HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Squirrels Are Only Evil Most of The Time - Printable Version

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Squirrels Are Only Evil Most of The Time - Ingrid - 02-09-2017

Ingrid tried to remember Ms. Agate's directions, not that they'd help her. Everywhere there were grassy knolls, stands of redwoods, and those stupid little squirrels who got their food from up high and never shared it with landlocked horses. There wasn't a single landmark that could tell her if she was going the right way. Sweet Terra, I could be completely turned around right now... Ingrid thought, her ears flicking back with worry. Now anxious, she picked up a trot, deciding to make as much headway as she could before nightfall. She'd have to reach civilization eventually. That, or the ocean. Either was preferable to this forest with its little gloating rodents who wouldn't give her any of their... "Food!" she cried, spotting a suspicious pile of unguarded nuts and berries. She wasn't about to question it. She had about eight berries in her mouth when she noticed a squirrel standing near her, watching her eat patiently. Swallowing, she turned towards it. "I take it all back, everything I thought about squirrels being greedy was wrong. You are my savior, Sir Squirrel." Oddly enough, the squirrel seemed a little ticked off at her words. It promptly turned around, revealing a line of fungi growing along its back. "Not squirrel." it said, in a very strange accent. "You... You talk?" *Fade to a long string of expletives. The twix just learned a whole bunch of new equine vocabulary.*

(Okay maybe don't reply to this because she's an outcast now? I don't know if I'm supposed to delete this or what.)

RE: Squirrels Are Only Evil Most of The Time - Ráeru - 02-12-2017


After the success of her previous Threshold recruitment, Ráeru had returned in the hopes of brining yet another fresh recruit back to The Edge. Though there were slim pickings and she wondered through the trees without bumping into anyone for some time. The sun had risen on a fairly mild day, a cool breeze blew through the trees cooling her warmed flesh. When she did finally happen upon someone, the pale dove was not sure that this was someone she ought to bring home with her. In fact, though she was not received training on such matters yet, she was quite sure the mare was insane. She knew she shouldn't discriminate and offer the same opportunity to all but this mare appeared rather out of sorts. The mare was speaking to a squirrel which made her appear quite...nutty. Ráeru took great care in her approach worried about the mare getting a fright and rushing off, there was no way that Ráeru was going to chase after her. Clearing her throat loudly, the pale dove wanted to be sure that the mare was aware of her approach. Her glassy blue gaze kept darting between the mare and the squirrel. "Hello, I'm Ráeru." She thought the other doctors in The Edge would be proud of this approach. Normally she would have just demanded what was wrong with the mare. Yet since becoming a nurse with the aspirations of gaining ranks, she'd been working on improving her bed side manner to be more gentle and accepting.

"Why..." Ráeru stopped and frowned at the mare wondering if she was perhaps crazy. "Why are you talking to that squirrel?" Clearly this mare was in need of her assistance, whatever medical assistance Ráeru could offer. Possibilities for hallucinations began to run through Ráeru's mind, first was over heating or she could have eaten something that caused her to believe that the squirrel had begun to speak. The nurse of The Edge had not heard any words leave the mouth of the little furry creature. In fact, she only knew of companions and the occasional more magical animals that were able to communicate with their kind. Clearing her throat she looked at the mare and studied her properly this time, a well built mare that stood at the same height as herself. Though Ráeru had a horn crowning her, curious glass hooves, and a lion's tail that hinted at a more magical lineage. This mare seemed to be from more plain equine lines, very little magic seemed to radiate from the mare. Though Ráeru would not go as far as to call her 'plain'. Yet the thoughts of magic made her think of another reason as to why the mare may be speaking to a squirrel. "Sometimes newcomers are overwhelmed by the magic imbedded in this land." That could be it, the magic had been too much for the mare. She'd simply had a bad reaction to entering Helovia. "Perhaps you ought to rest for a while. Then I could take you back to my herd-land for further observation from our resident Moon Doctors."


