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[P] All That You Are - Printable Version

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All That You Are - Vitani - 02-05-2017


Hiding. That's what Sarabi and I have been doing since the start of BirdSong. It is my third year of life, and it seems the first that I will come into heat. I have to admit, i'm a bit scared. Mother had told me how some men could be. How men had been to not only herself but her mother. I had been young to hear it, but at the same time she explained that my father was the only one to not be that way. To show her gentleness was a possibility. 

It is for those reasons, since I sit here as an outcast that I hide. I do not want to be one of those forced into the act. You know I won't let that happen to you. I promise. Her voice was calming in my mind. My fear, well I have to admit it was getting the best of me. Sarabi had not left my side to hunt in days. Even now I could feel her hunger. Go hunt sister. I mental speak in almost a sigh. Not leave you alone. I shake my head and speak out loud this time. Go eat. You can not protect me if you are hungry.

With a resigned sigh, she leaves me. Not without promising to stick close. Even now I can feel her checking my emotions through our bond. I'll be fine. Hunt But even as I reassure her, I check my own magic to ensure I can call it out the moment I need it. 

Sarabi Talks

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RE: All That You Are - Volterra - 02-06-2017

He knows the scent well. It is his favourite odour of spring, the musky, heady tang of woman in heat. A year or so ago it would have driven him to the point of insanity, tearing down everything in his path until he had found and mounted its source. Now, the Indomitable has finally learned self-control, and he is able to appreciate the aroma without turning to madness to satiate his desire for it.

That's not to say he doesn't want it, of course. He is still a stallion, and a particularly primitive, hormonal one at that. He has improved over the rampant sex-beast that he used to be, but he still has a fine eye for a mare and an easily flared nostril for the smell of heat. Now Isopia has erased him from her memory, he no longer has the lingering sense of guilt every time he indulges, even if such indulgences are less than in his younger days.

Despite this newfound control of himself, Volterra finds himself heading towards the scent. His massive limbs carry the great black bulk of his body through the Heart Caves, colossal hooves clattering on the stone ground beneath them as he wanders idly towards the source. When he finally reaches it, he finds that it comes from a very familiar mare - Vitani. He offers her his version of a warm smile, ears cocked forwards and nostrils desperately trying not to inhale too deeply. "Vitani," he rumbles in greeting, his thunderous voice echoing back at him from the cave walls. "What brings you down here?" He has a feeling that he knows - undoubtedly to hide from the unwanted attentions of men like him.

image: chan <3


RE: All That You Are - Vitani - 02-06-2017


The sound of hooves echoing on the stone floor sends chills down my spine and causes my tail to clamp down on my rear. Would I have to fight to keep my self a virgin? Or will I be found by a friend that would be a welcome sight? I can feel Sarabi fighting the urge to run to me. I'm fine. You'll know if i'm not. I speak quickly into her mind. She needs to eat, and not just a rat or two that she can find down here in the caves. I might not understand her need for meat, but I know she needs it. Just like a few blades of grass would only hold me for a short time while a meadow full would satisfy for a much longer time.

"Vitani," Ugh the way he says my name. Specially right now. Ugh I love it and hate it all at once. His voice echos much like his steps through the caves. "What brings you down here?" Without thinking, or maybe because I am relaxed around him my tail flicks back and forth slightly. Soon as I realize what i'm doing I clamp my tail down again. Shit. He's not stupid, and I know he's going to smell that. I uh, decided to spend BirdSong down here... Oh hell with it cut to the damn chase. I'm sure you can imagine why. If not, i'm sure you will the moment you catch a whiff of my heat.

I can not pretend that there is not a part of me that just wants to turn my rump to him, push my tail to the side and tell him to add me among his women. But I know that's the raging hormones talking. Thank the Gods for Sarabi's calming and level headed influence. I can feel her shoving her own emotions of calm and focus, both which she needs to hunt at me as well. It helps. What brings you down here? A part of me already questions if my scent had traveled. If it had, well.. Would it be that bad to let a friendly face show me what all these hormones are about? Or even yet, be the father of a child that I would bare? Shit, hormones getting way to fa ahead. He hasn't even answered the question yet.

