says smoothly in my mind. I nod silently, my ears pricking as I hear two very familiar voices. Sounds like Parelia beat us here. But the second voice, well I don't think it's a voice i've heard in a very long time. "Care to welcome home another old face?" My voice rumbles smoothly calling over to the pair.

It's only then, as I walk over to the pair that it hits me. I think the last time I actually saw Alysanne, was the day we invaded the Falls... The herd had been torn by that choice. Not all agreed with leaving. I had been a voice to leave, to make the move to protect our family. The Goddess of the Moon was still by no means my chosen God to live under.... But this had been home for years. I had fully grown up, here. My first important roles had been here as a warrior and a Glazier.

"Alanna speaks"

@Parelia - yep, im joining wayyyy late
@Alysanne - Aaron's coming home too

RE: Where the heart is(joining) - Parelia - 03-02-2017

Honest hearts are undercover. We are shadows on our own
She beamed at one of her oldest friends happy to be home. She smiled brightly up at the monochrome lady. "I'm glad you're doing well." Something about the way she said it made Parelia think it wasn't completely true,but she let it go. For all Alysanne knew, she could be a completely different horse than she once knew. The cream and white mare understood and respected that. it wasn't smart to spill your feelings to everyone that was willing to listen. That's how you ended up blackmailed or worse.

She grinned brighter as Alysanne and Hemlock welcomed them home. Penna cooed his pleasure while Parelia dipped her head. Clearly much had changed in the Edge, and she was eager to see what else was new. Of course she was sure the people had changed since her time here. People moved on, people died, or simple mental changes.

Her ears pricked as her friend spoke. She nodded thoughtfully, "I think I would be best suited with the crafters, since I have prior experience, and you have a shortage." She chuckled softly to herself. When their muzzles touched she lingered enjoying her sweet scent mixed with mist and evergreen. To her delight the mare moved to follow her, only to stop when the sound of another's voice drew her attention back.

"Beat you here huh?" She grinned up a the familiar stallion. Her eyes shifted to his hell-hound and she smiled at her warmly. Penna screeched his own greeting before the pair fell silent. She wondered if Aly would welcome them back as well. If they were truly in need of crafters he was a great person to welcome in. But she had no idea what their past encounters had been like. her honey eyes shifted between the pair curiously.


Words;; 299
Tags/OOC;;  @Alysanne @Aaron I'm sorry this took so long!

RE: Where the heart is(joining) - Alysanne - 03-13-2017

Parelia agreed to join the crafters and Alysanne’s already bright smile shone even more. “Wonderful! Your experience will definitely be welcome in that rank.” Their two new glazier seemed to be doing a good job, of course, but they had been pushed into the rank without anyone around who could teach them about the new magic that they wielded. Parelia would be able to help with that, would certainly have tips and tricks she could give them and a few ideas as well.

Before they could discuss anything else, movement nearby alerted Alysanne that someone else was coming - a familiar voice calling out and asking if she cared to welcome home another old face. Her green eyes flashed to the figure and she instantly recognized the pair coming over. It had been a long time, but Alysanne didn’t forget a face. “Aaron!!”

Alysanne couldn’t believe her luck - that she would not only be welcoming Parelia back but also Aaron? She had not been as close to the stallion as she had with her fellow pegasus, but he was still someone that brought a smile to her face when she saw him. They had been herd mates for a long time, after all, and it had been Aaron that confirmed with her that it was safe to return to the surface after their stay in the caves. Her old grudges against those who had stayed in the Falls after the invasion had faded away - replaced by other, fresher wounds. And really, Alysanne wasn’t about to let that get in the way of the joy that she truly felt in this moment.

“Oh it’s so wonderful to see you again. You are most welcome.” Hemlock quietly chided Alysanne for an over-use of the word ‘wonderful’ in these last few moments but she couldn’t help it - it was wonderful. “Have you been well?”

image from flickr

@Aaron, @Parelia <33