RE: Squirrels Are Only Evil Most of The Time - Ingrid - 02-12-2017

Reference Credit

Ingrid heard a voice from behind her. She raised her head, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw that the newcomer was not another talking mushroom animal. Instead, there stood a white unicorn mare with ocean blue eyes and an ice colored horn, whose mane fell in waves over her neck. This was great! This mare lived here, and had offered to guide her to a herd.This was the best luck she'd had in weeks. Of course, her relief turned to panic when she realized that first, the mare had heard her talking with the not-a-squirrel, and second, that based on her reaction, it was unusual to find talking squirrels around here. Crap. "Hi, I'm Ingrid, and I promise you I was only talking to the squirrel because it talked first." she stammered. Niicccce. That'll definately assure her you're not crazy. "I'm not especially tired now... And I have no idea what a Moon Doctor is, but it's really a pleasure to meet you." She bowed, hoping that manners might save her. Luckily, the twix came to her rescue shortly after. "Heelloo." it chirruped, swishing its bushy tail. Ingrid looked the mare in the eyes, "Please, please tell me you heard that too."

(Important Side Note: I didn't make up the twix, they're Helovia canon. I found them here: http://helovia.net/pages.php?page=lands . I'm not assuming you don't know about them, I just figured on the off chance you didn't, I would come off as a bit of a power player, introducing my own magical squirrel species and all. Heh.)

RE: Squirrels Are Only Evil Most of The Time - Ráeru - 02-12-2017


"The squirrel talked first." Okay she might be a little out of her depth here. With a sigh she glanced between the mare and creature before taking on a more serious tone. "Listen, Ingrid, squirrels don't talk." Looking over the mare for any physical injuries that might be causing the hallucinations, not seeing anything confirmed that it might be food, heat or magic related reaction. Her blue gaze cast a concerned look over the mare once again. "I don't think it's an exhaustion issue." It was a nutty one. "Do you feel unwell? Or have you eaten something unusual lately?" Mushrooms could cause a reaction like this, it was not a particularly hot day so she was beginning to doubt heat exhaustion. It could be the exposure to the magic, in fact many new comers to Heloiva needed a few weeks to adjust to the overwhelming feeling of magic. "The Moon Doctors are the top of the medical field and they reside within The World's Edge." Surely Tilney, Sacre or Lyanna would be able to help this mare get a better grip on her surroundings. Ráeru was only a nurse and had no rank or personal magic to assist the mare with such an affliction. Ráeru did not return the sentiment of a pleasant meeting as the circumstances were bizarre and more than troubling.

It was then that the creature spoke. It startled Ráeru so much that she took a few steps back, staring down at the creature with pure shock. Okay, it spoke but it was most vertically not a squirrel. Frowning she looked back at the other mare, "I heard it." With a roll of her eyes she bent her neck and peered closely at the fluffy creature that sat upon the forest floor, rather calm. "I stand mostly corrected. That's not a squirrel but it most certainly talks." Sighing lightly she turned away from the creature and spoke once again to the mare. "At least I don't need to be concerned about your well being for the moment." Not unless she became a member of The Edge and ended up with a psychical or mental affliction it was likely that this mare would never become a problem of Ráeru's.
Sniffling she turned to the creature and asked, "what are you then?" It might come across as rather rude but Ráeru had no desire to encounter the abnormal and wanted to interact with them even less.
After giving the creature ample time to respond to her query, she returned her gaze to the mare. "Are you in need of Shelter for tonight? The World's Edge might be a good home for you, even if only temporarily." Again she prepare herself to guide the mare through Helovia and into her home. "I will happily take you to meet it's leaders and people."

Haha, no you're all good. Ráeru has never encountered a twix before and I thought it would be more fun/drama if she didn't hear the twix speaking and instead immediately assumed that Ingrid was a little coo-coo. ;D


RE: Squirrels Are Only Evil Most of The Time - Ingrid - 02-13-2017

Reference Credit

The twix looked up at the horses and chirped, "Twix. Me." before scampering in a circle and then up a nearby fir tree, where he sat watching them from the lowest branch. He probably figured that this particular traveler no longer needed his help. "Thanks for the berries." Ingrid mouthed. The Twix seemed to understand the expression, and proceeded to toss a berry in her direction, which she caught in her mouth. Then she turned to Ráeru. "I guess it's a twix... Damn." she said, happy to be considered sane again. Well, sort-of. Ingrid wasn't that sane to begin with. "And your herd's most gifted healers would offer their services to a complete stranger? That all by itself speaks worlds about you herd's virtues. Right, the World's Edge. Sounds interesting, and shelter would be good. I'd love to go. And um, thanks. You know, for-" she stopped to catch another berry in her mouth, "for finding me."