Sarabi Talks

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RE: All That You Are - Volterra - 02-07-2017

Decided to spend Birdsong down here. I'm sure you can imagine why. The corners of his eyes wrinkle as he gives a knowing chuckle, although it's a slightly odd sound given that he's trying not to breathe in as he does it. He might have greater control now, but he fears he will grow intoxicated on the aroma, potent as it is this close up. His upper lip strains to lift and draw the scent in closer, analyse it, but he fights against the urge. "You should keep your hound close by for protection. There are men who...would not take no for an answer if they got close to you." The leviathan himself would never take by force, but he can understand why - it's so damn hard to keep one's body in check when every instinct is urging them to take, to mount, to satiate the aching loins in that blessed odour.

She asks what brings him down here and he shuffles somewhat guiltily across his titanic feathered feet. He cannot lie, cannot say he simply stumbled here by chance, not when it goes against everything he stands for. "Honestly?" he rumbles, feeling his flesh tingle at the thought of her not reacting badly to his following words. It's been a while for him, after all....and he does have needs. "Because of that. I am still a man, as much as I try to control the urges that come with my gender." The leviathan idly swishes a tail - he is proud of his gender, of his rampant sexuality, but in times like these it can be an inconvenience, when a friend is the source of his interest.

"You are safe with me, however. As much as I would enjoy....as much as I want..." He huffs, clears his throat awkwardly. "You are safe," he repeats, his voice an authorative earthquake.

image: chan <3


RE: All That You Are - Vitani - 02-07-2017


"You should keep your hound close by for protection. There are men who...would not take no for an answer if they got close to you. So he does know why. Sarabi's attention had snapped back to me so fast as those words played in my mind. I could feel her stopping her hunt, her belly growling in protest. No. Hunt. I'm FINE I won't admit his words had shaken me a bit. But I roll with his words as if I wasn't worried. She's not to far. Besides, you're here now. Oh ughs, was that the best flirting I could do?

I question why he had come down here, and he answers well, more honestly than I would of thought. "Because of that. I am still a man, as much as I try to control the urges that come with my gender." Oh shit. My scent has carried outside my hiding place. Shit. Shit. Shit. He was right. What could of happened if he wasn't the one to come down here. What if he had been a different man, like my grandfather must of been to create my mother. Or the man who had helped mother create my half siblings? I was no fool. Volterra could well over power me if he wanted to and I wouldn't be able to stop him. As if he could hear my thoughts, he speaks again. "You are safe with me, however. As much as I would enjoy....as much as I want..." He pauses and clears his throat. The pause was kind of awkward.

But thankfully passes. "You are safe," He says again. I'm not sure who he is trying to convince at this point. Me, or himself. But the more I look at him, the more I can feel myself caving into what he and I both so clearly... Well at least on a hormonal level we both so clearly want. I take a deep breath and plunge ahead with words that even as I speak I am second guessing. What if I asked you, to not control them, the urges I mean... My words drift off for a moment as hesitation and nervousness and so many more emotions scream in my head from both myself and Sarabi. Let this happen PLEASE I mentally speak to Sarabi. As long as you'll protect me.. If you want..

I can not believe the words that just came out of my mouth. Did I really just ask for another to protect me? Did I really just ask him, to take my virginity?! Oh Gods. I braced myself for the awkward rejection. After all, nothing before now had ever let me think that I was another but another mare to Volterra. I'm not special. I never have been. Surely he will turn me down and away now. Maybe if I hide even farther down in the caves no one else will find me till my heat is gone...

Sarabi Talks

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@Volterra - can I say holy hell emotion overload Vitani?!

RE: All That You Are - Volterra - 02-08-2017

Her statement that he's here now makes him feel an odd concoction of emotions; it is good that she trusts him to keep her safe, but does that also mean that she does not look at him as a potential suitor? Not that he wants her to (even though he clearly does), because she is a friend and he is in dire need of platonic friends, but....ack, that damned scent is addling his head and playing with his senses! He cannot think straight, cannot concentrate on anything but the ache between his thighs and the delicious reek that pervades his nostrils.

What if I asked you to not control them? The titan's head jerks up from where it had involuntarily shifted to stare at the floor in an attempt at distraction. Did he just hear correctly, or is that the heat-odour telling him what he wants to hear? He chooses the former, and feels sweat begin to bead excitedly across each plane of his massive black body. A man like him, with a rank and muscles and an overpowering aura of masculinity, can find a willing mare to sate his urges with the minimum amount of fuss. He can't deny the fact that he's rather fond of Vitani, however, and he often enjoys applying an extra layer of feeling to his conquests; it makes the experience better somehow, rather than a shallow satisfaction that only lasts for as long as he's on their back.

"Of course I want." His voice comes out as a guttural, animalistic growl and there's heat in his eyes as he looks at her, breaths suddenly growing shallow and hardened muscles rippling as he takes a small step closer. "But only if you are sure. I would hate for you to....regret it." She could easily be under the thrall of her hormones, a victim to their desires, yet it may not necessarily be what she actually wants. Volterra is many things, but he does not take advantage of women that he cares about, as much as his body is screaming at him to take what is being freely offered and ask questions later.

image: chan <3


RE: All That You Are - Vitani - 02-08-2017


The silence that seemed to follow my words, well worried me. He is a good friend, one of the few I have ever been able to keep in my life. Had I over stepped a boundary that would ruin that? His head jerks as I spoke again. Was it that horrible of a thought? To well, despite our friendship let himself be a man. To not try and change him.. Because when we had last spoke, I was made very aware that he was not a virgin. That he had bedded other mares, and I would never be able to expect him to do any different. No mare would be able to expect that from him.

My dual colored eyes watch as sweat appears on his frame. His muscles ripple under his coat of ebony. When he finally speaks, I almost let out a sigh in relief. "Of course I want." I can feel my own heartbeat speed up in excitement of the unknown. He takes a step closer and I match his step. "But only if you are sure. I would hate for you to....regret it." Regret it? I stop for a moment, taking a deep breath to really think. Was this really what I wanted? To be one of the mare he beds, nothing more than a friend with hopefully very good benefits. After all, I wouldn't know if it will be worth it until he takes me.

As long as I don't lose you as a friend, and maybe... I can go home with you... There will be no ounce of regret on my part. The words spill from my mouth before my brain fully has time to catch up to what I said. Because for the first time in my life I find myself speaking from my heart and not my head. Something that I wasn't sure could happen.

Sarabi Talks

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RE: All That You Are - Volterra - 02-11-2017

His head jerks at her words, but it isn't a gesture of displeasure - quite the opposite. "You wish to join the Throat?" The titan thinks he would rather like that. He doesn't have many true friends there, as much as he likes the vast majority of the herd, and having Vitani there would be a welcome relief from some of the tension. "You are more than welcome. It would be good to have you around."

Now the offer's there, the leviathan itches to simply take, to satisfy the ever-intensifying ache in his loins and devour the feast that she's so freely offering up to him. But he has grown in the past year or so; he knows that his actions have consequences. He knows that he cannot simply bed a woman and think that she won't conceive purely because he doesn't want her to - he has vowed to bring no more unwanted, unplanned children into the world. From now on, every foal he creates will be done intentionally. Having one with Vitani...he thinks she would be a good mother, but he needs her to understand the possibility before they overstep this line.

"Given the fact you are in heat, if we do this it could result in you becoming pregnant. I mean, I can do my best to, ahem, try and, uhhh, prevent that, um, happening..." He breaks off, shuffling awkwardly, and if he could blush beneath his onyx fur then he certainly would be. Kid's words about pulling out resonate around his head, and he hopes the mare will understand what he means without him actually having to say it. "But it's not always....possible. In other words...what are your thoughts on becoming a mother?" If she doesn't want it, then the titan will need to try and walk away, to smother his urges and leave her undelved and unravished. If she does like the idea, though...he can't help but picture the possible child they could have together.

image: chan <3


RE: All That You Are - Vitani - 02-11-2017


"You wish to join the Throat?" I'm not sure if he's glad or upset at that. "You are more than welcome. It would be good to have you around." I smile a bit. Well then it's settled. I take a step closer. I'm the newest member of the Dragon's Throat. Sarabi shoves her way back into my mind, I can still feel her hunger. She is hunting, but not as focused as she should be. I am fine. Breathe. Volterra won't let anyone harm me. Hell, he's not even toughing me. Yet. She grumbles a bit at me mentally but focuses on hunting again. I can still feel her, as she can feel me. But it's easier to focus on the stallion in front of me without her remarks.

We had both been silent for a little while. I guess both of us thinking things over or talking to those we share our souls with. But when Volterra speaks again, my ears prick forward. After all, I had kind of offered myself up and he hasn't exactly taken me up on my offer. Yet. "Given the fact you are in heat, if we do this it could result in you becoming pregnant. I mean, I can do my best to, ahem, try and, uhhh, prevent that, um, happening..." I smile softly. I knew the risks. Hell I could end up a mother of two. After all, twins seemed to run in my family. Okay, not totally. But I did have half siblings somewhere that were twins. "But it's not always....possible. In other words...what are your thoughts on becoming a mother?" A mother. The words sink in for a minute, and I am glad that Sarabi is not focusing on my thoughts and emotions for once in her life.

Me, a mother. Us, a family... Well a family of sorts. I have to admit i'm letting his words hang a bit longer than I would of thought that I would. But I needed to. Did I, was I really ready to be a mother? Would you be there? To um, help me? It had sounded a lot better in my head than it did out loud. But I had to ask. I had to because my father had not been there. My half siblings' father had not been there... All we had was mother. She had tried. Oh how she had tried. But she didn't know how to be a mother let alone both parents. In the end, she had done her best. Which is what I would do, but I want him to be there. I want him to help and be a part of our child's life. Our child. I like the sound of that. If you'll be there, help me. Be involved in his or her life... Then I have no issue becoming a mother. There, I said it. Now the choice is his.

Sarabi Talks

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RE: All That You Are - Volterra - 02-12-2017

She asks if he will be there, and he gives a deep nod of confirmation. "Of course. My children mean the world to me, Vitani. I admit that I may have been careless with my production of them when I was younger, but no longer. I would give my life for each and every one." It is true - it gives him a sense of unpleasant nostalgia when he remembers how he'd been so shocked and disgusted upon hearing of Zhu's existence. He hadn't meant to create any of his earlier children, but he's grown up now, understands his duties as a father. He thinks he is a good one - each and every foal is given large chunks of his time, taught to fight, taught to live. He may not be a particularly kind father, but he is an active, present one.

He shifts closer, anticipation gleaming in his ruby eyes as he gazes upon her. "If you are ready..." He knows he is - the scene is perfectly set. Part of him hopes that they do conceive, knowing that both mare and foal will be safe under his watchful eye in the Throat. She will be a fine addition to his harem, another mare at his side as he marches to glory. There is something deeply pleasing, something feral that appeals to his innate sense of masculinity, about putting his child into the womb of a mare, watching her sides bulk and swell and eventually witnessing the foal's arrival onto the earth.

He's so close to her now, and if she gives her permission, he will joyously begin the act.

image: chan <3

Could fade and end it here? :) @Vitani

RE: All That You Are - Vitani - 02-14-2017


"Of course. My children mean the world to me, Vitani. I admit that I may have been careless with my production of them when I was younger, but no longer. I would give my life for each and every one." His answer is more than I needed to hear. A simple yes would of been enough. But his words, well it almost sounds like he is the father I wanted to have myself but never had the chance thanks to the invasion. Even if he had been careless, he had learned, and changed. That was what mattered right? He moves closer, and I react by stepping closer to him as well.

"If you are ready..." If I am ready.... Am I ready? Yes, yes I am. I step even closer yet, daring to reach out and touch him as if to make sure this moment is real. In this moment, I don't care if I am one of many. I don't care that he will never love me and me only. All that matters right now if him and the act we are both about to commit. This will be something I will never forget..

-fade to black-

Sarabi Talks

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